6124487920 | Cognition | the process of acquiring knowledge, understanding thought, remembering, and processing information in the brain | 0 | |
6130097543 | Metacognition | the awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes, use certain strategies to problem solve | 1 | |
6124489485 | Formal Concept | a concept that can be clearly defined by a set of rules or properties | 2 | |
6130087775 | Natural Concept | a concept that has no fixed set of defining features, but has a set of characteristic features | 3 | |
6130089137 | Prototype | a member of a natural concept that processes all or most of its characteristic features | 4 | |
6130090908 | Schemas | generalizations about categories of objects, places, events, and people | 5 | |
6130090909 | Propositions | a mental representation of the relationship between concepts | 6 | |
6130092903 | Mental Models | a representation of particular situations or arrangements of objects that guide our interactions with them | 7 | |
6130092904 | Scripts | schemas about familiar sequences of activies | 8 | |
6130092905 | Creativity | the ability to create ideas that are novel and new, being able to recognize patterns, make connections, self motivated | 9 | |
6130095310 | Convergent Thinking | type of thinking that narrows the available problem solutions to determine the single best solution, do not require significant creativity | 10 | |
6130095311 | Divergent Thinking | type of thinking that expands the number of possible solutions, creative thinking | 11 | |
6130097544 | Algorithm | a systematic procedure that cannot fail to produce a correct solution to a problem | 12 | |
6130099281 | Heuristic | a time saving mental shortcut used in reasoning | 13 | |
6130102796 | Representative Heuristic | a mental shortcut that involves making judgements and decisions based on how much something represents/matches up with characteristics from your schemas | 14 | |
6130102797 | Availability Heuristic | a mental shortcut that involves making judgements/decisions based on information that is most easily brought to mind | 15 | |
6130104908 | Anchoring Heuristic | a mental shortcut that involves basing judgements/assessing possibilities on existing information | 16 | |
6130104909 | Insight | occurs when a solution to a problem presents itself quickly and without warning, a sudden discovery/realization | 17 | |
6130130102 | Mental Set | the tendency for old patterns of problem solving persist, even when they may not be the best ones availible | 18 | |
6130131828 | Functional Fixedness | the tendency to think about familiar objects in familiar ways that may prevent using them in other ways | 19 | |
6142360589 | Assimilation | the ability to incorporate new experiences into existing mental structures and behavior | 20 | |
6142367136 | Accommodation | the ability to modify one's schemas based on experience, to adapt to one's environment | 21 | |
6130107744 | Confirmation Bias | the tendency to pay more attention to evidence in support of one's own hypothesis than evidence that refutes it | 22 | |
6142533813 | Belief Bias | preexisting beliefs distort logical reasoning by making invalid conclusions (can be caused by groupthink) | 23 | |
6130137891 | Belief Perserverance | clinging to beliefs in the face on contrary evidence, stubbornness | 24 | |
6130137890 | Overconfidence | overestimating the accuracy of our beliefs and judgements | 25 | |
6130140063 | Framing | a cognitive bias in which people react to a particular choice in different ways depending on how it is presented, it influences you decision | 26 | |
6130140064 | Hindsight Bias | knew-it-all-along bias, claiming one would have known the actual events were coming before they happened had they been paying attention | 27 | |
6130141507 | Intuition | 28 | ||
6142254895 | Language | allows us to voice/communicate our thoughts | 29 | |
6142254896 | Grammar | a set of rules for combining the words used in a given language | 30 | |
6142254897 | Phoneme | the smallest unit of sound that affects the meaning of speech | 31 | |
6142256866 | Morpheme | the smallest unit of language that has meaning, parts of words make up many different words | 32 | |
6142256867 | Semantics | rules governing the meaning of words and sentences, derive meaning from morphemes | 33 | |
6142258885 | Syntax | the set of rules that govern the formation of phrases and sentences in a language, the way/rules for combining words into grammatically sensible sentences | 34 | |
6142258886 | Babbling Stage | patterns of meaningless sounds that babies begin to produce that resemble speech | 35 | |
6142261795 | One Word Stage | a stage of language development during which children use one word at a time, at about one year old | 36 | |
6142261796 | Two Word Stage | a stage of language development where vocabulary expands, the 2 year old child speaks in brief, 2 word sentences | 37 | |
6156357333 | Telegraphic Speech | sentences/speech that is straight to the point | 38 | |
6142264390 | Imitation | the developing ability to mirror, repeat, and practice the actions and speech of others | 39 | |
6142264391 | Operant Learning | as children learn language, their parents praise them when they use/learn syntax, parents us positive reinforcement | 40 | |
6142267853 | Linguistic Determinism | the idea that language and its structures limit and determine human knowledge or thought, thought processes, categorization, memory, or perception | 41 | |
6142267854 | Universal Grammar | a mechanism that allows us to identify the basic dimensions of language | 42 | |
6142267855 | Inflections | a change in the form of a word to express a grammatical function or attribute such as tense, mood, person, number, case, and gender | 43 | |
6142271000 | Specific Language Impairment (SLI) | studies that provide evidence that supports claims of genetic predisposition for language | 44 | |
6142271001 | Critical Period | time in childhood/adolescence when we learn language more easily in other times | 45 | |
6162918930 | Wolfgang Köhler | Gestalt psychologist that first demonstrated insight through his chimpanzee experiments. He noticed the solution process wasn't slow, but sudden and reflective. | 46 | |
6162921753 | Amos Tversky | cognitive psychologist who studied availability and representative HEURISTICS; Studied systematic human bias and handling of risk; worked to develop "prospective theory" which explains irrational human economic choices | 47 | |
6162923925 | Daniel Kahneman | psychologist who, along with Amos Tversky, conducted research to discover factors that influence human judgment and decision making; he won the Nobel Prize for this work in 2002 | 48 | |
6162928492 | Steve Pinker | argued that grammar is an innate algorithm evolved by NS that requires a few parameters to be set by language experience | 49 | |
6162931623 | Noam Chomsky | language development; disagreed with Skinner about language acquisition, stated there is an infinite # of sentences in a language, humans have an inborn native ability to develop language | 50 | |
6162941061 | Paul Broca | the part of the brain responsible for coordinating muscles involved in speech was named for him, because he first identified it | 51 | |
6162943437 | Carl Wernicke | an area of the brain (in the left temporal lobe) involved in language comprehension and expression was named for him because he discovered it | 52 | |
6162944959 | Benjamin Lee Wharf | Famous for describing concept of "linguistic determinism" (language molds cognition and perception) | 53 |
AP Psych: Cognition & Language Flashcards
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