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AP Psychologists Flashcards

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9558909980Alfred AdlerNeo-Freudian but disagreed with Freud's emphasis on the unconscious, instinctual drives, and the importance of sexuality and had a more positive view. Believed we are social creatures governed by social urges, we strive for superiority. Talked about how people attempt to compensate for their shortcomings.0
9558909981Mary AinsworthSecure attachment- stable and positive Anxious-Ambivalent- desire to be with a parent and some resistance to being reunited. Avoidant- tendency to avoid reunion with parent1
9558909982Gordon AllportTrait Theorist Central- the core traits that characterize an individual personality Secondary- traits that are inconsistent or relatively superficial Cardinal- so basic that all of a person's activities relate to it2
9558909983Solomon AschStudied conformity- subjects were shown lines of different lengths and asked which of the lines matched an example line that they were shown, his accomplices gave the wrong answer to see how the actual subject would react to finding that their opinion differed from the group opinion, subjects confirmed in about 1/3 of the trials.3
9558909984Albert BanduraStudied observational learning in children using a Bobo Doll4
9558909985John William AtkinsonPioneered the study of human motivation, achievement, and behavior5
9558909986Sandra BemBem Sex Role Inventory to study femininity, masculinity, androgyny Rigid gender stereotypes greatly restrict behavior Studied gender roles6
9558909987Eric BerneTransactional Analysis- has elements of cognitive, humanist, and psychoanalytic approaches7
9558909988Alfred BinetDesigned the first intelligence test made up of "intellectual" questions and problems, results were based on average scores for children in each age group. His test was revised by Lewis Terman and others at Stanford and made into the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, which were used in North America8
9558909989BowlbyChild development Attachment theory9
9558909990James CattellThe first professor of psychology in the US, helped establish psychology as a legitimate10
9558909991Raymond Cattell16 Trait personality inventory Surface traits appear in clusters, 16 source traits Factor Analysis11
9558909992Jean-Martin CharcotKnown as the founder of modern neurology, taught and influenced Freud12
9558909993Noam ChomskyProposed an innate language acquisition device13
9558909994John Dollard & Neal MillerHabits make up the structure of personality and are governed by drive, cue, response and reward14
9558909995Hermann EbbinghausForgetting curve15
9558909996Paul EkmanPioneer of the study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions Developmental psychologist16
9558909997Albert EllisCognitive therapist, founder of rational emotive behavioral therapy which attempts to change irrational beliefs that cause an emotional problem17
9558909998Erik EriksonProposed that development occurs in stages, each stage confronts a person with a new developmental task Trust v. Mistrust, autonomy v. shame and doubt, initiative v. guilt, industry v. inferiority, identity v. role confusion, intimacy v. isolation, generativity v. stagnation, integrity v. despair18
9558909999Hans EysenckTrait theorist Big 3- melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic19
9558910000Leon FestingerCognitive dissonance20
9558910001FranklExistential therapist Logotherapy- emphasized the need to find and maintain meaning in life21
9558910002Anna FreudNeo-Freudian Disagreed with Freud's theories about women22
9558910003Sigmund FreudFounder of psychoanalysis Id, Ego, Superego Many of our behaviors are driven by unconscious motives/desires23
9558910004John GarciaStudied taste aversion in rats with radiation, decided there was an evolutionary element to taste aversion24
9558910005Howard GardnerTheorized that there are actually eight different kinds of intelligence Language, logic and math, visual and spatial thinking, music, bodily-kinesthetic kills, intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, naturalist skills25
9558910006Carol GilliganCreated a theory of moral development in women because male psychologists were overly focused on defining moral maturity in terms of justice and autonomy. She pointed out that there is also an ethic of caring about others that is a major element of moral development.26
9558910007G.Stanley HallFounded the American Journal of Psychology27
9558910008Harry HarlowSeparated baby rhesus monkeys from their mothers at birth, placed with surrogate mothers either made of wire/metal or cloth, studied mother-infant relationships and discovered Contact Comfort28
9558910009HeiderGestalt Balance theory, attribution theory29
9558910010HilgardResearched hypnosis and its effectiveness as an analgesic "hidden-observer" effect30
9558910011Karen HorneyNeo-Freudian Among the first to challenge the obvious male bias in Freud's theories, also disagreed with his cause of anxiety- believed that people feel anxious because they feel isolated and helpless in a hostile world, believed causes are rooted in childhood31
9558910012Clark L. HullDrive theory Modern study of hypnosis32
9558910013IzardBelieves the infants can express several basic emotions as early as 10 weeks of age33
9558910014William JamesWrote Principles of Psychology and helped established psychology as a serious discipline, regarded consciousness as a stream or flow of image and sensations.34
9558910015Mary JonesPioneer of behavior therapy Unconditioned a fear of rabbits in a three year old named Peter35
9558910016Carl JungPeople are either introverts or extroverts Collective unconscious- mental storehouse fir unconscious ideas and images shared by all humans, such universals create archetypes Anima (female principle) & Animus (male principle) exist in everyone36
9558910017Kaganshowed face masks to 2-year-olds and found they were fascinated when they saw faces with features in the wrong places37
9558910018Grace Helen KentKent-Rosanoff free association test- psychiatric screening tool using objective scoring and norms38
9558910019Alfred KinseyStudied human sexuality39
9558910020Kurt KoffkaCo-founder of Gestalt psychology40
9558910021Wolfgang KohlerCo-founder of Gestalt psychology Studied insight learning in chimpanzees41
9558910022Lawrence KohlbergStudied moral development in men preconventional- stage 1: punishment orientation stage 2: pleasure-seeking orientation conventional- stage 3: good boy/ good girl orientation stage 4: authority orientation postconventional- stage 5: social-contract orientation stage 6: morality of individual principles42
9558910023Elizabeth Kubler-RossThanatologist- one who studies death Reactions to impending death- denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance43
9558910024Elizabeth LoftusAlong with John Palmer showed people a filmed automobile accident, asked how fast cars were going when they smashed or bumped or contacted, asked if they had seen broken glass in the film (there was none) to study the tendency of people to construct memories based on how they are questioned44
9558910025Konrad LorenzDiscovered the principle of imprinting Studied instinctive behavior in animals45
9558910026MarciaStudied adolescent psychological development, elaborated on Erikson's theories Theory of Identity achievement46
9558910027Abraham MaslowHumanist Self-Actualization was important Hierarchy of human needs- physiological needs, safety and security, love and belonging, esteem and self-esteem, self actualization47
9558910028William Masters & Virginia JohnsonDirectly studied sexual intercourse and masturbation in nearly 700 males and females Sexual response can be divided into four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution48
9558910029McClellandBelieves that IQ is of little value in predicting real competence to deal effectively with the world IQ predicts school performance, not success in life49
9558910030Margaret MeadAnthropologist who observed the Tchambuli people of New Guinea, where gender roles are the opposite of those in America50
9558910031Franz MesmerAustrian physician who believed he could cure disease with magnets His treatments were based on the power of suggestion, not really magnetism and he was later rejected as a fraud The term "mesmerize" comes from his name, his treatments sparked interests in hypnosis51
9558910032Wolfgang MetzgerGestalt psychologist52
9558910033Stanley MilgramStudied obedience Two subjects("teacher" and "learner") but the "learner" was actually an actor. The teacher was told to shock the learner every time they answered a question incorrectly to see how far they were willing to go53
9558910034Walter Mischeldelayed gratification "the Marshmallow test"54
9558910035Ivan PavlovStudied classical conditioning pairing a bell with food to make dogs salivate55
9558910036Fritz PerlsOriginator of Gestalt therapy Considered most dreams a special message about what's missing in our lives, what we avoid doing, or feelings that need to be "re-owned" Believed that dreams are a way of filling in gaps in personal experience Method of analyzing dreams involved speaking for characters and objects in your dreams56
9558910037Jean PiagetChild development occurs in stages Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operations57
9558910038Robert ZajoncSocial Facilitation - social psychological theory that deals with the ways in which people perform tasks differently when they're in front of other people than when they're alone.58
9558910039Vilayunar S. Ramachandranmirror neurons invention of the mirror box and the introduction of mirror visual feedback (mirror therapy) as a treatment for phantom limb paralysis.59
9558910040RescorlaStated that the predictive value of a conditioned stimulus is critical, contingencies are important60
9558910041Carl RogersHumanists Emphasized the human capacity for human peace and happiness People need ample amounts of love and acceptance from others61
9558910042Herman RorschachCreated the Rorschach inkblot test, a projective test of personality62
9558910043Julian Rotterlocus of control63
9558910044Daniel SchacterResearch has focused on psychological and biological aspects of human memory and amnesia, with a particular emphasis on the distinction between conscious and nonconscious forms of memory and, more recently, on brain mechanisms of memory and brain distortion, and memory and future simulation.64
9558910045Stanley SchachterEmotion occurs when we apply a particular label to general physical arousal- we have to interpret our feelings65
9558910046Roy Schaferbegan to present traditional psychoanalytical concepts not as scientific principles but as interpretative storylines. In this view there is no single correct interpretation of a life story; rather, like other narrative constructions, such as poems or novels, the account lends itself to various understandings each of which can legitimately claim to be true while emphasizing another way of looking at it66
9558910047Margaret SingerStudied and aided hundreds of former cult members Cults use a powerful blend of guilt, manipulation, isolation, deception, fear, and escalating commitment67
9558910048Martin SeligmanPrepared fear theory- we are prepared by evolution to readily develop fears to certain biologically relevant stimuli, such as snakes and spiders68
9558910049Hans SelyeStudied stress- the body responds in the same way to any stress (infection, failure, embarrassment, a new job, trouble at school etc.) General Adaptation Syndrome- a series of bodily reactions to prolonged stress (alarm, resistance, exhaustion)69
9558910050B.F. Skinnerstudied operant conditioning with rats and pigeons Created a Skinner Box70
9558910051Charles SpearmanTheory of Intelligence- argued that general intelligence formed the bedrock from which all other mental abilities developed.71
9558910052Robert SternbergTriangular theory of love- love is made up of intimacy, passion and commitment which can combine to produce seven types of love (romantic, liking, fatuous, infatuation, companionate, empty, consummate) Believed insight involved selective encoding, selective combination, and selective comparison72
9558910053Szaszargued throughout his career that mental illness is a metaphor for human problems in living, and that mental illnesses are not "illnesses" in the sense that physical illnesses are; and that except for a few identifiable brain diseases, there are "neither biological or chemical tests nor biopsy or necropsy findings for verifying DSM diagnoses not anti-psychiatry but was rather anti-coercive psychiatry73
9558910054Lewis TermanRevised Binet's intelligence test to help create the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales for use in North America, appropriate for people ages 2-9074
9558910055Edward L. ThorndikeLearning theorist Law of Effect- the probability of a response is altered by the effect is has, acts that are reinforced tend to be repeated75
9558910056L.L. ThurstoneTheory of Primary Mental Abilities Developed the statistical technique of multiple-factor analysis intelligent behavior does not arise from a general factor, but rather emerges from seven independent factors that he called primary abilities: word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial visualization, number facility, associative memory, reasoning, and perceptual speed76
9558910057Edward TitchenerCarried Wundt's ideas into the US and called them structuralism77
9558910058Tolman & Honzikstudied latent learning in rats with mazes78
9558910059Torreybelieved that severe mental illness is due to biological factors and not social factors founder of the Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC), a nonprofit organization whose principal activity is promoting the passage and implementation of outpatient commitment laws and civil commitment laws and standards in individual states that allow people diagnosed with mental illness to be forcibly committed and medicated easily throughout the United States.79
9558910060Endel Tulvingtwo kinds of memory: episodic memory is used to recall events we have personally experienced or witnessed, while semantic memory taps into mental stores of general facts and knowledge Episodic = remembering Semantic = knowing80
9558910061Lev Vygotskysociocultural theory children's thinking develops through dialogues with more capable persons, children actively seek to discover new principles Zone of proximal development- range of tasks a child cannot yet master alone but that she or he can accomplish with the guidance of a more capable partner81
9558910062John B. Watsonbehaviorist objected to the study of the mind or conscious experience, thought introspection was unscientific observed stimuli and response, adopted Pavlov's concept of conditioning82
9558910063David WechslerIntelligene testing83
9558910064Max WertheimerFirst to advance the Gestalt viewpoint, thought it was a mistake to break psychological experiences down into smaller pieces to analyze84
9558910065Benjamin Lee Whorfan advocate for the idea that differences between the structures of different languages shape how their speakers perceive and conceptualize the world. This principle has frequently been called the "Sapir-Whorf hypothesis", after him and his mentor Edward Sapir, but he called it the principle of linguistic relativity, because he saw the idea as having implications similar to Einstein's principle of physical relativity85
9558910066Wilhelm WundtFather of psychology- set up the first psychological laboratory to study conscious experience Introspection86
9558910067Yerkes & DodsonYerkes Dodson law- the ideal level of arousal depends on the complexity of a task: if the task is more complex your performance will be better at lower levels of arousal if the task is simple it is best for arousal level to be high87
9558910068Philip ZimbardoStanford prison experiment students volunteered to play roles of prisoners and guards, experiment had to called off after 6 days, rather than the planned 2 weeks because the guards had become so sadistic that four of the ten prisoners suffered severe emotional issues88

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