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AP Midterm Flashcards

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8461427163abrirto open0
8461427164andarto walk around1
8461427165apagarto turn off2
8461427166aprenderto learn3
8461427167ayudarto help4
8461427168bailarto dance5
8461427169bajarto go down6
8461427170bañarseto bathe7
8461427171beberto drink8
8461427172buscarto look for9
8461427173caerseto fall down10
8461427174cambiarto change11
8461427175caminarto walk (1)12
8461427176cantarto sing13
8461427177cerrarto close14
8461427178cocinarto cook15
8461427179comenzarto begin, commence16
8461427180comerto eat17
8461427181compartirto share18
8461427182comprarto buy19
8461427183conocerto know (person, place), meet (someone)20
8461427184contarto count, tell21
8461427185contestarto answer22
8461427186correrto run23
8461427187cortarto cut24
8461427188creerto believe25
8461427189darto give26
8461427191decirto say, tell28
8461427192dejarto leave (a thing), to allow29
8461427193descansarto rest30
8461427194despertarseto wake up31
8461427195dibujarto draw32
8461427196dormirto sleep33
8461427197empezarto begin, to start34
8461427198encenderto turn on, to light35
8461427199encontrarto find36
8461427200enseñarto teach37
8461427201entenderto understand38
8461427202entrarto enter39
8461427203escribirto write40
8461427204escogerto choose41
8461427205escucharto listen42
8461427206esperarto wait for, hope43
8461427207estarto be (location, condition, emotion)44
8461427208estudiarto study45
8461427209explicarto explain46
8461427210ganarto win47
8461427211gastarto spend48
8461427212gritarto yell, scream49
8461427213gustarto please50
8461427214hablarto talk51
8461427215hacerto make, do52
8461427216irto go53
8461427217jugarto play54
8461427218lavarto wash55
8461427219leerto read56
8461427220limpiarto clean57
8461427221llamarto call58
8461427222llegarto arrive59
8461427223llevarto wear, carry60
8461427224mirarto watch61
8461427225morirto die62
8461427226nadarto swim63
8461427227necesitarto need64
8461427228oirto hear65
8461427229olvidarto forget66
8461427230pagarto pay67
8461427231pasarto pass68
8461427232pedirto ask for (something)69
8461427233peinarseto comb70
8461427234pensarto think71
8461427235perderto lose72
8461427236poderto be able73
8461427237ponerto put74
8461427238preguntarto ask (a question)75
8461427239quererto want76
8461427240romperto break77
8461427241saberto know (facts, how to), find out78
8461427242sacarto take out, get79
8461427243salirto leave (a place), go out80
8461427244saltarto jump81
8461427245seguirto follow82
8461427246sentarseto sit83
8461427247sentirto feel84
8461427248serto be (time, origin, characteristic)85
8461427249subirto go up86
8461427250tenerto have87
8461427251terminarto end88
8461427252tocarto touch, play (an instrument), knock89
8461427253tomarto take, drink90
8461427254trabajarto work91
8461427255traerto bring92
8461427256venderto sell93
8461427257venirto come94
8461427258verto see95
8461427259vestirseto dress96
8461427260viajarto travel97
8461427261vivirto live98
8461427262volverto return99
8461427263a causa deon account of, because of100
8461427265ahora mismoright now102
8461427266a mi parecerin my opinion103
8461427267a pesar de todoin spite of everything104
8461427268de ninguna maneraby no means105
8461427269en cuanto aregarding, with respect to106
8461427270en realidadactually107
8461427271en vista de queconsidering that108
8461427272es cierto queit is true that, it is certain that109
8461427273es seguro queit is sure that110
8461427274hace pocoa short while ago111
8461427275hay que tomar en cuenta queone must realize that112
8461427276hoy díanowadays113
8461427277lo esencial eswhat is essential is114
8461427278lo importante eswhat is important is115
8461427279lo que importa eswhat matters is116
8461427280sin dudawithout a doubt117
8461427281sobre todoabove all118
8461427282además defurthermore, in addition119
8461427283al mismo tiempoat the same time120
8461427284con respecto awith respect to121
8461427285conforme aaccording to122
8461427286de hechoin fact123
8461427287el caso esthe fact is124
8461427290las razones por las quethe reasons for which127
8461427291para continuarto continue128
8461427292para ejemplificarto exemplify129
8461427293para ilustrarto illustrate130
8461427294por esotherefore131
8461427295principalmentefirstly, especially132
8461427296al contrario dein contrast to133
8461427298a pesar de quedespite135
8461427300de la misma manerain the same way137
8461427301de lo contrariootherwise138
8461427302en cambioon the other hand139
8461427303en vez deinstead of140
8461427304no obstantehowever, nevertheless141
8461427305por la mayor partefor the most part142
8461427306por otro ladoon the other hand143
8461427307por un ladoon one hand144
8461427308sin embargohowever, nevertheless145
8461427309sino quebut rather146
8461427310al considerarupon consideration of147
8461427311así quethus, so, therefore148
8461427312como resultado deas a result of149
8461427313debido aowed to, because of150
8461427314en todo casoin any case151
8461427315porbecause of152
8461427316por consiguienteaccordingly, consequently153
8461427317por lo mismofor the same reason154
8461427318resulta queit turns out that155
8461427319se debe tomar en cuentaone must take into account156
8461427320al fin y al cabowhen all is said and done157
8461427321en conclusiónin conclusion158
8461427322en resumenin summary159
8461427323en resumidas cuentasin short160
8461427324para concluirto conclude161
8461427325para resumirto summarize162
8461427326segúnaccording to163
8461427327comentahe/she comments164
8461427328indicahe/she indicates165
8461427329muestrahe/she shows166
8461427330interpretahe/she interprets167
8461427331argumentahe/she argues168
8461427332concluyehe/she concludes169
8461427333distinguehe/she distinguishes170
8461427334justificahe/she justifies171
8461427335resumehe/she summarizes172
8461427337primera fuentefirst source174
8461427338segunda fuentesecond source175
8461427339tercera fuentethird source176
8461427340la fuente auditivathe audio source177
8461427341la entrevistathe interview178
8461427342el gráficothe graphic179
8461427343las tres fuentesthe three sources180
8461427344accederto access181
8461427345adivinarto guess182
8461427346a escala global, a escala mundialon a global scale183
8461427347alcanzarto reach, to succeed184
8461427348aprobar una hipótesisto confirm a hypothesis185
8461427349arriesgarseto run the risk of186
8461427351el automóvil híbridothe hybrid car188
8461427352los avances médicosmedical advances189
8461427353avanzarto advance190
8461427354la bomba atómicathe atom bomb191
8461427355la búsquedathe search192
8461427356la calidad de vidathe quality of life193
8461427357la célula madrethe stem cell194
8461427358el celular, el móvilthe cell phone195
8461427359calcularto estimate196
8461427360la computación en la nubethe cloud computing197
8461427361concienciar, concientizar deto make aware of198
8461427362el conocimientothe knowledge199
8461427363con rapidez, velocidadspeed200
8461427364contundenteconvincing, conclusive201
8461427365la credibilidadcredibility202
8461427366un derrumbe de tierraa landslide203
8461427367descomponerseto break down204
8461427368desentrañarto figure out, to get to the bottom of205
8461427369la (des)ventajathe (dis)advantage206
8461427370el diluviothe downpour207
8461427371disminuirto reduce208
8461427372distraerto distract209
8461427373el dronthe drone plane210
8461427374la energía eólicathe wind power211
8461427375en la actualidadat present212
8461427376enlazarto connect213
8461427377estar enganchado ato be hooked on214
8461427378la exploración espacialthe space travel215
8461427379la fábricathe factory216
8461427380fabricarto manufacture217
8461427381facilitarto facilitate218
8461427382falta de ética profesionallack of professional ethics219
8461427383el fenómenothe phenomenon220
8461427384el fin justifica los mediosthe end justifies the means221
8461427385el fracasothe failure222
8461427386impedirto impede223
8461427387impulsarto propel, to drive224
8461427388un incendioa fire225
8461427389la ingenieríathe engineering226
8461427390ingresar datosto enter in data227
8461427391la inteligencia artificialthe artificial intelligence228
8461427392investigarto research229
8461427393lograrto achieve230
8461427394el logrothe achievement231
8461427395la máquinathe machine232
8461427396el aparatothe apparatus233
8461427397el mecanismothe mechanism234
8461427398medirto measure235
8461427399la metathe goal236
8461427400el monopoliothe monopoly237
8461427401el ordenadorthe computer238
8461427402la pantalla táctilthe touch screen239
8461427403una paradoja, una contradiccióna paradox, a contradiction240
8461427404la pérdida de tiempothe waste of time241
8461427406preguntarseto wonder243
8461427407la propensiónthe tendency244
8461427408proporcionarto provide, to supply245
8461427409el puentethe bridge246
8461427410quedarse sin bateríato run out of battery (charge)247
8461427411rechazarto reject248
8461427412recorrer el mundoto travel the world249
8461427413una sequíaa drought250
8461427414el siglo veintethe twentieth century251
8461427415sospecharto suspect252
8461427416la suposiciónthe assumption253
8461427417la tabletathe (computer) tablet254
8461427418tomar una decisiónto make a decision255
8461427419traspasar los límitesto overstep the limits256
8461427420trasplantarto transplant257
8461427421la vigilancia electrónicathe electronic surveillance258
8461427422la zona gristhe gray area259
8461427423los abuelosgrandparents260
8461427424los bisabuelosgreat-grandparents261
8461427425los tatarabuelosgreat-great-grandparents262
8461427426los hermanossiblings263
8461427427los hijoschildren264
8461427428la madrastrastep mother265
8461427429la madremother266
8461427430el matrimoniomarriage267
8461427431los novioslovers, bride/groom268
8461427432la nueradaughter-in-law269
8461427433el padrastrostep father270
8461427434el padrefather271
8461427435los primoscousins272
8461427436los suegrosparents-in-law273
8461427437el yernoson-in-law274
8461427438abrazarto hug275
8461427439tomarle afectoto become affectionate276
8461427440amarto love277
8461427441declararle el amorto declare love278
8461427443besarto kiss280
8461427444el besokiss281
8461427445darle cariñoto give affection282
8461427446ser cariñosoto be affectionate283
8461427447casarse conto marry284
8461427448tener compasión porto have compassion for285
8461427449enamorarse deto fall in love with286
8461427450llevar una alianzato form an alliance287
8461427451admirarto admire288
8461427452la alabanzapraise289
8461427453alabarto praise290
8461427454apreciarto appreciate291
8461427455declararle homenajeto declare tribute292
8461427456aceptarto accept293
8461427457aconsejarto advise294
8461427458ayudarto help295
8461427459colaborarto colaborate296
8461427460compartirto share297
8461427461comprenderto understand298
8461427462gozar de la intimidadto enjoy intimacy299
8461427463perdonarto forgive300
8461427464ponerse de acuerdoto agree301
8461427465ser cordial conto be cordial with302
8461427466tener amigos entrañablesto have affectionate friends303
8461427467el aniversarioanniversary304
8461427468el cumpleañosbirthday305
8461427469el día de santosaint's day306
8461427470arraigarseto take root307
8461427471arreciarto intensify308
8461427472arrepentirse deto repent for, to regret309
8461427473atreverse ato dare to310
8461427474conllevarto entail, to involve311
8461427477cansarseto get tired314
8461427478confundirseto make a mistake, to be confused315
8461427479estar interesadato be interested316
8461427480estar mareadoto be dizzy317
8461427481estar molestoto be annoyed318
8461427482estar melancólicoto be melancholic319
8461427483resistir la modorrato resist drowsiness320
8461427484tener estrésto be stressed321
8461427485los conflictosconflicts322
8461427486los desacuerdosdisagreements323
8461427487los disgustosannoyances324
8461427488las disputasdisputes, arguments325
8461427489dominarto dominate326
8461427490el engañotrick, deception327
8461427491los insultosinsults328
8461427492lucharto fight, to struggle329
8461427493menospreciarto underestimate, to think less of330
8461427494las peleasfights, arguments331
8461427495las rivalidadesrivals332
8461427513tercoterse, stubborn350
8461427521conformehappy, satisfied, in agreement358
8461427529misántropomisanthropist, hater of humankind366

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