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AP Literature Vocabulary Flashcards

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3918983390Accentemphasize different syllables0
3918990689Actin a play1
3918992295Adagephrase or saying2
3918995509Agitropuse of literature to promote a political or ideological platform3
3918999167Agonthe Greek word for conflict4
3919004744Allegoryoverall meaning or symbolism5
3919014551Alliterationsame letter in multiple words6
3919017290Allusionoutside reference7
3919023029Anagnorisismoment of discovery/realization for PROTAGONIST8
3919034210Analogydescribes a moral truth through a story9
3919039966Anapestpoetry; two un-stressed followed by stressed syllables10
3919047970Anaphorabeginning of something repeats11
3919055180Antagonistthe person or thing that impedes the protagonist12
3919062073Anthologycollection put together in one13
3919068820Anti-climaxfalling off of the intensity happens too quickly or poorly14
3919089207Antistropherepetition of the end AND opposing voice of the people15
3919093685Aphorismphrase of wisdom. Philosophical statement16
3919100791AporiaGreek word that means complexity; both sides are equally valid17
3919112601Apostrophetalking to something with no consciousness18
3919129083Asidenot talking directly to character/only audience hears19
3919133087Assonancerepetition of vowels20
3919139686AubadePoem about the dawn or morning21
3919143940Balladform of LYRIC POETRY; short; set rhyme scheme and structure22
3919151626Baroqueperiod in art where things became ornamental23
3919160500Blank Verseunrhymed iambic pentameter24
3919166524Biographysomebody's life story written by someone else25
3919168904Burlesquestyle opposes subject; primarily used in satire26
3919175581Byronic Heronamed after Lord Byron; developed hero that didn't want to be a hero; happened through circumstance27
3919193195Cacophonydiscourse between words; clashing28
3919194909Cadencerhythm of line or words29
3919200882Caesuradeliberate pause in line of poetry30
3919209674Canonreligious or philosophical text (Ex. Screwtape)31
3919217288Cantochapter of a poem. section of a long poem32
3919234409Catachresismisuse of a word33
3919240132Cathorsisrelieving of emotional tension34
3919252121Chiasmusflipping/inverse of words or phrase35
3919257312Chorusgeneral public voice36
3919258696Comedystyle of genre with humor37
3919262069Conceitextended metaphor38
3919264863Conflicta disagreement or argument among people39
3919288452Connotationpositive/negative association40
3919316877Consonancerepetition of middle or end of word41
3919320395Couplettwo lines of verse, usually in some meter, and joined by rhyme that form a unit42
3919348571Courtly Lovea knight and noblewoman who love each other; very punishable43
3919367579Dactylmeasure of meter; 'uu44
3919382356Deismphilosophy; God created the world, and then left it alone. No religion45
3919393420Denouemontfancy word for the FALLING ACTION46
3919396737Deus ex machinasolution in a story that is arbitrary. Not good.47
3919402480Dialectlanguage specific to a region or social group48
3919410370Dialecticthe formal term for a political or philosophical debate to find truth49
3919417137Dialogueconversation between two or more people50
3919424251Dictionthe choice and use of words and phrases in writing51
3919432675Diegesisthe voice of the speaker or narrator; separate from writer52
3919461225DimeterTwo feet53
3919466394Dirgefuneral home; sad and mournful54
3919470174Discourseextended topic or subject; one topic and really expand it55
3919476263Doggeralshallow or crude verse; not thought out or developed56
3919487071Dramaan exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events57
3919490205Dramatic Monologuepoetry written in speech that has insight into the speaker58
3919495842Dystopiaeverything is bad in an imaginary place59

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