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AP Macroeconics Unit I

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119531246Economicsstudy of how society allocates (distributes) scarce (limited) resources
119531247Factors of Productioninputs of resources that go into the production function to produce goods and services (land, labor, & capital)
119531248Inputsfactors of production (resources) used to make goods and services
119531249Capitalman made goods used in the production of other goods (the tools needed to do the job)
119531250Microeconomicsthe study of choices made by individual units (households, firms, or an industry) and with individual markets, specific goods and services, and product and resource prices (the "trees" instead of the forest)
119531251Macroeconomicsthe study of the economy as a whole (the "forest" instead of the trees)
119531252Positive economicsthe analysis of facts or data to establish scientific generalizations about economic behavior
119531253Normative economicsinvolves value judgements about what the economy should be like; policy economics
119531254Ceteris paribusassumption that all factors other than those being considered are held constant (the control in an experiment)
119531255Fallacy of compositionfalse notion that what is true for the individual (or part) is necessarily true for the group (or whole)
119531256Scarcitylimited resources to meet unlimited wants and needs
119531257Opportunity costthe most desirable alternative given up when making a decision
119531259Production Possibilities Curveshows the alternative ways an economy can use its resources
119531260Production Possilibilities Frontieredge of production possibilities for an economy; efficient use of resources
119531261Efficientusing everything availalbe with nothing left over
119531262InefficientLeft over, unused, resources (ex: unemployment, idle factory, idle equipment, idle oil wells, etc...)
119531264Goodstangible products available for individuals, firms or governments to buy, sell, and trade (ex: desks, books, computers, etc...)
119531265Servicesan intangible act or use for which a consumer, firm or government is willing to pay (ex: hair cut, banking services, education, etc...)
119531266Constant opportunity costan opportunity cost that remails the same for each additional unit as a consumer (or society) shifts puraches (production) from one product to another along a straight-line (ex: for every additional bicycle made, it will cost us two computers)
119531267Law of increasing opportunity costprinciple that as the production of a good increases, the opportunity cost of producing an addtional unit rises (ex: computers & pizzas - since the resources needed to produce these two goods are very different making more of either will will divert more & more resources to that option & away from the other because resources aren't readily interchangeable)
119531268Absolute advantageability to produce more of a good than all other producers
119531269Comparative advantageability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than all other producers
119531270Specializationproduction of goods, or performance of tasks, based upon comparative advantage (ex: Henry Ford's assembly line)
119531271Terms of traderate at which units of one product can be exchanged for units of another product
119531295Tarrifstax imposed by a nation on imports to its country
119531296Quotasmaximum amount of a good that can be imported
119531297Subsidiesgovernment transfer (payment), either to consumers or producers, on the consumption or production of a good
119531298Trade barriersany restrictions a nation imposes on other nations importing goods to that country
119531299Free-trade agreements/zonesa group of nations that lower or abolish trade barriers amount members (ex: European Union EU, North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA, Oil Producing and Exporting Countries OPEC, et...)
119531300Landany natural resource
119531301Laboreffort for pay
119531302Human capitaleducation, training or skills that make you a more in demand employee
119531303Trade-offgiving up some of one thing to get more of another; compromise
119531304Shortagetemporary unavailabilty of a good or service
119531305Entrepreneurspeople that put together the factors of production (land, labor, capital) to sell goods and services to individuals, government, or firms
119531306Rational choicewhen faced with options, it is the one you choose
119531307Growthan increase in real GDP (GDPr) per capita (per person); usually brought on by new technology
198086150Demanddesire & ability to buy a good/service
198086151Law of demandlower the price, the more consumers buy
198086152Quantity demandedamount of a good/service consumers are willing to purchase at a certain price
198086153ComplementsGoods used together
198086154SubstitutesGoods used in place of another
198086155Normal goodsgoods you buy more of as income increases
198086156Inferior goodsgoods you buy more of as income decreases
198086157Supplyamount of a good/service available
198086158Law of supplyproducers supply more of a good/service as price increases
198086159Quantity suppliedamount of good/service producers are willing to supply at each price level
198086160Market equilibriumpoint at which quantity supplied & quantity demanded are equal (requires a price & quantity)
198086161Equilibrium priceprice at which quantity supplied & quantity demanded are equal
198086162Equilibrium quantityamount of a good/service that buyers are willing to consume and producers are willing to sell so there's not a shortage/surplus
198086163North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)agreement between Canada, the United States, and Mexico to eliminate trade barriers between the three North American countries to promote overall economic growth in the region

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