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AP Literature Terms Glossary Flashcards

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9880181052AbstractThis style is complex, discusses intangible qualities (like good and evil), rarely without examples0
9880186911AcademicDry and theoretical writing (sucking all life out of the subject)1
9880195398AccentThe stresses portion of the word ("To BE or NOT to be").2
9880201989Aesthetic"Appealing to the senses" or a coherent sense of taste3
9880210313AllegloryThings or people that represent an idea or generalization4
9880221223AlliterationThe repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words (Ex. ―Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before)5
9880235067AllusionA reference to a person, event, place, or literary work that the writer expects the reader to recognize6
9880247372AnachronismAn effect that is "misplaced in time"7
9880257184AnalogyA comparison, usually involving two or more symbolic parts to clarify an action or relationship8
9880269929AnecdoteA short narrative9
9880269931AntagonistA character, group, characteristic, or entity that opposes the protagonist10
9880277696AntecedentWord, phrase, or clause that a pronoun refers to or replaces (they replaces children)11
9880287287AnapestAs in "un-der-stand"12
9880297367AnthropomorphismWhen inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena are given human characteristics, behavior, or motivation13
9880307688AnticlimaxOccurs when an action produces far smaller results that one had been led to expect (frequently comic)14
9880314624AphorismA short and usually witty saying (usually some clever observation about life)15
9880324629APOSTROPHEAn address to someone not present or to a personified object/idea (or an abstract quality or something that can not be seen or heard)16
9880338042Approximate RhymeThe words are similar, but do not exactly rhyme17
9880349606ArchaismThe use of deliberately old-fashioned language (Ye olde candle shoppe)18
9880354269ArchetypesStandard or cliched character types (drunk, joker, etc)19
9880359083AsideA speech made by the actor to the audience (stepping outside of the action)20
9880370506AspectA trait or characteristic of something21
9880373190AssonanceThe repeated use of vowel sounds (Old King Cole was a merry old soul)22
9880379128AtmosphereThe emotional tone or background that surrounds a scene23
9880383677AttitudeA speaker, author, or character's nature towards an opinion of a subject/person24
9880390093BalladLong, narrative poem usually in a very regular meter and rhyme (usually meant to be sung)25
9880405688Basic SituationA character in a situation that leads to a problem or conflict26
9880413900BathosWhen writing strains for grandeur it can't support and tries to elicit tears from every little hiccup27
9880419083Black humorThe use of disturbing themes in comedy28
9880422209Blank VerseIambic petrimeter unrhymed (Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.)29
9880433734BombastPretentious, exaggeratedly learned language (eloquent)30
9880441177BurlesqueA broad parody, which takes a style or form and exaggerates it into riduclousness31
9884004683CacophonyUsing deliberately harsh, awkward sounds32
9884007947CadenceThe beat or rhythm of poetry in a general sense33
9884012002CaesuraA break or a pause in a line of poetry that contributes to the rhythm of the poem34
9884024515CantoThe name for a section division in a long work of poetry (similar to how chapter divide a novel)35
9884029182CARICATUREA portrait that exagerates a side of personality36
9884038751CatharsisThe "cleansing" of emotion an audience member experiences having lived through the experiences presented on stage37
9884045909CharacterizationThe means by which a writer reveals a character's personality38
9884054301ChorusThe group of citizens who stand outside the main action on stage and comment on it39
9884060116Classic/ClassicalTypical/The arts of Ancient Greece and Rome, with the quality of those arts40
9884077592ClimaxThe most intense moment or moments41
9884082937CoinageA new word, usually one invented on the spot42
9884087187ColloquialismWord or phrase used in everyday conversational English that isn't a part of accepted "schoolwork" English43
9884094340Complex/DenseSuggesting that there is more than one possibility in the meaning of words (multiple layers of interpretation)44
9884107816ComplicationsMore problems arise to make a situation worse45
9884119200ConceitA startiling or unusual metaphor, or one developed and expanded upon several lines46
9884129122ConflictA struggle between two opposing forces or characters in a work of nature47
9884156426ConnotationEverything that a word suggests or implies (not it's literal meaning - denotation)48
9884164859ConsonaneThe repetition of consonant sounds within words (A flock of sick, black-checkered ducks)49
9884171921COUPLETA pair of lines that end in a rhyme (For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with Kings.)50
9884182970DecorumTo observe, a character's speech must be styled according to her social station and in accordance with the occasion52
9884193797DenouementThe outcome of the plot (when conflicts are resolved)53
9884199763DetailsThe items or parts that make up a larger picture or story54
9884208666Devices of SoundVarious techniques used by poets to create sound imagery through specific word choice (ex. rhyme, assonance, etc.)55
9884216221DictionWord Choice56
9884223077DimeterTwo feet57
9884229554Direct CharacteriationExactly what the character is like, as described by the writer58
9884239400Direct MetaphorTells directly, "I am..."59
9884241458DirgeA song for the dead (slow and heavy tone)60
9884247729DissonanceThe grating of incompatible sounds61
9884249641DoggerelCrude, simplistic verse, often in sing-song rhyme62
9884252626DRAMATIC IRONYWhat we know is going to happen, but the characters do not63
9884257724Dramatic MonologueWhen a single speaker in literature says something to a silent audience64
9884265771Dynamic CharacterSomeone who changes throughout the course of the story65
9884267916DystopiaA seemingly ideal world where the actual implementation of perfection is unsuccessful and destructive66
9884279045ElegyA type of poem that meditates on death or morality in a serious, thoughtful manner67
9884287754ElementsThe basic techniques of each genre of literature68
9884295588End-Stopped LinesLines in a poem with punctuation at the end69
9884298273End RhymeEnds of lines that rhyme70
9884316035EnjambmentThe continuation of a syntactic unit from one line or couplet of a poem to the next with no pause71
9884326253EpicA long narrative poem about a hero72
9884329313EpigramA short, witty, polished saying in prose or verse73
9884378753EpitahLines that commemorate the dead at their burial place74
9884385147EpithetA descriptive name or phrase to characterize someone or something75
9884389908EthosThe appeal to credibility (establishing trust with the audience)76
9884396974EuphemismA word or phrase that takes the place of a harsh, unpleasant, or impolite reality77
9884403003EuphonyWhen sounds blend harmoniously78
9884406551Exact RhymeAlways rhyme (yellow fellow)79
9887250775ExplicitSomething said or written directly and clearly80
9887253382FarceTo refer to extremely broad humor (ex. a funny play)81
9887261094Feminine RhymeLines rhymed by their final two syllables (ex. running and gunning)82
9887268015Figurative LanguageWriting that uses words to mean something other than their literal meaning83
9887272988FoilSecondary character whose purpose is to highlight the characteristics of a main character (usually by contrast)84
9887285607FootThe basic rhythmic unit of a line of poetry (a combination of two/three syllables)85
9887293066FORESHADOWINGAn event or statement in a narrative that suggests a larger event that comes later86
9887297472Free VersePoetry written without a regular rhyme scheme or metrical pattern87
9887301922GenreA subcategory of literature (ex. Science Fiction)88
9887304347GothicSensibility derived from dark novels89
9887306825HubrisExcessive pride or ambition that leads to the main character's downfall90
9887312751HYPERBOLEExaggeration or deliberate overstatement91
9887321346ImageryAn author's use of figurative language, images, or sensory details that appeal to the reader's senses92
9887325411ImplicitSomething said or written that suggests and implies but never says it directly or clearly93
9887329783In Medias res"In the midst of things"94
9887332944InversionSwitching the customary order of elements in a sentence or phrase95
9887336630IronyA contradiction, either situational, dramatic, or verbal96
9887342987JuxtapositionPlacing two or more concepts, places, or characters together for the purpose of comparison or contrast97
9887349142LamentA poem of sadness or grief over the death of a loved one or over another intense loss98
9887354400LogosThe appeal to logic99
9887358624Loose/Periodic sentencesComplete before its end/not grammatically complete until it has reached its final phrase100
9887365326LyricType of poetry that explores the poet's personal interpretation of and feelings about the world101
9887371869Masculine RhymeA rhyme ending on the final stressed syllable102
9887393681MetonymA word that is used to stand for something else that is has attributes of or is associated with103
9887389317METAPHORA comparison between two relatively unlike ideas where you call one thing something it's not104
9887398053MonologueA speech given by one character alone on stage105
9887400564MotifA recurring symbol106
9887402893Narrative TechniquesThe methods employed in the telling of a story or an account107
9887405698OBJECTIVITYAn impersonal or outside view of events108
9887409963OnomatopeiaWords that imitate sounds (boom, pow, buzz)109
9887433781OPPOSITIONWhere you have a pair of elements that contrast sharply110
9887438414OxymoronA phrase comprised of opposites (a contradiction - Bright Black)111
9887442083ParableA story that instructs112
9887444102PARADOXA situation or statement that seems to contradict itself, but really does not113
9887449556ParallelismRepeated syntactical similarities used for effect (I love swimming, fishing, and hiking, not: I love fishing, to swim, and a hike)114
9887461248ParaphraseTo restate phrases and sentences in your own words (To rephrase)115
9887374652MeansDiscovering what makes sense, what's important116
9887377362MelodramaA form of cheesy theater in which the hero is very, very good, the villain mean and rotten, and the heroine oh-so-pure117
9887468991Parenthetical PhraseA phrase set off by commas that interrupts the flow of a sentence with some commentary or added detail118
9887475557ParodyA work that makes fun of another work by exaggerating many of its qualities to ridiculousness119
9887479982PastoralA poem set in tranquil nature120
9887482492PathosThe appeal to emotions121
9887486195PersonaA created personality, reflective of the author (provides insight from a third person point of view)122
9887491795PERSONIFICATIONGiving an inanimate object human qualities or form123
9887497035PlaintA poem or speech expressing sorrow124
9887499065Point of ViewPerspective from which the action of a novel is presented (Third person/First person/Stream of Consciousness)125
9887510954PreludeAn introductory poem to a longer work of verse126
9887512957PROTAGONISTThe main character of a novel or play127
9887516248PunThe usually humorous use of a word in such a way to suggest two or more meanings128
9887520784RefrainA line or set of lines repeated several times over the course of a poem129
9887523766RequiemA song of prayer for the dead130
9887525883RhapsodyAn intensely passionate verse or section of verse (usually of love or praise)131
9887528225Rhetorical QuestionA question that suggests an answer132
9887530996Rhetorical TechniquesThe devices used to create effective or persuasive language (contrast, repetition, paradox)133
9887536358SATIREA form of humor that focuses on making fun of society through witty or dark social commentary134
9887542042SettingThe physical location of the play/novel, which often includes info about the time and place135
9887546974SIMILEA comparison between two relatively unlike ideas, using like or as (Her hair is as bright as the sun)136
9887556350SoliloquyA speech given by one character alone on stage where he/she expresses his/her thoughts or feelings137
9887560316STANZAA group of lines in verse, roughly analogous in function to the paragraph in prose138
9887568323StructureThe way in which a work is arranged or divided139
9887570354StyleThe manner in which an author writes which can distinguish him or her from another writer140
9887574267SUBJECTIVEUses the interior or personal view of a single observer and is colored with his/her emotional responses141
9887579279Subjunctive Mood"If I were you, I'd learn this one!"142
9887584351SuggestTo imply, entail, and/or indicate143
9887586178SummaryA simple retelling of what you've just read144
9887589244Suspension of disbeliefThe demand made of a theater audience to accept the limitations of staging and supply the details with imagination145
9887592558SymbolAnything that stands for or represents something beyond itself146
9887599876SyncopeContracting/Shortening a word by removing internal sounds, syllables, or letters (heav'n or fail'd)147
9887605255SynecdocheFigure of speech in which a part represents the whole148
9887609464SyntaxSentence structure; the way in which words and phrases are structured to create meaning149
9887613172TechniqueThe methods/tools/ways of the author150
9887616001THEMEThe main idea of central insight into life or human nature revealed through a literary work151
9887620574ThesisThe main position of an argument152
9887620576ToneThe manner in which an author expresses his or her attitude about a subject153
9887626860Tragic flawThe weakness of character in an otherwise good individual, that ultimately leads to his demise154
9887632636TravestyThe distortion, corruption, or terribly false representation of something155
9887636238TruismA way-too-obvious truth156
9887638999UtopiaAn idealized place (where people can live in happiness and peace)157
9887642943VerisimilitiudeThe appearance of being real or true158
9887644926ZeugmaThe use of a word to modify two or more words but used for different meanings159
9887668758ExpositionThe kind of writing intended primarily to present information160
9887675242FableA brief story that is told to present a moral or a practical lesson161
9887678649Flat CharacterCharacter that can be described in one sentence162
9887682044HeptameterMeter with seven feet163
9887686127LitoteForm of understandment164
9887690255OctaveEight-line poem or stanza165
9887696262Static CharacterStays the same at the end and the beginning of the story166

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