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172663078economics..., the study of how society manages its scarce resources
172663079scarcity...not enough to go around
172663080resources...simple things that satisfy human wants, used to make other things
172663081ceteris paribus..., all other things held constant
172663082trade-offs..., all the alternatives that we give up whenever we choose one course of action over another
172663083macroeconomics...the study of aggregate economic variables. And the national and global economy
172663084microeconomics...study of decisions individual businesses make
172663086command economy...central authority makes decisions on production and consumption. (Soviet Union)
172663087positive economics..., An approach to economics that seeks to understand behavior and the operation of systems without making judgments. It describes what exists and how it works.
172663088normative economics..., the part of economics involving value judgments about what the economy should be like; focused on which economic goals and policies should be implemented; policy economics
172663089land...production resources from nature. (water trees) pay rent.
172663090labor...human resources. (physical effort, knowledge and skills). Pay wages, salary.
172663091capital...produced tools of the trade. (buildings, machines, tools). pay interest.
172663092entrepreneurship...the intelligence, imagination and ability to take risks needed to start up and maintain a business (Bill Gates). profit.
172663093market economyproducers and consumers decide what is made, how much, and for whom.
172663094full employment...all resources are being used efficiently
172663095full production..., our nations resources are being allocated in the most efficient manner possible
172663096consumer vs. capital goods...consumer goods are:shoes food, clothes. capital goods are man-made tools of production: a fishing boat, a machine.
172663097production possibilities curve... illustrates trade-offs and the optimum efficiency
172663098opportunity cost...what must be given up to get what you want
172663099economic growth...expansion of the production possibilities frontier.
172663100economic system...how the questions "what to produce?", "how to produce it?" and "For whom is it produced?"
172663101traditional economy..economic decisions made based on what has always been done. traditions.
172663102circular flow model...represents transactions in an economy
172663103demand (curve)graphed demand schedule
172663104demand schedule...how much consumers will be willing and able to buy at all different price levels
172663105Quantity demanded...actual amount consumers are willing and able to buy at a specific price
172663106law of demand...at a higher price, less is demanded.
172663107factors of demandTRIBE Tastes Related goods (price) Income # of Buyers price Expectations
172663108normal goodsa rise in income increases the demand for
172663109inferior goodsa rise in income decreases the demand for
172663110substitute goodsa similar cheaper product will be substituted for more expensive goods
172663111change in demand (curve)entire curve can be shifted by factors of demand. (TRIBE)
172663112complementary goodsa pair of goods that when one price decreases, ppl are more likely to buy the other. EX: free parking next to a stadium increases ticket sales
172663114supply (curve)...graphed supply schedule
172663115supply schedule...how much of a good or service Producers are willing and able to supply at every price
172663116law of supply...higher price = higher Quantity supplied.
172663117Quantity supplied...how much producers are w&A to produce at one price level
172663118Factors of supply...ROTTEN Resources: cost and availability Other goods' prices Taxes, subsidies, gov regulations Technology (productivity) Expectations of the producer Number of firms in the industry
172663119Change in supply curve...left is less. right is more
172663122equilibrium...intersection of economic lines. (supply and demand). quantity supplied = quantity demanded @ a certain price.
172663123market clearing price...causes economy to move toward equilibrium price.
172663125Surplus...quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded.
172663126Shortage...quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied
172663129price ceiling...gov set price below equilibrium *legal price maximum
172663130price floor...gov sets price above equilibrium *legal price minimum
172663133Gross domestic product (GDP)...total dollar value of all FINAL goods and services in one year. C+I+G+ Xn= GDP
172663134Intermediate goods...bought from firm to firm that are inputs in producing final goods and services
172663135final goods...goods and services sold in the end to the consumer
172663136multiple counting...
172663137expenditures approachGDP measures\d with this approach C+I+G+Xn =GDP
172663138gross private domestic investment...market value of built, but NOT sold goods.
172663139government purchases...government expenditures on goods and services
172663140net exports...exports-imports
172663141indirect business taxes...taxes hidden in the purchase price (like gas)
172663142consumption of fixed capital...depreciation
172663143depreciation...consumption of fixed capital
172663144net domestic product...subtract depreciation (consumption of fixed capital) from GDP. keeps economy's output from being overstated.
172663145personal income...income directly and indirectly earned by household. spendable income includes:welfare and unemployment benefits
172663146disposable income...actual amount to spend consumption+savings
172663147nominal GDP...GDP not adjust for inflation. shows final value of Goods and Services.
172663148price indexa number that compares prices in one year with some earlier base year
172663149CPI......measures changes in prices of goods in a specific market basket that consumers purchase.
172663150per capita...per person
172663151business cycle...the highs and lows of a the economy as people buy and sell goods and services
172663152productivityreal output/ input
172663153peak...high point in economy. during growth
172663155trough...lowest point during economic contraction
172663156recovery...economy expands moving from a trough to a peak
172663157economic growthan increase in RGDP
172663158rule of 70...70 / annual % rate of growth in economy = how long it will take for economy to double
172663159labor force...people over 16 who: -are employed or actively seeking employment
172663160unemployment rate# of employed / # in work force
172663161discouraged workersunemployed people who have given up looking for a job
172663162frictional unemployment...voluntary unemployment. short term as workers move from one job to another. as they look for a better opportunity
172663163structural unemploymentinvoluntary unemployment. change in the structure of an economy. Workers skill do not equal employers needs.
172663164cyclical unemploymentinvoluntary employment. caused by decrease in total spending in the economy. Businesses do not need as many workers to meet the demand.
172663165natural rate of unemployment...3-5% unemployment. there is always structural and frictional unemployment
172663166GDP gapforfeited output due to failure to create sufficient jobs
172663167Okun's Law..., 1 percent more unemployment results in 2 percent less output
172663168Inflation...increase in price level over time
172663169Demand pull inflation...prices increase b/c consumer demand increase
172663170Cost push inflation...prices increase b/c the cost of making a product increases
172663171nominal vs. real income...nominal is not adjust for inflation. real is adjust for inflation
172663172cost of living adjustments...extra money from the government or an employer to offset the impact of inflation. based on CPI or PPI
172663177saving schedule..., indicates the amounts households plan to save at different income levels, given a price level
172663179MPC, MPS...marginal propensity to consumer, marginal propensity to save.
172663181Investment demand curve..., a curve that shows the amounts of investment demanded by an economy at a series of real interest rates
172663182planned investmentthe amount that firms plan or intend to invest
172663183aggregate expendituresThe total amount of spending on final goods and services in the economy; consumption ( spend-ing by consumers), investment ( (spend-ingbyconsumers),investment( spending by business), spending by government, and net foreign spending on U. S. goods ( the difference between U. S. exports and U. S. imports).
172663184equilibrium GDPthe GDP at which the total quantity of final goods and services purchased is equal to the total quantity of final goods and services produced
172663185Unplanned investmentOccurs when actual sales are more or less that businesses expected, leading to unplanned changes in inventories.
172663186expenditure multiplier (1/(1-MPC))...change in expenditure X multiplier = change in GDP
172663187tax multiplier (-MPC/MPS)...Change in taxes X mulitplier = Change in GDP
172663188C+I+GAD Equation
172663189C+I+G+Xnetaggregate demand
172663190balanced budget multiplier (always=1)... MPC + MPS
172663191recessionary gap...operating below full employment . Unemployment > 5%
172663192inflation gap...above equilibrium. inflation is probably >5%
172663193lump sum taxA tax that is the same amount for every person.
172663194aggregate demand...total amount of goods and services consumers are willing and able to consumer. C+I+G+Xn
172663195real balances effectwhen a price increases, your buying power is decreased, causing you to buy less
172663196interest rate effectas price level decreases consumers demand for money increases. ~interest rates (the price of money) increase ~increased interest rates cause investment components of aggregate demand to decrease
172666380foreign purchases effect..., increase in the price level ( relative to foreign price level) will reduce US exports bc Us products are now more expensive for foreigners and epxand US imports bc foreign products are less expensive for Us consumers. as a consequence, net exports will decrease which means there wil a decrease in the quantity of good and services demanded in the US econony as the price level rises. a decrease in the price level will have opposite effect
172666382aggregate supply...short run and long run. ASSR price changes with demand. can cause inflation. ASLR does not change with different price levels.
172666383Horizontal range of ASKeynesian Range. (many unemployed resources.) Recession
172666384Keynesian Range of ASHorizontal Range of AS
172666385Intermediate rangepart of AS curve showing a healthy economy. approaching full employment. price and wages increase.
172666386slopey part of ASIntermediate Range of AS
172666387vertical or classical range...part of AS curve showing economy at full employment. Increased demand only results in higher prices. not in increased productivity.
172666388factors of AS...
172666389menu coststhe cost to firms of changing prices
172666390fiscal policythe government uses taxes and spending policies to battle economic problems.
172666391budget deficitwhen the government spends more more money than it collects annually in taxes.
172666392contractionary fiscal policypolicy by the government to combat inflation. EX: increased personal income taxes and decreased government spending.
172666393budget surpluswhen the government is receiving more money in taxes annually than it is spending.
172666394built-in stabilizers...a change to the economy that occurs naturally and is not caused by government intervention.
172666395progressive taxes..., A tax rate that increases as the amount of ones income increases
172666396proportional taxes..., taxes that require all income groups to pay the same percentage of their income in taxes
172666397regressive taxesan income tax whose rates decrease as income level rises
172666398full employment budget... What the federal budget would be if the economy were producing at a full-employment level of output.
172666399crowding out effectThe government is demanding more from the loanable funds market. This increases interest rates which makes it more difficult for businesses and consumer to borrow from the loanable funds market.
172666400supply-side economics...economic belief that any problem in the economy can be solved by lessening business taxes and regulation.
172666401time lagsperiods between the time fiscal policy is enacted and the time it becomes effective
172666402council of economic advisors..., established by Employment Act of 1946- advise the President on economic policy- 3 members, appointed by President and approved by Senate,
172666403employment act of 1946..., Enacted by Truman, it committed the federal government to ensuring economic growth and established the Council of Economic Advisors to confer with the president and formulate policies for maintaining employment, production, and purchasing power
172666404moneythe physical medium of exchange. must be portable, durable, scarce, and uniform
172666405medium of exchange...money
172666406unit of account...standard of value. (ex. a $200 car vs a $20,000 car)
172666407store of value (wealth)stabilizes value of money. this allows for savings accounts.
172666408M1smallest most liquid form of money includes: checkable/demand deposits, travelers checks, coins and currency NOT vault cash.
172666409token money..., Bills or coins for which the amount printed on the currency bears no relationship to the value of the paper or metal embodied within it; for currency still circulating, money for which the face value exceeds the commodity value.
172666410commodity money..., objects that have value in themselves and are also used as money
172666411Fiat moneymoney backed by federal government.
172666412Checkable deposits..., are also known as demand deposits. These are checking accounts
172666413time depositsif longterm deposit is worth more than initial investment
172666414total demand for money..., the sum of the transactions demand for money and the asset demand for money.
172666415transactions demand..., demand for money as a medium of exchange to make payments. The level varies directly with nominal GDP
172666416asset demandthe demand for money as a store of value instead of other assets such as certificates of deposit, corporate bonds or stocks
172666417federal reserve systemthe central bank of the U.S.. Uses monetary policy to stabalize the economy. Act as the banker bank
172666418Board of Governors (BOG)7 governors who are nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate. they serve 14 year terms. They make decisions for the Fed.
172666419Federal Reserve Banksthe 12 banks chartered by the U.S. government to control the money supply and perform other functions.
172666420Fractional reserve systemsystem requiring financial institutions to set aside a fraction of their deposits in the form of reserves
172666421actual reservesRequired Reserves plus Excess Reserves.
172666422Federal funds ratethe interest rate at which banks loan money to other banks
172666423money multipliershows how much a new deposit in the bank can impact the money supply (1/ reserve requirement)
172666424required reserve ratioRRR, the amount of money each bank must keep by law from every dollar deposited in the bank. ($in vault)
172666974excess reservesreserves that banks hold over and above the legal requirement
172666975vault cashThe currency a bank has in its vault and cash drawers.
172666976monetary policyFederal Reserve Board's regulation of the supply of money in circulation.
172666977open market operations..., the buying and selling of government securities to alter the supply of money
172666978discount rate...the interest rate the Fed charges banks to borrow from the Fed in order to meet reserve requirements.
172666979tight money..., the economic condition in which credit is difficult to secure and interest rates are high
172666980velocity of money..., the rate at which money changes hands
172666981MV= PQthe equation of exchange. M= the stock of money (M1) V= velocity of circulation P= average price level Q= quantity of G&S
172666982Prime interest rate..., the lowest rate charged by a bank for a short-term loan
172666983cyclical asymmetry..., When monetary policy is highly effective in slowing expansion and controlling inflation but much less reliable in pushing the economy from a recession
172666984Gresham's Law..., states that bad money drives good money out of circulation
172908478Factors of productionLand, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurship
172908480absolute advantagecountry is best at making 2 products
172908481comparative advantagecountry isn't as good at making a product, but has a lower opportunity cost at making one product.
172908482labor intensive goodA product requiring a relatively large amount of labor to be produced (Digital camera, DVD player etc)
172908483land intensive goodA product requiring a relatively large amount of land to be produced (Coffee, wheat etc)
172908484capital intensive goodA product that requires a relatively large amount of capital to be produced (automobiles, chemicals etc)
172908485terms of tradean agreement regarding how much each product will cost in terms of other products being exchanged.
172908487tariffsa tax on imported goods
172908488revenue tariffa tariff imposed to raise revenue
172908489protective tariffa tax on imported goods that raises the price of imports so people will buy domestic goods
172908490import quotaa limit on the amount of a good that can be imported
172908491non-tariff barrier (NTB)..., all barriers other than protective tariffs that nations put in place to impede international trade. (ex: import quotas, licensing requirements, unreasonable product quality standards, etc)
172908492Dumping..., Selling products in a foreign country at lower prices than those charged in the producing country
172908493World Trade organization..., an international organization based in Geneva that monitors and enforces rules governing global trade
172908494balance of paymentsthe difference between the amount of money that comes into a country and the amount that goes out of it
172908495current accountIn the balance of payments, this records transactions involving the export or import of goods and services
172908496capital accounta measure of the buying and selling of assets between countries. The assets are often separated to show assets that represent ownership and assets that represent lending
172908497floating exchange ratesPrices of different currencies move up and down based on the demand for and the supply of each currency
173508671M2includes all M1 PLUS... ~Savings ~small time deposits (CDs)
173508672easy moneythe economic condition in which credit is easy to secure

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