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AP Literature Vocabulary Flashcards

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4719689631Aberration(N) Departure from what is normal, usual or expected0
4719690562Abeyance(N) State of temporary disuse or suspension (Not active)1
4719692311Abortive(ADJ) Failing to produce the intended result2
4719692649Accolade(N) An award or privilege granted as a special honor or acknowledgement of merit; kudos3
4719696264Accoutrements(N) Additional items of dress or equipment4
4719696265Acerbity(N) Sourness, with roughness of taste; harshness or severity5
4719698623Acumen(N) Ability to make good judgements & quick decisions, in a particular domain6
4719698624Ad hoc(ADJ) Formed, arranged or done for a particular purpose only7
4719698829Adjudicate(V) Formal judgement or decision about a problem or disputed matter8
4719698830Adjunct(N) A thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part (ADJ) Connected or added to something typically in an auxiliary way9
4719699031Adumbrate(V) Report or represent in outline10
4719699032Aegis(N) Protection, backing, or support of a particular person or organization11
4719699339Affinity(N) Natural liking for someone or something12
4719699340Aficionado(N) Person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity13
4719700012Ambivalent(ADJ) Having mixed feelings14
4719700013Anachronism(N) Old fashioned item that is appropriate to another time period15
4719700270Ancillary(ADJ) Providing necessary support to primary activities, or an organization; an addition16
4719700271Apposite(ADJ) Apt in the circumstances or in relation to something17
4719700583Apocryphal(ADJ) Story or statement of doubtful authenticity, although its circulated as being true18
4719700584Apogee(N) Highest part19
4719701081Apostate(N) A person who renounces religious or political belief or principle20
4719701082Apotheosis(N) The highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax21
4719701452Apprise(V) Inform or tell (Someone)22
4719701453Apropos(ADJ) Very appropriate to a particular situation (ADV) In addition23
4719701742Ascetic(N) A person who practices severe self- discipline and abstention24
4719701743Attrition(N) Action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness or someone or something through attack or pressure25
4719702131Augur(N) religious official who observed signs, especially the behavior of birds interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action (V) Portend a good or bad outcome26
4719733476Bane(N) Cause of great distress or annoyance27
4719733477Bathos(N) Appearance of a silly idea or event in a book (In a serious tone)28
4719733773Bauble(N) small, showy trinket or decoration29
4719733774Beatitude(N) State or happiness30
4719733990Beguile(V) Charm or enchant (Someone) sometimes in a deceptive way31
4719734365Beleaguer(V) Lay siege to32
4719734366Bellwether(N) Leader; first in line33
4719734649Bête noire(N) Person or thing that one particularly dislikes34
4719734655Bibulous(ADJ) Excessively fond of drinking alcohol35
4719735113Bicker(V) Argue about petty and trivial matters36
4719735390Bilious(ADJ) Spiteful; bad tempered37
4719735391Bilk(V) Obtain or withhold money from (someone) by deceit or without justification; cheat or defraud38
4719736003Bode(V) Be an omen of a particular outcome; indicated by signs39
4719736004Bowdlerize(V.T) Remove material that is offensive or improper40
4719737021Bravado(N) A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate41
4719737022Bromide(N) Trite & unoriginal idea or remark typically intended to soothe or placate Or a sedative42
4719738317Browbeat(V.T) Intimidate, typically into doing something43
4719738318Bruit(V) Spread (a report or rumor) widely44
4719738631Burgeon(V) Begin to grow or increase rapidly. flourish45
4719765476Cantankerous(ADJ) Bad tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative46
4719768387Carte blanche(N) Complete freedom47
4719768776Casuistry(N) Use of clever but unsound reasoning; sophistry48
4719770891Cataclysm(N) A large scale and violent event in the natural world49
4719773782Caterwaul(N) A shrill howling or wailing noise (V) To make a shrill howling or wailing noise50
4719775971Charisma(N) Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others; divinely conferred power or talent51
4719777698Chauvinist(N) A person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism (ADJ) Showing or relating to excessive loyalty or support for a particular group or cause52
4719777699Chimerical(ADJ) Unreal; imaginary53
4719777869Chronic(ADJ) Of an illness, persisting for a long time or constantly reoccurring54
4719780739Claque(N) A group of people hired to applaud (or heckle) a performer or public speaker55
4719780901Coalesce(V.I) Come together and from one mass or whole56
4719782161Cognate(N) Blood Relative (ADJ) Having the original word or root; connected or related57
4719783323Commensurate(ADJ) Corresponding in size or degree; in proportion58
4719783832Complement(N) A thing that completes or brings to perfection (V) add to (something) in a way to enhance or improve it59
4719784034Condescend(V.I) Show feelings or superiority; be patronizing60
4719784870Consensus(N) General agreement61
4719788654Constrict(V.T) Make narrower, especially encircling pressure62
4719789083Contretemps(N) Unexpected and unfortunate occurrence63
4719789275Contumacious(ADJ) Especially of a defendant's behavior, stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority64
4719791785Contumelious(ADJ) Scornful and insulting; insolent65
4719793709Convolution(N) Coil or twist66
4719794730Corollary(N) Conclusion; results for what someone's proved67
4719795443Cozen(V.T) Trick or deceive68
4719796950Cul-de-sac(N) A street or passage closed at one end69
4719797062Cull(V.T) Select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources70
4719797063Curmudgeon(N) A bad tempered or surly person71
4719882558Dank(ADJ) Disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold72
4719882559De facto(ADJ) In fact of, existing73
4719883007Debauch(N) Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures, especially eating and drinking74
4719883008Debilitate(V) Make (someone) weak & infirm; hider, delay, or weaken75
4719883280Depredation(N) act or attacking or plundering76
4719885664Deracinate(V) Tear (something) up by the roots77
4719886098Derring- do(N) Action word displaying heroic courage78
4719886252Diaphanous(ADJ) Light, delicate, and translucent79
4719886885Dichotomy(N) Division o contrast b/w two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different80
4719886886Dictum(N) Formal pronouncement from a authoritative source, short statement that expresses a general truth81
4719887176Didactic(ADJ) Intended to teach, particularly in having moal instruction as an ulterior motive82
4719887177Disingenuous(ADJ) Not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something that one really does83
4719887295Disparate(ADJ) Essentially different in kind, not allowing comparison84
4719887892Disparity(N) A great difference85
4719887893Dissimulate(V) Conceal or disguise (one's thoughts, feelings, or character)86
4719890148Divination(N) Seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means87
4719891158Dogmatic(ADJ) Inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true88
4719892834Eclat(N) Brilliant display or effect89
4719892835Ecumenical(ADJ) Representing a number of different christian churches; universal90
4719894341Effete(ADJ) lacking energy91
4719894518Effusive(ADJ) Expressing feelings of gratitude pleasure, or approval in a unrestrained or heartfelt manner92
4719894627Eleemosynary(ADJ) OF, or relating to, or dependent on charity; charitable93
4719896651Elixir(N) A magical or medical potion94
4719897009Emolument(N) A salary; fee or profit from employment or office95
4719897708Empathy(N) Ability to understand and share feelings96
4719897882Empirical(ADJ) Based on observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic97
4719897883Enclave(N) Territory within or surrounded by a larger territory98
4719900751Ensconce(V) Establish or settle (someone) in a comfortable, safe, and secret place99
4719900752Euphoria(N) State or feeling of intense excitement and happiness100
4719900961Exculpate(V.T) Show or declare that (someone) is not guilty or wrongdoing101
4719901233Execrable(ADJ) Extremely bad or unpleasant102
4719901234Expound(V.I) Present & explain (theory or idea) systematically & in detail103
4719907292Factionalism(N) Self interested; Partisan104
4719907293Fait accompli(N) A thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it105
4719907731Fastidious(ADJ) Very attentive to or concerned about accuracy and detail106
4719907732Faux pas(N) An embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation107
4719907907Fervid(ADJ) Intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree108
4719907909Fetid(ADJ) Smelling extremely unpleasant109
4719908038Flamboyant(ADJ) A person or their behavior tending to attract attention b/c of their exuberance, confidence, and stylish110
4719908039Folderol(N) nonsense111
4719908321Foray(N) Sudden attack or raid (V) Make or go o a foray112
4719908420Forte(N) A thing at which someone excels113
4719908421Fulminate(VT/V.I) Express vehement protest114
4719908740Fulsome(ADJ) Complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree115
4719908741Fustian(N) Pompous or pretentious speech or writing116
4719918005Gambol(V) Run or jump about playfully117
4719918006Gamut(N) Complete range or scope118
4719918431Gargantuan(ADJ) Enormous119
4719918432Genre(N) Category of some type120
4719918641Gothic(ADJ) Architecture style of the 12th-16th centuries characterized by arches, rib vaults, and flying butteresses and large windows121
4719918928Gratis(ADJ) Given or done for nothing (ADV) Free; without charge122
4719922128Harbinger(N) Person that announces or signals the approach of another123
4719922252Hauteur(N) Haughtiness of manner; disdainful pride124
4719922253Hedonism(N) Pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence125
4719922350Heyday(N) Period of a person's or thing's greatest success, popularity, or vigor126
4719922351Hidebound(ADJ) Unwilling or unable to change b/c of tradition or convention127
4719922593Hierarchy(N) Arrangement or classification of things according to relative importance or inclusiveness128
4719922594Hoi polloi(N) Common people129
4719922756Homily(N) Religious discourse that is intended primarily for spiritual edification; sermon (usually has a moral)130
4719926643Icon(N) Person or thing regarded to as a representative symbol of something131
4719926760Iconoclastic(ADJ) Characterized by attack on cherished beliefs or institutions132
4719926761Imbue(V) Inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality133
4719926847Immaculate(ADJ) of a person or their clothes, perfectly clean, neat or tidy, perfect134
4719926983Immolate(V) Kill or offer as a sacrifice, especially by burning135
4719926984Immure(V.I) Enclose or confine against their will136
4719927096Impasse(N) Situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock137
4719927239Imperceptible(ADJ) Impossible to perceive138
4719927454impinge(V) Have an effect or impact, especially a negative one, encroach139
4719931869Imprecation(N) A spoken curse (curse word)140
4719931937In medias res(ADV) Into the middle of a narrative141
4719931938Inchoate(ADJ) Just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary142
4719932161Incubus(N) A nightmare143
4719932162Indigenous(ADJ) Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native144
4719932376Ineffable(ADJ) Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words145
4719937031Infrastructure(N) Basic organized structures146
4719937186Ineluctable(ADJ) Unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable147
4719937187Inhibit(V.T) Hinder, restrain, or prevent; Make someone self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way148
4719937320Insouciant(ADJ) showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent149
4719937460Internecine(ADJ) Destructive to both sides in a conflict150
4719937461Interstice(N) Intervening space, especially a very small one151
4719937573Inveigle(V) Persuade (someone) to do something be means of deception of flattery152
4719940056Jeremiad(N) A long, mournful complaint or lamentation; a list of woes153
4719940900Kudos(N) Praise and honor received for an achievement154
4719941596Labyrinth(N) Complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze155
4719941722Lachrymose(ADJ) Tearful or given to weeping; inducing tears, sad156
4719942780Lackey(N) Servant, especially a liveried footman or manservant157
4719944003Lackluster(ADJ) Lacking in vitality force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring158
4719944004Lagniappe(N) Something given as a bonus or extra gift159
4719944454Lampoon(N) A speech or text criticizing someone or something in this way (V) Publicly criticize by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm160
4719945541Lexicon(N) Vocabulary of a person161
4719945789Liaison(N) Communication or cooperation that facilitates a close working relationship b/w people or an organization162
4720346749Licentious(ADJ) Promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters163
4720346937Liturgy(N) A form of formulary, according to which public religious worship, especially christian worship, is conducted164
4720347777Lucubration(N) Study or thought165
4720349775Lugubrious(ADJ) Looking or sounding sad and dismal166
4720351259Macrocosm(N) Whole of a complex structure167
4720351611Maladroit(ADJ) Ineffective or bungling; clumsy168
4720356324Malcontent(ADJ) Dissatisfied and complaining or making trouble169
4720356325Malleable(ADJ) Able to be hammered or pressed permanently out or shaped without breaking170
4720357697Matrix(N) Mold in which something forms171
4720358852Maudlin(ADJ) Self pityingly or tearfully sentimental often through drunkenness172
4720359034Melee(N) Confused fight, skirmish, or scuffle173
4720359268Mellifluous(ADJ) Sweet or musical; pleasant to hear174
4720359269Mercurial(ADJ) of a person, subject to unpredictable changes of mood or mind175
4720361646Metamorphosis(N) in an insect, the process of transformation from an immature to an adult176
4720373915Mete(V.I) Dispense or allot justice, a punishment or harsh treatment177
4720374274Microcosm(N) A miniature community or place178
4720374518Minuscule(ADJ) Extremely tiny179
4720375053Mirage(N) Optical illusion; something that appears to be real or possible but is not in fact so180
4720375307Mnemonic(ADJ) Aiding or designed to aid the memory181
4720375601Modulate(V) Exert modifying or controlling influence on182
4720375877Monolithic(ADJ) Formed from one thing183
4720375878Morass(N) An area or muddy or boggy ground, a complicated or confused situation184
4720388916Mot juste(N) Exact, appropriate word185
4720388919Mountebank(N) A person who deceives others, especially to trick them out of their money186
4720389124Mystique(N) A fascinating aura of mystery awe and power surrounding someone or something187
4720393061Narcissism(N) Excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance188
4720393062Nemesis(N) a long standing rival189
4720393309Nepotism(N) Practice among those with power or influence; especially by giving them jobs190
4720393310NIggardly(ADJ) Not generous; stingy191
4720394833Nihilism(N) Reject all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless192
4720394834Noisome(ADJ) Having an extremely offensive smell193
4720396100Non sequitur(N) Conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement194
4720396541Noxious(ADJ) Harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant195
4720407185Obfuscate(V) Render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. Bewilder196
4720407374Oblivious(ADJ) Not aware or not concerned about what is happening around one197
4720407375Obloquy(N) Strong public criticism or verbal abuse198
4720407684Obsequies(N) Funeral rites199
4720407862Opportunist(N) Person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by consistent principles or plans200
4720407863Opt(V) Making a choice from a range of possibilities201
4720658666Paean(N) Song of praise or triumph202
4720658667Palliate(V.T) Make (a disease or its symptoms) less severe or unpleasant w/o removing the cause203
4720658668Panache(N) Flamboyant confidence or style/manner204
4720658934Pander(N) Pimp (V) Gratify or indulge205
4720658935Parameter(N) Measure that limits boundaries206
4720659231Parlous(ADJ) Full of danger and uncertainty; precarious207
4720659232Pastiche(N) An artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period; like a mixture208
4720659533Paternalism(N) Position of authority restricting freedom & responsibilities of others209
4720659534Patrician(N) An aristocrat or nobleman210
4720659811Peccadillo(N) Small unimportant offense or sin211
4720659812Persiflage(N) Light and slightly contemptuous mockery or banter212
4720660172Persona(N) Aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived213
4720660890Philippic(N) Bitter attack or denouncement214
4720675518Philistine(ADJ) Hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts215
4720676076picaresque(ADJ) Style of fiction dealing with adventures of a rough and dishonest but appealing hero216
4720676422Piece de resistance(N) Most important or remarkable feature217
4720676647Plethora(N) Large or excessive amount of something218
4720676944Polarize(V) Split up into opposite groups219
4720677332Polemic(N) Strong verbal or written attack on someone or something220
4720677665Poltroon(N) An utter coward221
4720677817Populous(ADJ) Having a large population; densely populated222
4720678851Portentous(ADJ) Done in a pompously or overly solemn manner so as to impress; a sign or warning223
4720679367Pragmatic(ADJ) Dealing with things sensibly or realistically; practical224
4720679637precarious(ADJ) Dependent on chance; uncertain or dangerous225
4720679996Prescience(N) Fact or knowing something before it takes place; foreknowledge226
4720680779Probity(N) Quality of having strong moral principles; honesty & decency227
4720691504Prolix(ADJ) of speech or writing, using or containing too many words; tediously long228
4720691505Propitiate(V.T) Win or regain the favor of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases them229
4720691815Proselyte(N) Person who has converted from one opinion, religion, or party to another230
4720691816Protege(N) A person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influenced person231
4720692006Protocol(N) Official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions232
4720693680Prototype(N) A first, or preliminary model of something233
4720693986Prurient(ADJ) Having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters234
4720693991Punctilio(N) A fine or petty point of conduct or procedure235
4720694344Pundit(N) Expert in particular subject who is called on to give opinions in public236
4720694679Purview(N) Scope of the influence or concerns of something237
4720704975Quagmire(N) Soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot; an awkward complex, or hazardous situation238
4720708095Quasi-(ADJ) Seemingly; apparently but not really; partly or almost239
4720709645Quid pro quo(N) Favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something240
4720711935Quixotic(ADJ) Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical241
4720711936Quizzical(ADJ) Indicating mild or amused puzzlement242
4720712221Queasy(ADJ) Nauseated; feeling sick243
4720713709Raconteur(N) A person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way244
4720715649Raillery(N) Good-humored teasing245
4720716696Rapacity(N) Aggressive greed246
4720717142Rapport(N) relation; connection, especially harmonious or sympathetic relation247
4720718487Refractory(ADJ) Stubborn or unmanageable; resistant248
4720719750remand(V) Place a defendant on bail or in custody again249
4720720182Repartee(N) Conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies250
4720721006Resplendent(ADJ) Attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous251
4720721007Ribald(ADJ) Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude way; irrelevant252
4720721008Risible(ADJ) Provokes laughter253
4720729016Sacrosanct(ADJ) Regarded to as important or valuable (holy)254
4720729307Salubrious(ADJ) Health giving; healthy255
4720729519Sanguine(ADJ) Optimistic; blood-red256
4720729822Saturnalian(ADJ) Unrestrained revelry; orgy257
4720938518Savoir-faire(N) Ability to act or speak appropriately in social situations258
4720938519Schism(N) Division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion and belief259
4720938715Sic(ADV) To show a quote and that it is not spelled incorrectly260
4720938716Sine qua non(N) Essential condition; a thing that is absolutely necessary261
4720938858Solecism(N) grammatical mistake262
4720938859Stigmatize(V.T) Describe or regard as worthy or disagree or great disapproval263
4720939086Sub rosa(ADV) Happening or done in secret264
4720939242Sublimate(V.T) Divert or modify (as instinctual impulse) into a culturally higher or socially more acceptable activity265
4720939243Supervene(V.I) Occur later than a specified or implied event or action, typically to change the situation266
4720939373Supine(ADJ) Lying face upward267
4720945136Sycophant(N) Person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantages268
4720945137Symptomatic(ADJ) Serving as a sign269
4720945277Syndrome(N) Group of symptoms270
4720945449Systemic(ADJ) Relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part271
4720947090Tautology(N) Saying the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style272
4720947091Tendentious(ADJ) Expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view273
4720947293Therapeutic(ADJ) Of or relating to the healing of a disease274
4720947424Touchstone(N) Standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognized275
4720947425Traumatic(ADJ) Emotionally disturbing or distressing276
4720947537Truckle(V) To act in a subservient277
4720947538Truncate(V.T) Shorten (something) by cutting the top or end278
4720951189Unconscionable(ADJ) Not right or reasonable; unreasonably excessive279
4720951366Unimpeachable(ADJ) Not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized; entirely trustworthy280
4720951687Utilitarian(ADJ) Designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive281
4721075681Vacuous(ADJ) Having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless282
4721075682Vagary(N) Unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone's behavior283
4721075853Vainglory(N) Inordinate pride in oneself or one's achievements; excessive vanity284
4721076343Vassal(N/AdJ) Servant285
4721076344Vendetta(N) Blood feud in a family of a murdered person seeks vengeance of the murderer or the murderer's family286
4721078181Verisimilitude(N) appearance or being true or real287
4721087659Vestige(N) Trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists288
4721087660Viable(ADJ) Capable of working successfully; feasible289
4721094658Vicissitude(N) Change290
4721094659Vignette(N) Brief evocative description, account, or episode.291
4721094753Virtuoso(N) Person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit (ADJ) Brilliant performance292
4721094754Vitiate(V) Spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of293
4721094888Volition(N) Act of willing choosing or resolving; exercise or willing294
4721094889Volte-face(N) To change mind completely295
4721099336Waggish(ADJ) Humorous in a playful, mischievous way296
4721101610Xenophobia(N) Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries297
4721102320Zany(ADJ) Amusingly unconventional & idiosyncratic (foolish, and clownish)298
4721102321Zealot(N) Person who is fanatical & uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals299

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