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AP Literature Vocab #3 Flashcards

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12734212163acmethe highest point0
12734212164acmeThe succeeding century brought the empire to the ----- of its power.1
12734280003apocryphalof doubtful origin; fictitious2
12734285302apocryphalDue to his dubious, manipulative nature, any story told by him was ------.3
12752462533catharsisan extremely emotional experience4
12752465719catharsisHe took hallucinogens to undergo ---- and purge any negative, built up emotions.5
12752827588desiccateto dry up completely6
12752832896desiccatedAfter his performance, he was emotionally --------.7
12797809813efficaciouseffective; producing the desired outcome8
12797809814efficaciousMrs. Sanzone's ----- work schedule has lead her to waking up at 4 every morning... even on weekends.9
12797841654dissipateto waste, exhaust10
12797841655dissipatedHis energy quickly ----- after finishing his english homework.11
12840629495ineffableinexpressible; beyond description12
12840629496ineffableThe model's beauty is ----- and has everyone tongue-tied.13
12840683426intrinsicof or relating to the basic nature of a thing; inherent14
12840683427intrinsicBecause MaryEllen knitted the scarf for me, it has a lot of intrinsic value to me.15
12873645182inundateto cover with; to be overwhelmed with16
12873645183inundatedI was _____ with the amount of homework I had.17
12873689921kudospraise, fame, glory18
12873689922kudosThe manager received much _____ from his executives after sealing the deal.19
12888272768maximfundamental principle; rule; familiar statement20
12888272769maximsThe pious zealot laid out a list of ______ for his followers to obey.21
12888314874putridpartially decayed or decomposed; having a foul smell22
12888314875putridThe carrion carried with it a _____ odor of decaying flesh.23
12977621559revereto regard with respect, awe, adoration24
12977624585reveresYou can see in her eyes that she heavily _____ her teachers.25
12977635725servilesubmissive, slavish26
12977635726servileShe was _____ to her over-domineering brother.27
12977646190superfluousunnecessary; excessive28
12977650495superfluousThe minimalist lifestyle includes the exception of _______ products.29

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