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AP Music Theory Vocabulary Flashcards

All AP Music Theory general vocabulary. 298 words. Have fun.

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10815397728CadenceEnding of a musical phrase0
10815397729Cadential extentionExtension of a cadence using the same chords1
10815397730CodaClosing musical material, not included in the main idea.2
10815397731CodettaA small coda3
10815397732ContourShape of a melody4
10815397733CountermelodyMelody that is equally important to the main melody; usually provides consonace5
10815397734ElisionOne phrase connecting to the other6
10815397735FragmentPart of a motive7
10815397736IntroductionA preparatory movement, usually in a slow tempo to introduce a larger composition. The term is chiefly applied to Classical and Romantic music, but is not exclusively applicable to those eras.8
10815397737BridgeConnects the B and A section9
10815397738ChorusA group of people singing a song, usually with multiple parts, together. The main tune.10
10815397739Song Form (AABA, ABA, ABA', etc.)The form a song is in.11
10815397740TurnaroundGets you back to the beginning12
10815397741Twelve-bar bluesI,I,I,I,IV,IV,I,I,V,V,IV,IV,I13
10815397742AugmentationWhen the notes in a melody are increased, generally by half, in value. Antonym: Diminution14
10815397743ConjunctStepwise melodic motion15
10815397744DiminutionWhen a melody played in such a way that the time value of every note is shortened, generally halved, in value. Its antonym is ' augmentation'16
10815397745DisjunctMelodic motion in intervals larger than a 2nd17
10815397746Extended versionwhen a phrase or musical idea or cadence is extended but without any new melodic or harmonic intentions18
10815397747FragmentationWhen part of the song is broken into parts19
10815397748Internal expansionExpands beyond expect phrase length20
10815397749Inversion, Melodic inversionWhen you take one of the upper notes of a chord or interval and take the notes bellow it and put them on top.21
10815397750Literal RepetitionWhen sequences are repeated exactly.22
10815397751Motivic repetitionWhen the rhythmic theme is changed23
10815397752Octave displacementTaking a melodic line and moving the notes to a different octave24
10815397753RetrogradeBackwards modulation25
10815397754Rhythmic transformationrhythm changes26
10815397755Sequencepitch and rhythmic pattern, repeated and different pitch levels27
10815397756Sequential repetitionA sequence that repeats28
10815397757Shortened versionWhen a song is shortened29
10815397758TranspositionChange of key in the entire work30
10815397759TruncationTo shorten, fragment31
10815397760MotiveSmallest musical idea32
10815397761AntecedentThe "Call" in a call and response33
10815397762ConsequentThe "Response" in a call and response34
10815397763Contrasting periodWhen two phrases begin different35
10815397764Double period2 periods put together36
10815397765Parallel periodWhen two phrases begin the same37
10815397766Repeated periodExact repetition38
10815397767Phrase groupGroup of phrases that seem to belong together without forming a period39
10815397768RefrainSimilar to a Chorus; the main tune40
10815397769Binary small formMovement with two main sections (AB)41
10815397770Rounded binary small formA B1/2 A42
10815397771TernaryStatement, contrast, return (ABA)43
10815397772Solo, SoliGroup of soloists44
10815397773StanzaDifferent verses45
10815397774StrophicMusic repeats, lyrics change46
10815397775ThemeMain idea of the song, what it's about47
10815397776Thematic transformationWhen the theme changes in the song48
10815397777Through-composedNo form - for example, atonal music49
10815397778Tuttiall together, everyone50
10815397779VariationMaterial is altered during repetition51
10815397780Capital roman numeralsIndicate major triads52
10815397781Lowercase roman numeralsIndicate minor triads53
10815397782Capital roman numeral with *Augmented triad54
10815397783Lowercase roman numeral with °Diminished triad55
10815397784Arabic numerals or figured bass numerals do what?Denote intervals above the bass and hence indirectly indicate chord inversion. Arabic numerals may indicate voice leading and/or nonharmonic tones.56
10815397785Figured Bass 6Inidicates first inversion triad (third on bottom)57
10815397786figured bass 6/4indicates second inversion triad (5th on bottom)58
10815397787Figured bass 7Indicated root position seventh chord (root on bottom)59
10815397788figured bass °7Fully diminished seventh chord (diminished triad with minor third on top)60
10815397789figured bass ø7Half diminished seventh chord (diminished triad with major third on top)61
10815397790figured bass 6/5first inversion seventh chord (3rd on the bottom)62
10815397791figured bass 4/3second inversion seventh chord (5th on the bottom)63
10815397792figured bass 4/2third inversion seventh chord (7th on the bottom)64
10815397793figured bass 8-7suspension where the 8 moves to the seven65
108153977949-8. 7-6, 4-3 figured bassAll indicate suspension and a melodic resolution66
10815397795accidental before Arabic numeralalteration of an interval67
10815397796a slash through one of the arabic numerals or a plus after the arabic numeralindicates that the note creating the interval in question is raised a half step68
10815397797imperfect authentic cadencemust end on I chord69
10815397798perfect authentic cadenceV to I; in root position; melody ends on tonic70
10815397799conclusive cadencecadence ends on tonic triad71
10815397800deceptive cadenceV to vi72
10815397801half cadenceends on V73
10815397802Phrygian half cadenceiv6 to V/V774
10815397803inconclusive cadenceends in something other than the tonic chord75
10815397804PlagalIV to I76
10815397805Augmented triad (*)two major thirds make up the triad77
10815397806diminished triad (°)Two minor triads make up the triad78
10815397807Major triad (M)a major then a minor third makes up the triad79
10815397808Minor triad (m)a minor then a major third makes up the triad80
10815397809Major seventh chord (Major triad with major third on top81
10815397810dominant seventh chorda major triad with a minor third on top82
10815397811minor seventh chordminor triad with minor third on top83
10815397812Half diminished seventh chorddiminished triad with major third on top84
10815397813fully diminished seventh chorddiminished triad with minor third on top85
10815397814Tonicfirst scale degree86
10815397815supertonicsecond scale degree87
10815397816mediantthird scale degree88
10815397817subdominantfourth scale degree89
10815397818dominantfifth scale degree90
10815397819submediantsixth scale degree91
10815397820subtonicwhole step bellow the tonic92
10815397821leading tonehalf step below tonic93
10815397822tonic functionI, III, and VI: Used as a resolve94
10815397823dominant functionleads to tonic, sets up half cadence95
10815397824predominant functionsets up dominant tonic tonailities96
10815397825Circle of fifthskeys or tonalities ordered by ascending (for sharp keys) or descending (for flat keys) intervals of a fifth97
10815397826deceptive progressionThe root of a secondary dominant can move up stepwise in its own deceptive progression98
10815397827Harmonic rhythmThe rate of chord change, or the series of durational patterns formed by the chord changes in a musical work.99
10815397828modulationchange of tone within a piece100
10815397829common tone modulationusing one or more tones that are common to both keys as an intersection b/w them101
10815397830Phrase modulationmodulations without common chords or tones102
10815397831Pivot chord modulationusing one or more chords that are common to both keys as an intersection b/w them103
10815397832Neighboring chordlol104
10815397833Retrogressionseries of chords that weaken tonality105
10815397834secondary dominantthe V or Dominant of a key other than Tonic106
10815397835secondary leading tone chordA leading-tone chord that functions as an applied, or secondary, dominant; usually a fully diminished seventh chord.107
10815397836tonicizationa chord other than tonic that seems to the ear to be a temporary tonic108
10815397837Arpeggiating 6/4 chorda 6/4 created by arpeggiation of the triad in the bass109
10815397838cadential 6/4 chorda 1 6/4 preceding the dominant, often at a cadence, although it contains the notes of the tonic triad, it doesn't exercise a tonic function but rather serves as an embellishment of the dominant. it occurs in a metrically stronger position than the dominant and the upper voices most often move by step to the tones of the dominant. may also be written as V6/4=5/3, including the resolution of the cadential 6/4 to the dominant.110
10815397839Neighboring of pedal 6/4 chord(embellishing 6/4, auxilary 6/4) occurs when the third and the fifth of a root position triad are embellished by their respective upper neighboring tones, while the bass is stationary, usually occurring on a weak beat.111
10815397840passing 6/4 chordharmonizes the second note of a three note ascending or descending scale fragment in the bass; that is, it harmonizes a bass passing tone. the usual metric placement is on an unaccented beat and the motion of the upper voices is ordinarily by step.112
10815397841anticipationapproached by step or leap, same tone as following note113
10815397842appoggiaturaapproached by leap, resolved by step114
10815397843escape toneapproached by step, resolved by leap115
10815397844embellishmentmelodic decoration116
10815397845neighboring tone can be known as...(auxiliary tone, embellishing tone, neighbor note)117
10815397846double neighboring toneinvolves one note on top of the other118
10815397847lower neighborapproached by step down, resolved by step to the original note119
10815397848upper neighborapproached by step up, resolved by step down to the original note120
10815397849neighbor group (cambiata, changing tones, changing notes)oh121
10815397850ornamentnonharmonic tones122
10815397851passing toneapproach my step, resolve by step, moving in the same direction123
10815397852pedal pointsuspension of same note throughout124
10815397853preparationtone preceding suspension125
10815397854resolutionWhen the dissonant note is changed to a consonant one.126
10815397855retardationopposite of a suspension; resolves up instead of down127
10815397856suspensiona tone held from one chord into another, and then resolved down to the chordal note128
10815397857closed positionnotes placed as close as possible on the staff129
10815397858doublingto duplicate a note into another octave130
10815397859open positionwide intervals between parts131
10815397860rootthe note a chord is built on132
10815397861root positionroot is in the bass133
10815397862common tonea tone that is common in two chords134
10815397863contrary motionwhen two parts move in opposite directions135
10815397864cross relationwhen a note sounds with its altered equivalent136
10815397865crossed voiceswhen an upper voice goes bellow a note used previously in a lower voice, and vice versa137
10815397866direct fifths/direct octaveswhen the outside voices move in the same direction138
10815397867oblique motionthe relative motion of two melodic parts in which one remains in place or moves relatively little while the other moves more actively.139
10815397868overlapping voiceswhen an upper voice is lower than a voice lower than it, and vice versa140
10815397869parallel motionwhen two voice parts move in the same direction141
10815397870objectionable parallelsoccurs when two parts separated by a perfect fifth/octave, or by their octave equivalents, move to new pitch classes by the same interval142
10815397871parallel fifthswhen two parts move in the same direction, staying in fifths143
10815397872parallel octaveswhen two parts move in the same direction, staying in octaves144
10815397873similar motionIn part-writing, similar motion is the situation in which two voices of the composition move in the same direction, either ascending or descending, but they do not necessarily cover the same interval.145
10815397874tendency tonenote that tends to move in one direction or another146
10815397875unresolved leading tonewhen the leading tone isn't resolved up to the tonic147
10815397876unresolved seventhwhen the seven in a chord isn't resolved down by step148
10815397877voice exchangethe repetition of a contrapuntal passage with the voices' parts exchanged. EX: Voice 1: a b voice 2: b a149
10815397878arpeggiobroken chord150
10815397879chormaticnot in the key a scale that moves by half steps151
10815397880common practice styleobeys two different kinds of musical norms: first, it uses conventionalized sequences of chords, such as I-IV-V-I. Second, it obeys specific contrapuntal norms, such as the avoidance of parallel fifths and octaves.152
10815397881consonancepleasing to the ear153
10815397882diatonicin the key154
10815397883dissonancenot pleasing to the ear155
10815397884figured bassarabic numerals that tell where the notes in the chord are placed156
10815397885flatted fifthflatted fifth note157
10815397886lead sheetsheet containing words and melody for a song written in simple form158
10815397887picardy thirdmajor third in tonic chord of minor key159
10815397888resolutionGoing back to the tonic160
10815397889compound intervaldistance between two notes that exceeds an octave161
10815397890half stepwhen you move from one note directly to the next162
10815397891intervaldistance between two notes163
10815397892inversion of an intervalto turn an interval upside down164
10815397893perfect intervalunison, fourth, fifth165
10815397894major intervalsecond, third, sixth, seventh166
10815397895minor intervalsecond, third, sixth, seventh. Lowers them by one half step.167
10815397896diminished intervalsecond, third, sixth, and seventh are lowered another half step from minor. unison, fourth, fifth are lowered from their perfect form168
10815397897augmented intervalwhen any interval is raised from its original form169
10815397898Tritoneaugmented fourth, or diminished fifth170
10815397899unisonone note is played/sung171
10815397900whole steptwo half steps172
10815397902articulationthe style in which an individual note is played174
10815397903arcowith the bow175
10815397906pizzicatoplucking the strings178
10815397907slurto sing to a single syllable or play without a break (two or more tones of different pitch)179
10815397908staccatoshort, detached180
10815397910call and responsea song style in which a singer or musician leads with a call and a group responds182
10815397911dynamicsmarks the volume of the song183
10815397912crescendogradually louder184
10815397913diminuendo/decrescendogradually softer185
10815397914terrace dynamicsvolume levels shift quickly186
10815397915pianissimopp very soft187
10815397916pianop soft188
10815397917mezzo pianomp medium soft189
10815397918mezzo fortemf medium loud190
10815397919fortef loud191
10815397920fortissimoff very loud192
10815397921phrasinga division of a composition, commonly a passage of four or eight measures, forming part of a period.193
10815397922tempothe speed of the piece194
10815397923adagioslow and stately195
10815397924allegrofast and bright196
10815397925andantewalking speed197
10815397926andantinoslightly faster than andante198
10815397927graveslow and solemn199
10815397928largovery slow200
10815397929lentovery very slow201
10815397931prestovery fast203
10815397932vivacelively and fast204
10815397933accelerandogradually speed up205
10815397934ritardandogradually slower206
10815397935ritenutogradually decreasing tempo207
10815397936rubatoto be played with a flexible tempo208
10815397938agogic accentstress given to a note through prolonged duration.210
10815397939dynamic accentoccurs when performer emphasizes a tone by playing it more loudly than the tones around it211
10815397940metrical accentThe pattern of strong and weak beats based on the "weight" of the downbeat and the "lift" of the upbeat.212
10815397941anacrusispickup note or figure213
10815397942asymmetrical meterA compound meter with beat units of unequal duration. These irregular beat lengths are typically (though not always) created by five or seven beat divisions, grouped into beat lengths such as 2 + 3 or 2 + 3 + 2.214
10815397943bar linethe line that shows where one measure stops and one begins215
10815397944beatthe pulse in a song216
10815397945compound beata beat that subdivides into three parts217
10815397946simple beata beat that subdivides into two parts218
10815397947changing metera common trait in 20th-century music; time signature changes frequently and unpredictably; a rejection of standard metrical patterns in favor of non-symmetrical groupings (Bartok & Concerto for Orchestra)219
10815397948cross rhythm (polyrhythm)Two conflicting rhythms used at the same time. Also known as polyrhythm.220
10815397949dot on the side of a notetakes half the length of the note its beside221
10815397950dotted rhythmlong-short rhythmic pattern in which a dotted note is followed by a note that is much shorter222
10815397951dupletA group of two notes played in the time usually taken to play three223
10815397952hemiolaa shift in the rhythmic pulse from a division of 2 to a division of 3, or vice versa. i.e. 6-8 time meter into 3-4 time meter.224
10815397953irregular meterasymmetrical groupings with different numbers of beats per measure225
10815397954meterhow the pulse/beat is established226
10815397955duple meter2 beats per measure227
10815397956quadruple meterfour beats per measure228
10815397957triple meterthree beats a measure229
10815397958rhythmthe rate at which notes are played230
10815397959swing rhythmRhythm where notes with equal written time values are performed with unequal durations, usually as alternating long and short.231
10815397960syncopationthe accenting of musical beats not normally accented; notes that aren't played on the beat.232
10815397961tempothe rate at which music is played233
10815397962tiewhen a note in one measure is held into the next234
10815397963time signaturethe top number is the number of beats in the measure. the bottom number is the note that gets the beat.235
10815397964tripletthree notes played in the space of one or two.236
10815397965accidentalalters a note up or down a half step237
10815397966major scaleIn the key of C (up and down): C D E F G A B C B A G F E D C238
10815397967harmonic minor scaleIn the key of a (up and down): a b c d e f g# a g# f e d c b a239
10815397968Melodic minor scalein the key of a (up and down): a b c d e f# g# a g f e d c b a240
10815397969Ionian scaleA major scale241
10815397970Dorian scalenatural minor with a raised 6242
10815397971phrygian scalenatural minor with a flat 2243
10815397972lydian scalemajor scale with raised 4244
10815397973mixolydian scalemajor scale with flat 7245
10815397974aeolian scalenatural minor scale246
10815397975locrian scalenatural minor scale with a flat 2 and 5247
10815397976modalitythe state of being modal248
10815397977parallel keytwo keys that share the same tonic but NOT the same key249
10815397978pentatonicscale that has five notes to an octave (think Asian music)250
10815397979relative key2 scales that have the same key, but not the same tonic.251
10815397980tetrachordSeries of four notes having a pattern of whole step, whole step, half step252
10815397981tonality, tonalPrinciple of organization around a tonic, or home, pitch, based on a major or minor scale.253
10815397982whole tone scalemoving only by whole steps254
10815397983melismaticnotes sung to one syllable255
10815397984syllabicone note per syllable256
10815397985alberti bass1 5 3 5; broken base257
10815397986canona contrapuntal piece of music in which a melody in one part is imitated exactly in other parts, starting at different points.258
10815397987chordal accompanimentThe underlying harmonic support for a melody; chords may be blocked or broken.259
10815397988contrapuntal, counterpointvoices working against each other260
10815397989imitationa copy that is represented as the original261
10815397990imitative polyphonytechnique in which each phrase of a composition is addressed by all the voices, which enter successively in imitation of each other262
10815397991nonimitative polyphonytwo or more melodic lines playing distinct melodies263
10815397992countermelodyAccompanying melody sounding against the principle melody264
10815397993fugal imitationimitation of the subject which enters at a different pitch level; almost like a sequence265
10815397994heterophony, heterophonicone melodic line being improvised upon266
10815397995homophony, homophonicmelodic accompaniment267
10815397996chordal homphonysameness, regarding rhythm and melody268
10815397997chordal texture (homorhythmic)a type of homophonic texture, with pitches sounding simultaneously269
10815397998brassthe section of a band or orchestra that plays brass instruments270
10815397999continuoa bass part written out in full and accompanied by numbers to indicate the chords to be played271
10815398000percussionthe section of a band or orchestra that plays percussion instruments272
10815398001rhythm sectionthe section within a jazz band, usually consisting of drums, double bass, piano, banjo, and/or guitar, that establishes the harmony and rhythm273
10815398002stringsthe section of an orchestra that plays stringed instruments274
10815398003timbrethe distinguishing quality of a sound275
10815398004woodwindswind instruments that include the piccolo, flute, oboe, english horn, clarinet, bassoon, and saxophone276
10815398005monophony, monophonicone tone277
10815398006obbligatoa part of the score that must be performed without change or omission278
10815398007ostinatoa musical phrase repeated over and over during a composition279
10815398008polyphony, polyphonicmany voices/tones280
10815398009contrapuntalhaving two or more independent but harmonically related melodic parts sounding together281
10815398010tessituramost widely used range of pitches in a piece of music282
10815398011walking bassa bass line that moves at a moderate pace, mostly in equal note values, and often stepwise up or down the scale283
10815398012AriaA song from a larger work284
10815398013Art songa song that stands alone285
10815398014concertosolo instrument and orchestra286
10815398015fuguea musical form consisting of a theme repeated a fifth above or a fourth below its first statement287
10815398016genrestyle, category of music288
10815398017operastaged vocal work289
10815398018preludea part of a song before the main section290
10815398019postludea part of the song after the main section291
10815398020sonataABA form292
10815398021string quartet2 violins, a viola, and a cello293
10815398022symphonya piece for an orchestra with many movements.294
10815398023modulationa change of key within a piece295
10815398024pizzicadoplucked string (tighten or loosen pegs to change pitch)296
10815398025Changing toneApproach by step, jump a third, resolve by step to the original note.297

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