4719689631 | Aberration | (N) Departure from what is normal, usual or expected | 0 | |
4719690562 | Abeyance | (N) State of temporary disuse or suspension (Not active) | 1 | |
4719692311 | Abortive | (ADJ) Failing to produce the intended result | 2 | |
4719692649 | Accolade | (N) An award or privilege granted as a special honor or acknowledgement of merit; kudos | 3 | |
4719696264 | Accoutrements | (N) Additional items of dress or equipment | 4 | |
4719696265 | Acerbity | (N) Sourness, with roughness of taste; harshness or severity | 5 | |
4719698623 | Acumen | (N) Ability to make good judgements & quick decisions, in a particular domain | 6 | |
4719698624 | Ad hoc | (ADJ) Formed, arranged or done for a particular purpose only | 7 | |
4719698829 | Adjudicate | (V) Formal judgement or decision about a problem or disputed matter | 8 | |
4719698830 | Adjunct | (N) A thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part (ADJ) Connected or added to something typically in an auxiliary way | 9 | |
4719699031 | Adumbrate | (V) Report or represent in outline | 10 | |
4719699032 | Aegis | (N) Protection, backing, or support of a particular person or organization | 11 | |
4719699339 | Affinity | (N) Natural liking for someone or something | 12 | |
4719699340 | Aficionado | (N) Person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity | 13 | |
4719700012 | Ambivalent | (ADJ) Having mixed feelings | 14 | |
4719700013 | Anachronism | (N) Old fashioned item that is appropriate to another time period | 15 | |
4719700270 | Ancillary | (ADJ) Providing necessary support to primary activities, or an organization; an addition | 16 | |
4719700271 | Apposite | (ADJ) Apt in the circumstances or in relation to something | 17 | |
4719700583 | Apocryphal | (ADJ) Story or statement of doubtful authenticity, although its circulated as being true | 18 | |
4719700584 | Apogee | (N) Highest part | 19 | |
4719701081 | Apostate | (N) A person who renounces religious or political belief or principle | 20 | |
4719701082 | Apotheosis | (N) The highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax | 21 | |
4719701452 | Apprise | (V) Inform or tell (Someone) | 22 | |
4719701453 | Apropos | (ADJ) Very appropriate to a particular situation (ADV) In addition | 23 | |
4719701742 | Ascetic | (N) A person who practices severe self- discipline and abstention | 24 | |
4719701743 | Attrition | (N) Action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness or someone or something through attack or pressure | 25 | |
4719702131 | Augur | (N) religious official who observed signs, especially the behavior of birds interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action (V) Portend a good or bad outcome | 26 | |
4719733476 | Bane | (N) Cause of great distress or annoyance | 27 | |
4719733477 | Bathos | (N) Appearance of a silly idea or event in a book (In a serious tone) | 28 | |
4719733773 | Bauble | (N) small, showy trinket or decoration | 29 | |
4719733774 | Beatitude | (N) State or happiness | 30 | |
4719733990 | Beguile | (V) Charm or enchant (Someone) sometimes in a deceptive way | 31 | |
4719734365 | Beleaguer | (V) Lay siege to | 32 | |
4719734366 | Bellwether | (N) Leader; first in line | 33 | |
4719734649 | Bête noire | (N) Person or thing that one particularly dislikes | 34 | |
4719734655 | Bibulous | (ADJ) Excessively fond of drinking alcohol | 35 | |
4719735113 | Bicker | (V) Argue about petty and trivial matters | 36 | |
4719735390 | Bilious | (ADJ) Spiteful; bad tempered | 37 | |
4719735391 | Bilk | (V) Obtain or withhold money from (someone) by deceit or without justification; cheat or defraud | 38 | |
4719736003 | Bode | (V) Be an omen of a particular outcome; indicated by signs | 39 | |
4719736004 | Bowdlerize | (V.T) Remove material that is offensive or improper | 40 | |
4719737021 | Bravado | (N) A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate | 41 | |
4719737022 | Bromide | (N) Trite & unoriginal idea or remark typically intended to soothe or placate Or a sedative | 42 | |
4719738317 | Browbeat | (V.T) Intimidate, typically into doing something | 43 | |
4719738318 | Bruit | (V) Spread (a report or rumor) widely | 44 | |
4719738631 | Burgeon | (V) Begin to grow or increase rapidly. flourish | 45 | |
4719765476 | Cantankerous | (ADJ) Bad tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative | 46 | |
4719768387 | Carte blanche | (N) Complete freedom | 47 | |
4719768776 | Casuistry | (N) Use of clever but unsound reasoning; sophistry | 48 | |
4719770891 | Cataclysm | (N) A large scale and violent event in the natural world | 49 | |
4719773782 | Caterwaul | (N) A shrill howling or wailing noise (V) To make a shrill howling or wailing noise | 50 | |
4719775971 | Charisma | (N) Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others; divinely conferred power or talent | 51 | |
4719777698 | Chauvinist | (N) A person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism (ADJ) Showing or relating to excessive loyalty or support for a particular group or cause | 52 | |
4719777699 | Chimerical | (ADJ) Unreal; imaginary | 53 | |
4719777869 | Chronic | (ADJ) Of an illness, persisting for a long time or constantly reoccurring | 54 | |
4719780739 | Claque | (N) A group of people hired to applaud (or heckle) a performer or public speaker | 55 | |
4719780901 | Coalesce | (V.I) Come together and from one mass or whole | 56 | |
4719782161 | Cognate | (N) Blood Relative (ADJ) Having the original word or root; connected or related | 57 | |
4719783323 | Commensurate | (ADJ) Corresponding in size or degree; in proportion | 58 | |
4719783832 | Complement | (N) A thing that completes or brings to perfection (V) add to (something) in a way to enhance or improve it | 59 | |
4719784034 | Condescend | (V.I) Show feelings or superiority; be patronizing | 60 | |
4719784870 | Consensus | (N) General agreement | 61 | |
4719788654 | Constrict | (V.T) Make narrower, especially encircling pressure | 62 | |
4719789083 | Contretemps | (N) Unexpected and unfortunate occurrence | 63 | |
4719789275 | Contumacious | (ADJ) Especially of a defendant's behavior, stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority | 64 | |
4719791785 | Contumelious | (ADJ) Scornful and insulting; insolent | 65 | |
4719793709 | Convolution | (N) Coil or twist | 66 | |
4719794730 | Corollary | (N) Conclusion; results for what someone's proved | 67 | |
4719795443 | Cozen | (V.T) Trick or deceive | 68 | |
4719796950 | Cul-de-sac | (N) A street or passage closed at one end | 69 | |
4719797062 | Cull | (V.T) Select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources | 70 | |
4719797063 | Curmudgeon | (N) A bad tempered or surly person | 71 | |
4719882558 | Dank | (ADJ) Disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold | 72 | |
4719882559 | De facto | (ADJ) In fact of, existing | 73 | |
4719883007 | Debauch | (N) Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures, especially eating and drinking | 74 | |
4719883008 | Debilitate | (V) Make (someone) weak & infirm; hider, delay, or weaken | 75 | |
4719883280 | Depredation | (N) act or attacking or plundering | 76 | |
4719885664 | Deracinate | (V) Tear (something) up by the roots | 77 | |
4719886098 | Derring- do | (N) Action word displaying heroic courage | 78 | |
4719886252 | Diaphanous | (ADJ) Light, delicate, and translucent | 79 | |
4719886885 | Dichotomy | (N) Division o contrast b/w two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different | 80 | |
4719886886 | Dictum | (N) Formal pronouncement from a authoritative source, short statement that expresses a general truth | 81 | |
4719887176 | Didactic | (ADJ) Intended to teach, particularly in having moal instruction as an ulterior motive | 82 | |
4719887177 | Disingenuous | (ADJ) Not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something that one really does | 83 | |
4719887295 | Disparate | (ADJ) Essentially different in kind, not allowing comparison | 84 | |
4719887892 | Disparity | (N) A great difference | 85 | |
4719887893 | Dissimulate | (V) Conceal or disguise (one's thoughts, feelings, or character) | 86 | |
4719890148 | Divination | (N) Seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means | 87 | |
4719891158 | Dogmatic | (ADJ) Inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true | 88 | |
4719892834 | Eclat | (N) Brilliant display or effect | 89 | |
4719892835 | Ecumenical | (ADJ) Representing a number of different christian churches; universal | 90 | |
4719894341 | Effete | (ADJ) lacking energy | 91 | |
4719894518 | Effusive | (ADJ) Expressing feelings of gratitude pleasure, or approval in a unrestrained or heartfelt manner | 92 | |
4719894627 | Eleemosynary | (ADJ) OF, or relating to, or dependent on charity; charitable | 93 | |
4719896651 | Elixir | (N) A magical or medical potion | 94 | |
4719897009 | Emolument | (N) A salary; fee or profit from employment or office | 95 | |
4719897708 | Empathy | (N) Ability to understand and share feelings | 96 | |
4719897882 | Empirical | (ADJ) Based on observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic | 97 | |
4719897883 | Enclave | (N) Territory within or surrounded by a larger territory | 98 | |
4719900751 | Ensconce | (V) Establish or settle (someone) in a comfortable, safe, and secret place | 99 | |
4719900752 | Euphoria | (N) State or feeling of intense excitement and happiness | 100 | |
4719900961 | Exculpate | (V.T) Show or declare that (someone) is not guilty or wrongdoing | 101 | |
4719901233 | Execrable | (ADJ) Extremely bad or unpleasant | 102 | |
4719901234 | Expound | (V.I) Present & explain (theory or idea) systematically & in detail | 103 | |
4719907292 | Factionalism | (N) Self interested; Partisan | 104 | |
4719907293 | Fait accompli | (N) A thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it | 105 | |
4719907731 | Fastidious | (ADJ) Very attentive to or concerned about accuracy and detail | 106 | |
4719907732 | Faux pas | (N) An embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation | 107 | |
4719907907 | Fervid | (ADJ) Intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree | 108 | |
4719907909 | Fetid | (ADJ) Smelling extremely unpleasant | 109 | |
4719908038 | Flamboyant | (ADJ) A person or their behavior tending to attract attention b/c of their exuberance, confidence, and stylish | 110 | |
4719908039 | Folderol | (N) nonsense | 111 | |
4719908321 | Foray | (N) Sudden attack or raid (V) Make or go o a foray | 112 | |
4719908420 | Forte | (N) A thing at which someone excels | 113 | |
4719908421 | Fulminate | (VT/V.I) Express vehement protest | 114 | |
4719908740 | Fulsome | (ADJ) Complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree | 115 | |
4719908741 | Fustian | (N) Pompous or pretentious speech or writing | 116 | |
4719918005 | Gambol | (V) Run or jump about playfully | 117 | |
4719918006 | Gamut | (N) Complete range or scope | 118 | |
4719918431 | Gargantuan | (ADJ) Enormous | 119 | |
4719918432 | Genre | (N) Category of some type | 120 | |
4719918641 | Gothic | (ADJ) Architecture style of the 12th-16th centuries characterized by arches, rib vaults, and flying butteresses and large windows | 121 | |
4719918928 | Gratis | (ADJ) Given or done for nothing (ADV) Free; without charge | 122 | |
4719922128 | Harbinger | (N) Person that announces or signals the approach of another | 123 | |
4719922252 | Hauteur | (N) Haughtiness of manner; disdainful pride | 124 | |
4719922253 | Hedonism | (N) Pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence | 125 | |
4719922350 | Heyday | (N) Period of a person's or thing's greatest success, popularity, or vigor | 126 | |
4719922351 | Hidebound | (ADJ) Unwilling or unable to change b/c of tradition or convention | 127 | |
4719922593 | Hierarchy | (N) Arrangement or classification of things according to relative importance or inclusiveness | 128 | |
4719922594 | Hoi polloi | (N) Common people | 129 | |
4719922756 | Homily | (N) Religious discourse that is intended primarily for spiritual edification; sermon (usually has a moral) | 130 | |
4719926643 | Icon | (N) Person or thing regarded to as a representative symbol of something | 131 | |
4719926760 | Iconoclastic | (ADJ) Characterized by attack on cherished beliefs or institutions | 132 | |
4719926761 | Imbue | (V) Inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality | 133 | |
4719926847 | Immaculate | (ADJ) of a person or their clothes, perfectly clean, neat or tidy, perfect | 134 | |
4719926983 | Immolate | (V) Kill or offer as a sacrifice, especially by burning | 135 | |
4719926984 | Immure | (V.I) Enclose or confine against their will | 136 | |
4719927096 | Impasse | (N) Situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock | 137 | |
4719927239 | Imperceptible | (ADJ) Impossible to perceive | 138 | |
4719927454 | impinge | (V) Have an effect or impact, especially a negative one, encroach | 139 | |
4719931869 | Imprecation | (N) A spoken curse (curse word) | 140 | |
4719931937 | In medias res | (ADV) Into the middle of a narrative | 141 | |
4719931938 | Inchoate | (ADJ) Just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary | 142 | |
4719932161 | Incubus | (N) A nightmare | 143 | |
4719932162 | Indigenous | (ADJ) Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native | 144 | |
4719932376 | Ineffable | (ADJ) Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words | 145 | |
4719937031 | Infrastructure | (N) Basic organized structures | 146 | |
4719937186 | Ineluctable | (ADJ) Unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable | 147 | |
4719937187 | Inhibit | (V.T) Hinder, restrain, or prevent; Make someone self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way | 148 | |
4719937320 | Insouciant | (ADJ) showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent | 149 | |
4719937460 | Internecine | (ADJ) Destructive to both sides in a conflict | 150 | |
4719937461 | Interstice | (N) Intervening space, especially a very small one | 151 | |
4719937573 | Inveigle | (V) Persuade (someone) to do something be means of deception of flattery | 152 | |
4719940056 | Jeremiad | (N) A long, mournful complaint or lamentation; a list of woes | 153 | |
4719940900 | Kudos | (N) Praise and honor received for an achievement | 154 | |
4719941596 | Labyrinth | (N) Complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze | 155 | |
4719941722 | Lachrymose | (ADJ) Tearful or given to weeping; inducing tears, sad | 156 | |
4719942780 | Lackey | (N) Servant, especially a liveried footman or manservant | 157 | |
4719944003 | Lackluster | (ADJ) Lacking in vitality force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring | 158 | |
4719944004 | Lagniappe | (N) Something given as a bonus or extra gift | 159 | |
4719944454 | Lampoon | (N) A speech or text criticizing someone or something in this way (V) Publicly criticize by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm | 160 | |
4719945541 | Lexicon | (N) Vocabulary of a person | 161 | |
4719945789 | Liaison | (N) Communication or cooperation that facilitates a close working relationship b/w people or an organization | 162 | |
4720346749 | Licentious | (ADJ) Promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters | 163 | |
4720346937 | Liturgy | (N) A form of formulary, according to which public religious worship, especially christian worship, is conducted | 164 | |
4720347777 | Lucubration | (N) Study or thought | 165 | |
4720349775 | Lugubrious | (ADJ) Looking or sounding sad and dismal | 166 | |
4720351259 | Macrocosm | (N) Whole of a complex structure | 167 | |
4720351611 | Maladroit | (ADJ) Ineffective or bungling; clumsy | 168 | |
4720356324 | Malcontent | (ADJ) Dissatisfied and complaining or making trouble | 169 | |
4720356325 | Malleable | (ADJ) Able to be hammered or pressed permanently out or shaped without breaking | 170 | |
4720357697 | Matrix | (N) Mold in which something forms | 171 | |
4720358852 | Maudlin | (ADJ) Self pityingly or tearfully sentimental often through drunkenness | 172 | |
4720359034 | Melee | (N) Confused fight, skirmish, or scuffle | 173 | |
4720359268 | Mellifluous | (ADJ) Sweet or musical; pleasant to hear | 174 | |
4720359269 | Mercurial | (ADJ) of a person, subject to unpredictable changes of mood or mind | 175 | |
4720361646 | Metamorphosis | (N) in an insect, the process of transformation from an immature to an adult | 176 | |
4720373915 | Mete | (V.I) Dispense or allot justice, a punishment or harsh treatment | 177 | |
4720374274 | Microcosm | (N) A miniature community or place | 178 | |
4720374518 | Minuscule | (ADJ) Extremely tiny | 179 | |
4720375053 | Mirage | (N) Optical illusion; something that appears to be real or possible but is not in fact so | 180 | |
4720375307 | Mnemonic | (ADJ) Aiding or designed to aid the memory | 181 | |
4720375601 | Modulate | (V) Exert modifying or controlling influence on | 182 | |
4720375877 | Monolithic | (ADJ) Formed from one thing | 183 | |
4720375878 | Morass | (N) An area or muddy or boggy ground, a complicated or confused situation | 184 | |
4720388916 | Mot juste | (N) Exact, appropriate word | 185 | |
4720388919 | Mountebank | (N) A person who deceives others, especially to trick them out of their money | 186 | |
4720389124 | Mystique | (N) A fascinating aura of mystery awe and power surrounding someone or something | 187 | |
4720393061 | Narcissism | (N) Excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance | 188 | |
4720393062 | Nemesis | (N) a long standing rival | 189 | |
4720393309 | Nepotism | (N) Practice among those with power or influence; especially by giving them jobs | 190 | |
4720393310 | NIggardly | (ADJ) Not generous; stingy | 191 | |
4720394833 | Nihilism | (N) Reject all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless | 192 | |
4720394834 | Noisome | (ADJ) Having an extremely offensive smell | 193 | |
4720396100 | Non sequitur | (N) Conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement | 194 | |
4720396541 | Noxious | (ADJ) Harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant | 195 | |
4720407185 | Obfuscate | (V) Render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. Bewilder | 196 | |
4720407374 | Oblivious | (ADJ) Not aware or not concerned about what is happening around one | 197 | |
4720407375 | Obloquy | (N) Strong public criticism or verbal abuse | 198 | |
4720407684 | Obsequies | (N) Funeral rites | 199 | |
4720407862 | Opportunist | (N) Person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by consistent principles or plans | 200 | |
4720407863 | Opt | (V) Making a choice from a range of possibilities | 201 | |
4720658666 | Paean | (N) Song of praise or triumph | 202 | |
4720658667 | Palliate | (V.T) Make (a disease or its symptoms) less severe or unpleasant w/o removing the cause | 203 | |
4720658668 | Panache | (N) Flamboyant confidence or style/manner | 204 | |
4720658934 | Pander | (N) Pimp (V) Gratify or indulge | 205 | |
4720658935 | Parameter | (N) Measure that limits boundaries | 206 | |
4720659231 | Parlous | (ADJ) Full of danger and uncertainty; precarious | 207 | |
4720659232 | Pastiche | (N) An artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period; like a mixture | 208 | |
4720659533 | Paternalism | (N) Position of authority restricting freedom & responsibilities of others | 209 | |
4720659534 | Patrician | (N) An aristocrat or nobleman | 210 | |
4720659811 | Peccadillo | (N) Small unimportant offense or sin | 211 | |
4720659812 | Persiflage | (N) Light and slightly contemptuous mockery or banter | 212 | |
4720660172 | Persona | (N) Aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived | 213 | |
4720660890 | Philippic | (N) Bitter attack or denouncement | 214 | |
4720675518 | Philistine | (ADJ) Hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts | 215 | |
4720676076 | picaresque | (ADJ) Style of fiction dealing with adventures of a rough and dishonest but appealing hero | 216 | |
4720676422 | Piece de resistance | (N) Most important or remarkable feature | 217 | |
4720676647 | Plethora | (N) Large or excessive amount of something | 218 | |
4720676944 | Polarize | (V) Split up into opposite groups | 219 | |
4720677332 | Polemic | (N) Strong verbal or written attack on someone or something | 220 | |
4720677665 | Poltroon | (N) An utter coward | 221 | |
4720677817 | Populous | (ADJ) Having a large population; densely populated | 222 | |
4720678851 | Portentous | (ADJ) Done in a pompously or overly solemn manner so as to impress; a sign or warning | 223 | |
4720679367 | Pragmatic | (ADJ) Dealing with things sensibly or realistically; practical | 224 | |
4720679637 | precarious | (ADJ) Dependent on chance; uncertain or dangerous | 225 | |
4720679996 | Prescience | (N) Fact or knowing something before it takes place; foreknowledge | 226 | |
4720680779 | Probity | (N) Quality of having strong moral principles; honesty & decency | 227 | |
4720691504 | Prolix | (ADJ) of speech or writing, using or containing too many words; tediously long | 228 | |
4720691505 | Propitiate | (V.T) Win or regain the favor of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases them | 229 | |
4720691815 | Proselyte | (N) Person who has converted from one opinion, religion, or party to another | 230 | |
4720691816 | Protege | (N) A person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influenced person | 231 | |
4720692006 | Protocol | (N) Official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions | 232 | |
4720693680 | Prototype | (N) A first, or preliminary model of something | 233 | |
4720693986 | Prurient | (ADJ) Having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters | 234 | |
4720693991 | Punctilio | (N) A fine or petty point of conduct or procedure | 235 | |
4720694344 | Pundit | (N) Expert in particular subject who is called on to give opinions in public | 236 | |
4720694679 | Purview | (N) Scope of the influence or concerns of something | 237 | |
4720704975 | Quagmire | (N) Soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot; an awkward complex, or hazardous situation | 238 | |
4720708095 | Quasi- | (ADJ) Seemingly; apparently but not really; partly or almost | 239 | |
4720709645 | Quid pro quo | (N) Favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something | 240 | |
4720711935 | Quixotic | (ADJ) Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical | 241 | |
4720711936 | Quizzical | (ADJ) Indicating mild or amused puzzlement | 242 | |
4720712221 | Queasy | (ADJ) Nauseated; feeling sick | 243 | |
4720713709 | Raconteur | (N) A person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way | 244 | |
4720715649 | Raillery | (N) Good-humored teasing | 245 | |
4720716696 | Rapacity | (N) Aggressive greed | 246 | |
4720717142 | Rapport | (N) relation; connection, especially harmonious or sympathetic relation | 247 | |
4720718487 | Refractory | (ADJ) Stubborn or unmanageable; resistant | 248 | |
4720719750 | remand | (V) Place a defendant on bail or in custody again | 249 | |
4720720182 | Repartee | (N) Conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies | 250 | |
4720721006 | Resplendent | (ADJ) Attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous | 251 | |
4720721007 | Ribald | (ADJ) Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude way; irrelevant | 252 | |
4720721008 | Risible | (ADJ) Provokes laughter | 253 | |
4720729016 | Sacrosanct | (ADJ) Regarded to as important or valuable (holy) | 254 | |
4720729307 | Salubrious | (ADJ) Health giving; healthy | 255 | |
4720729519 | Sanguine | (ADJ) Optimistic; blood-red | 256 | |
4720729822 | Saturnalian | (ADJ) Unrestrained revelry; orgy | 257 | |
4720938518 | Savoir-faire | (N) Ability to act or speak appropriately in social situations | 258 | |
4720938519 | Schism | (N) Division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion and belief | 259 | |
4720938715 | Sic | (ADV) To show a quote and that it is not spelled incorrectly | 260 | |
4720938716 | Sine qua non | (N) Essential condition; a thing that is absolutely necessary | 261 | |
4720938858 | Solecism | (N) grammatical mistake | 262 | |
4720938859 | Stigmatize | (V.T) Describe or regard as worthy or disagree or great disapproval | 263 | |
4720939086 | Sub rosa | (ADV) Happening or done in secret | 264 | |
4720939242 | Sublimate | (V.T) Divert or modify (as instinctual impulse) into a culturally higher or socially more acceptable activity | 265 | |
4720939243 | Supervene | (V.I) Occur later than a specified or implied event or action, typically to change the situation | 266 | |
4720939373 | Supine | (ADJ) Lying face upward | 267 | |
4720945136 | Sycophant | (N) Person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantages | 268 | |
4720945137 | Symptomatic | (ADJ) Serving as a sign | 269 | |
4720945277 | Syndrome | (N) Group of symptoms | 270 | |
4720945449 | Systemic | (ADJ) Relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part | 271 | |
4720947090 | Tautology | (N) Saying the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style | 272 | |
4720947091 | Tendentious | (ADJ) Expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view | 273 | |
4720947293 | Therapeutic | (ADJ) Of or relating to the healing of a disease | 274 | |
4720947424 | Touchstone | (N) Standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognized | 275 | |
4720947425 | Traumatic | (ADJ) Emotionally disturbing or distressing | 276 | |
4720947537 | Truckle | (V) To act in a subservient | 277 | |
4720947538 | Truncate | (V.T) Shorten (something) by cutting the top or end | 278 | |
4720951189 | Unconscionable | (ADJ) Not right or reasonable; unreasonably excessive | 279 | |
4720951366 | Unimpeachable | (ADJ) Not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized; entirely trustworthy | 280 | |
4720951687 | Utilitarian | (ADJ) Designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive | 281 | |
4721075681 | Vacuous | (ADJ) Having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless | 282 | |
4721075682 | Vagary | (N) Unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone's behavior | 283 | |
4721075853 | Vainglory | (N) Inordinate pride in oneself or one's achievements; excessive vanity | 284 | |
4721076343 | Vassal | (N/AdJ) Servant | 285 | |
4721076344 | Vendetta | (N) Blood feud in a family of a murdered person seeks vengeance of the murderer or the murderer's family | 286 | |
4721078181 | Verisimilitude | (N) appearance or being true or real | 287 | |
4721087659 | Vestige | (N) Trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists | 288 | |
4721087660 | Viable | (ADJ) Capable of working successfully; feasible | 289 | |
4721094658 | Vicissitude | (N) Change | 290 | |
4721094659 | Vignette | (N) Brief evocative description, account, or episode. | 291 | |
4721094753 | Virtuoso | (N) Person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit (ADJ) Brilliant performance | 292 | |
4721094754 | Vitiate | (V) Spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of | 293 | |
4721094888 | Volition | (N) Act of willing choosing or resolving; exercise or willing | 294 | |
4721094889 | Volte-face | (N) To change mind completely | 295 | |
4721099336 | Waggish | (ADJ) Humorous in a playful, mischievous way | 296 | |
4721101610 | Xenophobia | (N) Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries | 297 | |
4721102320 | Zany | (ADJ) Amusingly unconventional & idiosyncratic (foolish, and clownish) | 298 | |
4721102321 | Zealot | (N) Person who is fanatical & uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals | 299 |
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