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AP Literature Terms Flashcards

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9203865461didacticexplicitly instructive0
9203865462ambiguitymultiple meanings that a literary work may communicate, especially when two meanings are incompatible1
9203865463euphemisma figure of speech utilizing indirection to avoid offensive bluntness2
9203868003jargonthe specialized language of a profession or group3
9203868004parablea story designed to suggest a principle, to illustrate a moral, or to answer a question4
9203871364allegorya story in which the people, things, and events have another extended, frequently abstract, meaning5
9203871365parodya composition that imitates the style of another composition, normally done for comic effect6
9203871366digressionthe inclusion of material unrelated to the actual subject of a work7
9203876011epigrama pithy saying, often employing contrast. Often in verse form, brief and pointed8
9203876012denotationthe specific, literal meaning of a word to be found in a dictionary, as opposed to connotation9
9203881813hyperboledeliberate exaggeration, overstatement10
9203885294oxymorona combination or juxtaposition of opposites; a union of contradictory terms11
9203885295reliabilitya quality of some fictional narrators in whose word the reader can place his trust12
9203885296personificationa figurative use of language that endows the nonhuman with human characteristics13
9203889748paradoxa statement that seems to be self-contradictory but is, in fact, true14
9203889749literalthe precise, explicit meaning; accurate to the letter; a matter of fact15
9203889750conventiona device of style or subject matter that is used so often that it becomes a recognized means of expression16
9203889751connotationthe implications of a word or phrase or the emotions associated with it17
9203895285apostrophedirect address, usually to someone or something that is not present18
9203895286soliloquya speech in which a character who is alone speaks his or her thoughts aloud19
9203895287lyricalsonglike; characterized by emotion, subjectivity, and imagination20
9203898341syllogisma form of reasoning in which two statements are made and a conclusion is drawn from them21
9203898342stanzaa repeated grouping of three or more lines, usually with the same meter and rhyme scheme22
9203898343sonneta poem written in iambic pentameter, normally composed of fourteen lines23
9203900802grotesquecharacterized by distortions or incongruities24
9203900803onomatopiathe use of words whose very sound suggests their actual meaning25
9203900804alliterationthe repetition of similar or identical consonant sounds, normally at the beginning of words26
9203904521stereotypea conventional pattern, expression, character, or idea27
9203904522assonancethe repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds28
9203904523rhetorical questiona question asked for effect, not in expectation of a reply29
9203907279banaloverused, obvious30
9203907280proprietyacceptable manners31
9203907281nebulousvague, hazy32
9203916102lugubriouslooking / sounding sad36
9283307980allusionreference in a work of literature to something outside the work38
9283314590pentametera line containing five feet. It is the most common line used in English verse that was written before 1950.39
9283316948blank verseunrhymed iambic pentameter - it is the meter of most of Shakespeare's plays40
9283316949ironya figure of speech in which the intended meaning and the actual meaning differ, characteristically using praise to indicate blame or using blame to indicate praise; a pattern of words that turns away from direct statement of its own obvious meaning41
9283316950iamba two-syllable foot with an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable. It is the most common foot in English poetry.42
9283319361dictionword choice43
9283319362dactyla metrical foot of three syllables, including an accented syllable followed by two unaccented syllables44
9283320942syntaxthe structure of a sentence; the arrangement of words in a sentence45
9283320943tetrametera line of four feet46
9283324114thesisthe theme, meaning, or position that a writer endeavors to prove or support.47

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