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AP Literature Vocabulary List Flashcards

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5226087199abjure(v) to reject, renounce ant: desire, want, earn, wish0
5226087200abrogate(v) to abolish, usually by authority ant: institute, introduce, prohibit1
5226087201acerbic(adj) biting, bitter in tone or taste ant: mild, kind, sweet2
5226087202acrimony(n) bitterness, discord ant: goodwill, politeness, sweetness3
5226087203acumen(n) keen insight ant: stupidity, ignorance4
5226087204adumbrate(v) to sketch out in a vague way ant: descriptive, illustrate5
5226087205alacrity(n) eagerness, speed ant: sluggish, apathy, reluctance6
5226087206anathema(n) a cursed, detested person ant: love, benediction, blessing7
5226087207antipathy(n) a strong dislike, repugnance ant: love, admiration, liking8
5226087208approbation(n) praise ant: disapproval, criticism, disfavor9
5226087209arrogate(v) to take without justification sent: The gang is trying to arrogate the public park and turn it into their private meeting space.10
5226087210ascetic(adj) practicing restraint as a means of self-discipline, usually religious sent: This strange, exotic, ascetic view was adopted by some philosophers.11
5226087211aspersion(n) a curse, expression of ill-will sent:12
5226087212assiduous(adj) hard-working, diligent13
5226087213blandish(v) to coax by using flattery14
5226087214boon(n) a gift or blessing ant: curse, disadvantage, loss15
5226087215brusque(adj) short, abrupt, dismissive ant: kind, polite, courteous16
5226087216buffet(v) to strike with force (n) an arrangement of food set out on a table ant: tap, praise, surrender17
5226087217burnish(v) to polish, shine ant: dull, tarnish, cloudy18
5226087218buttress(v) to support, hold up (n) something that offers support ant: weaken, let down, degrade19
5285589943cacophony(n) tremendous noise, disharmonious sound ant: quiet, silence, still20
5285589944cajole(v) to urge, coax ant: bully, force, repel21
5285589945calumny(n) an attempt to spoil someone else's reputation by spreading lies ant: acclaim, flatter, idolization22
5285589946capricious(adj) subject to whim, fickle ant: steady, constant, stable23
5285589947clemency(n) mercy ant: cruelty, brutality, atrocity24
5346475539cogent(adj) intellectually convincing ant: impotent, ineffective, invalid, weak25
5346475540concomitant(adj) accompanying in a subordinate fashion ant: accidental, chance, unrelated26
5346475541conflagration(n) great fire ant: calm, peace, disarmament, cease-fire27
5346475542contrite(adj) penitent, eager to be forgiven ant: hurtful, indifferent, mean, unrepentant28
5346475543conundrum(n) puzzle, problem ant: solution, answer, explanation, obviousness29
5406711062credulity(n) readiness to believe ant: disbelief, distrust, doubt, misgiving, skepticism, suspicion30
5406711063cupidity(n) greed, string desire ant: dislike, distaste, generosity31
5406711064cursory(adj) brief to the point of being superficial ant: complete, meticulous, painstaking, perfect, thorough, unhurried32
5406711065decry(v) to critique openly ant: applaud, compliment, exalt, laud, praise33
5406711066defile(v) to make unclean, impure ant: clean, clease, hallow, honor, purify, sanctify34
5558910014deleterious(adj) harmful ant: beneficial, aiding, assisting, helpful35
5558910015demure(adj) quiet, modest, reserved ant: aggressive, bold, extroverted, outgoing, shameless, strong36
5558910016deprecate(v) to belittle, depreciate ant: approve, build up, commend, compliment, endorse, laud, praise37
5558910017deride(v) to laugh at mockingly, scorn ant: commend, compliment, flatter, praise, revere38
5558910018desecrate(v) to violate the sacredness of a thing or place ant: honor, praise, sanctify39
5636389603desiccated(adj) dried up, dehydrated ant: moisten, moisturize, wet40
5636389604diaphanous(adj) light, airy, transparent ant: opaque, thick, heavy41
5636389605diffident(adj) shy, quiet, modest ant: bold, confident, aggressive, forward42
5636389606discursive(adj) rambling, lacking order ant: direct, coherent, consistent, logical, focused43
5636389607dissemble(v) to conceal, fake ant: admit, allow, reveal, show, uncover44
5734320751dither(v) to be indecisive ant: certain, decided, definite, determined, settled, sure, undoubted45
5734320752ebullient(adj) extremely lively,!enthusiastic ant: apathetic, disinterested, unenthusiastic46
5734320753effrontery(n) impudence, nerve, insolence ant: manners, modesty, shame, shyness47
5734320754effulgent(adj) radiant, splendorous ant: dim, dull, unbright, lackluster, unbrilliant48
5734320755egregious(adj) extremely bad ant: little, minor, secondary, slight49
5864925550enervate(v) to weaken, exhaust ant: activate, animate, empower, energize, invigorate, liven, strengthen50
5864925551ephemeral(adj) short-lived, fleeting ant: enduring, eternal, everlasting, interminable, lasting, long, permanent, perpetual51
5864925552eschew(v) to shun, avoid ant: embrace, like, love52
5864925553evanescent(adj) fleeting, momentary ant: abiding, enduring, eternal, everlasting, immortal, imperishable, lasting, permanent, perpetual, persistent, undying, unfading53
5864925554evince(v) to show, reveal ant: belie, misrepresent, distort, falsify, garble, twist, camouflage, disguise, gild, gloss, varnish, whitewash, conceal, counterfeit, cover, hide, mask, obscure, occlude54
5864925555exculpate(v) to free from guilt or blame, exonerate ant: bind, blame, charge, condemn, convict, hold, impeach, incriminate, obligate, punish, sentence55
5864925556execrable(adj) loathsome, detestable ant:admirable, blessed, cherished, exalted, favorable, favored, good, laudatory, loveable, praiseworthy56
5864925557exigent(adj) urgent, critical ant: aiding, helpful, helping, relieving, unburdensome, ordinary, unpressured, usual57
5864925558expiate(v) to make amends for, atone ant: gratification, satisfaction, propitiation, expiation, atonement58
5864925559expunge(v) to obliterate, eradicate ant: bear, build, construct, create, confirm, continue, enact, establish, institute, legalize, promote, ratify, support, uphold59
5864925560extant(adj) existing, not destroyed or lost ant: dead, extinct, gone, hypothetical, imaginary, nominal, past, reputed, theoretical, unreal60
5864925561extol(v) to praise, revere ant: blame, berate, censure, damn, denounce, disapprove, dishonor, vituperate, criticiz61
5864925562fallacious(adj) incorrect, misleading ant: correct, real, true, truthful, honest, upright62
5864925563fastidious(adj) meticulous, demanding, having high standards and often unattainable standards ant: indifferent, indiscriminating, uncareful, uncouth, uncritical, undemanding63
5864925564fatuous(adj) silly, foolish ant: aware, bright, intelligent, keen, sensible, smart64
5927942298fecund(adj) fruitful, fertile ant: impotent, infertile, sterile, unfruitful, unproductive, useless, barren65
5927942299feral(adj) wild, savage ant: broken, busted, tamed, domesticated, gentle66
5927942300fetid(adj) having foul odor ant: aromatic, clean, fragrant, pure, sweet, pleasing, wonderful67
5927942301florid(adj) flowery, ornate ant: inelaborate, natural, plain, undecorated, unornate, pale, white68
5927942302fractious(adj) troublesome or irritable ant: agreeable, complaisant, happy, nice, patient69
6024753318garrulous(adj) talkative, wordy ant: mum, quiet, reserved, silent, still, untalkative70
6024753319grandiloquence(n) lofty, pompous language ant: humbleness, modesty, humility, plain, simple, unadorned, unpretentious71
6024753320gregarious(adj) drawn to company, sociable ant: old, cool, introverted, unfriendly, unhospitable, unsociable72
6024753321hackneyed(adj) unoriginal, trite ant: fresh, new, original, uncommon73
6024753322hapless(adj) unlucky ant: fortuitous, fortunate, lucky, well-off74
6283170824harangue1. (n) a ranting speech 2. (v) to give such a speech ant: hush, silence, speechlessness, stillness, taciturnity, encomium, eulogy, panegyric, rhapsody, tribute, acclaim, acclamation, accolade, citation, homage, honor, praise, approval, blessing, commendation, endorsement, sanction, ovation, plaudit, rave.75
6283170825hegemony(n) domination over others ant: repression, stress, helpless, powerless, oppression, bondage, constraint76
6283170826iconoclast(n) one who attacked common beliefs or institutions ant: creator, inventor, author, designer, maker, producer, conservative77
6283170827ignominious(adj) humiliating, disgracing ant: honorable, glorious, admiration, esteem, fame, dignity78
6283170828impassive(adj) stoic, not susceptible to suffering ant: emotional, feeling, passionate, responsive, sensitive, susceptible, warm79
6329619187imperious(adj) commanding, domineering ant: fawning, helpless, humble, obedient, servile, subservient, weak80
6329619188impertinent(adj) rude, insolent ant: kind, mannered, nice, polite, refined, respectful81
6329619189impervious(adj) impenetrable, incapable of being affected ant: exposed, open, penetrable, responsive, sensitive, vulnerable82
6329619190impetuous(adj) rash; hastily done ant: calm, cautious, circumspect, considerate, reflective, sensible, thoughtful, wise83
6329619191impinge(v) to impact, affect make impression ant: impotence, incapacity, inferiority, powerlessness, weakness (v) to encroach, infringe ant: avoid, dodge84
6391778417implacable(adj) incapable of being appeased or mitigated ant: charitable, compassionate, considerate, feeling, gentle, kind, merciful, sympathetic, thoughtful, uncruel85
6391778418impudent(adj) casually rude, insolent, impertinent ant: humble, modest, polite, retiring, reserved, shy, timid, meek86
6391778419inchoate(adj) unformed or formless, in a beginning stage ant: developed, grown, mature87
6391778420incontrovertible(adj) indisputable ant: changeable, controvertible, questionable, uncertain, variable88
6391778421indefatigable(adj) incapable of defeat, failure, decay ant: fatigued, tired, weary, lazy, neglectful, negligent89
6432263279ineffable(adj) unspeakable, incapable of being expressed through words ant: definable, describable, utterable90
6432263280inexorable(adj) incapable of being persuaded or placated ant: flexible, lenient, merciful, remorseful, yielding91
6432263281ingenuous(adj) not devious; innocent and candid ant: deceitful, dishonest, sly, tricky, artful92
6432263282inimical(adj) hostile ant: friendly, advantageous, kind, social, welcoming, favorable, warm hearted, neighborly93
6432263283iniquity(n) wickedness or sin ant: goodness, virtue, honesty, decency, innocence, morality94
6487497909insidious(adj) appealing but imperceptibly harmful, seductive ant: fair, honest, open, sincere, gullible, naive, unclever, kind, shy95
6487497910intransigent(adj) refusing to compromise, often on an extreme opinion ant: agreeable, amenable, complying, relenting, yielding96
6487497911inure(v) to cause someone or something to become accustomed to a situation ant: soften, neglect, liquefy, sensitize97
6487497912invective(n) an angry verbal attack ant: compliment, flattery, praise, acclamation, adulation, approval, commendation, plaudit, kind98
6487497913inveterate(adj) stubbornly established by habit ant: unused, unaccustomed, occasional, intermittent99
6547836050jubilant(adj) extremely joyful, happy ant: depressed, sad, sorrowful, unhappy100
6547836051juxtaposition(n) the act of placing two things next to each other for implicit comparison ant: nonadjacent, noncontiguous disjoined, disunited101
6547836052laconic(adj) terse in speech or writing ant: long-winded, verbose, wordy102
6547836053languid(adj) sluggish from fatigue or weakness ant: alert, animated, energetic, lively, spirited, vivacious103
6547836054largess(n) the generous giving lavish gifts ant: stealing, taking, malevolence, uncharitableness, unkindness104
6590224827latent(adj) hidden, but capable of being exposed ant: active, apparent, clear, live, manifest, obvious, open, public105
6590224828magnanimous(adj) noble, generous ant: petty, stingy, suspicious106
6590224829ostensible(adj) appearing as such, seemingly ant: improbable, obscure, unlikely, vague, certain, definite, sure107
6590224830pejorative(adj) derogatory, uncomplimentary ant: complimentary, positive, praising, flattering, kind, nice108
6590224831repudiate(v) to reject, refuse to accept ant: admit, approve, permit, allow, uphold, arrange, establish109
6825006491licentious(adj) displaying a lack of moral or legal restraints ant: chaste, controlled, good, innocent, moral110
6825006492malevolent(adj) wanting harm to befall others ant: amiable, harmless, kind, liking, loving111
6825006493nefarious(adj) heinously villainous ant: good, honorable, respectable, virtuous, worthy112
6825006494obsequious(adj) excessively compliant or submissive ant: arrogant, assertive, brazen, confident, presumptuous113
6825006495perfunctory(adj) showing little interest or enthusiasm ant: careful, precise, thoughtful114
6943423608platitude(n) an uninspired remark, cliché ant: coinage, nuance, original saying115
6943423609usurp(v) to seize by force, take possession of without right ant: give in, relinquish, surrender, bestow, give, return116
6943423610neophyte(n) someone who is young or inexperienced ant: expert, professional, master, veteran, maestro117
6943423611parsimony(n) frugality, stinginess ant: generosity, extravagance, philanthropy, luxury, lavishness118
6943423612sanctimonious(adj) giving a hypocritical appearance of piety ant: humble, meek, modest, sincere, reasonable,119
6943423613petulance(n) rudeness, irritability ant: good-natured, happy, pleasant, nice, kind, easy120
6943423614munificence(n) generosity in giving ant: careful, greedy, mean, selfish, stingy121
6943423615odious(adj) instilling hatred or intense displeasure ant: agreeable, delightful, great, likeable, loveable, pleasing122
6943423616vapid(adj) lacking liveliness, dull ant: lively, pungent, sharp, spicy, strong123
6943423617quagmire(n) a difficult situation ant: blessing, solution, success124
6995229304myriad(adj) consisting of a very great number ant: calculable, limited, measurable125
6995229305viscous(adj) not free flowing, syrupy ant: unsticky, watery126
6995229306wanton(adj) undisciplined, lewd, lustful ant: clean, decent, moral, righteous127
6995229307surmise(v) to infer with little evidence ant: calculation, knowledge, measurement, questionable, wonder128
6995229308umbrage(n) resentment, offense ant: happiness, like, love, pleasure, kind, affection129

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