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AP Psych Chapter 2 Vocab

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200366298Central Nervous System (CNS)the network of nerves contained within the brain and spinal cord
200366299Peripheral Nervous Systemthe network of nerves that radiate from the central nervous system to the rest of the body; PNS comprises the somatic and autonomic nervous system
200366300Somatic Nervous Systemthe branch of the PNS that transmits signals from the sensory organs to the CNS, and from the CNS to the skeletal muscles
200366301Autonomic Nervous Systemthe branch of the PNS that connects the CNS to the internal muscles, organs, and glands
200366302Sympathetic Nervous Systemthe division of the autonomic nervous system that heightens arousal and energizes the body for action
200366303Parasympathetic Nervous Systemthe division of the autonomic nervous system that reduces arousal and restores the body to its pre-energized state
200366304Endocrine Systema collection of ductless glands that regulate aspects of growth, reproduction, metabolism, and behavior by secreting hormones
200366305Hormoneschemical messengers secreted from endocrine glands, into the bloodstream, to various organs throughout the body
200366306Pituitary Glandsa tiny gland in the brain that regulates growth and stimulates hormones in other endocrine glands at the command of the hypothalamus
200366307Neuronsnerve cells that serve as the building blocks of the nervous system
200366308Sensory NeuronsNeurons that send signals from the senses, skin, muscles, and internal organs to the CNS
200366309Motor NeuronsNeurons that transmit commands from the CNS to the muscles, glands, and organs
200366310InterneuronsCNS neurons that connect sensory inputs and motor outputs
200366311Glial Cellsnervous system cells, also called neuroglia, that provide structural support, insulation, and nutrients to the neurons
200366312Reflexan inborn automatic response to a sensory stimulus
200366313Somathe cell body of a neuron
200366314Dendritesextensions from the cell body of a neuron that receive incoming impulses
200366315Axonextension of the cell body of a neuron that sends impulses to other neurons
200366316Myelin Sheatha layer of fatty cells that is tightly wrapped around the axon to insulate it and speed the movement of electrical impulses
200366317Action Potentialan electrical impulse that surges along an axon, caused by an influx of positive ion in the neuron
200366318Thresholdthe level of stimulation needed to trigger a neural impulse
200366319Synapsethe junction between the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrites of another
200366320Neurotransmitterchemical messengers in the nervous system that transmit information by crossing the synapse from one neuron to another
200366321Receptorsspecialized neural cells that receive neurotransmitters
200366322Acetylcholine (ACh)a neurotransmitter found throughout the nervous system that links the motor neurons and muscles
200366323Dopaminea neurotransmitter that functions as an inhibitor and is involved in the control of voluntary movements
200366324Endorphina morphine like neurotransmitter that is produced in the brain and is linked to pain control and pleasure
200366325Phrenologythe pseudoscientific theory that psychological characteristics are revealed by bumps on the skull
200366326Electroencephalograph (EEG)an instrument used to measure electrical activity in the brain through electrodes placed on the scalp
200366327CT (Computerized tomography) Scana series of X rays taken from different angles and converted by computer into an image that depicts a horizontal slice of brain
200366328PET (positron emission tomography) scana visual display of brain activity, as measured by the amount of glucose being used
200366329Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)a brain-scanning technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce clear, three-dimensional images
200366330Brainstemthe inner core of the brain that connects to the spinal cord and contains the medulla, pons, and reticular formation
200366331Medullaa brainstem structure that controls vital involuntary functions
200366332Ponsa portion of the brainstem that plays a role in sleep and arousal
200366333Reticular Formationa group of nerve cells in the brainstem that help to control sleep, arousal, and attention
200366334Cerebelluma primitive brainstem structure that controls balance and coordinates complex voluntary movements
200366335Basal GangliaMasses of gray matter in the brain that helps to initiate and coordinate deliberate movements
200366336Limbic Systema set of loosely connected structures in the brain that help to regulate motivation, emotion, and memory
200366337Thalamusa limbic structure that relays neural messages between the senses and areas of the cerebral cortex
200366338Amygdalaa limbic structure that controls fear, anger, and aggression
200366339Hippocampusa limbic structure that plays a key role in the formation of new memories
200366340Hypothalamusa tiny limbic structure in the brain that helps regulate the autonomic nervous system, endocrine glands, emotions, and basic drives
200366341Cerebral Cortexthe outermost covering of the brain, largely responsible for higher order mental processes
200366342Somatosensory Cortexthe area of the cortex that receives sensory information from the touch receptors in the skin
200366343Motor Cortexthe area of cortex that sends impulses to voluntary muscles
200366344Association Cortexareas of the cortex that communicate with the sensory and motor areas and house the brain's higher mental processes
200366345Broca's Areaa region in the left hemisphere of the brain that directs the muscle movements in the production of speech
200366346Wernicke's Areaa region in the left hemisphere of the brain that is involved in the comprehension of language
200366347Corpus Callosuma bundle of nerve fibers that connects the left and right hemispheres
200366348Split Braina surgically produced condition in which the corpus callosum is severed, thus cutting the link between the left and right hemispheres of the brain
200366349Cerebral Lateralizationthe tendency for each hemisphere of the brain to specialize in different functions
200366350Plasticitya capacity to change as a result of experience
200366351Neural Grafta technique of transplanting healthy tissue from the nervous system of one animal into that of another
200366352Concussionan alteration in a person's mental state caused by trauma to the head

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