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AP Literature Terms Flashcards

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4253110240anaphoradeliberate repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several successive clauses or paragraphs0
4253115351anecdotea very brief story, told to illustrate a point or serve as an example of something1
4253120208antithesisa balancing of two opposite or contrasting words, phrases, or clauses2
4253130807aphorisma brief, cleverly worded statement that makes a wise observation about life3
4253135923assonancethe repetition of similar or identical vowel sounds4
4253139661connotationthe implications of a word or phrase, as opposed to its exact meaning5
4253153166denotationliteral meaning of a word6
4253153167anachronismevent or detail that is inappropriate for the time period7
4253165129anadiplosislast words of phrase repeated at the beginning of the next phrase8
4253169545antimetaboleswitching the order of a phrase from the beginning of the phrase to the end9
4253178799enjambmentcontinuation of a sentence over a line break (no punctuation)10
4253185670end stopgrammatical pause at the end of a line (punctuation)11
4253189928cinquaina 5-line poem that does not rhyme12
4253191423end rhymewhen two lines of poetry rhyme13
4253194019slant rhymewhen words almost rhyme in poetry14
4253198274trocheea meter has a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable ( / U )15
4253202042anapesta meter has two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable ( U U / )16
4253205527soliloquya speech delivered while a character is alone on stage17
4253208536free versepoetry that does not have a regular rhyme or meter18
4253217342the rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnetABABCDCDEFEFGG19
4253218739sestinaa fixed verse consisting of six stanzas of six lines each, normally followed by a three-line envoi20
4253222638villanellethis is a nineteen line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain; very forced rhyme scheme21
4253228631Petrarchan (Italian) sonneta type of sonnet with one octet and one sestet; rhyme scheme usually: ABBABBACDCDCD22
4253233394epistrophelast words of a phrase repeated at the end of following phrases23
4253235555parenthesisa word, clause, or sentence inserted as an explanation or after thought into a passage that is grammatically complete without it, usually marked off by punctuation24
4253239485anastrophethe inversion of the usual word order of words or clauses25
4253241732appositionthe placement side-by-side of two coordinate elements, the second of which serves to identify or rename the first26
4253245147chiasmusa specific inversion of word order; involves taking parallelism and deliberately turning it inside out to create a "criss-cross" pattern27
4253253986epanalepsisrepeating a word from the beginning of a clause at the end of the clause28
4253264575synechdochepiece represents whole29
4253270085metonymya trope that substitutes an associated word for one that is meant30
4253273120periphrasisa trope in which one substitutes a descriptive word or phrase for a proper noun31
4253279031elegya poem of serious reflection for the dead32
4253280486caesurea pause, usually near the middle of a line of verse, greater than a normal pause33
4253291337eye rhymerhyme that appear correct by spelling but is actually slant rhyme34
4253294201litotesa deliberate understatement for emphasis35
4253295125blank verseunrhymed iambic pentameter and the meter of most of Shakespeare's plays36
4253297586masculine rhymerhyme that falls on the stressed concluding syllables of rhymed words37
4253306542terza rima three line stanza rhymed38

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