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AP Literature Vocabulary

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153177701Assiduous(adj.) hardworking; busy; quite diligent
153177702Erudite(adj.) scholarly; deeply learned
153177703Alacrity(n.) a cheerful eagerness; readiness to respond
153177704Cajole(v.) to persuade someone to do something he/she does not want to do
153177705Volition(n.) will, conscious choice
153177706Harbinger(n.) a forerunner; a signal or the approach of someone or something
153177707Portent(n.) an omen; a sign of something coming in the future
153177708Veracity(n). truthfulness
153177709Vacuous(adj. lacking content; empty; showing a lack of intelligence
153177710Nuance(n.) subtle difference or distinction
153177711Ubiquitous(adj.) being everywhere at the same time
153177712Insidious(adj.) sneaky; treacherous; beguile
153177713Sacrosanct(adj.) sacred; how to be inviolable
153177714Immutable(adj.) unchangeable
153177715Frenetic(adj.) frantic; frenzied
153177716Impunity(n.) exemption from punishment
153177717Obtuse(adj.) insensitive; blockheaded
153177718Edify(v.) to enlighten; to instruct; especially moral or religious matters
153177719Affinity(n.) sympathy; attraction; kinship, similarity
153177720Facetious(adj.) amusing; humorous; not serious; not to be taken seriously or literally
153177721Juxtapose(v.) to place side by side for contrast
153177722Aesthetic(adj.) having to do with artistic beauty; artistic
153177723Dearth(n.) lack; scarcity
153177724Impugn(v.) to attack; especially attack the truth/integrity of someone or something
153177725Denouement(n.) final resolution of a plot
153177726Paradigm(n.) a model or example
153177727Abash(adj.) to embarrass; to make ashamed
153177728Archetype(n.) an original pattern or model
153177729Tactiturn(adj.) untalkative by nature
153177730Bucolic(adj.) charmingly rural; rustic; countrylike
153177731Specious(adj.) deceptively positive or attractive
153177732Peruse(v.) to read carefully
153177733Banal(adj.) ordinary; unoriginal
153177734Pedestrian(adj.) unimaginative; banal
153177735Facile(adj.) easily accomplished or achieved; fluent; effortless
153177736Histrionic(adj.) overly dramatic; theatrical
153177737Avarice(n.) greed; excessive love of riches
153177738Vacillate(v.) to be indecisive; to waver
153177739Querulous(adj.) whining; complaining; mournful
153177740Lugubrious(adj.) exaggeratedly mournful
153177741Repudiate(v.) to reject; to renounce; to disown; to having nothing to do with
153177742Abtruse(adj.) hard to understand
153177743Serendipity(n.) accidental good fortune; discovering good things without looking for them
153177744Acrimonious(adj.) full of spite; bitter; nasty
153177745Capricious(adj.) unpredictable; likely to change at any moment
153177746Acerbic(adj.) bitter; sour; severe
153177747Recalcitrant(adj.) stubbornly defiant of authority; disobedient
153177748Supercilious(adj.) haughty; patronizing
153177749Stymie(v.) to thwart; to hinder
153177750Platitude(n.) a dull or trite remark; a cliche
153177751Germane(adj.) closely or significantly related
153177752Espouse(v.) to support; advocate
153177753Insipid(adj.) dull; bland; banal
153177754Bane(n.) poison; torment; cause of harm
153177755Ambivalent(adj.) undecided; neutral; wishy-washy
153177756Obdurate(adj.) stubborn and insensitive
153177757Brevity(n.) briefness
153177758Pernicious(adj.) deadly; extremely evil
153177759Machination(n.) scheming activity for an evil purpose
153177760Reprehensible(adj.) worthy of blame or censure
153177761Obsequious(adj.) fawning; subservient; sucking up to
153177762Calumny(n.) slander; to utter malicious falsehoods
153177763Wanton(adj.) malicious; unjustifiable; unprovoked; reckless; egregious; lascivious; lewd
153177764Prodigious(adj.) extraordinary; enormous
153177765Virulent(adj.) extremely poisonous; malignant; full of hate
153177766Debauchery(n.) wild living; excessive temperance debauch (v.) to seduce or corrupt
153177767Duplicity(n.) double-dealing; deception; the act of being two-faced
153177768Foment(v.) to stir up; to instigate
153177769Parfidy(n.) treachery
153177770Inexorable(adj.) relentless; inevitable; unavoidable
153177771Pejorative(adj.) negative; disparaging
153177772Rapacious(adj.) greedy; avaricious
153177773Impetuous(adj.) extremely impatient; impulsive
153177774Propitious(adj.) marked by favorable signs or conditions
153177775Desultory(adj.) without a plan or purpose; random; disconnected
153177776Circumscribe(v.) to draw lines around; to set the limits; to restrict; to define
153177777Decimate(v.) to kill or destroy a large part of someone or something
153177778Torpor(n.) sluggishness; inactivity; apathy
153177779Deprecate(v.) to express disapproval of
153177780Ineffable(adj.) incapable of being expressed or described
153177781Vicissitude(n.) upheaval; natural change; change in fortune
153177782Scintillate(v.) to sparkle; either literally or figuratively
153177783Soporific(adj.) sleep inducing; extremely boring; very sleepy
153177784Unctuous(adj.) oily; both literally and figuratively; insincere
153177785Vociferous(adj.) loud; noisy
153177786Subjugate(v.) to subdue and dominate; to enslave
153177787Circumspect(adj.) cautious
153177788Broach(v.) to open up a subject for discussion; often a delicate subject
153177789Obfuscate(v.) to darken; confuse; to make confusing
153177790Aphorism(n.) brief, often witty saying; a proverb
153177791Truculent(adj.) savagely brutal; aggressively hostile
153177792Empirical(adj.) relying on experience or observation; not merely theatrical
153177793Incipient(adj.) beginning; emerging
153177794Sanguine(adj.) optimistic; helpful
153177795Largess(n.) generous giving of gifts (or the gift themselves); generosity; philanthropy
153177796Philistine(n.) a smugly ignorant person without appreciation of intellectual or artistic matters
153177797Spurious(adj.) false; fake
153177798Vernacular(n.) everyday speech; slang; idiom
153177799Loquacious(adj.) talking a lot, or too much
153177800Malaise(n.) a feeling of depression; uneasiness or queasiness
153177801Bellicose(adj.) inclined or eager to fight or quarrel
153177802Innocuous(adj.) harmless; banal
153177803Mitigate(v.) to moderate the effect of something
155376030AnachronismSomething/someone placed or occurring out of its proper time
155376031ApocryphalOf doubtful authority; fake; counterfeit
155376032AgnosticNothing can be known or is known about the existence of God
155376033AtheistA person who believes there is no God
155376034AmalgamA mixture or blend of different things
155376035AntipathyStrong dislike; aversion; a feeling against
155376036AtrophyA wasting away; a halting of growth or withering of anything
155376037AndrogynousOf both sexes; hermaphroditic
155376038AutocratA ruler having unrestricted power over his/her subjects; absolute rule
155376039ApotheosisA glorified ideal; raising of a human being to the rank of a God
155376040AnomalySomething abnormal; departure from the general rule
155376041AutonomousIndependent; self-governing
155376042AmorphousShapeless; having no definite shape or form
155376043AthanasiaDeathlessness; immorality
155376044AnathemaA person or thing that is utterly detested or condemned; consigned to damnation
155376045AnarchyLawlessness; the absence of system of government
155376046AntithesisThe direct opposite; contrast
155376047EnigmaA mystery
155376048CrypticSecret; having a hidden meaning
155376049DemographicScience dealing with statistics of human populations; size; distribution; diseases; births; deaths
155376050EclecticDrawn from many sources
155376051CausticCorrosive; burns or destroys flesh
155376052DiatribeSpeech/discussion bitterly and violently directed against some person or thing
155376053DeleteriousCausing harm; injurious
155376054DogmaticOverbearing; arrogantly assertive of unproven ideas
155376055DemagoguePopular leader who stirs up people by appealing to their emotions and prejudices for the purpose of power and money
155376056EmpathyThe ability to imagine oneself in another's place and understand other's feeling, ideas, desires, and actions
155376057DiaphanousTransparent; translucent; light; airy; delicate
155376058CosmopolitanBelonging to all parts of the world; free from national or local prejudices
155376059EccentricNot conventional; a little kooky; irregular
155376060BallisticThrowing of projectiles; huge; excessive; extremely angry/excited
155376061EndemicNative; restricted to a particular region or area; indigenous
155376062CacophonyClashing sound; harsh sound; discord
155376063EphemeralLasting a very short time
155376064EuphemismA pleasant offensive expression used in a place of an unpleasant or offensive one
155376065EtherealHeavenly; as light and insubstantial as a gas or ether
155376066EthnocentricBased on the attitude that one's own group is superior
155376067HeterodoxContrary to or different from an acknowledged standard
155376068EpiphanyA sudden insight into the essential meaning of something
155376069ExodusA mass departure
155376070EtymologyThe history of a word shown by tracing its development
155376071EuthanasiaThe act or practice of killing the hopelessly sick or injured in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy
155376072EsotericHard to understand; understood by only a select few
155376073EuphonyA pleasing or sweet sound
155376074EponymOne for who something is named
155376075HeterogeneousConsisting of different ingredients
155376076EuphoricA feeling of well-being or elation
155376077EpitomeThe perfect example of something; a paradigm; a brief summary that captures the meaning or the word
155376078EugenicsScience that deals with the improvement of hereditary qualities or a race or breed
155376079GenesisTHe origin or coming into being of something
155376080EulogyA speech in praise of a person or thing; especially a funeral oration
155376081LogorrheaExcessive or often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness
155376082MisogynistA hatred of women
155376083HyperboleAn exaggeration used as a figure of speech; exaggeration
155376084IconoclastOne who attacks popular beliefs or institutions
155376085HolocaustMass slaughter or people
155376086NeophyteA novice
155376087MiasmaA vaporous exhalation formerly believed to cause disease; an influence that tends to deplete or corrupt
155376088MyopicTo suffer nearsightedness; lack of foresight
155376089MacroscopicLarge enough to be observed with the naked eye
155376090IdiosyncrasyA peculiarity; an eccentricity
155376091MisanthropeHatred of all mankind
155376092IconA object of uncritical devotion
155376093LaconicUsing few words; especially to the point of seeming rude
155376094MonogamyThe practice of marrying only once during one lifetime
155376095MegalomaniaA mania for great or grandiose performance
155376096HomophobiaIrrational fear of, or aversion to, or discrimination of homosexuality or homosexuals
155376097MicrocosmThe world in miniature
155376098HierarchyAn organization based on rank or degree; pecking order
155376099PolythiestBelief or worship in more than one God
155376100ParagonA model of excellence and perfection
155376101PhilanthropistLover of mankind; doing good deeds
155376102PandemicOccurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of population
155376103PanclasticTo destroy all things
155376104PlutocratGovernment by the wealthy
155376105PolyglotA mixture of many languages
155376106PhilologyThe study of literature and disciplines relevant to literature or to language as used in literature
155376107OrthodoxConventional; adhering to established principals or doctrines, especially in religion; by the book
155376108PathosAn element in experience or in artistic representation evoking pity or compassion
155376109PlethoraAn excess
155376110PhenomenonA rare or significant face or event
155376111PanaceaSomething that cures everything
155376112PathogenA specific causative agent of disease
155376113PedagogueA dull, formal, pedantic teacher
155376114ParadoxA true statement that nonetheless seems to contradict itself
155376115PrototypeAn original model on which something is patterned
155376116TautologyA needless repetition of words or saying the same thing using different words
155376117PyromaniacAn irresistible impulse to start fires
155376118SporadicStopping and starting; scattered; occurring in bursts every once in a while
155376119ProgenyOffspring of animals or plants
155376120SycophantOne who sucks up to others
155376121PsychosomaticOf or relating to, concerned with, or involving both body and mind
155376122PrognosticateTo foretell from signs or systems
155376123SchismA formal division in or separation from a church or religious body
155376124SynopsisA condensed statement or outline
155376125ProgenitorAn ancestor in the direct line
155376126PseudonymA fictitious name
155376127SynergisticSomething that enhances the effectiveness of an active agent
155376128SardonicMocking; scornful
164576679Reprove(v.) to criticize mildly
164576680Judicious(adj.) exercising sound judgment
164576681Incongruous(adj.) not harmonious; not consistent; not appropriate; not fitting in
164576682Pugnacious(adj.) inclined to quarrel or fight readily
164576683Denizen(n.) inhabitant
164576684Gesticulate(v.) to make gestures, especially when speaking or in place of speaking
164576685Bastion(n.) stronghold, fortress, fortified place
164576686Efface(v.) to erase; to erase the features of someone or something
164576687Verisimilitude(n.) similarity to reality; the appearance of truth; looking like the real thing
164576688Farcical(adj.) absurd; ludicrous

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