8461427163 | abrir | to open | 0 | |
8461427164 | andar | to walk around | 1 | |
8461427165 | apagar | to turn off | 2 | |
8461427166 | aprender | to learn | 3 | |
8461427167 | ayudar | to help | 4 | |
8461427168 | bailar | to dance | 5 | |
8461427169 | bajar | to go down | 6 | |
8461427170 | bañarse | to bathe | 7 | |
8461427171 | beber | to drink | 8 | |
8461427172 | buscar | to look for | 9 | |
8461427173 | caerse | to fall down | 10 | |
8461427174 | cambiar | to change | 11 | |
8461427175 | caminar | to walk (1) | 12 | |
8461427176 | cantar | to sing | 13 | |
8461427177 | cerrar | to close | 14 | |
8461427178 | cocinar | to cook | 15 | |
8461427179 | comenzar | to begin, commence | 16 | |
8461427180 | comer | to eat | 17 | |
8461427181 | compartir | to share | 18 | |
8461427182 | comprar | to buy | 19 | |
8461427183 | conocer | to know (person, place), meet (someone) | 20 | |
8461427184 | contar | to count, tell | 21 | |
8461427185 | contestar | to answer | 22 | |
8461427186 | correr | to run | 23 | |
8461427187 | cortar | to cut | 24 | |
8461427188 | creer | to believe | 25 | |
8461427189 | dar | to give | 26 | |
8461427190 | deber | should | 27 | |
8461427191 | decir | to say, tell | 28 | |
8461427192 | dejar | to leave (a thing), to allow | 29 | |
8461427193 | descansar | to rest | 30 | |
8461427194 | despertarse | to wake up | 31 | |
8461427195 | dibujar | to draw | 32 | |
8461427196 | dormir | to sleep | 33 | |
8461427197 | empezar | to begin, to start | 34 | |
8461427198 | encender | to turn on, to light | 35 | |
8461427199 | encontrar | to find | 36 | |
8461427200 | enseñar | to teach | 37 | |
8461427201 | entender | to understand | 38 | |
8461427202 | entrar | to enter | 39 | |
8461427203 | escribir | to write | 40 | |
8461427204 | escoger | to choose | 41 | |
8461427205 | escuchar | to listen | 42 | |
8461427206 | esperar | to wait for, hope | 43 | |
8461427207 | estar | to be (location, condition, emotion) | 44 | |
8461427208 | estudiar | to study | 45 | |
8461427209 | explicar | to explain | 46 | |
8461427210 | ganar | to win | 47 | |
8461427211 | gastar | to spend | 48 | |
8461427212 | gritar | to yell, scream | 49 | |
8461427213 | gustar | to please | 50 | |
8461427214 | hablar | to talk | 51 | |
8461427215 | hacer | to make, do | 52 | |
8461427216 | ir | to go | 53 | |
8461427217 | jugar | to play | 54 | |
8461427218 | lavar | to wash | 55 | |
8461427219 | leer | to read | 56 | |
8461427220 | limpiar | to clean | 57 | |
8461427221 | llamar | to call | 58 | |
8461427222 | llegar | to arrive | 59 | |
8461427223 | llevar | to wear, carry | 60 | |
8461427224 | mirar | to watch | 61 | |
8461427225 | morir | to die | 62 | |
8461427226 | nadar | to swim | 63 | |
8461427227 | necesitar | to need | 64 | |
8461427228 | oir | to hear | 65 | |
8461427229 | olvidar | to forget | 66 | |
8461427230 | pagar | to pay | 67 | |
8461427231 | pasar | to pass | 68 | |
8461427232 | pedir | to ask for (something) | 69 | |
8461427233 | peinarse | to comb | 70 | |
8461427234 | pensar | to think | 71 | |
8461427235 | perder | to lose | 72 | |
8461427236 | poder | to be able | 73 | |
8461427237 | poner | to put | 74 | |
8461427238 | preguntar | to ask (a question) | 75 | |
8461427239 | querer | to want | 76 | |
8461427240 | romper | to break | 77 | |
8461427241 | saber | to know (facts, how to), find out | 78 | |
8461427242 | sacar | to take out, get | 79 | |
8461427243 | salir | to leave (a place), go out | 80 | |
8461427244 | saltar | to jump | 81 | |
8461427245 | seguir | to follow | 82 | |
8461427246 | sentarse | to sit | 83 | |
8461427247 | sentir | to feel | 84 | |
8461427248 | ser | to be (time, origin, characteristic) | 85 | |
8461427249 | subir | to go up | 86 | |
8461427250 | tener | to have | 87 | |
8461427251 | terminar | to end | 88 | |
8461427252 | tocar | to touch, play (an instrument), knock | 89 | |
8461427253 | tomar | to take, drink | 90 | |
8461427254 | trabajar | to work | 91 | |
8461427255 | traer | to bring | 92 | |
8461427256 | vender | to sell | 93 | |
8461427257 | venir | to come | 94 | |
8461427258 | ver | to see | 95 | |
8461427259 | vestirse | to dress | 96 | |
8461427260 | viajar | to travel | 97 | |
8461427261 | vivir | to live | 98 | |
8461427262 | volver | to return | 99 | |
8461427263 | a causa de | on account of, because of | 100 | |
8461427264 | actualmente | presently | 101 | |
8461427265 | ahora mismo | right now | 102 | |
8461427266 | a mi parecer | in my opinion | 103 | |
8461427267 | a pesar de todo | in spite of everything | 104 | |
8461427268 | de ninguna manera | by no means | 105 | |
8461427269 | en cuanto a | regarding, with respect to | 106 | |
8461427270 | en realidad | actually | 107 | |
8461427271 | en vista de que | considering that | 108 | |
8461427272 | es cierto que | it is true that, it is certain that | 109 | |
8461427273 | es seguro que | it is sure that | 110 | |
8461427274 | hace poco | a short while ago | 111 | |
8461427275 | hay que tomar en cuenta que | one must realize that | 112 | |
8461427276 | hoy día | nowadays | 113 | |
8461427277 | lo esencial es | what is essential is | 114 | |
8461427278 | lo importante es | what is important is | 115 | |
8461427279 | lo que importa es | what matters is | 116 | |
8461427280 | sin duda | without a doubt | 117 | |
8461427281 | sobre todo | above all | 118 | |
8461427282 | además de | furthermore, in addition | 119 | |
8461427283 | al mismo tiempo | at the same time | 120 | |
8461427284 | con respecto a | with respect to | 121 | |
8461427285 | conforme a | according to | 122 | |
8461427286 | de hecho | in fact | 123 | |
8461427287 | el caso es | the fact is | 124 | |
8461427288 | entonces | then | 125 | |
8461427289 | igualmente | equally | 126 | |
8461427290 | las razones por las que | the reasons for which | 127 | |
8461427291 | para continuar | to continue | 128 | |
8461427292 | para ejemplificar | to exemplify | 129 | |
8461427293 | para ilustrar | to illustrate | 130 | |
8461427294 | por eso | therefore | 131 | |
8461427295 | principalmente | firstly, especially | 132 | |
8461427296 | al contrario de | in contrast to | 133 | |
8461427297 | ambos | both | 134 | |
8461427298 | a pesar de que | despite | 135 | |
8461427299 | aunque | although | 136 | |
8461427300 | de la misma manera | in the same way | 137 | |
8461427301 | de lo contrario | otherwise | 138 | |
8461427302 | en cambio | on the other hand | 139 | |
8461427303 | en vez de | instead of | 140 | |
8461427304 | no obstante | however, nevertheless | 141 | |
8461427305 | por la mayor parte | for the most part | 142 | |
8461427306 | por otro lado | on the other hand | 143 | |
8461427307 | por un lado | on one hand | 144 | |
8461427308 | sin embargo | however, nevertheless | 145 | |
8461427309 | sino que | but rather | 146 | |
8461427310 | al considerar | upon consideration of | 147 | |
8461427311 | así que | thus, so, therefore | 148 | |
8461427312 | como resultado de | as a result of | 149 | |
8461427313 | debido a | owed to, because of | 150 | |
8461427314 | en todo caso | in any case | 151 | |
8461427315 | por | because of | 152 | |
8461427316 | por consiguiente | accordingly, consequently | 153 | |
8461427317 | por lo mismo | for the same reason | 154 | |
8461427318 | resulta que | it turns out that | 155 | |
8461427319 | se debe tomar en cuenta | one must take into account | 156 | |
8461427320 | al fin y al cabo | when all is said and done | 157 | |
8461427321 | en conclusión | in conclusion | 158 | |
8461427322 | en resumen | in summary | 159 | |
8461427323 | en resumidas cuentas | in short | 160 | |
8461427324 | para concluir | to conclude | 161 | |
8461427325 | para resumir | to summarize | 162 | |
8461427326 | según | according to | 163 | |
8461427327 | comenta | he/she comments | 164 | |
8461427328 | indica | he/she indicates | 165 | |
8461427329 | muestra | he/she shows | 166 | |
8461427330 | interpreta | he/she interprets | 167 | |
8461427331 | argumenta | he/she argues | 168 | |
8461427332 | concluye | he/she concludes | 169 | |
8461427333 | distingue | he/she distinguishes | 170 | |
8461427334 | justifica | he/she justifies | 171 | |
8461427335 | resume | he/she summarizes | 172 | |
8461427336 | fuente | source | 173 | |
8461427337 | primera fuente | first source | 174 | |
8461427338 | segunda fuente | second source | 175 | |
8461427339 | tercera fuente | third source | 176 | |
8461427340 | la fuente auditiva | the audio source | 177 | |
8461427341 | la entrevista | the interview | 178 | |
8461427342 | el gráfico | the graphic | 179 | |
8461427343 | las tres fuentes | the three sources | 180 | |
8461427344 | acceder | to access | 181 | |
8461427345 | adivinar | to guess | 182 | |
8461427346 | a escala global, a escala mundial | on a global scale | 183 | |
8461427347 | alcanzar | to reach, to succeed | 184 | |
8461427348 | aprobar una hipótesis | to confirm a hypothesis | 185 | |
8461427349 | arriesgarse | to run the risk of | 186 | |
8461427350 | asombroso | astonishing | 187 | |
8461427351 | el automóvil híbrido | the hybrid car | 188 | |
8461427352 | los avances médicos | medical advances | 189 | |
8461427353 | avanzar | to advance | 190 | |
8461427354 | la bomba atómica | the atom bomb | 191 | |
8461427355 | la búsqueda | the search | 192 | |
8461427356 | la calidad de vida | the quality of life | 193 | |
8461427357 | la célula madre | the stem cell | 194 | |
8461427358 | el celular, el móvil | the cell phone | 195 | |
8461427359 | calcular | to estimate | 196 | |
8461427360 | la computación en la nube | the cloud computing | 197 | |
8461427361 | concienciar, concientizar de | to make aware of | 198 | |
8461427362 | el conocimiento | the knowledge | 199 | |
8461427363 | con rapidez, velocidad | speed | 200 | |
8461427364 | contundente | convincing, conclusive | 201 | |
8461427365 | la credibilidad | credibility | 202 | |
8461427366 | un derrumbe de tierra | a landslide | 203 | |
8461427367 | descomponerse | to break down | 204 | |
8461427368 | desentrañar | to figure out, to get to the bottom of | 205 | |
8461427369 | la (des)ventaja | the (dis)advantage | 206 | |
8461427370 | el diluvio | the downpour | 207 | |
8461427371 | disminuir | to reduce | 208 | |
8461427372 | distraer | to distract | 209 | |
8461427373 | el dron | the drone plane | 210 | |
8461427374 | la energía eólica | the wind power | 211 | |
8461427375 | en la actualidad | at present | 212 | |
8461427376 | enlazar | to connect | 213 | |
8461427377 | estar enganchado a | to be hooked on | 214 | |
8461427378 | la exploración espacial | the space travel | 215 | |
8461427379 | la fábrica | the factory | 216 | |
8461427380 | fabricar | to manufacture | 217 | |
8461427381 | facilitar | to facilitate | 218 | |
8461427382 | falta de ética profesional | lack of professional ethics | 219 | |
8461427383 | el fenómeno | the phenomenon | 220 | |
8461427384 | el fin justifica los medios | the end justifies the means | 221 | |
8461427385 | el fracaso | the failure | 222 | |
8461427386 | impedir | to impede | 223 | |
8461427387 | impulsar | to propel, to drive | 224 | |
8461427388 | un incendio | a fire | 225 | |
8461427389 | la ingeniería | the engineering | 226 | |
8461427390 | ingresar datos | to enter in data | 227 | |
8461427391 | la inteligencia artificial | the artificial intelligence | 228 | |
8461427392 | investigar | to research | 229 | |
8461427393 | lograr | to achieve | 230 | |
8461427394 | el logro | the achievement | 231 | |
8461427395 | la máquina | the machine | 232 | |
8461427396 | el aparato | the apparatus | 233 | |
8461427397 | el mecanismo | the mechanism | 234 | |
8461427398 | medir | to measure | 235 | |
8461427399 | la meta | the goal | 236 | |
8461427400 | el monopolio | the monopoly | 237 | |
8461427401 | el ordenador | the computer | 238 | |
8461427402 | la pantalla táctil | the touch screen | 239 | |
8461427403 | una paradoja, una contradicción | a paradox, a contradiction | 240 | |
8461427404 | la pérdida de tiempo | the waste of time | 241 | |
8461427405 | potencialmente | potentially | 242 | |
8461427406 | preguntarse | to wonder | 243 | |
8461427407 | la propensión | the tendency | 244 | |
8461427408 | proporcionar | to provide, to supply | 245 | |
8461427409 | el puente | the bridge | 246 | |
8461427410 | quedarse sin batería | to run out of battery (charge) | 247 | |
8461427411 | rechazar | to reject | 248 | |
8461427412 | recorrer el mundo | to travel the world | 249 | |
8461427413 | una sequía | a drought | 250 | |
8461427414 | el siglo veinte | the twentieth century | 251 | |
8461427415 | sospechar | to suspect | 252 | |
8461427416 | la suposición | the assumption | 253 | |
8461427417 | la tableta | the (computer) tablet | 254 | |
8461427418 | tomar una decisión | to make a decision | 255 | |
8461427419 | traspasar los límites | to overstep the limits | 256 | |
8461427420 | trasplantar | to transplant | 257 | |
8461427421 | la vigilancia electrónica | the electronic surveillance | 258 | |
8461427422 | la zona gris | the gray area | 259 | |
8461427423 | los abuelos | grandparents | 260 | |
8461427424 | los bisabuelos | great-grandparents | 261 | |
8461427425 | los tatarabuelos | great-great-grandparents | 262 | |
8461427426 | los hermanos | siblings | 263 | |
8461427427 | los hijos | children | 264 | |
8461427428 | la madrastra | step mother | 265 | |
8461427429 | la madre | mother | 266 | |
8461427430 | el matrimonio | marriage | 267 | |
8461427431 | los novios | lovers, bride/groom | 268 | |
8461427432 | la nuera | daughter-in-law | 269 | |
8461427433 | el padrastro | step father | 270 | |
8461427434 | el padre | father | 271 | |
8461427435 | los primos | cousins | 272 | |
8461427436 | los suegros | parents-in-law | 273 | |
8461427437 | el yerno | son-in-law | 274 | |
8461427438 | abrazar | to hug | 275 | |
8461427439 | tomarle afecto | to become affectionate | 276 | |
8461427440 | amar | to love | 277 | |
8461427441 | declararle el amor | to declare love | 278 | |
8461427442 | amoroso | loving | 279 | |
8461427443 | besar | to kiss | 280 | |
8461427444 | el beso | kiss | 281 | |
8461427445 | darle cariño | to give affection | 282 | |
8461427446 | ser cariñoso | to be affectionate | 283 | |
8461427447 | casarse con | to marry | 284 | |
8461427448 | tener compasión por | to have compassion for | 285 | |
8461427449 | enamorarse de | to fall in love with | 286 | |
8461427450 | llevar una alianza | to form an alliance | 287 | |
8461427451 | admirar | to admire | 288 | |
8461427452 | la alabanza | praise | 289 | |
8461427453 | alabar | to praise | 290 | |
8461427454 | apreciar | to appreciate | 291 | |
8461427455 | declararle homenaje | to declare tribute | 292 | |
8461427456 | aceptar | to accept | 293 | |
8461427457 | aconsejar | to advise | 294 | |
8461427458 | ayudar | to help | 295 | |
8461427459 | colaborar | to colaborate | 296 | |
8461427460 | compartir | to share | 297 | |
8461427461 | comprender | to understand | 298 | |
8461427462 | gozar de la intimidad | to enjoy intimacy | 299 | |
8461427463 | perdonar | to forgive | 300 | |
8461427464 | ponerse de acuerdo | to agree | 301 | |
8461427465 | ser cordial con | to be cordial with | 302 | |
8461427466 | tener amigos entrañables | to have affectionate friends | 303 | |
8461427467 | el aniversario | anniversary | 304 | |
8461427468 | el cumpleaños | birthday | 305 | |
8461427469 | el día de santo | saint's day | 306 | |
8461427470 | arraigarse | to take root | 307 | |
8461427471 | arreciar | to intensify | 308 | |
8461427472 | arrepentirse de | to repent for, to regret | 309 | |
8461427473 | atreverse a | to dare to | 310 | |
8461427474 | conllevar | to entail, to involve | 311 | |
8461427475 | malvado | evil | 312 | |
8461427476 | propio | own | 313 | |
8461427477 | cansarse | to get tired | 314 | |
8461427478 | confundirse | to make a mistake, to be confused | 315 | |
8461427479 | estar interesada | to be interested | 316 | |
8461427480 | estar mareado | to be dizzy | 317 | |
8461427481 | estar molesto | to be annoyed | 318 | |
8461427482 | estar melancólico | to be melancholic | 319 | |
8461427483 | resistir la modorra | to resist drowsiness | 320 | |
8461427484 | tener estrés | to be stressed | 321 | |
8461427485 | los conflictos | conflicts | 322 | |
8461427486 | los desacuerdos | disagreements | 323 | |
8461427487 | los disgustos | annoyances | 324 | |
8461427488 | las disputas | disputes, arguments | 325 | |
8461427489 | dominar | to dominate | 326 | |
8461427490 | el engaño | trick, deception | 327 | |
8461427491 | los insultos | insults | 328 | |
8461427492 | luchar | to fight, to struggle | 329 | |
8461427493 | menospreciar | to underestimate, to think less of | 330 | |
8461427494 | las peleas | fights, arguments | 331 | |
8461427495 | las rivalidades | rivals | 332 | |
8461427496 | fiel | faithful | 333 | |
8461427497 | flexible | flexible | 334 | |
8461427498 | humilde | humble | 335 | |
8461427499 | piadoso | devout | 336 | |
8461427500 | sensible | sensible | 337 | |
8461427501 | tolerante | tolerant | 338 | |
8461427502 | competente | competent | 339 | |
8461427503 | decisivo | decisive | 340 | |
8461427504 | independiente | independent | 341 | |
8461427505 | motivado | motivated | 342 | |
8461427506 | valiente | brave | 343 | |
8461427507 | engañoso | deceitful | 344 | |
8461427508 | feroz | ferocious | 345 | |
8461427509 | frívolo | frivolous | 346 | |
8461427510 | manipulador | manipulator | 347 | |
8461427511 | perezoso | lazy | 348 | |
8461427512 | gruñón | grumpy | 349 | |
8461427513 | terco | terse, stubborn | 350 | |
8461427514 | vanidoso | vain | 351 | |
8461427515 | chismoso | gossipy | 352 | |
8461427516 | desagradable | disagreeable | 353 | |
8461427517 | insoportable | unbearable | 354 | |
8461427518 | rígido | rigid | 355 | |
8461427519 | severo | severe | 356 | |
8461427520 | apacible | calm | 357 | |
8461427521 | conforme | happy, satisfied, in agreement | 358 | |
8461427522 | dependiente | dependent | 359 | |
8461427523 | desordenado | untidy | 360 | |
8461427524 | intenso | intense | 361 | |
8461427525 | serio | serious | 362 | |
8461427526 | compasivo | compassionate | 363 | |
8461427527 | seguro | sure | 364 | |
8461427528 | mimado | spoiled | 365 | |
8461427529 | misántropo | misanthropist, hater of humankind | 366 | |
8461427530 | introvertido | introvert | 367 |
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