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AP Psych - Unit 2 Flashcards

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216391827social psychologybranch of psychology that studies effect of: -social variables on individual behavior -attitudes, perceptions, and motives -group and inter-group phenomena0
216391828Stanford Prison Experiment-prison in Iraq, run by U.S. soldiers -abused prisoners at night (kept awake) -fundamental attribution error: personality (blaming bad people when it really it was just a bad situation)1
216391829social rulesbehavior guidelines for acting in a certain way for certain situations2
216391830social rolepattern of behavior that's expected of a person in particular environment3
216391831social normsexpectations a group has for it's members (stereotypes) -broad guidelines or specific standards of conducts4
216391832Peripheral route persuasionpersuasion that goes after emotions (ex. smile, laugh)5
216391833Central route persuasionpersuasion that uses logic, providing information, rational6
216391834Attitudespositive of negative evaluations -Attitudes DO NOT always predict behavior7
216391835ABCs of attitudesAffective (feelings) Behavioral (what to do) Cognitive (thoughts)8
216391836Attribution theoryconcerned with how people interpret events and how this relates to their thinking and behavior9
216391837Fundamental attribution errortrying to explain behavior in terms of internal disposition (ex. personality traits) as opposed to external factors10
216391838Foot-in-the-door phenomenontendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request11
216391839cognitive dissonancewe act to reduce the discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts are inconsistent (ex. awareness of attitudes and actions class, we reduce discomfort by changing our attitudes)12
216391840conformityadjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard13
216391841Normative social influencepeople go against what they know is correct to be accepted or gain approval from others14
216391842Informative social influencepeople want to be correct and to understand right way to act in a given situation (willing to accept other's opinions about reality)15
216391843social facilitationstronger performance in presence of others (when others are around, you tend to work harder and produce better results)16
216391844social loafingtendency for people to exert less effort when surrounded by a lot of people because they are not individually accountable17
216391845deindividuationabandoning normal restraints to the power of the group (to be deindividuated is to be less self-conscious and less restrained when in a group situation)18
216391846group polarizationenhancement of a group's prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group19
216391847groupthinkmode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal for other answers20
216391848prejudicean unjustifiable attitude towards a group and its members (usually involves stereotype beliefs, negative feelings, etc.)21
216391849stereotypea generalized belief about a group of people (typically negative)22
216391850discriminationunjustifiable negative BEHAVIOR toward a group and its members (it is shown in behavior rather than just thought and kept to oneself)23
216391851ingrouppeople we share a common identity with (the "us" in "us vs. them")24
216391852outgrouppeople who are different than us (the "them" in "us vs. them")25
216391853ingroup biastendency to favor our own group26
216391854scapegoat theorytheory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame27
216391855other-race effecttendency to recall faces of one's own race more accurately than faces of other races28
216391856just-world phenomenontendency for people to believe the world is just and that people get what they deserve29
216391857aggressionphysical or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone30
216391858Frustration-aggression principleprinciple that frustration (blocking of attempt to achieve a goal) creates anger that generates aggression ex. teacher getting irritated when students do not understand information and act on their aggression31
216391859Mere-exposure effectphenomenon that repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases liking of them (more often you're exposed to something, the more you'll like it)32
216391860passionate lovelove at first sight (based off of attractiveness to one another)33
216391861compassionate lovedeep affectionate attachment we feel for those we love (long-term love)34
216391862equitycondition in which people receive as much as they give in a relationship35
216391863self-disclosurerevealing intimate aspects of oneself to others36
216391864Altruismunselfish regard for the welfare of others (doing things for other people that have no personal benefit)37
216391865bystander effecttendency for people to be less likely to help other if other people are present38
216391866social exchange theorytheory that people do minimum work as possible to get best results (ex. doing homework for the credit, not doing extra practice problems to benefit yourself)39
216391867reciprocity normexpectation that people will help, not hurt, those who have helped them40
216391868social-responsibility normexpectation that people will help those dependent upon them41
216391869social trapwe harm our collective well-being by pursuing our personal interests (justifying your act)42
216391870mirror-image perceptionsmutual views often held by conflicting people; each side sees itself as ethical and peaceful and views the other side as evil and aggressive ex. during WW2, Japan saw Americans as evil rapists; Americans saw Japanese as villains/untrustworthy43
216391871self-fulfilling prophecybelief that leads to its own fulfillment44
216391872superodinate goalsshared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation45
216391873GRITGraduated and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tension-Reduction a strategy designed to decrease international tension46
216391874Muzafer SherifAutokinetic effect study -initiated conflict among two groups of boys -the groups disliked each other, taunting and threatening -forced the two groups to work together to common goal --> got along (cooperative contact)47
216391875Solomon AschStudied conformity -the line test with 4 lines (a standard line, one line identical to standard, and two lines of different lengths to identical) -when all the people before the 4th person gave the same answer, but the incorrect one, the 4th one would conform and answer as the others did (even knowing it was incorrect)48
216391876Stanly MilgrmStudied obedience with conformity -the "teacher" must knowingly electrically shock the "learner" every time they answer a question incorrectly -even if "teacher" does not want to continue the shock, they obey the authority telling them that the experiment must continue -more likely to shock "learner" when depersonalized49
216391877Philip ZimbardoStudied deindividuation -women depersonalized with Ku Klux Klan-style hoods delived twice as many electric shocks to victims as did women without disguise50

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