All words of the day and top 100
153177701 | Assiduous | (adj.) hardworking; busy; quite diligent | |
153177702 | Erudite | (adj.) scholarly; deeply learned | |
153177703 | Alacrity | (n.) a cheerful eagerness; readiness to respond | |
153177704 | Cajole | (v.) to persuade someone to do something he/she does not want to do | |
153177705 | Volition | (n.) will, conscious choice | |
153177706 | Harbinger | (n.) a forerunner; a signal or the approach of someone or something | |
153177707 | Portent | (n.) an omen; a sign of something coming in the future | |
153177708 | Veracity | (n). truthfulness | |
153177709 | Vacuous | (adj. lacking content; empty; showing a lack of intelligence | |
153177710 | Nuance | (n.) subtle difference or distinction | |
153177711 | Ubiquitous | (adj.) being everywhere at the same time | |
153177712 | Insidious | (adj.) sneaky; treacherous; beguile | |
153177713 | Sacrosanct | (adj.) sacred; how to be inviolable | |
153177714 | Immutable | (adj.) unchangeable | |
153177715 | Frenetic | (adj.) frantic; frenzied | |
153177716 | Impunity | (n.) exemption from punishment | |
153177717 | Obtuse | (adj.) insensitive; blockheaded | |
153177718 | Edify | (v.) to enlighten; to instruct; especially moral or religious matters | |
153177719 | Affinity | (n.) sympathy; attraction; kinship, similarity | |
153177720 | Facetious | (adj.) amusing; humorous; not serious; not to be taken seriously or literally | |
153177721 | Juxtapose | (v.) to place side by side for contrast | |
153177722 | Aesthetic | (adj.) having to do with artistic beauty; artistic | |
153177723 | Dearth | (n.) lack; scarcity | |
153177724 | Impugn | (v.) to attack; especially attack the truth/integrity of someone or something | |
153177725 | Denouement | (n.) final resolution of a plot | |
153177726 | Paradigm | (n.) a model or example | |
153177727 | Abash | (adj.) to embarrass; to make ashamed | |
153177728 | Archetype | (n.) an original pattern or model | |
153177729 | Tactiturn | (adj.) untalkative by nature | |
153177730 | Bucolic | (adj.) charmingly rural; rustic; countrylike | |
153177731 | Specious | (adj.) deceptively positive or attractive | |
153177732 | Peruse | (v.) to read carefully | |
153177733 | Banal | (adj.) ordinary; unoriginal | |
153177734 | Pedestrian | (adj.) unimaginative; banal | |
153177735 | Facile | (adj.) easily accomplished or achieved; fluent; effortless | |
153177736 | Histrionic | (adj.) overly dramatic; theatrical | |
153177737 | Avarice | (n.) greed; excessive love of riches | |
153177738 | Vacillate | (v.) to be indecisive; to waver | |
153177739 | Querulous | (adj.) whining; complaining; mournful | |
153177740 | Lugubrious | (adj.) exaggeratedly mournful | |
153177741 | Repudiate | (v.) to reject; to renounce; to disown; to having nothing to do with | |
153177742 | Abtruse | (adj.) hard to understand | |
153177743 | Serendipity | (n.) accidental good fortune; discovering good things without looking for them | |
153177744 | Acrimonious | (adj.) full of spite; bitter; nasty | |
153177745 | Capricious | (adj.) unpredictable; likely to change at any moment | |
153177746 | Acerbic | (adj.) bitter; sour; severe | |
153177747 | Recalcitrant | (adj.) stubbornly defiant of authority; disobedient | |
153177748 | Supercilious | (adj.) haughty; patronizing | |
153177749 | Stymie | (v.) to thwart; to hinder | |
153177750 | Platitude | (n.) a dull or trite remark; a cliche | |
153177751 | Germane | (adj.) closely or significantly related | |
153177752 | Espouse | (v.) to support; advocate | |
153177753 | Insipid | (adj.) dull; bland; banal | |
153177754 | Bane | (n.) poison; torment; cause of harm | |
153177755 | Ambivalent | (adj.) undecided; neutral; wishy-washy | |
153177756 | Obdurate | (adj.) stubborn and insensitive | |
153177757 | Brevity | (n.) briefness | |
153177758 | Pernicious | (adj.) deadly; extremely evil | |
153177759 | Machination | (n.) scheming activity for an evil purpose | |
153177760 | Reprehensible | (adj.) worthy of blame or censure | |
153177761 | Obsequious | (adj.) fawning; subservient; sucking up to | |
153177762 | Calumny | (n.) slander; to utter malicious falsehoods | |
153177763 | Wanton | (adj.) malicious; unjustifiable; unprovoked; reckless; egregious; lascivious; lewd | |
153177764 | Prodigious | (adj.) extraordinary; enormous | |
153177765 | Virulent | (adj.) extremely poisonous; malignant; full of hate | |
153177766 | Debauchery | (n.) wild living; excessive temperance debauch (v.) to seduce or corrupt | |
153177767 | Duplicity | (n.) double-dealing; deception; the act of being two-faced | |
153177768 | Foment | (v.) to stir up; to instigate | |
153177769 | Parfidy | (n.) treachery | |
153177770 | Inexorable | (adj.) relentless; inevitable; unavoidable | |
153177771 | Pejorative | (adj.) negative; disparaging | |
153177772 | Rapacious | (adj.) greedy; avaricious | |
153177773 | Impetuous | (adj.) extremely impatient; impulsive | |
153177774 | Propitious | (adj.) marked by favorable signs or conditions | |
153177775 | Desultory | (adj.) without a plan or purpose; random; disconnected | |
153177776 | Circumscribe | (v.) to draw lines around; to set the limits; to restrict; to define | |
153177777 | Decimate | (v.) to kill or destroy a large part of someone or something | |
153177778 | Torpor | (n.) sluggishness; inactivity; apathy | |
153177779 | Deprecate | (v.) to express disapproval of | |
153177780 | Ineffable | (adj.) incapable of being expressed or described | |
153177781 | Vicissitude | (n.) upheaval; natural change; change in fortune | |
153177782 | Scintillate | (v.) to sparkle; either literally or figuratively | |
153177783 | Soporific | (adj.) sleep inducing; extremely boring; very sleepy | |
153177784 | Unctuous | (adj.) oily; both literally and figuratively; insincere | |
153177785 | Vociferous | (adj.) loud; noisy | |
153177786 | Subjugate | (v.) to subdue and dominate; to enslave | |
153177787 | Circumspect | (adj.) cautious | |
153177788 | Broach | (v.) to open up a subject for discussion; often a delicate subject | |
153177789 | Obfuscate | (v.) to darken; confuse; to make confusing | |
153177790 | Aphorism | (n.) brief, often witty saying; a proverb | |
153177791 | Truculent | (adj.) savagely brutal; aggressively hostile | |
153177792 | Empirical | (adj.) relying on experience or observation; not merely theatrical | |
153177793 | Incipient | (adj.) beginning; emerging | |
153177794 | Sanguine | (adj.) optimistic; helpful | |
153177795 | Largess | (n.) generous giving of gifts (or the gift themselves); generosity; philanthropy | |
153177796 | Philistine | (n.) a smugly ignorant person without appreciation of intellectual or artistic matters | |
153177797 | Spurious | (adj.) false; fake | |
153177798 | Vernacular | (n.) everyday speech; slang; idiom | |
153177799 | Loquacious | (adj.) talking a lot, or too much | |
153177800 | Malaise | (n.) a feeling of depression; uneasiness or queasiness | |
153177801 | Bellicose | (adj.) inclined or eager to fight or quarrel | |
153177802 | Innocuous | (adj.) harmless; banal | |
153177803 | Mitigate | (v.) to moderate the effect of something | |
155376030 | Anachronism | Something/someone placed or occurring out of its proper time | |
155376031 | Apocryphal | Of doubtful authority; fake; counterfeit | |
155376032 | Agnostic | Nothing can be known or is known about the existence of God | |
155376033 | Atheist | A person who believes there is no God | |
155376034 | Amalgam | A mixture or blend of different things | |
155376035 | Antipathy | Strong dislike; aversion; a feeling against | |
155376036 | Atrophy | A wasting away; a halting of growth or withering of anything | |
155376037 | Androgynous | Of both sexes; hermaphroditic | |
155376038 | Autocrat | A ruler having unrestricted power over his/her subjects; absolute rule | |
155376039 | Apotheosis | A glorified ideal; raising of a human being to the rank of a God | |
155376040 | Anomaly | Something abnormal; departure from the general rule | |
155376041 | Autonomous | Independent; self-governing | |
155376042 | Amorphous | Shapeless; having no definite shape or form | |
155376043 | Athanasia | Deathlessness; immorality | |
155376044 | Anathema | A person or thing that is utterly detested or condemned; consigned to damnation | |
155376045 | Anarchy | Lawlessness; the absence of system of government | |
155376046 | Antithesis | The direct opposite; contrast | |
155376047 | Enigma | A mystery | |
155376048 | Cryptic | Secret; having a hidden meaning | |
155376049 | Demographic | Science dealing with statistics of human populations; size; distribution; diseases; births; deaths | |
155376050 | Eclectic | Drawn from many sources | |
155376051 | Caustic | Corrosive; burns or destroys flesh | |
155376052 | Diatribe | Speech/discussion bitterly and violently directed against some person or thing | |
155376053 | Deleterious | Causing harm; injurious | |
155376054 | Dogmatic | Overbearing; arrogantly assertive of unproven ideas | |
155376055 | Demagogue | Popular leader who stirs up people by appealing to their emotions and prejudices for the purpose of power and money | |
155376056 | Empathy | The ability to imagine oneself in another's place and understand other's feeling, ideas, desires, and actions | |
155376057 | Diaphanous | Transparent; translucent; light; airy; delicate | |
155376058 | Cosmopolitan | Belonging to all parts of the world; free from national or local prejudices | |
155376059 | Eccentric | Not conventional; a little kooky; irregular | |
155376060 | Ballistic | Throwing of projectiles; huge; excessive; extremely angry/excited | |
155376061 | Endemic | Native; restricted to a particular region or area; indigenous | |
155376062 | Cacophony | Clashing sound; harsh sound; discord | |
155376063 | Ephemeral | Lasting a very short time | |
155376064 | Euphemism | A pleasant offensive expression used in a place of an unpleasant or offensive one | |
155376065 | Ethereal | Heavenly; as light and insubstantial as a gas or ether | |
155376066 | Ethnocentric | Based on the attitude that one's own group is superior | |
155376067 | Heterodox | Contrary to or different from an acknowledged standard | |
155376068 | Epiphany | A sudden insight into the essential meaning of something | |
155376069 | Exodus | A mass departure | |
155376070 | Etymology | The history of a word shown by tracing its development | |
155376071 | Euthanasia | The act or practice of killing the hopelessly sick or injured in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy | |
155376072 | Esoteric | Hard to understand; understood by only a select few | |
155376073 | Euphony | A pleasing or sweet sound | |
155376074 | Eponym | One for who something is named | |
155376075 | Heterogeneous | Consisting of different ingredients | |
155376076 | Euphoric | A feeling of well-being or elation | |
155376077 | Epitome | The perfect example of something; a paradigm; a brief summary that captures the meaning or the word | |
155376078 | Eugenics | Science that deals with the improvement of hereditary qualities or a race or breed | |
155376079 | Genesis | THe origin or coming into being of something | |
155376080 | Eulogy | A speech in praise of a person or thing; especially a funeral oration | |
155376081 | Logorrhea | Excessive or often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness | |
155376082 | Misogynist | A hatred of women | |
155376083 | Hyperbole | An exaggeration used as a figure of speech; exaggeration | |
155376084 | Iconoclast | One who attacks popular beliefs or institutions | |
155376085 | Holocaust | Mass slaughter or people | |
155376086 | Neophyte | A novice | |
155376087 | Miasma | A vaporous exhalation formerly believed to cause disease; an influence that tends to deplete or corrupt | |
155376088 | Myopic | To suffer nearsightedness; lack of foresight | |
155376089 | Macroscopic | Large enough to be observed with the naked eye | |
155376090 | Idiosyncrasy | A peculiarity; an eccentricity | |
155376091 | Misanthrope | Hatred of all mankind | |
155376092 | Icon | A object of uncritical devotion | |
155376093 | Laconic | Using few words; especially to the point of seeming rude | |
155376094 | Monogamy | The practice of marrying only once during one lifetime | |
155376095 | Megalomania | A mania for great or grandiose performance | |
155376096 | Homophobia | Irrational fear of, or aversion to, or discrimination of homosexuality or homosexuals | |
155376097 | Microcosm | The world in miniature | |
155376098 | Hierarchy | An organization based on rank or degree; pecking order | |
155376099 | Polythiest | Belief or worship in more than one God | |
155376100 | Paragon | A model of excellence and perfection | |
155376101 | Philanthropist | Lover of mankind; doing good deeds | |
155376102 | Pandemic | Occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of population | |
155376103 | Panclastic | To destroy all things | |
155376104 | Plutocrat | Government by the wealthy | |
155376105 | Polyglot | A mixture of many languages | |
155376106 | Philology | The study of literature and disciplines relevant to literature or to language as used in literature | |
155376107 | Orthodox | Conventional; adhering to established principals or doctrines, especially in religion; by the book | |
155376108 | Pathos | An element in experience or in artistic representation evoking pity or compassion | |
155376109 | Plethora | An excess | |
155376110 | Phenomenon | A rare or significant face or event | |
155376111 | Panacea | Something that cures everything | |
155376112 | Pathogen | A specific causative agent of disease | |
155376113 | Pedagogue | A dull, formal, pedantic teacher | |
155376114 | Paradox | A true statement that nonetheless seems to contradict itself | |
155376115 | Prototype | An original model on which something is patterned | |
155376116 | Tautology | A needless repetition of words or saying the same thing using different words | |
155376117 | Pyromaniac | An irresistible impulse to start fires | |
155376118 | Sporadic | Stopping and starting; scattered; occurring in bursts every once in a while | |
155376119 | Progeny | Offspring of animals or plants | |
155376120 | Sycophant | One who sucks up to others | |
155376121 | Psychosomatic | Of or relating to, concerned with, or involving both body and mind | |
155376122 | Prognosticate | To foretell from signs or systems | |
155376123 | Schism | A formal division in or separation from a church or religious body | |
155376124 | Synopsis | A condensed statement or outline | |
155376125 | Progenitor | An ancestor in the direct line | |
155376126 | Pseudonym | A fictitious name | |
155376127 | Synergistic | Something that enhances the effectiveness of an active agent | |
155376128 | Sardonic | Mocking; scornful | |
164576679 | Reprove | (v.) to criticize mildly | |
164576680 | Judicious | (adj.) exercising sound judgment | |
164576681 | Incongruous | (adj.) not harmonious; not consistent; not appropriate; not fitting in | |
164576682 | Pugnacious | (adj.) inclined to quarrel or fight readily | |
164576683 | Denizen | (n.) inhabitant | |
164576684 | Gesticulate | (v.) to make gestures, especially when speaking or in place of speaking | |
164576685 | Bastion | (n.) stronghold, fortress, fortified place | |
164576686 | Efface | (v.) to erase; to erase the features of someone or something | |
164576687 | Verisimilitude | (n.) similarity to reality; the appearance of truth; looking like the real thing | |
164576688 | Farcical | (adj.) absurd; ludicrous |