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AP Poetry/Literature Terms you need to know!!

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5225742430footbasic metrical unit of poetry, such as an iamb or an anapest0
5350004286nom de plumename adopted by a writer for professional use.1
5227684162anaphorathe same expression (word or words) is repeated at beginning of two or more lines2
5350015218epigrapha quotation/motto placed at the beginning of a book,chapter or poem.3
5225767612envoya controversial stanza appearing at the close of certain kinds of poems;serves to create a conclusion4
5635051871antithesisa figure of speech characterized by strongly contrasting words, clauses, sentences, or ideas. It is the balancing of one term against another5
5635056684extended metaphora metaphor that continues over several lines or throughout an entire work6
5228348541formthe external pattern or shape of the poem, describable without referencing the content7
5228368362prosenormal language (narrative); not poetry8
5228354868structurethe internal organization of a poem9
5228381095soliliquydramatic speech where the internal thoughts of a character are uttered while they are only person on stage10
5228413291bathossounding ridiculous when trying to sound smart11
5225742431stanzagroup of lines in a poem; poetry equivalent of a paragraph12
5225779719chiasmusa pattern in which the end part is balanced against the first but with the parts reversed. The ideas are presented in an "ABBA" pattern.13
5635061200foila character who, through contrast, underscores the characteristics of another14
5635064711carpe diem(Latin phrase meaning seize the day) a common literary theme, especially in lyric poetry, which emphasizes that life is short and that one should make the most of present pleasure15
5227877014meterthe measurable repetition of accented and unaccented syllables in poetry16
5635072401malapropismthe mistaken substitution of one word for another word that sounds similar17
5635075125hubrisexcessive pride or self-confidence that leads a protagonist to disregard a divine warning or violate an important moral law, thus leading to his downfall18
5635080150stream of consciousnesscontinuous flow of perceptions, thoughts, feelings and memories, usually in an unpunctuated or disjointed form of internal monologue19
5227887701synesthesiadescribing one kind of sensation in terms of another (EX: cool=sweet)20
5227709382polysydentonthe repeated use of conjunctions (commas, semi-colons etc.) to link together a succession of words, clauses & sentences.21
5225793332circumlocationevasive or indirect language achieved by wordiness i.e. talking in circles22
5227736804asyndetonomission of connecting words in a list23
5225800962broken rhymeto break a word at the end of a line to make a rhyme, very rare24
5227753996litotesa type of irony or understatement in which an idea is expressed by negating its opposite25
5635084610oxymorona self-contradictory combination of words26
5227787229satiremode of writing that exposes the failing of individuals, institution or societies to ridicule and scorn.27
5227848667synecdochea type of metaphor in which a part of something is used to signify the whole28
5225815400didacticintended to teach29
5225821592palindromewriting that reads the same from left to right and from right to left30
6439702340anadplosisa kind of repetition in which the last word of a line is repeated as the 1st word of the following line.31
5635086867monologuea composition giving the discourse of one speaker32
5635089131external monologuemonologue in which the character is speaking aloud to another character(s)33
5635184662internal monologuea stream of consciousness technique in which the thoughts of a character are revealed in long, unbroken informal form. Usually seeks to get below the verbal level in which images are used to represent sensations or emotions. (can appear to be illogical or associational)34
5635092209idiomuse of words peculiar to a given language; an expression that cannot be translated literally35
5635095560euphemisma device in which indirectness replaces the directness of a statement, usually in an effort to avoid offensiveness36
6154598683anastrophethe reversal of standard or normal order of words in a sentence construction, for effect37
5225742437monometerone poetic foot per line38
6439706207AnecdoteA detailed short narrative, detailing an interesting episode or event.39
6154328544syllepsisa construction where one word is understood differently in relation to 2 or more words in which is governs or modifies40
6154346344anacuthalonthe failure - accident or deliberate- to complete a sentence according to the structural plan on which it started41
6439713894anthropomorphismthe ascription of human characteristics to non-human objects (broader than personification)42
5635099514colloquialisman expression used in informal conversation but not accepted universally in formal speech in writing43
5635102095dialecta variety of speech characterized by its own particular grammar or punctuations; often associated with a particular geographical region44
5824146473syllepisa construction in which one word is understood differently in relation to two or more other words which it governs or modifies45
5824156960syllogisma logical argument that derives a conclusion from two propositions46
5635107153motifrecurrent images, words, objects, phrases, actions etc. that tend to unify a work of literature47
5225834953denouncementthe final unraveling of a plot, or solution to a mystery; the outcome/explanation48
6154655540archetypean image, descriptive detail, a plot pattern, or a character type that occurs frequently in literature, myth, religion or folklore.49
6154622317aphorisma concise statement of principal or percept given50
5225742438dimetertwo poetic feet in the line51
5225742439trimeterthree poetic feet in the line52
5225742440tetrameterfour poetic feet in the line53
5225742441pentameterfive poetic feet in the line54
5225742442hexametersix poetic feet in the line55
5225742443heptameterseven poetic feet in the line56
5225742444octametereight poetic feet in the line57
5225742445nonometernine poetic feet in the line58
5225742453end rhymerhyme that occurs at the end of lines59
5225742454masculine rhymeone-syllable rhyme60
5225742455feminine rhymetwo-syllable rhyme61
5225742456internal rhymerhyme occurring within lines62
5225742457slant rhymeapproximate rhyme63
5225742458balladnarrative poem, usually written in quatrains, basic rhyme scheme, ballad meter64
5225742459lyricemotional poem, personal in nature65
5225742460odea single, unified strain of exalted lyrical verse, directed to a single purpose & dealing with or without theme; lyric poem addressing subjects of an elevated nature66
5635144981Ad homineman argument appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect; attacking a person's character rather than his position67
5225742461elegyformal poem setting forth meditations on death or another solemn theme; formal lyric poem written in honor of someone who has died68
5225742462Petrarchan14 line sonnet with an octave and a sestet69
5225742463Shakespearean14 line sonnet with three quatrains and a couplet70
5225742464villanellea 19 line fixed form poem consisting of 5 tercets; rhymed "aba" and a concluding quatrain rhyming "abaa"; with lines 1 and 3 of the 1st tercet which serves as refrains that alternate through line 15 and then appearing again in line 18 and 1971
5824163459zeugma (zoyg-muh)a technique in which one verb is used with multiple objects, so that the meaning of the verb is changed, complicated, or made both literal and figurative72
5824178103non sequituran inference that does not follow from the premise73
5225742465alliterationrepetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words74
5225742466assonancethe patterning vowel sounds without regards to consonant sounds (repetition of vowel sounds)75
5635130708anachronismassignment of something to a time when it was not in existence76
6156382620parablea brief tale intended to be understood as an allegory illustrating some lesson or moral77
5225742468conceita particularly clever extended metaphor78
5225742467cacophonya harsh, unpleasant combination of sounds79
5225742469euphonythe stylistic effect achieved when a passage is rhythmically graceful and avoids unpleasant sound combinations (pleasant sounds)80
6155276056Noble Savageidea that primitive humans are naturally good and evil is a product of civilization81
5225742470metaphorcomparison between unlike things82
5225742471synecdochea type of metaphor in which a part of something is used to signify the whole; referring to a part with the whole or vice versa EX: ("Russia won the gold medal")83
5225742472onomatopoeiawords which have a sound that reflects its meaning84
5635115070parallelism (parallel structure)arrangement of similarly constructed clauses, sentences, or verses; a balance arrangement85
5635111854ambivalencemutually contradicting feelings or attitudes86
5225742473iambicpentameter most popular meter in English poetry87
5225742474blankverseunrhymed iambic pentameter88
5225742475free versenonmetrical poetry in which the basic rythmic unit is the line, and in which pauses, line breaks, and formal patterns develop organically from the requirements of the individual poem rather than other established poetic forms i.e. unrhymed verse with no standard meter89
5225847524canonworks generally considered by scholars,critics & professors to be the most important to read/study which make up the masterpiece of literature90
5225742476caesuraa pause/break in a line of verse; grammatical pause91
6156403229Electra complexthe psychological conflict of a daughter's unconscious rivalry with her mother for her father's attention92
5225858188black humoruse of the morbid & absurd for darkly comic purposes; sometimes called a tragic farce93
6155282347epigrama short poem with a witty turn of thought94
5225742477enjambmentrun-on line95
6156421025epistolarywritten in the style of a letter or letters96
6156416560epitheta word used to point out a characteristic of a person or thing97
6156425742Oedipus complexthe psychological conflict of a son's unconscious rivalry with his father for his mother's attention98
6156435758scansionthe process of measuring metrical verse (that is the actual process of marking different parts of the meter)99
6156368683continuous formthe form of a poem in which the lines follow each other without formal grouping, the only breaks being dictated by units of means100
5225871359English Shakespearean Sonnetrhyming "ababcdedefefaa" content usually parallels the rhyme scheme, with 3 quatrains and a conceding couplet, shift just before couplet, structured like Italian.101
5225895345Italian Petrarchan SonnetA sonnet consisting of an octave rhyming "abbabba" and a sestent using any arrangement of 2 or 3 additional rhymes. A shift occurs after the 8th line.102
6155285224prose poemusually a short composition having the intentions of poetry but written in prose rather than verse103
5225911357direct characterizationthe writer tells the reader what a character is like.104
5225915587indirect charcaterizationthe writer tells the reader what a character is like through his/her dialogue and'or actions or through other characters105
6155291072Bon Mota witticism106
6156350349catharsisdescribes the release of the emotions of pity and fear by the audience at the end of a tragedy (Introduced by the ancient Greeks)107
6156444031iamba metrical foot consisting of one unaccented followed by one accented syllable108
6156454602iambic metera meter in which the majority of feet are iambs (the most common English meter)109
6158398853sentimental poetrypoetry that attempts to manipulate the reader's emotions i order to achieve a greater emotional response than the poem really warrants110
5225742478refraina repeated word, group of lines, lines are at a set position in a poem written with stanzas; repeated line or phrase111
5225742479haikuJapanese form of poetry using 3 lines and 17 syllables, employs a nature word and a contrast leading to enlightenment112
6158414394heroic meteriambic pentameter= called a heroic meter it is often used in heroic or epic poetry113
5225742480limerickhumorous or nonsense poem with anapestic aa3bb2a3 form114
5225742481sestinaa poem with six stanzas of six lines and a final tercet, all stanzas having the same six words at the line-ends115
5225742482cantoa section (grouping of stanzas) in a long work of poetry116
5225742483consonancerepetition of consonant sounds, not necessarily at the beginning of words117
5225742484epica long narrative in elevated style presenting characters of high position in adventures, forming an organic whole through their relation to a central heroic figure and through their development of episodes important to their nation or race.118
5225742485hyperboleextreme exaggeration119
5225742486understatementpresentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important than it actually is120
5225742487plosivea "hard" consonant (such as T, K, P, D)121
6156359775Deus Ex Machinaany forced or artificial device introduced by an author to solve some difficult problem with the resolution of a plot122
5635136726paeana song of praise or triumph123
5635156022dirgea sad song sung at funerals; short lyric lamentation124
5635138938aubadea lyric poem about the morning serenade125
5225742488allusionreference to a commonly known historical, Biblical, or literary figure126
5225742489dramatic ironythe audience knows more about a character's situation than the character does; irony in poetry, when the speaker's attitude differs from the poet's127
6282807391stanzaic formthe form of a poem written in a series of units having the same number of lines and usually other characteristics in common (ex: meter, rhyme scheme)128
5225742491tercetthree-line stanza129
5225742490couplettwo successive lines, usually of the same meter,linked by rhyme.130
5225742492quatrainfour-line stanza131
5225742493cinquainfive-line stanza132
5225742494sestetsix-line stanza133
5225742495septetseven-line stanza134
5225742496octaveeight-line stanza135
5225742497denotationLiteral meaning Dictionary definition of a word136
5225742498connotationAn idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning137
5225742499apostrophethe speaker addresses a dead (absent) person or an abstraction or inanimate object; A figure of speech that directly addresses an absent or imaginary person or a personified abstraction, such as liberty or love.138
5225742500personificationthe representing of non-human things or ideas as having human personalities, intelligence emotions or physical features.139
5225742501metonymyA figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated (such as "crown" for "royalty").140
5225742502symbolA thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.141
5225742503allegoryA story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.142
5225742504paradoxA statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.143
5225742505sarcasmthe use of irony to mock or convey contempt144
5225742506blank versePoetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter145
5225742507sentimental verseemotional verse146
5225742508rhetorical versesuperficial language that really has little meaning147
5225742509didactic versea term for a poem that teaches, almost preaches. It often discusses the "proper" way to behave. The lesson being taught is more important to the writer than the artistic quality of the work148
6689737598characterizationThe creation of imaginary persons by an author so that they seem lifelike.149
6689742123indirect characterizationthe writer shows the reader what a character is like through his/her dialogue and/or actions or through other characters.150
6689746911deconstructiona method of literary criticism which suggests that literary works do not yield fixed, single meanings because language can never say exactly what we intend it151
6689766874Freudian Slipa slip of the tongue that inadvertently reveals what's on the mind of the speaker.152
6689769634genrea category of literary composition.153
6689771792grotesquecharacterized by bizarre, unnatural distortion154
6689774602invective(noun or adj.) denunciation of some person or thing in abusive writing155
6689781735loose sentenceA sentence that is grammatically complete before it ends.156
6689784805Periodic Sentencea sentence that is not grammatically complete until its end.157
6689792799Fallacyan argument constructed in a way that may appear logical and valid, but is ultimately faulty158
6689799547complaintA lyric poem in which the poet; (a) laments the unresponsiveness of his mistress (b) bemoans his unhappy lot and seeks to remedy it; or (c) regrets the sorry state of the world.159
6689806447PastoralA poetic treatment of shepherds and rustic life. In modern context the term often means any poem of rural people and setting.160
6689816992False Dichotomypresenting only two options when more exist.161
6689832798Post HocA fallacy that confused correlation with causation.162
6689833928Red HerringA fallacy that attempts to misdirect a logical argument by introducing an irrelevant premise.163
6689836054Straw Manpresenting an extreme version of a side of a debate in order to more easily argue against it. Includes falsely insinuating that all who hold to a certain position hold to the most extreme version of that position.164

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