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AP Midterm Vocab Review Flashcards

A comprehensive review of terminology for AP Psychology. Definitions are for triggering other information. (Pulled from other lists.)

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5874562089absolute thresholdintensity level at which one can detect a stimulus 50% of the time0
5874562090accommodationthe process of modifying a schema to account for new information; the process of the eyes lens changing shape in order to focus on distant or near objects1
5874562091acetylcholine (ACh)a neurotransmitter involved in learning, memory and muscle movement2
5874562095action potentialthe electrical process by which information is transmitted the length of an axon3
5874562097adrenal glandsource of the hormone norepinephrine which affects arousal4
5874562102alcoholthe most frequently used and abused CNS depressant in most cultures; its use affects mood, judgment, cognition5
5874562103all-or-nothingdescription of the action of neurons when firing6
5874562104alpha wavesseen when an individual is in a relaxed, unfocused, yet still awake state7
5874562105amygdalalimbic system component associated with emotion, particularly fear and anger8
5874562107anorexia (nervosa)an eating disorder in which one starves oneself even though significantly underweight9
5874562109anterograde amnesialoss of memory for events that occur after the onset of the amnesia; eg, see in a boxer who suffers a severe blow to the head and loses memory for events after the blow10
5874562110retrograde amnesialoss of memory for events that occurred before the onset of amnesia; eg a soldier's forgetting events immediately before a shell burst nearby, injuring him11
5874562112anvilthe middle of the three ossicles12
5874562113aphasiaimpairment of language usually caused by damage to the left hemisphere13
5874562116assimilationinterpreting new experiences in terms of existing schema14
5874562117association areasareas of the cerebral cortex which have no specific motor or sensory repsonsibilities, but rather are involved in thinking, memory and judgment15
5874562118associative learninglearning in which an organism learns that certain events occur together, such as my cat knowing that she will be fed when I get home from work16
5874562123auditory canalthe area that sound waves pass through to reach the eardrum17
5874562125autonomic nervous systemdivision of the nervous system that control the glands and organs; its divisions arouse or calm18
5874562127availability heuristicthis cognitive shortcut features the idea that events which are vividly in memory seem to be more common19
5874562128axonextension of the neuron which carries, via an action potential, information that will be sent on to other neurons, muscles or glands20
5874562130basic researchscientific investigations intended to expand the knowledge base21
5874562131applied researchscientific investigations intended to solve practical problems22
5874562132behavioralperspective on psychology that sees psychology as an objective science without reference to mental states23
5874562135binocular cuesretinal disparity and convergence which enable people to determine depth using both eyes24
5874562137bipolar cellseye neurons that receive information from the retinal cells and distribute information to the ganglion cells25
5874562138bipolar disordermood disorder in one experiences both manic and depressed episodes26
5874562140bottom-up processinganalysis that begins with sensory receptors and works its way up to the brain's integration of sensory information27
5874562141hemisphereswe have two, right and left, and some brain functions seem to centered in one or the other28
5874562142brainstemoldest part of the brain, beginning where the spinal cord swells upon entering the skull; controls fundamental survival processes like heartrate and breathing29
5874562143bulimiaeating disorder characterized by excessive eating followed by purging30
5874562144bystander effectthe tendency to not offer help when needed if others are present who do not offer help31
5874562146case studyscientific investigation in which a single subject is studied in great detail32
5874562147CAT scana method of creating static images of the brain through computerized axial tomography33
5874562150Central Nervous Systemconsists of the brain and the spinal cord34
5874562151cerebellumbrain structure that controls well-learned motor activities like riding a bike35
5874562152cerebral cortexthe fabric of interconnecting cells that blankets the brain hemispheres; the brain's center for information processing and control36
5874562155circadian rhythmthe daily biological rhythms that occur in a 24-hour period37
5874562156classical conditioningmethod of learning in which a neutral stimulus can be used to elicit a response that is usually a natural response to a stimulus38
5874562158clinicalthis type of psychologist studies, assesses and treats those with psychological disorders39
5874562159cochleathis coiled structure in the inner ear is fluid-filled and in it the energy from sound waves stimulate hair cells40
5874562162cognitive therapytreatment for psychological disorders that centers on changing self-defeating thinking41
5874562164color blindnessa variety of disorders marked by inability to distinguish some or all colors42
5874562168conditioned responsein classical conditioning, the response elicited by the conditioned stimulus43
5874562169conditioninggenerally, learning in which certain experiences make certain behaviors more or less likely; there are two forms of this44
5874562171conesneurons in the retina that are responsible for color vision45
5874562175consciousnessone's awareness of one's environment and oneself.46
5874562177control groupsubjects in an experiment who do not receive application of the independent variable but are measured nonetheless for the dependent variable47
5874562179corneathe transparent outer covering of the eye48
5874562181correlationthe degree of relationship between two variables49
5874562182correlation coefficienta positive one near 1.0 indicates two variable are positively related; a negative number indicates a negative relationship; zero indicates no relationship50
5874562184debriefinggiving participants in a research study a complete explanation of the study after the study is completed51
5874562190dendritea branch off the cell body of a neuron that receives new information from other neurons52
5874562192dependent variablethe variable that the experimenter measures at the end of the experiment53
5874562193depressantany agent that reduces the activity of the CNS54
5874562194depth perceptionan ability that we exercise by using both monocular and binocular cues55
5874562195difference thresholdalso called the jnd; smallest distinction between two stimuli that can consistently be detected56
5874562203dopaminea neurotransmitter that is associated with Parkinson's disease (too little of it) and schizophrenia (too much of it)57
5874562204double blindthis term describes an experiment in which neither the subjects nor the experimenter knows whether a subject is a member of the experimental group or the control group58
5874562205dreamsoccur most often during REM sleep; may be caused by activation-synthesis, or may be a way of cementing memories59
5874562209eardrumalso called the tympanic membrane60
5874562211EEGinitials of a method of representation of brain waves61
5874562218encodingconversion of sensory information into a form that can be retained as a memory62
5874562219endocrine systemthe slow messenger system of the body; produces hormones that affect many bodily functions63
5874562220endorphinsneurotransmitters that give one a feeling of well-being, euphoria or eliminate pain64
5874562223experimentform of scientific investigation in which one variable is tested to determine its effect on another65
5874562224experimental groupsubjects in an experiment to whom the independent variable is administered66
5874562231feature detectionthe ability of the brain to identify specific components of visual stimuli such as corners or edges67
5874562234figure-groundrefers to our ability to distinguish foreground from background in visual images68
5874562242foveathe central focus area of the retina69
5874562243frequencytheory of hearing which states that the rate of nerve impulses traveling up the auditory nerve matches the tone's frequency70
5874562245functionalismWilliam James's school of thought that stressed the adaptive and survival value of behaviors71
5874562247ganglion cellstheir axons form the optic nerve72
5874562252gestaltGerman word for "whole", it refers to our tendency to perceive incomplete figures as complete73
5874562253glial cellthis acts as a support system for neurons74
5874562258hallucinationa false sensory perception that seems to be real but for which there is not an actual external stimulus75
5874562259hallucinogena substance capable of producing a sensory effect in the absence of real external sensory stimuli76
5874562260heritabilitythe extent to which differences in a group of a characteristic is due to genetics, not environment77
5874562261heuristica useful, but unprovable, cognitive shortcut, such as a "rule of thumb"78
5874562262hierarchy of needsMaslow's theory of the most important motivations people have79
5874562263hindsight biasthe tendency, after an event occurs, to overestimate the likelihood that an event could have been predicted80
5874562264hippocampuslimbic system component associated with memory81
5874562265homeostasisthe steady, stable state that is the body's regulatory processes try to maintain82
5874562266hormonechemical substance secreted by endocrine glands that affect body processes83
5874562269hypnosisa social interaction in which one person suggests to another that certain events or emotions will occur84
5874562271hypothalamuslimbic system component that regulates hunger, body temperature and other functions85
5874562272hypothesisa prediction of how the an experiment will turn out86
5874562279independenttype of variable manipulated by the experimenter87
5874562280individualistculture in which the individual is valued more highly than the group88
5874562281industry vs. inferiorityErikson's stage between 6 and 11 years, when the child learns to be productive89
5874562282inferiority complexAdler's conception of a basic feeling of inadequacy stemming from childhood experiences90
5874562283information processinghumans accomplish this either in parallel (unconsciously) or in serial fashion (consciously)91
5874562284informed consentagreement to participate in psychology research, after being appraised of the dangers and benefits of the research92
5874562288insomniainability to fall asleep or remain asleep long enough for sufficient rest93
5874562295interpositionmonocular visual cue in which two objects are in the same line of vision and one patially conceals the other, indicating that the first object concealed is further away94
5874562301just noticeable differencethe threshold at which one can distinguish two stimuli that are of different intensities, but otherwise identical95
5874562302kinethesissense of balance and of one's physical position96
5874562303latentFreud's stage of psychosexual development occuring from about age 6 to puberty during which little happens in psychosexual terms97
5874562305latent learninga change in behavior due to experience acquired without conscious effort, s, for example, a student using a quote in an exam essay that the student had never tried to memorize, though eh had encountered it in studying98
5874562308lensa curved, transparent element of the vision system that provides focus99
5874562309lesionany destruction or damage to brain tissue100
5874562312long termrefers to memory that is stored effectively in the brain and may be accessed over an extended period of time101
5874562313long term potentiationa possible source of the formation of memories; improvement in a neuron's ability to transmit caused by repeated stimulations102
5874562318marijuanaa drug, often smoked, whose effects include euphoria, impairment of judgment and concentration and occasionally hallucinations; rarely reported as addictive103
5874562319meannumerical average of a set of numbers104
5874562320medianthe middle one of a set of numbers105
5874562321medullapart of the brain nearest the spinal cord which controls breathing, heart rate and blood pressure106
5874562322memoryfunctions associated with this include encoding, storage and retrieval107
5874562327mnemonic devicemethod of improving memory by associating new information with previously learned information108
5874562328modethe most commonly occurring term in a batch of data109
5874562329modelingthe process of observing and imitating a behavior110
5874562330monocularterms that means "one eyed", used to indicate the sort of of enviromental cues to depth perception tha tonly require one eye, for example, interposition111
5874562333motivationa need or desire that energizes and directs behavior112
5874562334motor cortexan area of the brain, near the rear of the frontal lobes, that controls voluntary movement113
5874562335motor neuronthis carries information from the brain to the muscles; also called "efferent"114
5874562336MRIa technique that enables us to see static images of the brain's structures; uses magnetism to achieve this effect115
5874562338myelin sheatha layer of fatty tissue encasing a neuron's axon that speeds transmission116
5874562339narcolepsya disorder characterized by sudden sleep attacks, often at inopportune times117
5874562341nature vs nurturename for a controversy in which it is debated whether genetics or environment is responsible for driving behavior118
5874562342negative reinforcementin operant conditioning, removing something unpleasant in order to elicit more of a particular behavior119
5874562343neural networkrefers to interconnected neuron cells120
5874562344neuronthe fundamental building block of the nervous system121
5874562345neuroscienceperspective on psychology that emphasizes the study of the brain and its effects on behavior122
5874562346neurotransmittera chemical that is released by a neuron for the purpose of carrying information across the gaps (synapses) between neurons123
5874562347neutraldescribes a stimulus in classical conditioning that would normally not elicit the response intended, such as the tone in Pavlov's experiments before it was associated with the food124
5874562348night terrorsalso called sleep terror disorder, these include the characteristic of waking abruptly in a state of panic, usually in children, less often in adults125
5874562349normal distributiondescribes a symmetrical, bell shaped curve that shows the distribution of many physical and psychological attributes126
5874562351NREMrefers to sleep during which there is no rapid eye movement127
5874562353object permanencerecognition that things continue to exist even though hidden from sight; infants generally gain this after 3 to 7 months of age128
5874562354observational learningchange in behavior due to watching other people behave129
5874562355obsessive-compulsive disorderan anxiety disorder characterized by repetitive obsessions and compulsions130
5874562356occipitalthis lobe contains the primary vision processing function131
5874562358olfactory bulbthe first brain structure to pick up smell information from the nose132
5874562360operant conditioninga method of influencing behavior by rewarding desired behaviors and punishing undesired ones133
5874562363optic nervethe axons of the ganglion cells form this134
5874562365opponent process theoryterm used in both vision theory and emotion theory135
5874562370parasympatheticthe branch of the nervous system that automatically calms us down when the reason for arousal has passed136
5874562371parietallobe that contains the sensory cortex137
5874562373perceptionthe process of organizing and interpreting sensory information138
5874562374peripheral nervous systemthe subsystem of the nervous system that does not include the CNS139
5874562378PET scanmethod of brain imaging using positron emissions140
5874562382pituitarygland that is the master gland of the endocrine system142
5874562383place theorythe idea that different sound frequencies stimulate different locations on the basilar membrae143
5874562384placeboan inert substance given to the control group in an experiment144
5874562385placebo effectphenomenon that some people get better even though they receive not medication but an inert substance which should have no medical effect145
5874562387ponspart of the brain, works with the cerebellum in coordinating voluntary movement; neural stimulation studied in activation synthesis theory may originate here146
5874562398psychiatristmedical doctor who has specialized in treating psychological disorders147
5874562399psychoanalysisFreud's therapeutic technique148
5874562400psychodynamicterm describes the perspective on psychology in which inner feeling and unconscious tensions are emphasized149
5874562401psychopharmacologythe study of the effects of drugs on the mind and behavior150
5874562402punishmentcan be either positive or negative, intended to reduce the occurrence of a behavior151
5874562411reinforcerin operant conditioning any event that strengthens the behavior it follows152
5874562413REMdescribes sleep in which vivid dreams typically occur; this type of sleep increases as the night progresses while stage 4 sleep decreases153
5874562414representativethis kind of sample accurately reproduces the characteristics of the population a researcher is studying154
5874562415representativeness heuristicthis cognitive short cut enables one to generalization based on how closely a stimulus matches a typical member of a class; given a picture of a man in a tweed jacket with a textbook, is this man a professor or a truck driver?155
5874562417reticular formationa network of cells in the brainstem that filters sensory information and is involved in arousal and alertness156
5874562418retinathe sensory reception system of the eye; includes rods and cones157
5874562419retrievalthe process of recovering information stored in memory158
5874562421rodsresponsible for black and white vision159
5874562427scatterplotname for a graph of data points in a two variable correlation160
5874562429schemaa collection of basic knowledge about a category of information; serves as a means of organization and interpretation of that information161
5874562430schemataplural form of schema162
5874562442sensory adaptationreduced responsiveness caused by prolonged stimulation163
5874562443sensory cortexthe parts of the brain that receive information from the sensory receptors164
5874562444sensory neuronsnervous system cells that receive information from the environment165
5874562447serotonina neurotransmitter; associated with improved mood and other positive emotions166
5874562452short-termtype of memory that holds a few items briefly before they are lost167
5874562454sleep apneaa disorder characterized by cessation of breathing during sleep168
5874562459social learninga theory that suggests we learn social behaviors by watching and imitating others169
5874562460somatica division of the nervous system that controls voluntary muscle movements170
5874562462split braina condition in which the two brain hemispheres are isolated by cutting the corpus callosum171
5874562463spontaneous recoveryin classical conditioning the re-occurence of conditioning after it had appeared to be extinct172
5874562469sympatheticpart of the nervous system that controls the "flight or fight" response173
5874562470synaptic gapspace between the axon terminal of one neuron and the receptors of the next neuron174
5874562471syntaxin language the set of rules that describe how words are arranged to make sentences175
5874562473temporalthe lobe that controls audition176
5874562474thalamusthe sensory switchboard177
5874562477thresholdin a neuron, reaching this causes the neuron to fire178
5874562479twin studiesa common method of investigating whether nature or nurture affects behavior179
5874562480unconditioned responsein conditioning the behavior elicited by the unconditioned stimulus180
5874562481unconditioned stimulusin conditioning it elicits the UCR181
5874859079FlashbulbTerm describes a vivid memory of a personally significant and emotional event182
5874859080InterneuronsCells in the spinal chord through which reflexes travel without going to the brain183
5874859081StructuralismSchool of psychology developed by Wilhelm Wundt184

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