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AP Psych Exam stuff Flashcards

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12084279966Random selection vs Random assignmentChoosing subjects from a population Putting subject into experimental and control groups0
12084279967Independent vs dependent variableWhat is tested vs what is measured1
12084279968Divisions of the Nervous SystemCNS (brain and spinal cord) and PNS (somatic & autonomic[para/symp])2
12084279969vestibular sense vs kinesthic senseBody movement & balance vs body parts in relation to each other3
12084279970Theta waves with spindles and K complex indicate which stage?Theta- stage 2, sleep spindles Delta- stage 3, deep, dreamless Beta- REM4
12084279971afferent vs efferentsensory (body to brain) vs motor (brain to body)5
12084279972assimilation vs. accommodationall four-legged animals are "doggies" vs. "doggies" are different than "kitties"6
12084279973sensation vs perceptionSensation is the stimulation of the sense. Perception is how the brain interprets the stimulus7
12084279974Deep vs shallow processingSemantic vs basic8
12084279975implicit vs explicitSkills vs facts9
12084279976Representative vs Availability heuristicsStereotypes vs availability in memory10
12084279977Phonemes vs. MorphemesBasic sound units (ah, oh) vs basic units of meaning (non, pre/post)11
12084279978Fluid vs. crystallized intelligenceFluid = Capacity to solve problems. Crystallized = general knowledge.12
12084279979Aptitude tests are to ________ as achievement tests are to ________.future performance; current competence13
12084279980Theory Y v. Theory Xdemocratic/intrinsic v. rewards of punishment/extrinsic14
12084279981Lithium treats ______ v. Thorazine treats ________Bipolar vs schizophrenia15
12084279982place theorythe idea that different sound frequencies stimulate different locations on the basilar membrane16
12084279983frequency theoryrate at which neurons fire the action potential reproduces the pitch17
12084279984Conduction VS sensorineural hearing lossDamage to the mechanical system VS damage to the cochlea's receptor cells or auditory nerves18
12084279985social desirability biasa tendency to give socially approved answers to questions about oneself19
12084279986inferential statisticsprocedures used to draw conclusions about larger populations from small samples of data20
12084279987linguistic determinism/relativityWhorf's hypothesis that language determines the way we think21
12084279988infant reflexes1. grasping 2. startle (Moro) 3. rooting 4. stepping (babinski) 5. sucking22
12084279989Incentive Theory of Motivationstresses the motivational role of external events that act as reinforcers (desserts and sex)23
12084279990negative reinforcementincreasing behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli24
12084279991scaffoldingtemporary support to help a child master a task25
12084279992strong correlationclose to 1 or -126
12084279993reaction formationdefense mechanism in which unacceptable impulses are transformed into their opposite27
12084279994descriptive statisticsstatistics that summarize the data collected in a study28
12084279995zones of proximal developmentVygotsky, areas where the person learning can accomplish new cognitive tasks with guidance29
12084279996language acquisition device (Chomsky, overgeneralization of language)an innate mechanism or process that facilitates the learning of language30
12084279997Thurstone's primary mental abilitiesour intelligence may be broken down into seven factors31
12084279998Flynn effectthe worldwide phenomenon that shows intelligence test performance has been increasing over the years32
12084279999method of lociuse of familiar locations as cues to recall items that have been associated with them33
12084280000stroboscopic movementa type of apparent movement based on the rapid succession of still images, as in motion pictures34
12084280001muller lyer illusiontwo pictures in which one line seems longer than the other but really isn't35
12084280002Ponzo illusionminds tendency to judge an object's size according to its background36
12084280003moon illusionwhen the moon is closer to the horizon it looks 50 percent larger37
12084280004Law of Effect (Thorndike)a behavior followed by a reward is is strengthened and more likely repeated38
12084280005drive reduction theorya theory of motivation stating that motivation arises from imbalances in homeostasis39
12084280006Seyle's General Adaptation Syndrome1. Alarm 2. resistance 3. exhaustion40

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