2919028479 | Abjure (verb) | To reject; to renounce under oath | 0 | |
2919028480 | Abrogate (verb) | To abolish; do away with; yo annul | 1 | |
2919028481 | Abstemious (adjective) | Eat and drink in moderation; to be careful about how much you eat and drink; not much | 2 | |
2919028482 | Acumen (noun) | Good judgement; quick with judgement; good insight | 3 | |
2919028483 | Antebellum (adjective) | Belonging to a period before a war (usually civil war) | 4 | |
2919028484 | Auspicious (adjective) | Giving or being a sign of future success; favorable (circumstances); something marked by success | 5 | |
2919028485 | Belie (verb) | To misrepresent; to condradict; to show something to be false or wrong or distinguishing something | 6 | |
2919028486 | Bellicose (adjective) | Hostile or war like (how you act) | 7 | |
2919028487 | Bowdlerize (verb) | To censor or remove material that is offense | 8 | |
2919028488 | Expurgate (verb) | To center or remove material that is offense | 9 | |
2919028489 | Churlish (adjective) | Like a churl (medival peasant), rude ill bred, difficult to work with | 10 | |
2919028490 | Diffident (adjective) | Shy or timid | 11 | |
2919028491 | Circumlocution (noun) | A round about way of speaking; use of uneccesaey wordiness or indirect language | 12 | |
2919028492 | Deleterious (adjective) | Something that has a harmful effect or something that causes injury; something bad for you | 13 | |
2919028493 | Enervate (verb) | To weaken or destory | 14 | |
2919028494 | Enfranchise (verb) | To give someone the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vite or to free someone from slavery or bondage | 15 | |
2919028495 | Epiphany (noun) | A revelation; to suddenly realize something | 16 | |
2919028496 | Evanescent (adjective) | Vanishing, or likely to vanish like vapor; to disappear | 17 | |
2919028497 | Facetious (adjective) | A bit sarcastic | 18 | |
2919028498 | Fatuous (adjective) | Foolish or silly in a smug way, similar to facetious; saying something conceited or foolish | 19 | |
2919028499 | Feckless (adjective) | Lacks purpose; feeble; ineffective; careless or irresponsible | 20 | |
3014711185 | Fiduciary | Relationship of trust, holding something in trust for someone | 21 | |
3014715760 | Filibuster | Long speech meant to delay legislative action | 22 | |
3014718876 | Gauche | Socially awkward, lack manners and grace | 23 | |
3014722734 | Gerrymander | To divide a geographical region into voting districts to give unfair advantage to a political party | 24 | |
3014728498 | Hegemony | The dominate influence of a state, region, or group over others | 25 | |
3014732271 | Incognito | In disguise; identity is concealed | 26 | |
3014735792 | Inculcate | Frequent repetition, to instill or impress upon the mind of another | 27 | |
3014739920 | Incontrovertible | Unquestionable, impossible to despute | 28 | |
3014743366 | Interpolate | Insert or introduce between other parts or to insert into a text or estimate a value between two known values | 29 | |
3490746163 | Paramount | (Adjective) Chief in importance. Above all others. | 30 | |
3501820809 | Slapdash | (Adjective) Careless, hasty. Not taking time to do something in a well manner would be doing something in a slapdash way. | 31 | |
3528446049 | Defray | To pay for. (Verb) | 32 | |
3556859830 | Doleful | (Adjective) Sad, dreary | 33 | |
3602716779 | Posthumous(post-cha-mous) | Something that occurs after death or after someone dies. (Adjective) | 34 | |
3607816657 | Sardonic | (Adjective) very bitter. Sarcastic and harsh. | 35 | |
3614008623 | Superfluous | Extra or excess. Beyond what is sufficient or required. | 36 | |
3620274969 | Exorbitant | (Adjective) unreasonably high Synonymous with Superfluous. | 37 | |
3626591420 | Malign | (Verb) to speak evil of, or to slander | 38 | |
3639652740 | Perilous | (Adjective) Dangerous | 39 | |
3655434236 | Herculean | (Adjective) Tremendous in size, strength, difficulty, or effort | 40 | |
3663171110 | Pander | (Verb) to play up to someone's desires or weaknesses | 41 | |
3670314277 | Quixotic | (Adjective) Idealistic but not practical. Utopian. | 42 | |
3759023087 | Stoical | Indifferent to pain or pleasure | 43 | |
3759059060 | Stigma | (Noun) mark of disgrace of | 44 | |
3772944373 | Impede | (Verb) to hinder, obstruct, or to slow down. To block or delay something. | 45 | |
3781770235 | Expedite | (Verb) to speed up, to hasten, to help the accomplishment of something. | 46 | |
3790337011 | Machiavellian | (Adjective) to be cunning. To be conniving | 47 | |
3806390806 | Maudlin | (Adjective) Excessively sentimental, overly emotional | 48 | |
3819980227 | Galvanize | (Verb) to startle, excite, shock, or electrify | 49 | |
3846145715 | Lethargic | (Adjective) Lazy, sluggish. | 50 | |
3853155389 | Gregarious | (Adjective) Social and outgoing, friendly | 51 | |
3871834225 | Egregious | (Adjective) Something terribly bad, the worst thing you could imagine | 52 | |
3880364271 | Martial | (Adjective) Military. War-like. Something pertaining to armed forces. | 53 | |
3888840744 | Cupidity | (Noun)Greed | 54 | |
3896427120 | Philistine | (Noun) Uncultured person or materialistic person. Or someone who is indifferent or against things that are artistic and intellectual | 55 | |
3924248386 | catholic | (Adjective ) Someone who is broad minded and cultured. someone who is universal, appreciates quality and posses a lot of appreciation for the arts. | 56 | |
3962272567 | Precarious | Something unsafe, dangerous or hazardous | 57 | |
3969861570 | Jejune | (Adjective) something dull or uninteresting. Childish or immature. Lacking in nutrition. | 58 | |
3969861571 | Lexicon | (Noun) a dictionary. Sometimes a synonym for jargon | 59 | |
3969978955 | Kowtow | (Verb) to kneel and touch forehead to ground in respect. Submission | 60 | |
3969978956 | Loquacious | (Adjective) very talkative, to speak | 61 | |
3969978957 | Tantalize | (Verb) arouse hopes that will later be frustrated, to tease | 62 | |
3969978958 | Trite | (Noun) cliché | 63 | |
3969978959 | Abscond | (Verb) to run away and hide | 64 | |
3969978960 | Spasmodic | (Adjective) sudden and violent but brief | 65 | |
3969978961 | Feint | (Verb) deliberately deceptive movement | 66 | |
3969978962 | Proliferate | (Verb) to reproduce, increase or speed rapidly | 67 | |
3969978963 | Sully | (Verb) to soil or stain. To tarnish. To defile. To besmirch | 68 | |
3969978964 | Winnow | (Verb) to examine closely, separate good from bad, blow or fan, used in farming to separate grain | 69 | |
3969978965 | Ziggurat | (Noun) a stepped pyramid | 70 | |
3969978966 | Xenophobe | Fearful of foreign people or things | 71 | |
3969978967 | Brigand | Bandit | 72 | |
3969978968 | Lugubrious | (Adjective) mournful, dismal, gloomy | 73 | |
3969978969 | Moiety | (Noun) half, part, portion or share | 74 | |
3969978970 | Nonsectarian | (Adjective) not limited to a particular religious denomination | 75 | |
3969978971 | Efface | (Verb) to wipe out, keep from being noticed | 76 | |
3969978972 | Obsequious | (Adjective) make a fuss over someone or make a big deal over someone in a good way | 77 | |
3969978973 | Orthography | (Noun) study of correct spelling | 78 | |
3969978974 | Paradigm | (Noun) serves as model or pattern or set of assumptions, values, or practices. | 79 | |
3969978975 | Precipitous | (Adjective) a precipous, the steepest part of something | 80 | |
3969978976 | Quotidian | (Adjective) something that is normal or routine | 81 | |
3969978977 | Recapitulate | (Verb) to recap, to say something again, to summarize or repeat | 82 | |
3969978978 | Subjugate | (Verb) to bring under control or conquer | 83 | |
3969978979 | Tautology | (Noun) needless repetition, empty useless statement | 84 | |
3969978980 | Tempestuous | (Adjective) stormy, violent actions or emotions | 85 | |
3969978981 | Unctuous | Oily or slippery, composed of oil or fat | 86 | |
3969978982 | Vehemont | (Adjective) forceful or intense in expression, emotion, or conviction. Meaning what you say | 87 | |
3969978983 | Circumspect | (Adjective) to be careful or cautious | 88 | |
3971773778 | Laconic | Using very few words. Brief | 89 | |
3981475261 | Foible | A weakness. A minor fault. Nothing major or serious | 90 | |
3981512081 | Forte | A strength. Something your good at | 91 | |
3990563606 | Odyssey | A long adventure or journey. | 92 | |
3998434263 | Protean | Something that's readily changeable, something that easily changes form | 93 | |
4012976545 | Idiosyncrasy | Personal peculiarity. Something peculiar about someone. A quirk | 94 | |
4022197079 | Quintessence | (Noun) the most essential part of quality. Something that is the perfect example. | 95 | |
4022197080 | Quintessential | (Adjective) | 96 | |
4059380652 | Rankle | (Verb) to cause bitterness, hatred, or resentment | 97 | |
4067564514 | Incumbent | (Noun) Holder of an office or position, someone who occupies an office. Something that is an obligation | 98 | |
4075462240 | Amazon | (Noun) Large, strong aggressive woman | 99 | |
4082982936 | Iconoclast | ( noun ) An attacker of traditional beliefs, institutions, and ideas. | 100 | |
4089236049 | Supercilious | ( adjective ) Looking down on others, or feeling like you're superior and someone is inferior. | 101 | |
4101054975 | Panacea | A remedy for all desires, sufferings, and troubles. A universal remedy. A cure all. (Noun) | 102 | |
4108738860 | Capricious | (Adjective) Changeable or unpredictable. | 103 | |
4115974560 | Aegis | (Noun) Protection or sponsorship | 104 | |
4122116175 | Jaded | (Adjective) Dulled. Bored. By having too much of something. Worn out. Wearied. | 105 | |
4126196096 | Atone | (Verb) To make up for a wrong, to make amends, to redeem. | 106 | |
4153566049 | Lewd | (Adjective) Indecent. Lustful. Obscene. Smutty. Vulgar. | 107 | |
4135679125 | Lewd | (Adjective) Indecent. Lustful. Obscene. Smutty. Vulgar. | 108 | |
4220454035 | Prevaricate | (Verb) To stray from the truth or mislead. A prevaricator | 109 | |
4229302273 | Aloof | Reserved, detached, or unconcerned. People who mind their own business, keep their distance, don't really care about anything. | 110 | |
4237852072 | Saturnine | Gloomy or grave. | 111 | |
4245913704 | Scruple | (Noun) doubt or uneasiness as to what is right or proper | 112 | |
4266614938 | Haggard | Looking worn and tired. Looks exhausted. Very weary of fatigued. | 113 | |
4275237030 | Mercurial | Something unpredictable. Something unstable. Something protean. Something capricious. | 114 | |
4283555864 | Zealous | (Adjective) extremely active, eager, or devoted. | 115 | |
4291621466 | Candid | Honest, truthful, straightforward. | 116 | |
4313628646 | Dexterous | (Adjective) You have skill. Skillful. Clever. Very able. | 117 | |
4323284361 | Ignominy | Disgrace humiliation or shame. Dishonor. | 118 | |
4332911464 | Aboveboard | (Adjective) Honest. Straightforward. | 119 |
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