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AP Photosynthesis Flashcards

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9801123627Electron Transport Chainuses high energy electrons generated by the photosystem to pump hydrogen ions into the thylakoid against their concentration gradient.0
9801123628ATP Synthaseenzyme that uses energy from H+ ions to bind ADP to an inorganic phosphate to produce ATP1
9801123629NADPHAn electron carrier produced from PSI involved in photosynthesis, which provides the high-energy electrons to the calvin cycle2
9801123630ATP(adenosine triphosphate) the main energy source for all cells; a molecule that is catabolized to release energy to drive metabolic processes3
9801123631Light Dependent Reactionsproduction of ATP and NADPH to supply the calvin cycle with energy4
9801123632oxygenPS2 (photosystem 2) splits a water to generate __________ for the atmosphere5
9801123633Water_______ is split in PS2 (photosystem 2) to generate oxygen and provide an electron6
9801123634PhotonsLight energy7
9801123635Thylakoid spaceH+ ions are pumped into the ______________________ by the ETC of PS28
9801123636H+ ionsdiffuse down their concentration gradient to spin ATP Synthase to convert ADP -> ATP9
9801123637Energy in the light ________is used to split water and excite electrons10
9801123638At each step in the electron transport chain electrons ________ potential energyLose11
9801123639photolysisThe splitting of water to replace electrons that are lost to photosystem II12
9801123640What does photolysis form?Oxygen, hydrogen ions, and electrons13
9801123641chlorophyllpigment used to absorb light energy and excite electrons14
9801123642When are ATP and NADPH used?light independent reactions15
9801123643PhotosynthesisConversion of light energy from the sun into chemical energy.16
9801123644Chloroplastsorganelle where photosynthesis takes place17
9801123645Thylakoidsaclike photosynthetic membranes found in chloroplasts where light dependent reaction takes place18
9801123646Stromafluid portion of the chloroplast; outside of the thylakoids where light independent reaction occurs19
9801123647Photosystem 1the electrons are re-energized by light energy and used to make NADPH. 2nd photosystem in ETC.20
9801123648Photosystem 2Uses light energy to split water. 1st photosystem in the light dependent reactions.21
9801123649Waterneeded to replace the electron that is lost when it gets added to NADP+22
9801123650proton gradientbuildup of hydrogen ions in the thylakoid space lowering the pH23
9801123651chemiosmosiscombination of electron transport chain and phosphorylation24
9801123653stomatesopening in the leaf allowing oxygen out and carbon dioxide in25
9801123654guard cellscells in the leaf that control the opening and closing of the stomates26
9801123655Calvin cycleUses ATP and NADPH to produce glucose27
9801123656carbon fixationstage occurring when RUBP is added to Carbon dioxide to produce 2 molecules of 3PGA28
9801123657ADP + Piproduced when ATP is used in the calvin cycle29
9801123658NADPMolecule Produced when hydrogen and electrons are transferred to 3PGA30
9801123659Reductionstage ocuring when electons to 3PGA to produce G3P31
9801123660Regenerationthe stage when G3P gets converted back to RUBP32
9801123661rubiscothe enzyme needed to attach Carbon dioxide to RUBP33
9801123662the number of carbon dioxides needed to to produce 1 glucose634

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