7282706627 | deride | (verb) To make fun of or scoff at; ridicule | 0 | |
7282710712 | parsimonious | (adjective) Excessively frugal or sparing, miserly | 1 | |
7282713200 | blithe | (adj) Lightheartedly joyful or cheerful | 2 | |
7282715341 | stoic | (adj) unmoved by joy or grief and willing to submit | 3 | |
7282717538 | commiserate | (verb) To feel or express pity for another | 4 | |
7282720863 | poignant | (adj) Deeply affecting (moving) the emotions; keenly distressing | 5 | |
7332578728 | elucidate | (verb) to clarify by illustration, explanation, or interpretation | 6 | |
7332580728 | philistine | (adj) smugly commonplace or conventional | 7 | |
7332582720 | timorous | (adj) full of fear | 8 | |
7336090351 | duplicity | (noun) deception by pretending | 9 | |
7384011213 | peruse | (verb) to examine or study; scrutinize | 10 | |
7384014566 | nettle | (verb) to imitate, annoy, or provoke | 11 | |
7403036173 | decorous | (adj) behaving in a respectful, correct manner (ex: Queen of England) | 12 | |
7403040935 | berate | (verb) to scold harshly; upbraid; censure | 13 | |
7476183913 | reticent | (adj) disposed to be silent or not speak freely; reserved | 14 | |
7476188346 | oedipal | (adj) having emotions, usually unconscious, involving the desire of a child, male child, to possess sexually the parent of the opposite sex while leaving out the parent of the same sex | 15 | |
7476200006 | pragmatic | (adj) emphasizing practicality and realistic consequences | 16 | |
7476203722 | recalcitrant | (adj) resisting authority or control; rebellious, refractory | 17 | |
7553870919 | meet | (adj) suitable; fitting; proper | 18 | |
7553878190 | syntax | (noun) formation of sentences and phrases from words | 19 | |
7553890149 | extemporaneous | (adj) not planned ahead of time; impromptu; spontaneous | 20 | |
7553895568 | regale | (verb) to give lavish pleasure to; delight; amuse | 21 | |
7553901286 | dally | (verb) to act playfully; to waste time | 22 | |
7630024362 | misogynistic | (adj) having or showing a hatred and distrust of women | 23 | |
7630026663 | inimical | (adj) adverse in tendency or effect; unfavorable; harmful | 24 | |
7630030435 | sordid | (adj) dirty or filthy; morally shameful (sleazy) | 25 | |
7630034731 | equanimity | (noun) composure, dignified calmness | 26 | |
7630037442 | sardonic | (adj) characterized by bitter or scornful derision, mocking, cynical, sneering, sarcastic | 27 | |
7703608468 | obsequious | (adj) humbly or overly attentive, as to a person in authority; fawning; syncophantic | 28 | |
7703613572 | complicit | (adj) associated with or participating in a questionable act or crime | 29 | |
7703617894 | agrarian | (adj) of or relating to rural or agricultural matters; pastoral | 30 | |
7703623871 | anachronism | (noun) something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time, especially a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time | 31 | |
7757863416 | ambivalent | (adj) having simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings towards an object, person, or action | 32 | |
7757869878 | conciliatory | (adj) intended to placate or reconcile, assuaging | 33 | |
7757878567 | undulant | (adj) resembling waves in occurrence, appearance, or motion | 34 | |
7774022597 | variegated | (adj) varied in appearance or color, marked with patches or spots of different colors | 35 | |
7774025999 | congenial | (adj) agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character | 36 | |
7855182231 | homage | (noun) respect or reverence paid or rendered | 37 | |
7855183865 | trifle | (noun) something of little importance or value | 38 | |
7855185671 | glib | (adj) readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so | 39 | |
7855191357 | bereft | (adj) deprived of; lacking | 40 | |
7855194011 | wont | (adj) accustomed; used (usually followed by "the") | 41 | |
7929934911 | proclivity | (noun) natural propensity or inclination; predisposition | 42 | |
7929939055 | redress | (verb) to set right; remedy or repair | 43 | |
7929940509 | pedant | (noun) one who shows off one's learning or scholarship ostentatiously | 44 | |
7929943068 | insidious | (adj) working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner | 45 | |
7929944785 | titillation | (noun) a tingling feeling of excitement | 46 | |
8006699043 | surreptitious | (adj) obtained, done, made, etc by stealth; secret or unauthorized; clandestine | 47 | |
8006713695 | ennui | (noun) a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest | 48 | |
8006719528 | acerbic | (adj) harsh or severe, as of temper or expression | 49 | |
8006722713 | disapprobation | (noun) disapproval | 50 | |
8006724256 | pious | (adj) having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations | 51 | |
8078614722 | embroil | (verb) to involve oneself in trouble, conflict, or argument | 52 | |
8078621039 | sagacious | (adj) wise (clever) | 53 | |
8078632898 | ineffable | (adj) not to be spoken bc of it's sacredness, unutterable | 54 | |
8078637535 | felicitous | (adj) aptly expressed; possessing the ability to express in a suitable fitting manner | 55 | |
8078645101 | redolent | (adj) odorous or smelling (of) | 56 | |
8207004306 | penultimate | (adj) next to the last | 57 | |
8207006267 | belie | (verb) to mislead or misrepresent | 58 | |
8207009405 | ostracize | (verb) to exclude from a group by common consent | 59 | |
8207011039 | convalescent | (noun) a person who is recovering from illness | 60 | |
8207014724 | temerity | (noun) reckless boldness; rashness | 61 | |
8207017711 | abate | (verb) to put an end to; to decrease in amount, number, or degree | 62 | |
8303847815 | morose | (adj) sullenly, melancholy | 63 | |
8303850865 | affable | (adj) agreeable and good-natured | 64 | |
8303853369 | culpable | (adj) worthy or deserving of blame as for a wrongful act | 65 | |
8303856834 | sanguine | (adj) cheerfully optimistic, hopeful or confident; reddish, ruddy; having blood as the predominating humor and consequently being ruddy-faced, cheerful | 66 | |
8303864081 | petulant | (adj) irritable, impatient, or sullen in a peevish or capricious way | 67 | |
8657823933 | recapitulate | to review with brief summary | 68 | |
8657827872 | deprecating | (adj) tending to diminish or disparage | 69 | |
8657829810 | contrite | (adj) repentent; regretful | 70 | |
8657831791 | quaff | (verb) to drink a beverage, probably booze | 71 | |
8657837053 | audacious | (adj) daring or adventurous | 72 | |
8657838751 | suppliant | (adj) asking humbly and earnestly; beseeching | 73 | |
8657841436 | dote | (verb) to pamper adoringly and attentively; coddle | 74 | |
8657844020 | irascible | (adj) easily provoked to anger, surly | 75 | |
8657846158 | prognosticate | (verb) to forecast or predict from present indications or signs; prophecy | 76 | |
8657850423 | enmity | (noun) a feeling or condition of hostility; hatred | 77 | |
8657862962 | inexorably | (adverb) in and unyielding, unalterable manner (unrelentingly) | 78 | |
8657883870 | pliant | (adj) bending readily; flexible | 79 | |
8747859204 | perfidy | betrayal | 80 | |
8747861985 | garmlous | (adj) excessively talkative in a rambling manner, especially about trivial matters | 81 | |
8747866249 | impasse | (noun) a position or situation from which there is no escape; deadlock | 82 | |
8747890273 | hackneyed | (adj) made commonplace or trite; stale; banal | 83 | |
8747898124 | inundate | (verb) to flood; cover or overspread with water; deluge | 84 | |
8900966104 | fawn | (verb) to show affection (as a dog to a master); to favor in a cringing or flattering manner | 85 | |
8900973583 | effusive | (adj) gushing; characterized by unrestrained talking | 86 | |
8900977155 | trepidation | (noun) tremulous fear, alarm or agitation; perturbation | 87 | |
9059633847 | impede | (verb) to interfere with the progress of; hinder; obstruct | 88 | |
9059638084 | sycophant | (noun) person who uses flattery to win favor from individuals wielding influence; toady | 89 | |
9059645094 | diatribe | (noun) an angry/bitter attack in speech or writing | 90 | |
9059648327 | munificent | (adj) characterized by great generosity | 91 | |
9059651465 | insolent | (adj) showing disrespect or contempt through behavior or language | 92 | |
9059658068 | fatuous | (adj) foolish or inane, especially in an unconscious, complacent manner | 93 | |
9059661784 | churlish | (adj) rude or surly; of or relating to peasants | 94 | |
9059664886 | cadge | (verb) to sponge off of (another person) (freeload or mooch) | 95 | |
9219127109 | lucid | (adj) clear minded, easily understood, bright or shiny | 96 | |
9219131236 | laudatory | (adj) containing or expressing praise | 97 | |
9219135659 | consummate | (adj) complete or perfect, supremely skilled, superb | 98 | |
9219140521 | acumen | (noun) mental keenness and acuteness, discernment | 99 | |
9219145348 | abberative | (noun) deviation from the normal or usual | 100 | |
9219161907 | obfuscate | (verb) to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy | 101 | |
9219164356 | myriad | (adj) of an indefinitely great number; countless | 102 | |
9219169813 | flagging | ( adj) characterized by a decline in spirit, interest, or attention | 103 | |
9372965008 | onerous | (adj) oppressive or burdensome | 104 | |
9372966871 | supercilious | (adj) displaying arrogant pride, scorn, or indifference | 105 | |
9372971978 | gauche | (adj) lacking social polish; tactless | 106 | |
9372973937 | expedient | (adj) appropriate to a purpose | 107 | |
9372975978 | innocuous | (adj) harmless; benign; inoffensive | 108 | |
9372979273 | impudent | (adj) characterized by offensive boldness | 109 | |
9372981652 | coquettish | (adj) girlish flirtatious | 110 | |
9372989043 | vitiate | (verb) to impair the quality of; make faulty;spoil | 111 | |
9372991069 | importune | (verb) to beg for something urgently or persistently | 112 | |
9372995514 | banal | (adj) drearily commonplace and often predictable | 113 | |
9498732442 | slipshod | (adj) careless, untidy, or slovenly | 114 | |
9498734076 | derogatory | (adj) disparaging; belittling | 115 | |
9498737069 | incendiary | (adj) used or adapted for setting property on fire | 116 | |
9498740546 | bemused | (adj) to cause to be bewildered; absent minded | 117 | |
9652321286 | pretentious | (adj) having or creating a deceptive outer appearance | 118 | |
9652324818 | aloof | (adj) distant physically or emotionally | 119 | |
9652328419 | moribund | (adj) on the verge of extinction or termination | 120 | |
9652335068 | mollified | (adj) calmed in temper or feeling, soothed | 121 | |
9652337233 | ponderous | (adj) of great weight; heavy | 122 | |
9652340072 | phlegmatic | (adj)) not?? easily excited to action; apathetic | 123 | |
9652344482 | reprehensible | (adj) deserving rebuke or censure; blameworthy | 124 | |
9652346720 | copious | (adj) large in quantity or number | 125 | |
9652352006 | nebulous | (adj) hazy, vague, indistinct | 126 |
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