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AP Macroeconomics Ch 37 & 38

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344154124labor-intensive goodsa product requiring a relatively large amount of labor to be produced
344154125land-intensive goodsa product requiring a relatively large amount of land to be produced
344154126capital-intensive goodsa product that requires a relatively large amount of capital to be produced
344154127cost ratioan equality showing the number of units of two products that can be produced with the same resources
344154128principle of comparative advantagesays that total output will be greatest when each good is produced by the nation that has the lowest domestic opportunity cost for that good
344154129terms of tradethe rate at which units of one product can be exchanged for units of another product
344154130trading possibilities linea line that shows the different combinations of two products that an economy is able to obtain (consume) when it specializes in the production of one product and trades (exports) it to obtain the other product
344154131gains from tradethe extra output that trading partners obtain through specialization of production and exchange of goods and services.
344154132world pricethe international market price of a good or service, determined by world demand and supply
344154133domestic pricethe price of a good or service within a country, determined by domestic demand and supply
344154134export supply curvean upward-sloping curve that shows the amount of a product that domestic firms will export at each world price that is above the domestic price
344154135import demand curvea downsloping curve showing the amount of a product that an economy will import at each world price below the domestic price
344154136equilibrium world pricethe price in a competitive market at which the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied are equal, there is neither a shortage nor a surplus, and there is no tendency for price to rise or fall
344154137tariffsa tax imposed by a nation on an imported good
344154138revenue tariffa tariff designed to produce income for the Federal government
344154139protective tariffa tariff designed to shield domestic producers of a good or service from the competition of foreign producers
344154140import quotaa limit imposed by a nation on the quantity (or total value) of a good that may be imported during some period of time
344154141nontariff barrier (NTB)all barriers other than protective tariffs that nations erect to impede international trade
344154142voluntary export restriction (VER)voluntary limitations by countries or firms of their exports to a particular foreign nation to avoid enactment of formal trade barriers by that nation
344154143strategic trade policythe use of trade barriers to reduce the risk inherent in product development by domestic firms, particularly that involving advanced technology
344154144dumpingthe sale of products below cost in a foreign country or below the prices charged at home
344154145World Trade Organizationan organization of 145 nations that oversees the provisions of the current world trade agreement, resolves trade disputes stemming from it, and holds forums for further rounds of trade negotiations
344154146balance of paymentsa summary of all the transactions that took place between the individuals, firms, and government units of one nation and those of all other nations during a year.
344154147current accountthe section in a nation's international balance of payments that records its exports and imports of goods and services, its net investment income, and its net transfers
344154148balance on goods and servicesthe exports of goods and services of a nation less its imports of goods and services in a year
344154149trade deficitthe amount by which a nation's imports of good exceed its exports of goods
344154150trade surplusthe amount by which a nation's exports of goods exceed its imports of goods
344154151balance on current accountthe exports of goods and services of a nation less its imports of goods and services plus its net investment income and net transfers in a year
344154152capital accountthe section of a nation's international balance-of-payments statement that records the foreign purchases of assets in the United States (creating monetary inflows) and U.S. purchases of assets abroad (creating monetary outflows)
344154153balance on capital accountthe foreign purchases of assets in the United States less American purchases of assets abroad in a year
344154154official reservesforeign currencies owned by the central bank of a nation
344154155balance-of-payments deficitsthe amount by which the sum of the balance on current account and the balance on capital account is negative in a year
344154156balance-of-payments surplusesthe amount by which the sum of the balance on current account and the balance on capital account is positive in a year
344154157flexible- or floating-exchange-rate systema rate of exchange determined by the international demand for and supply of a nation's money; a rate free to rise or fall
344154158fixed-exchange-rate systema rate of exchange that is set in some way and therefore prevented from rising and falling with changes in currency supply and demand
344795558Purshasing-power-parity theoryThe idea that exchange rates between nations equate the purchasing power of various currencies. Exchange rates between any two nations adjust to reflect the price-level differences between the countries.
344795559Currency interventionsA government's buying and selling of its own currency or foreign currencies to alter international exchange rates
344795560Exchange controlsThe control a government may exercise over the quantity of foreign currency demanded by its citizens and firms and over the rates of exchange in order to limit its outpayments to its inpayments (to eliminate a payments deficit)
344795561Gold standarda historical system of fixed exchange rates in which nations defined their currencies in terms of gold, maintained a fixed relationship between their stocks of gold and their money supplies, and allowed gold to be freely exported and imported
344795562Devaluationa decrease in the governmentally defined value of a currency
344795563bretton woods systemthe international monetary system developed after the Second World War in which adjustable pegs were employed, the International Monetary Fund helped stabilze foreign exchange rates, and gold and the dollar were used as international monetary reserves
344795564International monetary fund (IMF)the international association of nations that was formed after the Seond World War to make loans of foreign monies to nations with temporary payment deficits and, until the 1970s, to administer the adjustable pegs. It now mainly makes loans to nations facing possible defaults on private and government loans
344795565Managed floating exchange ratesan exchange rate that is allowed to change (float) as a result of changes in currency supply and demand but at times is altered (managed) by governments via their buying and selling of particular currencies.

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