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AP Literature Vocabulary Set 1 Flashcards

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8374700186OscillateTo move from back and forth between two points0
8374709660AscenticismPracticing strict self-denial as personal and spiritual discipline1
8374724797Crassgrossness of mind as precludes discrimination2
8374724798DefrayTo provide payment3
8374729242EnvoyA messenger or representative in diplomatic missions4
8374755823BeguileTo lead by deception5
8374755824AllocateTo apportion for a specific purpose6
8374755825DintForce or power7
8374755826EnjoinTo direct or impose by authoritative order8
8374811774JubilantShowing great joy9
8374818252AkimboHaving one hand on the hip and elbow turned out10
8374818253PresumptuousOverstepping due bounds11
8374822084LassitudeA condition of weariness12
8374822085PecuniaryMeasured in money13
8374826930IncarcerateTo put in prison14
8374826931VacuousEmptied of or lacking content15
8374826932LicentiousLacking legal or moral restraints16
8374834480Subversivea systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system from a person secretly working from within17
8374914680AvocationSomething a person does in addition to a principal occupation18
8374920389VacillateTo sway through lack of equilibrium19
8374920390RisqueVerging on indecency20
8374924084CapriciousSubject to, led by, or indicative of whim21
8374924085EfficacyThe power to produce an effect22
8374928385DisparityContaining or made up of fundamentally different elements23
8374928386HospiceA lodging for travelers or the underprivileged24
8374928387InitiativeAn introductory act or step25
8374933245ReticentInclined to be silent or uncommunicative26
8375000508CorroborateTo support with evidence27
8375004922RetinueA group of attendants28
8375004923VerisimilitudeThe appearance or semblance of truth29
8375004924TorridParched with heat, passionate30
8375010257TediumIrksomeness, state of being wearisome31
8375010258PhysiognomyThe art of discovering temperament from outward appearance32
8375016163FedoraA low, soft, felt hat with the crown creased lengthwise33
8375016164InsipidLacking taste or uninteresting34
8375020838InexorableNot to be persuaded35

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