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AP Psych Chapter 1 Vocab-Coates Flashcards

The AP Psychology summer vocabulary words

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202240278behavioral approachA view based on the assumption that human behavior is determined mainly by what a person has learned in life, especially by rewards and punishments.0
202240279biological approachAn approach to psychology in which behavior and behavior disorders are seen as the result of physical processes, especially those relating to the brain and to hormones and other chemicals1
202240280biological psychologistPsychologists who who explore links between brain and mind. They analyze the biological factors influencing behavior and mental processes.2
202240281case studiesResearch involving a detailed study of some phenomenon in a single individual, group, or situations.3
202240282clinical psychologistpsychologists who seek to assess, understand, modify, and prevent behavior disorders.4
202240283cognitive approachA view that emphasizes research on how the brain takes in information, creates perceptions, forms and retrieves memories, processes information, and generated integrated patterns of action.5
202240284cognitive psychologistPeople who research focus is the analysis of the mental processes underlying judgment, decision making, problem solving, imagining, and other aspects of human thought.6
202240285consciousnessThe awareness of ones environment and oneself; the awareness of external stimuli and our own mental activity.7
202240286correlation studiesResearch methods that examine relationships between variables in order to analyze trends, test prediction, evaluate theories, and suggest new hypotheses8
202240287critical thinkingThe process of assessing claims and making judgments on the basis of well-supported evidence; thinking that does not blindly accept arguments and conclusions. Rather, it examines assumptions, discerns hidden values, evaluates evidence, and assesses conclusions.9
202240288cultureThe accumulation of values, rules of behavior, forms of expression, religious beliefs, and occupational choices for a group of people who share a common language and environment.10
202240289developmental psychologistPsychologists who seek to understand, describe, and explore how behavior and mental processes change over the course of a lifetime.11
202240290educational psychologistPsychologists who study methods by which instructors teach and students learn and who apply their results to improving such methods.12
202240291empiricismThe view that knowledge comes from experience and observation.13
202240292engineering psychologistPsychologists who study and try to improve the relationships between human beings and the computers and other machines they use.14
202240293environmental psychologistPsychologists who study the relationship between people's physical environment and their behavior.15
202240294evolutionary approachAn approach to psychology that emphasizes the inherited, adaptive aspects of behavior and mental processes.16
202240295forensic psychologistPsychologists who are involved in many aspects of psychology and the law and legal system.17
202240296Gestalt therapytherapy that aims to integrate different and sometimes opposing aspects of personality into a unified sense of self. The goal is for clients to become aware of what they are doing, how they are doing it, and how they can change themselves, and at the same time, to learn to accept and value themselves.18
202240297health psychologistPsychologists who study the effects of behavior on health and the impact of illness on behavior and emotion.19
202240298humanistic approachA view of behavior as controlled by the decisions that people make about their lives based on the perceptions of the world.20
202240299hypothesisA specific, testable proposition about a phenomenon.21
202240300industrial/organizational psychologistPsychologists who examine factors that influence people's performances in the workplace.22
202240301naturalistic observationThe process of watching without interfering as a phenomenon occurs in the natural environment.23
202254039operant conditioningA learning process through which rewards and punishments shape, maintain, and change behavior; a method of influencing behavior by rewarding desired behaviors and punishing undesired ones.24
202254040operational definitionStatements that define phenomena or variables by describing the exact research operations or methods used in measuring or manipulating them.25
202254041personality psychologistPsychologists who focus on people's unique characteristics.26
202254042psychodynamic approachEmphasizes the interplay of unconscious psychological processes in determining human thoughts, feelings, and behavior.27
202256361psychologyThe science that seeks to understand behavior and mental processes and to apply that understanding in the service of human welfare.28
202256362quantitative psychologistPsychologists who develop statistical methods for evaluating and analyzing data from psychological research.29
202256363reliabilityThe degree to which test results or other research evidence occurs repeatedly.30
202256364school psychologistPsychologists who test IQ, diagnose students' academic problems, and set up programs to improve students' achievement; assesses and counsels students, consults with educators and parents, and performs behavioral intervention when necessary.31
202259401social psychologistPsychologists who study how people influence one another's behavior and attitudes, especially in groups.32
202259402sociocultural variableSocial identity and other background factors, such as gender, ethnicity, social class, and culture.33
202259403sport psychologistPsychologists whose researched is aimed at maximizing athletic performance.34
202259404surveysResearch that involves giving people questionnaires or interviews designed to describe their attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and intentions.35
202259405validityThe degree to which evidence from a test or other research method measures what is supposed to measure.36
202259406variablesSpecific factors or characteristics that can take on different numerical values in research.37
202269258experimentA situation in which the researcher manipulates one variable and observes the effect of that manipulation on another variable, while holding all other variable constant.38
202269259independent variableIn an experiment, the variable manipulated by the researcher.39
202269260dependent variableIn an experiment, the factor affected by the independent variable.40
202269261experimental groupThe group that receives the experimental treatment.41
202269262control groupThe group that receives no treatment or provides some other baseline against which to compare the performance or response of the experimental group.42
202285119confounding variableAny factor that affects the dependent variable along with, or instead of, the independent variable.43
202285120random variablesUncontrolled or uncontrollable factors that affect the dependent variable along with, or instead of, the independent variable.44
202285121random assignmentA procedure through which random variables are evenly distributed in an experiment by placing participants in experimental and control groups on the basis of a coin flip or some other random process.45
202285122placeboA treatment that contains no active ingredient but produces an effect because the person receiving it believes it will.46
202285123experimenter biasA confounding variable that occurs when an experimenter unintentionally encourages participants to respond in a way that supports the hypothesis.47
202285124double-blind designA research design in which either the experimenter nor the participants know who is in the experimental group and who is in the control group.48
202285125samplingThe process of selecting participants who are members of the populating that the researcher wishes to study.49
202285126representative sampleA sample of research participants chosen from a larger population such that their age, gender, ethnicity, and other characteristics are typical of that larger population.50
202285127random sampleA group of research participants selected from a population of whose members had an equal chance of being chosen.51
202285128biased sampleA group of research participants selected from a population each of whose members did not have an equal chance of being chosen.52
202285129behavioral geneticsThe study of how genes and environments combine to affect behavior and mental processes.53
202285130dataNumbers that represent research findings and provide the basis for conclusions.54
202285131statistically significantReferring to a correlation, or a difference between two groups, that is larger than would be expected by chance.55
202285636correlationA statistical calculation that indicates that two variables appear to be related to each other in some way. In other words, one predicts the other to some extent.56

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