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AP Psych-Developmental Psychology

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54840998cross sectional researchcompare groups of people of various ages on similar task--can reveal the average age of certain skills and abilities. (used more frequently)
54840999continuous growthgradual process--growth happens slowly
54841000discontinuous growthgrowth happens in leaps or spurts
54841001critical periodtime during which a skill or ability must develop or it probably never will (Language by age 12)
54841002chronological agetime since you were born
54841003biological agephysical health (organs, diseases, accidents, nutrition, exercise)
54841004psychological ageaffected by experiences and predispositions
54841005social ageroles and peer groups
54841006germinal stagesperm and ovum unite to form a zygote (2 weeks), it then implants in the uterine wall
54841007embryonic stage(to 8th week), organ formation; about 1.5 inches long
54841008fetal stage(2-9 months) male and female/ brain and nervous system
54841009teratogensharmful substances that cross the placenta to affect the baby
54841010rooting reflexwhen touched on the cheek, a baby will turn his or her head to the side where he or she felt the touch and seek to put the object into his or her mouth.
54841011sucking reflexwhen an object is placed into the baby's mouth, the infant will suck on it. (The combination of the rooting and sucking reflexes obviously help babies eat.)
54844597grasping reflexIf an object is placed into a baby's palm or foot pad, the baby would try to grasp the objects with his or her finger or toes
54844598Moro reflexwhen startled a baby will fling his or her limbs out and then quickly react them, making himself or herself as small as possible
54844599Babinski reflexwhen a baby's foot is stroked, he or she will spread the toes
54844600gross motor skillslarge muscles (run, skip, throw, climb, hitting, punching) boys develop more quickly
54844601fine motor skillssmall muscles ( finger painting, coloring, cutting, tying shoes) girls develop more quickly
54844602Jean PiagetBrilliant observer of children- children make constant mental adaptations to new observations experiments, equilibration is a child's attempt to reach a balance between what the child encounters in the environment and what cognitive structures the child brings to the situation
54844603assimilationincorporating new ideas into existing schema
54844604sensorimotor stageAcquires understanding of object permanence. First understandings of cause-and-effect relationships.
54844605accomadationmodify existing schema to fit better with new information
54844606preoperational stagesymbolic thought emerges, Language development occurs ( 2-4 years). Thought and language both tend to be egocentrics. cannot solve conservation problems
54844607concrete operations stagereversibility attained, can solve conservation problems. logical thought develops and it applied to concrete problems. Cannot solve complex verbal problems and hypothetical problems.
54844608formal operationslogically solves all types of problems. Thinks scientifically. Solves complex verbal and hypothetical problems. Is able to thinks in abstract terms
54844609Lev Vygotskyemphasized the social culture influences on children's cognitive development. Nurture is important in development, especially the adult in the child's life and the culture.
54844610scaffoldingchange support to fit the needs of a child ( new learning needs lots of support)
54844611fluid intelligencethe capacity foe deductive reasoning and the ability to use info to solve problems
54844612attachmentcrucial to health and survival; by becoming attached to the caregivers children gain a secure base from which they can explore the environment and a haven of safety to return to.
54844613Margaret and Harry Harlowcontact comfort experiment with monkeys (one "mom" is just wires, the other is wires with fur)
54844614socializationchildren learn the rules and behaviors expected of them by society.
54844615Mary Ainsworthused experimental method called strange situation: placed infants in new situations; parents left for a short time.
54844616authoritarian parenting stylestrict standards for children's behavior/ punishment for violating the rules/ obey without much communication/ respects hard work and effort/ "My way"/ may distrust others and withdraw.
54844617authoritative parenting styleconstant, reasonable standards with expectations/ encourage independence but don't break the rules/ warm and nurturing/ socially capable and do well academically
54844618permissive parenting stylea parenting style that allows freedom, lax parenting that doesn't set limits or enforce rules constantly
54844619Michael Lamb1998. importance is quality of daycare not the daycare itself.
54844620Erik EriksonPsychosocial theory: crisis in each stage must be resolved to move on. challenges are present in one form or another throughout life.
54844621psychosocial theory stagescrisis in each stage must be resolved to move on. challenges are present in one form or another throughout life. Stages: Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs. Inferiority, Identity vs. Identity diffusion, Intimacy vs. Isolation, Generativity vs. Stagnation, Ego Integrity vs. Despair
54844622gender identitythe fundamental sense of being male or female regardless of what is worn or behavior involved
54844623gender typingSocieties ideas about behaviors, interests and abilities that are appropriately masculine or feminine
54844624Lawrence Kohlberg1960's inspired by Piaget's work created a stage theory of moral development which creates hypothetical dilemmas.
54844625preconventional levelMoral reasoning is guided by external consequences. No internalization of values or rules.
54844626conventional levelMoral reasoning is guided by conformity to social roles, rules, and expectations that the person has learned and internalized
54844627postconventional levelMoral reasoning is guided by internalized legal and moral principles that protect the rights of all members of society.
54844628Carol GilliganMen base moral choices on abstract principles of law and justice (conventional) Women base on compassion/ caring (postconventional). Problems- no meta analysis/implies moral reasoning is fixed.
54844629pubertyThe age at which a person becomes capable of sexual reproduction.
54844630adolescencethe transitional period between puberty and adulthood in human development, extending mainly over the teen years and terminatinglegally when the age of majority is reached; youth.
54844631adulthoodhaving attained full size and strength; grown up; mature: an adult person, animal, or plant.
54844632social clocka cultural specific timetable for events to occur. Events include marriage, having children, etc.
54844633euthanasiapainlessly putting to death people who are suffering from incurable diseases or sever disabilities (Mercy Killing)
54844634Elizabeth Kubler RossStages of dying
54844635thanatologistsstudies death and dying. The context in which people die is important.
54844636critical period for languageage 12
54844637conservationone of Piaget's developmental accomplishments, in which the child understands that changing the form of a substance or object does not change its amount, overall volume, or mass.
54844638classificationPiaget, putting things into groups

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