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AP Literature Terms Lesson 4 Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
7556205016Rhyme schemePattern of end rhyme in a poem, noted by assigning abc...for each set of rhyming words0
7556205017situational ironyan occurrence that is contrary to what is expected or intended1
7556205018SoliloquyA Long speech given by a character who is alone onstage, revealing private thoughts(solo)2
7556205019StyleThe distinctive handling of language by an author3
7556205020ThemeA main idea or underlying, universal meaning of a literary work4
7556205021UnderstatementFigure of speech in which an exaggeration of Less is used for emphasis5
7556205022Verbal IronyAn occurrence in which What is said contrasts with intended meaning sarchasim6
7556205023double entendreA play on words in which a second meaning is a risqué or lewd insinuation7
7556205024JuxtapositionPlacing two ideas, words, or images side-by-Side to create an insight or irony8
7556205025Metaphorfigure of Speech that compares two things is implied or stated9
7556205026MotifA recurrent Word,image, object, or phrase that tends to unify a literary work10
7556205027MonologueA Long speech given by a character to another character /audience11
7556205028Meta-theaterA drama that draws attention to itself as unreal; a play -within-a-play12
7556205029ParadoxA statement that seems self-contradictory but actually has a valid meaning13
7556205030personficationDepicting ideas or inanimate objects as human-like by endowing Them w/living qualities14
7556205031PunA play on words,usually the use of words that sound similar but have different meanings15

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