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AP Literature Terms Flashcards

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5079295116allusiona reference in a work of literature to something outside the work; particularly something well-known0
5079295117antithesisa figure of speech characterized by strongly contrasting words or ideas for emphasis or stylistic effectiveness1
5079297560connotationwhat a word suggests beyond its basic definition2
5079297561denotationthe basic definition of a word3
5079300455dictionthe use of words in a literally work4
5079300456extended metaphorimplied analogy or comparison carried through a stanza or an entire poem5
5079302593figurative languagewriting that uses figures of speech instead of literal language6
5079302594hyperboleoutrageous exaggeration7
5079302595imageryimages of a literary work; the sensory details8
5079304913ironycontrast between actual and suggested meaning9
5079304914metaphorcomparison without like, or, or than10
5079307826onomatopoeiawords whose sound suggest their meaning11
5079307827oxymorona form of paradox that combines a pair of contrary terms into a single expression12
5079310114parallelismsimilar grammatical structure within lines13
5079310115parodya humorous imitation of another, usually serious, work14
5079312667personificationa metaphor that gives humanlike qualities to inanimate things15
5079312668puna play on words16
5079312669rhymeclose similarity or identity of sound17
5079314526sarcasma type of irony in which a person appears to be praising something but is actually insulting it18
5079314527satirewriting that seeks to arouse a reader's disapproval19
5079314528similea directly expressed comparison; uses like or as20
5079316831speakerthe voice used by the author to speak the poem21
5079316832stanzaa grouping of poetic lines, set off by space22
5079318712symbolsomething that is simultaneously itself and something else23
5079318713syntaxordering of words into patterns or sentence24
5079318714tonemanner in which an author expresses his or her attitude25
5079321812understatementthe opposite of hyperbole; irony that deliberately represents something as being much less than it really is26
5079321813blank verseunrhymed iambic pentameter27
5079324089elegya sustained and formal poetic meditation on death or another solemn theme28
5079324090free versepoetry that does not conform to established patterns of meter, rhyme, and stanza but is still rhythmical29
5079326546lyric poemshort poem presenting a single speaker who expresses thoughts and feelings30
5079326547narrative poemnon-dramatic poem which tells a story or presents a narrative31
5079330095odelengthy poem expressing lofty emotions in a dignified style32
5079330096pastoralpoetry about rural lives and landscapes33
5079332425sestina36-line poem with 7 stanzas and 6 repeating words34
5079332426sonnet14-line iambic pentameter poem35
5079332427villanellea 19-line poem that is cyclical in nature with six stanzas and two repeating lines36

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