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AP Literature Terms Flashcards

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10575530431Zeitgeistthe general cultural, artistic, religious, and philosophic climate of an era0
10575537895Dialectical Clashclashing of two ideas: thesis, antithesis, synthesis1
10575548615HumanismA Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential and achievements2
10575561238Synesthesiadescribing one kind of sensation in terms of another ("a loud color", "a sweet sound")3
10575567848MotifA recurring theme, subject or idea in literary work Ex. green light in gatsby4
10575575266Archetypea symbol that transcends time and culture5
10575599783collective unconsciousCarl Jung's concept of a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our species' history6
10575616617signan object, picture, or word which signifies something other than itself7
10575623583SymbolismA person, place or object which has a meaning in itself but suggests other meanings as well. Built upon individual, cultural, and archetypal associations8
10575657677narrative poema poem that tells a story in verse9
10575663369Ballada songlike poem that tells a story, often about adventure or romance.10
10575668315Epiclong narrative poem where the hero embodies the values and aspirations of the poet's culture11
10575678923dramatic poema poem which makes use of the conventions of drama12
10575684867dramatic monologuePoem or speech in which an imaginary character speaks to a silent listener13
10575699562dramatic dialogueA poem in which two speakers converse with one another14
10575706554lyric poema melodic poem that expresses the observations and feelings of a single speaker15
10575982203elegya poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.16
10575986271Odea long, formal lyric poem, usually meditative, that treats a noble or otherwise elevated subject in a dignified manner17
10575995577Sonneta poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, usually about love18
10576003831StanzaA group of lines in a poem19
10576005947Poetic Shiftwithin poetry, a dramatic change in the speaker's thoughts, tone, and/or message20
10576012319Enjambmentwhen the physical end of a line of poetry does not coincide with the grammatical end of the line21
10576018255end-stopped linewhen the physical end of a line of poetry matches the grammatical end of the line22
10576024894concrete poetrywhen the physical shape of the poem enhances the meaning23
10576044207Plotthe pattern that results from the events in a story and the order in which they are presented24
10576050013ExpositionA narrative device, often used at the beginning of a work that provides necessary background information about the characters and their circumstances.25
10576057995ConflictA struggle between opposing forces26
10576062623external conflictperson vs. person person vs. nature person vs. society person vs. the supernatural27
10576073182internal conflictperson vs. self28
10576075231rising actionincrease in tension in a story. introduction of minor conflicts29
10576089562Climax/Epiphanythe highest point of tension in a story when the protagonist makes a decision for better or worse30
10576097097falling actionthe release of tension in the story as elements become inevitable for better or worse31
10576105796denouementhow the story turns out; introducing a new status quo or the restoration of an old one32
10576131063direct characterizationAuthor directly describes character to the reader33
10576133634indirect characterizationThe character is revealed through their personality, appearance, words, actions, and effect on others34
10576141349static characterA character who does not change during the story.35
10576143586round characterA character who demonstrates some complexity and who develops or changes in the course of a work36
10576146111flat charactera stereotypical character37
10576176688dynamic characterA character who grows, learns, or changes as a result of the story's action38
10576182319FoilA secondary character who contrasts and parallels the main character in a play or story. Ex. Ismene39
10576188571ProtagonistMain character in a story40
10576190396AntagonistA character or force in conflict with the main character41
10635262719human conditionthe characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality42
10635279287Major Themes• Human Nature • The Nature of Society • Fate and Freedom • Ethics43
10635288139English/Shakespearean Sonnet1) rhyme scheme of 3 quatrains followed by a couplet 2) 10 beats per line 3) written in iambic pentameter44
10635303410CoupletTwo consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme45
10635305824Tercetthree lines that rhyme46
10635309874Quatrainfour lines that rhyme47
10635316165Sestetsix lines that rhyme with a varying pattern such as CDECDE or CDCCDC48
10635319097Octaveeight lines that rhyme49
10635333949blank verseunrhymed iambic pentameter50
10635338139Line groupingslines that are grouped by a certain rhyme scheme51
10635344203Rhythmstressed and unstressed syllables in a line52
10635346760stressed syllableVoice goes up53
10635351709unstressed syllablevoice goes down54
10635353687footpattern of stressed and unstressed syllables55
10635359256meternumber of feet in a line56
10635362122ScansionThe process of marking lines of poetry to show the type of feet and the number of feet they contain57
10635368210Iamban unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable58
10635372670iambic pentametera poetic meter that is made up of 5 stressed syllables each followed by an unstressed syllable59
10635398297rhyme schemethe pattern of rhyme in a poem60
10635400100Rhymewhen the last vowel and consonant of one line are repeated in another line61
10706913672Metaphysicsthe study of existence62
10706917194EpistemologyThe study of knowledge or how we know about existence63
10706925702Ethicsstudy of how we act in existence64
10706929040existential crisisa moment at which an individual questions the very foundations of their life: whether this life has any meaning, purpose, or value65
10706942358epistemological crisisdoubting your ability to know about your existence66
10706948961Politicsethics applied to a group of people67
10706953099Estheticsstudy of art68
10707009820actdivision in a play; classically, they break down along the plot structure line69
10707022387sceneminor division of an act70
10738230921Metaphora figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable71
10738234293Similea comparison of two unlike things72
10738243486MetonymA word is substituted for one closely related Ex. the white house released a statement73
10738258210Synecdochewhen you replace one word for another using part-whole Ex. all hands on deck74
10738269528Hyperboleextreme exaggeration75
10738274935Understatementthe presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important than it actually is76
10738277166Personificationthe attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman77
10738285557Connotationemotional and psychological associations of a word78
10738292699denotationThe dictionary definition of a word79
10738294615clicheoverused expression ex. easy as pie80
10738302100Punto use a word that sounds like another word for humerous effect. can also be when one word has two meanings81
10738742973Paradoxwhen you have two contradictory statements that present a truth ex. you're never more alive until you're almost dead82
10738762919Oxymorona figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction ex. cruel kindness, living death83
10738787259Foreshadowingwriter hints at what is to come later in the story84
10738815398Soliloquya speech given by a character who is normally alone and it is understood that the character is sharing his thoughts with the audience85
10738829569Asidea moment when the character breaks from the action and dialogue, sometimes literally turning to the audience and giving a thought that is not heard by anyone on stage86
10738847515Bildungsromana novel in which an individual moves from childhood to maturity87
10738858247TragedyA serious form of drama dealing with the downfall of a heroic or noble character88
10738866373mytha traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.89
10908989196deus ex machinadevice used to fix problems in the play. writer writes himself into a corner90
10909014777point of viewthe vantage point from which a story is told91
109090220071st persontold from the point of view of a single character92
109090339612nd personrare form of literature which places the reader into the narrative93
109090429163rd person omniscientstory narrated by a god like being who can shift from character to character94
109090554103rd person limitedstory is portrayed through the eyes of a single character95
10909075332Unobtrusive NarratorThere is no commentary from the narrator; the narrator is objective and detached from the story96
10909080837unreliable narratora narrator who seems trustworthy at first, but the reader starts questioning the validity of the story being told97
10909288248Sensuous Worldthe description of the physical place through any of the five senses98
10909298404time periodwhen historically the story takes place99
10909302878time of the narrativewhen historically the story is being told from100
10909310599chronological arrangementA=chronological beginning B=chronological end ex. A-Z, Z-A-Y, M-Z, A-M, G-R101
10909339778Societal Environmentthe manners, customs, culture, and moral values that govern the historic time102
10909353411atmospherenormally created by the sensuous world of the piece of fiction. the emotional reaction the reader and the characters have to the setting103
11052014230Apostrophea rhetorical device in which the writer breaks out of the flow of the writing to directly address a person or personified object. ex. Feet, don't fail me now!104
11052041258metaphysical poemslyrical poems in the form of an argument. Normally witty and intellectual105
11052044803seduction poemspoems used to seduce a person106
11052048433carpe diem poemsargue for a person to make the most out of their life107
11052052918metaphysical conceita complex comparison between two highly dissimilar things. Normally a startling comparison.108
11309511082Alliterationrepetition of initial sounds of words109
11309519282Assonancesimilar vowel sounds amidst dissimilar consonant sounds ex. fate and cave110
11309531742Consonancesimilar consonant sounds amidst dissimilar vowel sounds ex. lid and bed111
11309541768half rhymeproduct of assonance or consonance; comes at the end of the word ex. heave and cave112
11309552869internal rhymewhen a rhyme occurs in a line of poetry ex. once upon a midnight dreary, as I pondered weak and weary.113
11407843230Allusiona reference to a religious book, a historical person or event, a work of art, mythological story, pop cultural reference, or a literary work114
11407860099frame storya plot structure in which 1 narrative is told within the middle of another story115
11407878312In Medias Rea novel or story that begins in the middle and goes back to how it got to that point116
11407891334epistolarya novel or story written through a series of letters117
11560143625Ironyunexpected occurs with a special significance118
11560146352verbal ironywhen what is said is not what is meant. Creates sarcasm119
11560151376dramatic ironywhen the audience has knowledge that is withheld from the characters120
11560155643Romantic IronyWhen audience is deceived by story teller121
11560159166cosmic ironywhen a character falsely believes that he or she has freewill122
11560164365situational ironywhen an event occurs that is unexpected with special significance ex. person gets over a fear of flying and the plane crashes123
11560174723structural ironywhen the mode does not match the meaning or the form does not match the function ex. love letter written in business format124
121719256515 branches of philosophyMetaphysics Epistemology Ethics Politics Aesthetics125
12171980713Existentialismessence precedes existence126
121720025194 aspects of existentialismmoral individualism, subjectivity, choice and commitment, dread and anxiety127
12172016348Moral Individualisma person has to decide for themselves the correct course of action. there are no universal guidelines128
12172024069Subjectivityonly the person in the situation truly knows the right choice to make129
12172032225Choice and Commitmentyou have the freedom to make choices in this world and you are defined by these choices. when you choose, you choose not only for yourself, but for all of humankind130
12172047768dread and anxietyallows a person to confront nothingness and the impossibility of finding ultimate justification for the choices he or she must make131
12172082403Idbasic drive to survive132
12172085454egodecision making following the reality principle - tries to please the id without hurting the super-ego133
12172115332super egomoral principle - stealing is wrong, so I will not steal134
12172137880nihilismbelief in nothing135
12172166575Dualismhumans have both a physical and spiritual beings136
12172553186Renaissance"rebirth" learning spree in Europe starting in the 14th century in Italy. Renewed interest in and study of classical antiquity137
12172572983Great Chain of Beingevery existing thing in the universe had its "place" in a divinely planned hierarchical order138
12172590683PuritanismThe religion of a group of religious dissidents who came to the New World so they would have a location to establish a "purer" church than the one that existed in England139
121726133595 points of Calvinism (puritan beliefs)Total Depravity Unconditional Election Limited Atonement Irresistible Grace Perseverance of the Saints140
12172620532Total Depravityconcept of original sin. because of Adam and Eve's fall, every person is born sinful141
12172630308Unconditional Electiongod saves those he elects. humans are viable to save themselves. no amount of good deeds will save a person142
12172648120Limited Atonementman's hereditary corruption (original sin) is partially atoned for by Christ, and this atonement is provided to elect through the holy spirit143
12172667159Irresistible Gracethe grace of god is given to the elect. the saving and transfiguring power of god.144
12172681441Perseverance of the Saintsthose elected by God have full power to interpret the will of God145
12172695188Enlightenmentthe mirror - tried to measure and quantify what was actually there -object is sum of its parts -social contract146
12172716884Romanticismthe lamp - the poet is transforming the world with the light of their imagination. -object has more: has emotional implications -society corrupts people147
12172756264Neitzscheideas are the synthesis of enlightenment skepticism and romantic imagination -bridge between romanticism and modernism148
12172778631will to powereveryone is exerting their will at all times, and some have greater access to their will149
12172800903Stages of CivilizationPre-moral moral supra-moral150
12172808917Pre-moral stagewhat is good is what is powerful. The most powerful is the master151
12172817877moral stageslave morality (Christianity): the weakest in society gain more power over the powerful152
12172835401supra-moral stagehumanistic movement toward greater power153
12172917135Ubermenschthe ideal superior man of the future who could rise above conventional Christian morality to create and impose his own values. idea rises in the supra-moral stage of civilization154
12172980864SyntaxIn linguistics, syntax is the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a given language, usually including word order.155
12173009496inverted syntaxreversing the normal word order of a sentence156
12173034634literal imagerywhile figurative language uses similes, metaphors, hyperbole, and personification to describe something often through comparison with something different. ex. the grass looks green157
12173048575figurative imageryLanguage that goes beyond the literal meaning, such as simile, metaphor, personification and hyperbole158
12173115619tonethe author's attitude toward the subject159
12173125562Hero CycleI. Departure II. Initiation III. Return160
12173133287departurefirst part of the hero cycle; the hero ventures forth from the world of the common day into a region of supernatural wonder. crosses threshold161
12173154535initiation2nd part of hero cycle; hero must prove him/herself worthy of "hero status" so, he/she must face a series of challenges or trials162
12173178559returnresurrection/rebirth: Entrance back into the normal world with newfound knowledge and power163
12173213560Allegorya story in which every element is to be taken symbolically164
12173233381Utopicmodeled on or aiming for a state in which everything is perfect; idealistic.165
12173237056dystopica community or society that is undesirable or frightening166

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