4253110240 | anaphora | deliberate repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several successive clauses or paragraphs | 0 | |
4253115351 | anecdote | a very brief story, told to illustrate a point or serve as an example of something | 1 | |
4253120208 | antithesis | a balancing of two opposite or contrasting words, phrases, or clauses | 2 | |
4253130807 | aphorism | a brief, cleverly worded statement that makes a wise observation about life | 3 | |
4253135923 | assonance | the repetition of similar or identical vowel sounds | 4 | |
4253139661 | connotation | the implications of a word or phrase, as opposed to its exact meaning | 5 | |
4253153166 | denotation | literal meaning of a word | 6 | |
4253153167 | anachronism | event or detail that is inappropriate for the time period | 7 | |
4253165129 | anadiplosis | last words of phrase repeated at the beginning of the next phrase | 8 | |
4253169545 | antimetabole | switching the order of a phrase from the beginning of the phrase to the end | 9 | |
4253178799 | enjambment | continuation of a sentence over a line break (no punctuation) | 10 | |
4253185670 | end stop | grammatical pause at the end of a line (punctuation) | 11 | |
4253189928 | cinquain | a 5-line poem that does not rhyme | 12 | |
4253191423 | end rhyme | when two lines of poetry rhyme | 13 | |
4253194019 | slant rhyme | when words almost rhyme in poetry | 14 | |
4253198274 | trochee | a meter has a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable ( / U ) | 15 | |
4253202042 | anapest | a meter has two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable ( U U / ) | 16 | |
4253205527 | soliloquy | a speech delivered while a character is alone on stage | 17 | |
4253208536 | free verse | poetry that does not have a regular rhyme or meter | 18 | |
4253217342 | the rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet | ABABCDCDEFEFGG | 19 | |
4253218739 | sestina | a fixed verse consisting of six stanzas of six lines each, normally followed by a three-line envoi | 20 | |
4253222638 | villanelle | this is a nineteen line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain; very forced rhyme scheme | 21 | |
4253228631 | Petrarchan (Italian) sonnet | a type of sonnet with one octet and one sestet; rhyme scheme usually: ABBABBACDCDCD | 22 | |
4253233394 | epistrophe | last words of a phrase repeated at the end of following phrases | 23 | |
4253235555 | parenthesis | a word, clause, or sentence inserted as an explanation or after thought into a passage that is grammatically complete without it, usually marked off by punctuation | 24 | |
4253239485 | anastrophe | the inversion of the usual word order of words or clauses | 25 | |
4253241732 | apposition | the placement side-by-side of two coordinate elements, the second of which serves to identify or rename the first | 26 | |
4253245147 | chiasmus | a specific inversion of word order; involves taking parallelism and deliberately turning it inside out to create a "criss-cross" pattern | 27 | |
4253253986 | epanalepsis | repeating a word from the beginning of a clause at the end of the clause | 28 | |
4253264575 | synechdoche | piece represents whole | 29 | |
4253270085 | metonymy | a trope that substitutes an associated word for one that is meant | 30 | |
4253273120 | periphrasis | a trope in which one substitutes a descriptive word or phrase for a proper noun | 31 | |
4253279031 | elegy | a poem of serious reflection for the dead | 32 | |
4253280486 | caesure | a pause, usually near the middle of a line of verse, greater than a normal pause | 33 | |
4253291337 | eye rhyme | rhyme that appear correct by spelling but is actually slant rhyme | 34 | |
4253294201 | litotes | a deliberate understatement for emphasis | 35 | |
4253295125 | blank verse | unrhymed iambic pentameter and the meter of most of Shakespeare's plays | 36 | |
4253297586 | masculine rhyme | rhyme that falls on the stressed concluding syllables of rhymed words | 37 | |
4253306542 | terza rim | a three line stanza rhymed | 38 |
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