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AP Psych chp.

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231752320Sensationexperience of sensory stimulation
231752321Perceptionprocess of creating meaningful patterns from raw sensory information
231752322receptor CellA specialized cell that responds to a particular type of energy
231752323Absolute Thresholdte least amount of energy that can be detected as a stimulation 50 perecent of the time
231752324AdaptationAdjustment of the senses to stimulation
231752325Difference ThresholdThe smallest change in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time
231752326Weber's Lawthe principle that the just noticeable difference for any given sense is a constant proportion of the stimulation being judged
231752327corneaThe transparent protective coating over the front part of the eye
231752328Pupilsmall opening in the iris through which light enters the eye
231752329IrisColored part of the eye
231752330lenstransparent part of the eye inside the pupil that focuses light on the retina
231752331RetinaLining of the eye containing receptor cells that are sensitive to light
231752332FoveaArea of the retina that is the center of the visual field
231752333LightThe small segment of the electromagnetic spectrum to which our eyes are sensitive
231752334WavelengthsThe difference energies represented in the electromagnetic spectrum
231752335RodsREceptor cells in the retina responsible for night vision and perception of brightness
231752336ConesReceptor cells in the retina responsible for color vision
231752337Bipolar CellsNeurons that have only one axon and one dendrite; in the eye, these neurons connect the receptors on the retina to the ganglion cells
231752338Visual acuitythe ability to distinguish fine details
231752339Dark adaptationIncreased sensitivity of rods and cones in darkness
231752340Light adaptationDecreased sensitivity of rods and cones in bright light
231752341AfterimageSense experience that occurs after a visual stimulus has been remoed
231752342ganglion cellsNeurons that connect the bipolar cells in the eyes to the brain
231752343Optic nerveThe bundle of axons of ganglion cells that carries neural messages from each eye to the brain
231752344Blind spotPlace on the retina where the axons of all ganglion cells leave the eye and where there are no receptors
231752345Optic chiasmPoint near the base of the brain where some fibers in the optic nerve from each eye cross to the other side of the brain
231752346huethe aspect of color that corresponds to the names such as red, green, blue
231752347Saturationthe vividness or richness of a hue
231752348BrightnessThe nearness of a color to white as opposed to black
231752349Additive color mixingThe process of mixing lights of different wavelengths to create new hues
231752350Subtractive color mixingThe process of mixing pigments, each of which absorbs some wavelengths of light and reflects others
231752351trichromatic theoryTheory of color vision that all color perception derives from three different color receptors in the retina (usually red, green, and blue receptors)
231752352ColorblindnessPartial or total inablilty to perceive hues
231752353TrichromatsPeople who have normal color vision
231752354Monochromatspeople who are totally colorblind
231752355DichromatsPeople who are blind to either red-green or yellow-blue
231752356Opponent-process theoryTheory of color vision that three sets of color receptors (yello-blue, red-green, black-white) respond in either/or fashion to determine the color you experience
231752357SoundA psychological experience created by the brain in response to changes i air pressure that are received by the auditory system
231752358Sound wavesChanges in pressure caused when molecules of air or fluid collide with one another and then move apart again
231752359FrequencyThe number of cycles per second in a wave; in sound, the primary determinant of pitch
231752360HertzCycles per second; unit of measurement for the frequency of waves
231752361PitchAuditory experience corresponding primarily to frequency of sound vibrations, resulting in a high or lower tone
231752362AmplitudeThe magnitude of a wave; in sound, the primary determinant of loudness
231752363DecibelUnit of measurement for the loudness of sounds
231752364OvertonesTones that result from sound waves that are multiple of the basic tone: primary determinant of timbre
231752365TimbreThe quantity or texture of sound; caused by overtones
231752366Hammer, anvil, stirrupThe three small bones in the middle ear that relay vbrations of the eardrum to the inner ear
231752367Oval windowMembrane across the opening between the middle ear and inner ear that conducts vibrations to the cochlea
231752368Round windowMembrane between the middle ear and inner ear that equalizes pressure in the inner ear
231752369CochleaPart of the inner ear containing fluid that ibrates which turn causes the basilar membrane to vibrate
231752370Basilar membraneVibrating membrane in the cochlea of the inner ear; it contains sense receptors for sound
231752371Organ of CortiStructure on the surface of the basilar membrane that contains the receptors cells for hearing
231752372Auditory nerveThe bundle of neurons that carries signals from each ear tothe brain
231752373Place theoryTheory that pitch is determined by the location of gretest vibration of teh basilar membrane
231752374Frequency theoryTheory that pitch is determined by the frequency with which hair cells in the cochlea fire
231752375Volley principleRefinement of frequency theory; receptors in ear fire in sequence, one group, then another, etc., firing corresponds to the frequence of sound
231752376Olfactory epitheliumNasal membranes containing receptor cells sensitive to odors
231752377Olfactory bulbThe smell center in teh brain
231752378PheromoneChemical that communicates information to other organisims through smell
231752379Ohermone vomeronasal organ (VNO)Location of receptors for phermones in the roof of the nnasal cavity
231752380Taste budsStructures on the tongue that contain the recptor cells for taste
231752381PapillaeSmall bumps on the tongue that contain taste buds
231752382Kinesthetic sensessenses of forces and movement of muscles
231752383Stretch receptorsReceptors that sense muscle stretch and contraction
231752384Gogli tendon organsReceptors that sense movement of the tendons, which connect muscle to bone
231752385Vestibular senseSenses of equilibrium and body position in space
231752386SEmicircular canalsStructures in the inner ear particularly sensitive to body rotation
231752387Vestibular sacsSacs in the inner ear that are responsible for sensing gravitation and forward, backward and verticle movement
231752388Gate control theoryTheory that a "neurological gate" in the spinal cord controls the transmission of pain messages to the brain
231752389Placebo effectPain releif occurs when a person believes a pill or procedure will reduce pain; caused by endorphins
231752390FigureObject perceived to stand apart from the background
231752391GroundBAckground against which the figure appears
231752392Feature detectorsSpecialized brain cells that only respond to particular elements of the visual field such as movement or lines of specific orientation
231752393Perceptual constancyTendency to perceive objects as stable and unchanging despite changes in sensory stimulation
231752394Size constancyPerception of an object as the same size regardles of the distane from which it is viewed
231752395Shape ConstancyTendency to see an object as the sae shape no matter what angle it is viewed from
231752396Brightness constancyPerception of brightness as the same, eve though the amount of light reaching the retina changes
231752397Color constancyInclination to perceive familiar objects as retaining their color despite changes in sensory information
231752398Monocular cuesVisual cues requiring the use of one eye
231752399Binocular cuesVisual cues requiring the use of both eyes
231752400SuperpositionMonocular distance cue in which one object, by artly blocking a second object, is perceived as being closer
231752401Linear perspectiveMonocular cue to distance and depth based on the fact that two lines seem to come together at the horizon
231752402Aerial perspectiveMonocular cue to distance and depth based on the fact that more distant objects are likely to appear hazy and blurred
231752403ElevationMonocular cue to distance and depth based on the fact that the higher on the horizontal pane an object is, the farther away it appears
231752404Texture gradientMonocular cue to distance and depth based on the fact that objects seem at greater distances appear to be smoother and less textured
231752405ShadowingMonoculr cue to distance adn depth based on the fact that shadows often appear on the parts of objects that are more distant
231752406Motion parallaxMonocular distance cue: objects closer thatn point of visual focus seem to move opposite viewer's moving head, and objets beyond the focus point seem to move same direction
231752407Steroscopic visionCombination of two retinal images to give a three-dimensional perceptual experience
231752408Retinal disparityBinocular distance cue based on the difference between the images cast on the two retinas when both eyes are focused on the same object
231752409ConvergenceA visual depth cue that comes from muscles controlling eye movement as the eyes turn inward to view a nearby stimulus
231752410Monaural cueCue to sound location that requires just one ear
231752411Binaural cueCue to sound location that involves both earrs working together
231752412Autokinetic illusionThe perception that a stationary object is actually moving
231752413Stroboscopic motionApparent movement that results from flashing a series of still pictures in rapid succession, as in a motion picture
231752414Phi phenomenonApparent movement caused by flahsing lights in sequence, as on theater marguees
231752415Physical illusionIllusion due to distortion of information reaching receptor cells
231752416Perceptual illusionIllusion due to misleading cues in stimuli that give inaccuraate perceptions

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