Study Guide for Quiz on Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 6
5299488840 | Abject | (adj) Degraded; Base, contemptible; Cringing, servile; Complete and unrelieved s~Wretched, Miserable, Ignoble, Sheer, Utter a~Lofty, Noble, Exalted | 0 | |
5299488841 | Agnostic | (n) One who believes that nothing can be known about God; A skeptic; (adj) Without faith, skeptical s~(n) Doubter a~(n) Believer | 1 | |
5299488842 | Complicity | (n) Involvement in wrongdoing; The state of being an accomplice s~Connivance, Collusion a~Noninvolvement, Innocence | 2 | |
5299488843 | Derelict | (n) Someone or something that is abandoned or neglected; (adj) Left abandoned,; Neglectful of duty s~ (n) Vagrant; (adj) Remiss, Delinquent a~(adj) Punctilious, Conscientious, Scrupulous | 3 | |
5299488844 | Diatribe | (n) A bitter and prolonged verbal attack s~Harangue, Tirade a~Panegyric, Encomium, Eulogy | 4 | |
5299488845 | Effigy | (n) A crude image of a despised person s~Figure, Figurine, Likeness | 5 | |
5299488846 | Equity | (n) The state or quality of being just, fair, or impartial; Fair and equal treatment; Something that is fair; The money value of a property above and beyond any mortgage or other claim s~Justice, Fairness, Impartiality a~Injustice, Unfairness, Bias, Prejudice | 6 | |
5299488847 | Inane | (adj) Silly, Empty of meaning or value s~Vapid, Idiotic, Moronic, Fatuous a~Sensible, Meaningful, Profound | 7 | |
5299488848 | Indictment | (n) The act of accusing; A formal accusation s~Charge, Accusation | 8 | |
5299488849 | Indubitable | (adj) Certain, not to be doubted or denied s~Unquestionable, Indisputable a~Questionable, Debatable, Dubious | 9 | |
5299488850 | Intermittent | (adj) Stopping and beginning again, sporadic s~Fitful, Spasmodic, Random a~Continuous, Uninterrupted | 10 | |
5299488851 | Moot | (adj) not valid; of little or no practical value or meaning s~(adj) useless; unimportant | 11 | |
5299488852 | Motif | (n) A principal idea, feature, theme or element; A repeated or dominant figure in a design | 12 | |
5299488853 | Neophyte | (n) A new convert, beginner, novice s~Tenderfoot, Tyro, Rookie a~ Veteran, Past Master, Expert, Pro | 13 | |
5299488854 | Perspicacity | (n) Keenness in observing and understanding s~Acuity, Acumen, Discernment a~Dullness, Obtuseness | 14 | |
5299488855 | Plenary | (adj) Complete in all aspects or essentials; Absolute; Attended by all qualified members s~Unlimited, Unrestricted a~Limited, Restricted, Incomplete | 15 | |
5299488856 | Surveillance | (n) A watch kept over a person; Careful, close and disciplined observation s~Observation, Scrutiny, Monitoring | 16 | |
5299488857 | Sylvan | (adj) Pertaining to or characteristic of forests; Living or located in a forest; Wooded, woody s~Forested, Arcadian | 17 | |
5299488858 | Testy | (adj) Easily irritated; Characterized by impatience and exasperation s~Irritable, Peevish, Waspish, Petulant a~Even-tempered, Imperturbable, Unexcitable | 18 | |
5299488859 | Travesty | (n) A grotesque or grossly inferior imitation; A disguise, especially the clothing of the opposite sex; (v) To ridicule by imitating in a broad or burlesque fashion s~ (n) Burlesque, Parody, Caricature, Farce | 19 |