6432924777 | Adjunct | something added to something else as helpful or useful but not essential; an assistant or helper | 0 | |
6432924778 | Bellwether | male sheep that leads the flock to the slaughterhouse; leader; indicator of trends | 1 | |
6432924779 | Caterwaul | to howl or screech like a cat; to quarrel; harsh cry | 2 | |
6432924780 | Chimerical | absurd, wildly fantastic; impossible | 3 | |
6432924781 | Effete | lacking in wholesome vigor or energy; out-of-date | 4 | |
6432924782 | Fait Accompli | an accomplished and presumably irreversible deed, fact, or action | 5 | |
6432924783 | Hidebound | narrow minded and rigid especially in opinions or prejudices | 6 | |
6432924784 | Hierarchy | any system of things or people arranged or graded one above another in order of rank, wealth, class, etc. | 7 | |
6432924785 | Laissez-faire | philosophy or practice characterized by a usually deliberate abstention from direction or interference, especially with individual freedom of choice | 8 | |
6432924786 | Liturgy | religious service or rite | 9 | |
6432971847 | Morass | patch of low, soft, wet ground; a swamp | 10 | |
6432971848 | Noisome | offensive or disgusting; foul - smelling; harmful | 11 | |
6432971849 | Oblivious | forgetful; unaware | 12 | |
6432971850 | Poltroon | a base coward | 13 | |
6432971851 | Proselyte | a convert; a disciple | 14 | |
6432971852 | Quasi | resembling but not actually being | 15 | |
6432971853 | Raillery | good-humored ridicule; teasing | 16 | |
6432971854 | Ribald | irreverently mocking; coarse, vulgar, or indecent in language | 17 | |
6432971855 | Supine | lying flat on ones back; listless or lethargic; apathetic or passive | 18 | |
6432971856 | Vignette | a short description or sketch; a picture with edges that gradually fade off | 19 | |
6433432175 | Aegis | protection; patronage; sponsorship | 20 | |
6433432176 | Apprise | to inform of; to make aware of my giving oral or written notice | 21 | |
6433432177 | Bibulous | fond of or inclined to drink; absorbent | 22 | |
6433432178 | Claque | group of people hired to applaud a performer or performance; an opera hat | 23 | |
6433432179 | Deracinate | to pull up by the roots; to route out, uproot, or dislocate to eliminate all traces | 24 | |
6433432180 | Exegesis | an explanation or critical interpretation (especially of a text) | 25 | |
6433432181 | Indigenous | originating in the country or region where found native; inborn; inherent | 26 | |
6433432182 | Lachrymose | given to tears or weeping; causing to shed tears | 27 | |
6433432183 | Lexicon | dictionary of the language; the special vocabulary of a person, group, or subject | 28 | |
6433432184 | Melee | a confused struggle; a violent free-for-all | 29 | |
6433432185 | Microcosm | a miniature world or universe | 30 | |
6433432186 | Miniscule | very small, tiny; a lowercase letter | 31 | |
6433432187 | Obfuscate | to darken or obscure ; to confuse or bewilder | 32 | |
6433432188 | Paternalism | policy or practice of treating or governing people in the manner of a father dealing with his children | 33 | |
6433432189 | Polarize | to cause to concentrate around two conflicting or contrasting positions; to cause light to vibrate in a pattern | 34 | |
6433432190 | Purview | the range, extent, or scope of something; in law, the scope or limit of what is provided in a statute | 35 | |
6433432191 | Sanguine | having a ruddy complexion, of a naturally cheerful confident or optimistic look | 36 | |
6433432192 | Solecism | a substandard or ungrammatical usage, a breach of etiquette | 37 | |
6433432193 | Vassal | person under protection of a feudal lord to whom he or she owes allegiance; a subordinate or dependent | 38 | |
6433432194 | Versimilitude | quality of appearing to be true, real, likely, or probable | 39 | |
6433432195 | Ancillary | subordinate or supplementary | 40 | |
6433432196 | Bowlderize | to remove material considered offensive (from a book, play, film, etc.) | 41 | |
6433432197 | Condescend | to come down or stoop voluntarily to lower level: deal with people in a patronizing manner | 42 | |
6433432198 | Cozen | to trick; to cheat or swindle | 43 | |
6433432199 | Enclave | enclosed district, region, or area inhabited by a particular group of people or having a special character | 44 | |
6433432200 | Forte | person's strong point; what a person does best | 45 | |
6433432201 | Gratis | free; without charge | 46 | |
6433432202 | Icon | representation of an image of sacred personage; often considered sacred itself; an image or picture; symbol; object of blind devotion | 47 | |
6433432203 | Interstice | small, narrow space between things or parts of things | 48 | |
6433432204 | Macrocosm | universe considered as a whole; entire complex structure of something | 49 | |
6433432205 | Paean | a song of praise, joy, or triumph | 50 | |
6433432206 | Persiflage | lighthearted joking, talk, or writing | 51 | |
6433716409 | Mountebank | a trickster or swindler | 52 | |
6433432207 | Plethora | overfullness; super abundance | 53 | |
6433432208 | Pragmatic | concerned with practical considerations are values; stiff in one's opinions | 54 | |
6433432209 | Quizzical | puzzled; mocking; odd; equivocal | 55 | |
6433432210 | Rapacity | inordinate greed; disposition to obtain one's desire by force, extortion, or plunder | 56 | |
6433432211 | Schism | formal split within a religious organization; any division or separation of a group into hostile factions | 57 | |
6433432212 | Therapeutic | having the power to heal or cure; beneficial | 58 | |
6433432213 | Virtuoso | brilliant performer; a person with a masterly skill or technique | 59 | |
6433432214 | Affinity | natural attraction to a person, thing or activity; relationship, connection | 60 | |
6433432215 | Bilious | peevish or irritable; sickeningly unpleasant | 61 | |
6433432216 | Cognate | closely related in origin, essential nature, or function | 62 | |
6433432217 | Corollary | proposition that follows from one already proven, a natural consequence or result | 63 | |
6433432218 | Cul-de-sac | blind alley or dead-end street; any situation in which further progress is impossible; an impasse | 64 | |
6433432219 | Derring-do | valor or heroism; daring deeds or exploits( often used to poke fun at false heroics) | 65 | |
6433432220 | Divination | art or act of predicting the future or discovering hidden knowledge | 66 | |
6433432221 | Elixir | potion once thought capable of caring all ills and making life indefinitely; a sweet liquid used as a vehicle medicines | 67 | |
6433432222 | Folderol | foolish talk, ideas, or procedures; nonsense; a trifle | 68 | |
6433432223 | Gamut | an entire range or series | 69 | |
6433432224 | Hoi Polloi | the common people; the masses | 70 | |
6433432225 | Ineffable | not expressible in words; too great or too sacred to be uttered | 71 | |
6433432226 | Lucubration | laborious study or thought; especially at night, result of | 72 | |
6433432227 | Mnemonic | Relating to or designed to assist the memory | 73 | |
6433432228 | Obloquy | public abuse indicating strong disapproval or censure; the disgrace resulting from such treatment | 74 | |
6433516064 | Parameter | a determining or characteristic element; a factor that shapes the total outcome; a limit or boundary | 75 | |
6433516065 | Pundit | a learned person; one who gives authoritative opinions | 76 | |
6433516066 | Risible | pertaining to laughter; able or inclined to laugh; laughable | 77 | |
6433516067 | Symptomatic | typical or characteristic; being or concerned with a symptom of a disease | 78 | |
6433516068 | Volte-face | ab about face; a complete reversal | 79 | |
6433516069 | Aficionado | an enthusiastic and usually expert follower or fan | 80 | |
6433516070 | Browbeat | to intimidate by a stern or overbearing manner; to bully | 81 | |
6433516071 | Commensurate | equal in size, extent, duration, or importance; proportionate; measurable by the same standards | 82 | |
6433716412 | Diaphanous | very sheer and the light; almost completely transparent | 83 | |
6433716410 | Emolument | profit derived from an office or position from employment; a fee or salary | 84 | |
6433807503 | Foray | quick raid especially for plunder; a venture into some field of endeavor | 85 | |
6433716413 | Genre | type, class, or variety, especially a distinctive category of literary composition; style of painting in which every day scenes are realistically depicted | 86 | |
6433716414 | Homily | sermon stressing moral principles; a tedious moralizing lecture or discourse | 87 | |
6433716415 | Immure | to enclose or confine within walls; to imprison; to seclude or isolate | 88 | |
6433716416 | Insouciant | blithely in different or unconcerned; carefree; happy-go-lucky | 89 | |
6433716417 | Matrix | A mold; the surrounding situation or environment | 90 | |
6433716418 | Obsequies | funeral rites or ceremonies | 91 | |
6433716419 | Panache | A confident and stylish manner, dash; a strikingly elaborate or colorful display | 92 | |
6433716420 | Persona | a character in a novel or play; the outwork character or roll that a person assumes | 93 | |
6433716421 | Philippic | a bitter verbal attack | 94 | |
6433716422 | Prurient | having lustful desires or interests; tending to arouse sexual desires | 95 | |
6433716423 | Sacrosanct | very sacred or holy; inviolable; set apart for immune from questioning or attack | 96 | |
6433716424 | Systematic | of or pertaining to the entire body, relating to his system or systems | 97 | |
6433716425 | Tendentious | intended to promote a particular point of view, doctrine, or cause, biased or partisan | 98 | |
6433716426 | Vicissitude | a change variation or alteration, successive or changing faces or conditions | 99 | |
6539558668 | Abortive | Failing to accomplish an intended aim or purpose; only partially or imperfectly developed | 100 | |
6539558669 | Bruit | To spread news, reports, or unsubstantiated rumors | 101 | |
6539558670 | Countumelious | Insolent speech or behavior; insultingly abusive; humiliating | 102 | |
6539558671 | Dictum | Short saying; an authoritative statement | 103 | |
6539558672 | Ensconce | To settle comfortably and firmly in position; to put or hide in a safe place | 104 | |
6539558673 | Iconoclastic | Attacking or seeking to overthrow popular or traditional beliefs, ideas, or institutions | 105 | |
6539558674 | In Media Ras | In or into the middle of a plot; into the middle of things | 106 | |
6539558675 | Internecine | mutually destructive; characterized by a great slaughter and bloodshed | 107 | |
6539558676 | Maladroit | Lacking skill or dexterity; lacking tact, or perception, or judgment | 108 | |
6539558677 | Maudlin | Excessively or effusively sentimental | 109 | |
6762157034 | Modulate | To change or vary the intensity or pitch; to temper or soften; to regulate or adjust | 110 | |
6762157035 | Portentious | Foreshadowing an event to come; causing wonder or awe | 111 | |
6762157036 | Prescience | Knowledge of events or actions before they happen; foresight | 112 | |
6762157037 | Quid Pro Quo | Something given in exchange or return for something else | 113 | |
6762157038 | Salubrious | Conducive to health or well-being | 114 | |
6762157039 | Satunalian | Characterized by riotous or unrestrained revelry or licentiousness | 115 | |
6762157040 | Touchstone | Means of testing worth or genuiness | 116 | |
6762157041 | Traumatic | So shocking to the emotions as to cause lasting and substantial psychological damage | 117 | |
6762157042 | Vitiate | To weaken, debase, or corrupt; to impair the quality or value of | 118 | |
6762157043 | Waggish | Fond of making jokes; characteristic of a joker; playfully humorous or droll | 119 | |
6762275792 | Abeyance | State of being temporarily inactive, suspended, or set aside | 120 | |
6762275793 | Ambivalent | Having inappropriate and conflicting feeling for someone or something | 121 | |
6762275794 | Beleaguer | To set upon from all sides; to surround with an army; to trouble, to harass | 122 | |
6762275795 | Carte Blanche | Full freedom or authority to act out at ones own discretion | 123 | |
6762275796 | Cataclysm | A sudden violent or devastating upheaval; a surging flood; deluge | 124 | |
6762275797 | Debauch | To corrupt morally, seduce; to indulge in dissipation | 125 | |
6762456117 | Eclat | Dazzling or conspicuous success or acclaim; great brilliance (of performance of achievement) | 126 | |
6762456118 | Fastidious | Overly demanding or hard to please; excessively careful in regards to details; easily disgusted | 127 | |
6762456119 | Gambol | To jump or skip about playfully | 128 | |
6762456120 | Imbue | To soak or stain thoroughly; to fill the mind | 129 | |
6762456121 | Aberration | Departure from what is proper, right, expected, or normal lapse from a sound mental state | 130 | |
6762456122 | Ad Hoc | (Adj.)For the specific purpose; improvised (Adv.) with respect to this | 131 | |
6762456123 | Bane | Source or cause of fatal injury; death; destruction; or ruin; death or ruin itself poison | 132 | |
6762456124 | Bathos | Intrusion of commonplace or trite material into a contract whose tone is lofty or elevated; grossly insincere or exaggerated sentimentality; the lowest place; nadir; an anticlimax, comedown | 133 | |
6762456125 | Cantankerous | Ill tempered, quarrelsome; difficult to get along or deal with | 134 | |
6762456126 | Casuistry | The termination of right and wrongin the questions of conduct or conscience by the application of general ethic principles; specious argument | 135 | |
6762456127 | De Facto | Actually existing or in effect although not legally required or sanctioned | 136 | |
6762456128 | Depredation | Act of praying upon or plundering | 137 | |
6762456129 | Empathy | Sympathetic, understanding of or identification with the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of someone or something else | 138 | |
6762456130 | Harbinger | A forerunner; to herald the approach of | 139 |
AP Literature Vocabulary Flashcards
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