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AP Physics 1- All Formulas Flashcards

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9584839362Average Speed isTotal Distance / Total Time (Disp,Vel, Acc Q1)0
9584839363An object Accelerates ifit changes velocity and/or direction (Disp,Vel, Acc Q2)1
9584839364Subtracting a vector is the same asadding its opposite (Vectors in 2 Dimensions Q4)2
9584839365The direction of the average acceleration vector isthe direction of the change(difference vf - vi) of the velocity vectors (Vectors in 2 Dimensions Q5)3
9584839366Two, different massed, objects get dropped at the same height, which one reaches the ground first (no external forces Ex: Air Resitence)?They hit the ground at the same time because each object has different forces, but the lighter object speeds up faster than the larger object (but the larger object has a greater force once its moving) (Kinematics & Free Fall Q2)4
9584839367Kinematic EquationsV = Vo + at X = Xo + Vot + 1/2at^2 V^2 = Vo^2 + 2a(X - Xo)5
9584839368Vectors always line uptip to tail (Vectors in 2D Q6)6
9584839369If time is known, which component(x or y) does not matter?y-component (Projectile Motion Q2)7
9584839370Velocity in the x-direction is alwaysindependent from the velocity in the y-direction (Projectile Motion Q6)8
9584839371If time, Yo and Yf are known, then useYf - Yo = V0t + 1/2at^2 (Projectile Motion Q9)9
9584839372Newton's 1st Law Statesan object will not accelerate unless a net external force acts on it (Newton's Laws Q2)10
9584839373Connected objects share the sameForce (Forces and Straight Line Motions Q8)11
9584839414Equation for Centripetal Acceleration12
9584839374The period isthe amount of time for a motion to complete one full cycle13
9584839415Newton's Universal Law of Gravity is14
9584839375Five principal motion variablesInitial velocity, final velocity, displacement, acceleration, time15
9584839376ForcePush/pull applied by one object on another16
9584839377Net ForceSingle force that replaces all individual forces acting on an object. Same direction (+) opposite direction (-)17
9584839378Kinetic FrictionMoving object is being acted upon by friction on the opposite direction.18
9584839379Static FrictionFriction force between two objects that aren't moving.19
9584839380Newton's third lawThe force of object A on B is equal in the opposite direction as the force on B on A20
9584839381Newton's second lawF = ma21
9584839382Force of frictionFf = uFn (coefficient of friction times the force normal)22
9584839383Force of Friction is always parallel or perpendicular?parallel to the surface23
9584839384Is velocity at all related to force?Force is not directly proportional to velocity.24
9584839385Momentum (p)mass * velocity | P=mv25
9584839386Impulse (I)Force * time | I = F*t I = Δp26
9584839387Systemseveral objects that can be treated as one.27
9584839388Kinetic Energy is only conserved in anElastic Collision28
9584839389Conservation of momentum0 = Δpi + Δpf29
9584839390Impulse Momentum TheoremΔp = F * Δt30
9584839391Momentum is conserved inall collisions31
9584839392Center of Mass Equationxcm = m1x1 + m2x2..../M | x is postion, m is mass, M is total mass of the system32
9584839393Non Conservative ForceForces that do not store energy are called nonconservative or dissipative forces. Friction is a nonconservative force, and there are others. Any friction-type force, like air resistance, is a nonconservative force. The energy that it removes from the system is no longer available to the system for kinetic energy.33
9584839394Conservative ForceIf a body is under the action of a force that does no net work during any closed loop, then the force is conservative. If work is done, the force is nonconservative.34
9584839395Translation KE1/2mv^235
9584839396Rotational KE1/2Iw^236
9584839397Gravitational PEmgh37
9584839398Universal PE of gravity-Gm1m2/d | G= Universal gravitational constant d= distance between the objects38
9584839399Elastic Potential Energy1/2kx^239
9584839400If there are non-conservative forces then mechanical energy isnot conserved40
9584839401Work for non conservative forcesWnc = (KEf - KEi) + (PEf - PEi).41
9584839402Work is only done ifForce is exerted on an object and the object moves parallel to its force42
9584839403Work (W)W = F Δx | Fdcosθ Fdsinθ43
9584839404Work Energy TheroemW = ΔKE + ΔPE44
9584839406Centripetal Accelertaionac= v^2/r46
9584839407Torquet = Fd | Fdcosθ Fdsinθ47
9584839408angular velocityangular velocity = velocity/radius48
9584839416Rotational Kinematics49
9584839409Rotational InertiaI = mr^250
9584839417Newton's Second Law for Rotation51
9584839410Angular Momentumangular momentum = torque * Δt | p = mvr52
9584839418KE rotational53
9584839419Gravitational Field Equation54
9584839411Gravitational Force Between PlanetsGm1m2 / d^255
9584839412PE gravitationalmgh & Gm1m2/d56
9584839413Rotational Impulse Momentum TheoremΔL = torque * Δt57

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