3918983390 | Accent | emphasize different syllables | 0 | |
3918990689 | Act | in a play | 1 | |
3918992295 | Adage | phrase or saying | 2 | |
3918995509 | Agitrop | use of literature to promote a political or ideological platform | 3 | |
3918999167 | Agon | the Greek word for conflict | 4 | |
3919004744 | Allegory | overall meaning or symbolism | 5 | |
3919014551 | Alliteration | same letter in multiple words | 6 | |
3919017290 | Allusion | outside reference | 7 | |
3919023029 | Anagnorisis | moment of discovery/realization for PROTAGONIST | 8 | |
3919034210 | Analogy | describes a moral truth through a story | 9 | |
3919039966 | Anapest | poetry; two un-stressed followed by stressed syllables | 10 | |
3919047970 | Anaphora | beginning of something repeats | 11 | |
3919055180 | Antagonist | the person or thing that impedes the protagonist | 12 | |
3919062073 | Anthology | collection put together in one | 13 | |
3919068820 | Anti-climax | falling off of the intensity happens too quickly or poorly | 14 | |
3919089207 | Antistrophe | repetition of the end AND opposing voice of the people | 15 | |
3919093685 | Aphorism | phrase of wisdom. Philosophical statement | 16 | |
3919100791 | Aporia | Greek word that means complexity; both sides are equally valid | 17 | |
3919112601 | Apostrophe | talking to something with no consciousness | 18 | |
3919129083 | Aside | not talking directly to character/only audience hears | 19 | |
3919133087 | Assonance | repetition of vowels | 20 | |
3919139686 | Aubade | Poem about the dawn or morning | 21 | |
3919143940 | Ballad | form of LYRIC POETRY; short; set rhyme scheme and structure | 22 | |
3919151626 | Baroque | period in art where things became ornamental | 23 | |
3919160500 | Blank Verse | unrhymed iambic pentameter | 24 | |
3919166524 | Biography | somebody's life story written by someone else | 25 | |
3919168904 | Burlesque | style opposes subject; primarily used in satire | 26 | |
3919175581 | Byronic Hero | named after Lord Byron; developed hero that didn't want to be a hero; happened through circumstance | 27 | |
3919193195 | Cacophony | discourse between words; clashing | 28 | |
3919194909 | Cadence | rhythm of line or words | 29 | |
3919200882 | Caesura | deliberate pause in line of poetry | 30 | |
3919209674 | Canon | religious or philosophical text (Ex. Screwtape) | 31 | |
3919217288 | Canto | chapter of a poem. section of a long poem | 32 | |
3919234409 | Catachresis | misuse of a word | 33 | |
3919240132 | Cathorsis | relieving of emotional tension | 34 | |
3919252121 | Chiasmus | flipping/inverse of words or phrase | 35 | |
3919257312 | Chorus | general public voice | 36 | |
3919258696 | Comedy | style of genre with humor | 37 | |
3919262069 | Conceit | extended metaphor | 38 | |
3919264863 | Conflict | a disagreement or argument among people | 39 | |
3919288452 | Connotation | positive/negative association | 40 | |
3919316877 | Consonance | repetition of middle or end of word | 41 | |
3919320395 | Couplet | two lines of verse, usually in some meter, and joined by rhyme that form a unit | 42 | |
3919348571 | Courtly Love | a knight and noblewoman who love each other; very punishable | 43 | |
3919367579 | Dactyl | measure of meter; 'uu | 44 | |
3919382356 | Deism | philosophy; God created the world, and then left it alone. No religion | 45 | |
3919393420 | Denouemont | fancy word for the FALLING ACTION | 46 | |
3919396737 | Deus ex machina | solution in a story that is arbitrary. Not good. | 47 | |
3919402480 | Dialect | language specific to a region or social group | 48 | |
3919410370 | Dialectic | the formal term for a political or philosophical debate to find truth | 49 | |
3919417137 | Dialogue | conversation between two or more people | 50 | |
3919424251 | Diction | the choice and use of words and phrases in writing | 51 | |
3919432675 | Diegesis | the voice of the speaker or narrator; separate from writer | 52 | |
3919461225 | Dimeter | Two feet | 53 | |
3919466394 | Dirge | funeral home; sad and mournful | 54 | |
3919470174 | Discourse | extended topic or subject; one topic and really expand it | 55 | |
3919476263 | Doggeral | shallow or crude verse; not thought out or developed | 56 | |
3919487071 | Drama | an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events | 57 | |
3919490205 | Dramatic Monologue | poetry written in speech that has insight into the speaker | 58 | |
3919495842 | Dystopia | everything is bad in an imaginary place | 59 |
AP Literature Vocabulary Flashcards
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