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AP Literature Terms 21-40 Flashcards

The Glossary of Literary Terms for the AP English Literature and Composition Test

Terms : Hide Images
4189089050ConsonanceThe repetition of consonant sounds within words (rather than at their beginnings)0
4189089051CoupletA pair of lines that end in rhyme1
4189089052DictionThe words an author chooses to use.2
4189089053SyntaxThe ordering and structuring of words.3
4189089054DirgeA song for the dead. Its tone is typically slow, heavy, depressed, and melancholy4
4189089055Dramatic IronyWhen the audience knows something that the characters in the drama do not5
4189089056Dramatic MonologueWhen a single speaker in literature says something to a silent audience.6
4189089057ElegyA type of poem that meditates on death or mortality in a serious, thoughtful manner.7
4189089058EnjambmentThe continuation of a syntactic unit from one line or couplet of a poem to the next with no pause.8
4189089059EpicA very long narrative poem on a serious theme in a dignified style; typically deal with glorious or profound subject matter.9
4189089060EpitaphLines that commemorate the dead at their burial place.10
4189089061EuphemismA word or phrase that takes the place of a harsh, unpleasant, or impolite reality.11
4189089062ExplicitTo say or write something directly and clearly.12
4189089063FarceExtremely broad humor; in earlier times, a funny play or a comedy.13
4189089064FoilA secondary character whose purpose is to highlight the characteristics of a main character, usually by contrast.14
4189089065FootThe basic rhythmic unit of a line of poetry, formed by a combination of two or three syllables, either stressed or unstressed.15
4189089066ForeshadowingAn event of statement in a narrative that in miniature suggests a larger event that comes later.16
4189089067Free versepoetry written without a regular rhyme scheme or metrical pattern17
4189089068GenreA sub-category of literature.18
4189089069GothicA sensibility that includes such features as dark, gloomy castles and weird screams from the attic each night.19

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