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AP Literature Vocab Flashcards

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86431081941. (TOD) Epistlea specially long formal letter0
86431081951. (WOD) Wheedle(v) to influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing or flattering; sweet talk1
86431081962. (TOD) Authorial Voiceyour tone, choice of content/words2
86431081972. (WOD) Nondescript(adj) lacking distinct or individual characteristics, dull or uninteresting3
86431081983. (TOD) Dictionthe choice of words and phrases in speech or wiriting4
86431081994. (TOD) Remixto reassemble or revive a form of art5
86431082003. (WOD) Condone(v) to accept or allow behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive to continue6
86431082015. (TOD) Challengewhen a person or group of people have attempted to have a book removed from a school or library7
86431082026. (TOD) Banfree access is not permitted8
86431082037. (TOD) Censorreviewing a book for inappropriate things9
86431082044. (WOD) Bowlderize(v) to edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate10
86431082055. (WOD) Sacrilege(n) blasphemous behavior, the act of depriving something of its sacred character11
86431082066. (WOD) Revile(v) to assail with contemptuous or opprobrious language; address or speak abusively (in print)12
86431082077. (WOD) Proliferate(v) to grow rapidly13
86431082088. (TOD) Etymologythe study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history14
86431082099. (TOD) Prefixan affix placed before a word15
864310821010. (TOD) Rootthe origin16
864310821111. (TOD) Suffixan affix placed at the end of a word17
86431082128. (WOD) Subvert(v) to undermine the power or authority of an established institution18
864310821312. (TOD) Word Treea group of similar words that share a common root to prefixes and suffixes19
86431082149. (WOD) Facade(n) the front of a building, a superficial personality or appearance20
864310821510. (WOD) Disconsolate(adj) without solace, unhappy, gloomy21
864310821611. (WOD) Quagmire(n) an area of foggy ground- a bog, a situation that is difficult to escape22
864310821712. (WOD) Ingratiate(v) to bestow through control or manipulation23
864310821813. (WOD) Lugubrious(adj) mournful in an exaggerated manner24
864310821914. (WOD) Festoon(n) a chain or garland of flowers or other decorations25
864310822015. (WOD) Transgression(n) an act of transgressing or violating the law26
864310822113. (TOD) Neologisma word or phrase which is new to the language; one which is newly coined27
864310822216. (WOD) Amalgamate(v) to mix a combination, to combine28
864310822317. (WOD) Ineffable(adj) defying expression or description29
864310822414. (TOD) Modernismmajor artists questioned and reunited their art forms, desire to break from past, rejecting literary traditions seemed gentle, break through and global violence30
864310822515. (TOD) Stream of Consciousnessstyle that some modern writers use to portray workings of a characters mind, catalog, describe thoughts, impressions, ideas or explanations, present what is going on in a mind31
864310822616. (TOD) Alienationseperation resulting from hostility32
864310822717. (TOD) Existentialisma school of thought that claims people are responsible for creating meaning out of life, since world is meaningless33
864310822818. (TOD) Nihilismcomplete rejection of moral values and religious beliefs34
864310822919. (TOD) Primitivismgenre characteristic of (or imitator or primitive artists or children) untamed35
864310823020. (TOD) Typographyart of putting words into print, process involving choosing letters, arranging the, printing them36
864310823121. (TOD) Imagismmovement in 20th century English, American poetry that sought clarity of expression through the use of precise images37
864310823218. (WOD) Juxtapose(v) to place side by side, usually for comparison purposes38
864310823322. (TOD) Automatismwriting technique based upon the psychological theories of Freud, avoidance of conscious39
864310823419. (WOD) Sardonic(adj) disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking40
864310823523. (TOD) Anaphorarepetition of word or phrase at beginning of successive clauses41
864310823624. (TOD) Toneattitude or approach that the author takes toward the work's central theme or subject42
864310823720. (WOD) Evince(v) to show or express clearly43
864310823825. (TOD) Commentaryan expression of opinions or offering or explanations about an event or situation, descriptive account of are event or performance as it happens, explanatory or critical notes, explanation, interpretation44
864310823926. (TOD) Parallel Structurethe repetition of chosen grammar45
864310824021. (WOD) Apocryphal(adj) doubtful authorship although widely circulated as true46
864310824122. (WOD) Diffident(adj) modest or shy due to lack or confidence47
864310824227. (TOD) Metaphora figure of speech in which words or phrases are applied to an object or action to which is not literally applied48
864310824323. (WOD) Pagoda(n) a buddhist temple in East Asia49
864310824428. (TOD) Direct Discoursethe reporting of speech by repeating the actual words of a speaker; quotations50
864310824529. (TOD) Dialecta particular form of language which is peculiar to specific regions or social groups51
864310824624. (WOD) Truculently(adj) aggressively self-assertive, harsh52
864310824725. (WOD) Litany(n) a repetitive chant, a liturgical form or prayer consisting of a series of responses53
864310824830. (TOD) Epiphanya moment of realization54
864310824926. (WOD) Obstinate(adj) stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action55
864310825031. (TOD) Ironya full significance is known to the reader but not to the character56
864310825127. (WOD) Mirth(n) amusement expressed in laughter57
864310825232. (TOD) Hemingway Code for a Heroaccept no guidelines, don't make trouble for others, face reality, impose meaning on meaningless universe, contain despair by sheer will power, don't judge others, man most establish own values by facing life courageously and honestly, courage58
864310825328. (WOD) Gauntlet(n) a series of difficult experiences59
864310825433. (TOD) Colloquialismwords used in familiar conversation; slang60
864310825529. (WOD) Broach(v) to make known for the first time; to introduce a new topic61
864310825634. (TOD) Free Indirect Discoursecombines person and tense with indication of time and place; an attempt to capture the impressions that do not receive direct formulation as thoughts, allowing the author to jump btwn. characters62
864310825730. (WOD) Odious(adj) deserving or causing hatred, highly offensive or disquieting63
864310825835. (TOD) Post-Modernismrepresents departure for modernism and distrust of grand theories and ideologic, problematical relationship with any notion of art64
864310825936. (TOD) Romantic Ironyinstant deflation within a line, sardonic tone65
864310826031. (WOD) Esoteric(adj) understood by a chosen few66
864310826132. (WOD) Gesticulate(v) to make gestures especially in an animated manner with or instead of speech67
864310826237. (TOD) Pathetic Fallacyattribution of human feelings and responses to inanimate things or animals especially in art and literature, usually weather, mirror the plot or character, set the mood of the piece68
864310826338. (TOD) Allusiona brief and indirect reference to a person, place, or thing69
864310826439. (TOD) Paradoxsituation, person or thing that contains contradictory features or qualities, contradiction70
864310826533. (WOD) Metamorphosis(n) a change of a thing or person into a completely different one by natural or supernatural forces71
864310826640. (TOD) Iceberg TheoryThe Iceberg Theory (sometimes known as the "theory of omission") is a style of writing (turned colloquialism) coined by American writer Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway believed the deeper meaning of a story should not be evident on the surface, but should shine through implicitly.72
864310826741. (TOD) Ad Hominema response to a person's argument by attacking the person's character rather than the logic or content of the argument.73
864310826842. (TOD) NonsequiturThe Latin words non sequitur literally mean 'it does not follow," and it is a conversational and literary device, often used for comedic purposes74
864310826943. (TOD) Allegorya story in which everything stands for something else; usually conveys a moral or message. An allegory employs symbolism in the telling of a complete narrative that has an abstract meaning.75
864310827044. (TOD) Symbolismthe use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities, by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense76
864310827145. (TOD) Tropefigurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression; puns, metaphors, similies77
864310827246. (TOD) Surrealismsought to overthrow the oppressive rules of modernist society by demolishing rational thought78
864310827347. (TOD) Eponyma word derived from the name of an actual or fictional person79
864310827448. (TOD) Novellaa fictional prose narrative that is longer and more complex than a short story80
864310827549. (TOD) Ungezeifergerman for an unclean animal not suited for sacrifice81
864310827634. (WOD) Kafkaesque(n) of or relating to Franz Kafka, having a nightmarishly complex, bizarre or illogical quality82
864310827735. (WOD) Disquietude(n) feeling of anxiety that makes you tense and irritable83
864310827836. (WOD) Betoken(v)to be a sign of; to indicate84
864310827937. (WOD) Pulchritude(n) physical beauty, especially in a woman85
864310828038. (WOD) Martyr(n) someone who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty for refusing to renounce their religion; one who suffers for the sake of principle86
864310828139. (WOD) Garrulous(adj) 1. excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, especially about trivial matters. 2. Wordy or diffuse87
864310828240. (WOD) Duress(n) compulsory force or threat; coercion; constraint (one is under duress)88
864310828341. (WOD) Emaciated(adj) sickly thin; malnourished89
864310828442. (WOD) Gratitude(n) thankful and gracious90
864310828543. (WOD) Irreverent(adj) showing a lack of respect for something91
864310828644. (WOD) Nuanced(n) a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude92
864310828745. (WOD) Misogyny(n) the hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women93
864310828846. (WOD) Concomitant(adj) following or accompanying as a consequence; going along with94
864310828950. (TOD) Feminist Literary Theorythe ways in which literature reinforces the oppression of women, highlighting the issue95
864310829051. (TOD) Deconstruction Critical Theorychallenges our comfortable assumptions96
864310829152. (TOD) Psychoanalytic Critical Theoryread psychoanalytically to see which concepts are operating in the text97
864310829253. (TOD) Marxist Critical Theoryconcerns itself with class differences, economic, and otherwise, and the implications of a capitalist system98
864310829354. (TOD) Historical Critical Theoryreconnect the work to the time period and the events that occurred99
864310829455. (TOD) Biographical Critical Theorythe author's past life can aid the analysis of the novel/novella100
864310829547. (WOD) Binary(adj/n) something that can be broken down into two categories; dual or double101
864310829648. (WOD) Multivalency(n) the quality of having many values, appeals, or meanings102
864310829749. (WOD) Eschew(v) to avoid or stay away from deliberately; stay clear of103
864310829850. (WOD) Recalcitrance(n) the trait of being unmanageable; the habit or characteristics of being stubborn or difficult104
864310829951. (WOD) Sycophantic(adj) attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery105
864310830052. (WOD) Subaltern(n/adj) someone with a low ranking in a social, political, or other hierarchy106
864310830153. (WOD) Jocundity(n) a feeling of facetious merriment107
864310830254. (WOD) Fecundity(n) the state of being fertile; capable of producing offspring108
864310830356. (TOD) Epigraphan engraved inscription on a building or statue; a quotation at the beginning of a piece of writing109
864310830455. (WOD) Microcosm(n) a miniature model of something110
864310830556. (WOD) Macrocosm(n) everything that exists anywhere, the big picture vs. the little picture111
864310830657. (TOD) Subjectivismthe first principle of Existentialism according to Sarte, an individual chooses himself, it is impossible for men to transcend human subjectivity112
864310830758. (TOD) The Existential ProcessAnxiety-looking at concepts as responsible over which you have no control, Moment-recognizing your anxiety exists, Resolution-finding a solution113
864310830857. (WOD) Circumspect(adj) heedful of potential consequences114
864310830959. (TOD) Quietisminaction- a form of ignoring despair (not making things better)115
864310831058. (WOD) Aquiesce(v) to agree to something or give in116
864310831159. (WOD) Avarice(n) reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth; greed117
864310831260. (TOD) The Absurdoften applied to the modern sense of human purposelessness on a universe without meaning or value. Many 20th century writers of prose fiction have stressed the absurd nation of existence.118
864310831360. (WOD) Sublime(adj) of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature of style119
864310831461. (WOD) Vilify(v) to spread negative information about someone or something120

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