8239417220 | Antagonist | A character or force in conflict with the main character | 0 | |
8239417221 | Antihero | Protagonist of a drama or narrative who is notably lacking heroic quality | 1 | |
8239417222 | Apotheosis | When a character in a piece of literature shows nonhuman abilities and appearances | 2 | |
8239417223 | Dramatic Irony | when a reader is aware of something that a character isn't | 3 | |
8239417224 | Foil | A character who acts as a contrast to another character | 4 | |
8239417225 | Inversion | A change of position, order, or relationship, of things so that they are the opposite of what they had been | 5 | |
8239417226 | Protagonist | Central character or leading figure in any story | 6 | |
8239417227 | Stock Characters | A dramatic or literary character representing a type in a conventional manner and recurring in many works | 7 | |
8239417228 | Batho/Patho | When an author goes into a phase in the story that is metaphors, descriptions, or ideas to show deep emotions | 8 | |
8243239227 | Catharsis | A release of emotional tension | 9 | |
8243239228 | Hubris | Excessive pride or self-confidence | 10 | |
8243239229 | Objectivity | Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts | 11 | |
8243239230 | Subjectivity | based on or influenced by the authors personal feelings, tastes, or opinion | 12 | |
8243239231 | Pathos | Appeal to emotion | 13 | |
8243239232 | Personification | A figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts, or attitudes | 14 | |
8243239233 | Travesty | An absurd or inferior imitation | 15 | |
8243239234 | Aesthetic | Ship to human emotion or to "reality" or "the world" | 16 | |
8243239235 | Ambiguity | A word, phrase, or statement with more than one meaning | 17 | |
8260440239 | Analogy | A comparison in which an idea or a thing is compared to another thing that is quite different from it | 18 | |
8260440240 | Anthromorphism | attributing human characteristics to an animal or inanimate object (personification) | 19 | |
8260440241 | Bombast | To make something sound much more important than it is | 20 | |
8260440242 | Colloquialism | The use of slang or informalities in speech or writing | 21 | |
8260440243 | Conceit | A type of metaphor that compares 2 unlike things in a surprising and clever way | 22 | |
8260440244 | Connotation | All the meanings, associations, or emotions that a word suggests | 23 | |
8260440245 | Denotation | The dictionary definition of a word | 24 | |
8260440246 | interior monolouge | A literary technique used in poetry and prose to reveal a character's unspoken thoughts and feelings | 25 | |
8260440247 | Metaphor | A figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison | 26 | |
8260440248 | Simile | A comparison using "like" or "as" | 27 | |
8260440249 | Motif | A recurring theme, subject or idea | 28 | |
8260440250 | Onomatopoeia | the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named | 29 | |
8260440251 | Oxymoron | A figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction | 30 | |
8260440252 | Pun | A play on words | 31 | |
8260440253 | rhetorical questions | a question that doesn't invite an actual response but just makes the audience think | 32 | |
8260440254 | Satire | A literary work that criticizes human misconduct and ridicules vices, stupidities, and follies. | 33 | |
8260440255 | disbelief | doubt about the truth of something | 34 | |
8260440256 | Symbolism | the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities | 35 | |
8260440257 | Synechdoche | a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa | 36 | |
8260440258 | Synesthesia | describing one kind of sensation in terms of another ("a loud color", "a sweet sound") | 37 | |
8260440259 | Classic (novel) | Expresses life, truth, and/or beauty; stands the test of time; often has a universal appeal | 38 | |
8260440260 | Juxtaposition | Placement of two things closely together to emphasize comparisons or contrasts | 39 | |
8260440261 | Melodrama | A sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions | 40 | |
8260440262 | Prelude | An introduction | 41 | |
8260440263 | Utopia | an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect | 42 | |
8260440264 | Denouement | an outcome or solution; the unraveling of a plot | 43 | |
8260440265 | Epiphany | A moment of sudden revelation or insight | 44 | |
8260440266 | Genre | a kind of literary or artistic work | 45 | |
8260440267 | in medias res | in or into the middle of a plot; into the middle of things | 46 | |
8260440268 | point of view | the perspective from which a story is told | 47 | |
8260440269 | Theme | Central idea of a work of literature | 48 | |
8260440270 | dissonance | harsh, inharmonious, or discordant words | 49 | |
8260440271 | Lament | to express sorrow; to grieve | 50 | |
8260440272 | Lyric | Expressing the writer's emotions in a collection of verses and choruses making a complete song or poem | 51 | |
8260440273 | Masculine rhyme | A line of final stressed syllables | 52 | |
8260440274 | Plaint | A formerly popular variety of poem that laments or protests misfortune | 53 | |
8260440275 | Pastoral (poetry) | Class of literature that represents the society of shepherds as free from the complexity and corruption of city life | 54 | |
8260440276 | Refrain | a regularly repeated line or group of lines in a poem or song | 55 | |
8260440277 | Requiem | A song of prayer for the dead | 56 | |
8260440278 | Rhapsody | An epic poem, or part of it, of a suitable length for recitation at one time | 57 | |
8276203362 | Stanza | a group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse. | 58 | |
8276203363 | Versification | The adaptation of verses; a particular metrical structure or style | 59 | |
8276203364 | Aside | a line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage | 60 | |
8276203365 | Chorus (theatre) | A summary or an introduction to a story or play | 61 | |
8276203366 | Aphorism | An opinion or observation being told in a witty or comprehensive way | 62 | |
8276203367 | Explicit | Clear, precise, plain to see | 63 | |
8276203368 | Hyperbole | A figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion, make a point, or evoke humor | 64 | |
8276203369 | Tone | Attitude a writer takes toward the audience, a subject, or a character | 65 | |
8276203370 | Voice | The fluency, rhythm, and liveliness in a text that make it unique to the author. | 66 | |
8276203371 | Loose periodic sentence | A sentence where the main clause comes at the beginning | 67 | |
8276203372 | Paradigm (structure) | a widely accepted example, belief or concept. | 68 | |
8276203373 | parallelism (parallel structure) | Phrases or sentences of a similar construction/meaning placed side by side, balancing each other | 69 | |
8276203374 | Trope | A figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression | 70 | |
8276203375 | Zeugma | a literary term for using one word to modify two other words, in two different ways | 71 | |
8777176054 | Academic | Forms of expository and argumentative prose used by universities and researchers to convey info | 72 | |
8777176055 | Accent | In poetry, the stressed portion of a word. | 73 | |
8777176056 | Allegory | a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning | 74 | |
8777176057 | Alliteration | the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. | 75 | |
8777176058 | Allusion | an indirect reference | 76 | |
8777176059 | Anachronism | something or someone out of place in terms of historical or chronological context | 77 | |
8777176060 | Anecdote | a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person | 78 | |
8777176061 | Antecedent | The word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun. | 79 | |
8777176062 | Anticlimax | A disappointing end to an exciting or impressive series of events | 80 | |
8777176063 | Antithesis | a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else | 81 | |
8777176064 | Apostrophe | Grammatical convention used to combine 2 words into a contraction | 82 | |
8777176065 | Archaism | use of an older or obsolete form | 83 | |
8777176066 | Aspect | a particular part or feature of something | 84 | |
8777176067 | Assonance | Repetition of vowel sounds | 85 | |
8777176068 | Atmosphere | Tone or mood of a place or situation. | 86 | |
8777176069 | Ballad | A poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas | 87 | |
8777176070 | Black humor | Use of disturbing themes in comedy | 88 | |
8777176071 | Burlesque | Involving ludicrous or mocking treatment of a solemn subject | 89 | |
8777176072 | Cacophony | A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds | 90 | |
8777176073 | Cadence | rhythmic flow of a sequence of sounds or words | 91 | |
8777176074 | Canto | Division of a long poem | 92 | |
8777176075 | Caesura | A natural pause or break in a line of poetry, usually near the middle of the line. | 93 | |
8777176076 | Chiasmus | A statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed | 94 | |
8777176077 | Coinage | A newly invented word or phrase | 95 | |
8777176078 | Complex/dense | Uses a lot of information or complicated language | 96 | |
8777176079 | Conceit | Extended metaphor | 97 | |
8777176080 | Consonance | Repetition of consonant sounds | 98 | |
8777176081 | Couplet | Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme | 99 | |
8777176082 | Decorum | appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety | 100 | |
8777176083 | Diction/syntax | The authors choice of words | 101 | |
8777176084 | Didactic verse | A term for a poem that teaches, almost preaches | 102 | |
8777176085 | Dirge | Funeral song | 103 | |
8777176086 | Doggerel | Loosely structured verse of a humorous or trivial nature | 104 | |
8777176087 | Dramatic monologue | Poem in the form of a speech | 105 | |
8777176088 | Elegy | a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead. | 106 | |
8777176089 | Enjambment | the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza. | 107 | |
8777176090 | Epic | A long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds | 108 | |
8777176091 | Epitaph | A brief statement written on a tomb or gravestone | 109 | |
8777176092 | Euphemism | Words or phrases inserted in place of other words or phrases that may be thought of as rude or impolite | 110 | |
8777176093 | Euphony | pleasant, harmonious sound | 111 | |
8777176094 | Farce | a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations | 112 | |
8777176095 | Feminine rhyme | Lines rhymed by their final two syllables | 113 | |
8777176096 | Figurative language | Make writing more effective, persuasive, and impactful | 114 | |
8777176097 | Flashback | Interruptions that consist of past events with the purpose to provide background info | 115 | |
8777176098 | Foot | Metrical unit by which a line of poetry is measured | 116 | |
8777176099 | Foreshadowing | A narrative device that hints at coming events; often builds suspense or anxiety in the reader. | 117 | |
8777176100 | Free verse | Poetry that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme | 118 | |
8777176101 | Gothic | Style of writing categorized by fear, horror, death, and gloom | 119 | |
8777176102 | Implicit | Implied though not plainly expressed | 120 | |
8777176103 | Irony | 121 |
AP Literature Vocab Flashcards
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