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AP Psychology: Biological Perspective Flashcards

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7221435194neuroanatomyThe study of the parts and function of neurons0
7221437556neuronIndividual Nerve cells1
7221438151Dendritesroot-like structures growing off the neuron that receive neural messages2
7221440039SomaIt contains the nucleus of the cell and sustains its life.3
7221442513Axonwire-like structures ending in the terminal buttons that extend from the cell body and send messages to the next neuron.4
7221445510Myelin SheathA fatty covering around the axon of some neurons that speeds neural impulses.5
7221449773Terminal Buttons (Axon Terminal)The end of the axon that contains neurotransmitters6
7221450679neurotransmittersChemicals contained in the terminal buttons that enable neurons to communicate. They fit into receptor sites on the dendrites of neurons like a key fits into a lock7
7221452886SynapseThe space between the terminal buttons of one neuron and the dendrites of the next neuron.8
7221458593Receptor SitesThey act as little receivers (or ears) that listen to the messages of the chemical messenger molecules as they float in the intercellular fluid surrounding every cell.9
7221462870ThresholdIf enough neurotransmitters fit into receptor sites on the dendrite it allows the next neuron to reach this point.10
7221465992Action PotentialThe electric message firing; it travels quickly (120 meters per second)11
7221471202All-or-none principleneurons either fire completely or it does not fire.12
7221477838Neural FiringIt is an electrochemical process. Electricity travels within the cell (from dendrites to the terminal buttons) and chemicals travel between cells in the synapse.13
7221481673Excitatory NeurotransmittersThese chemicals excite the next neuron into firing.14
7221484729Inhibitory NeurotransmittersThese chemicals stop the next neuron from firing.15
7221486596AcetylcholineResponsible for autonomic motor movement. It is associated with learning and memory. A lack of this neurotransmitter is associated with Alzheimer's Disease16
7221490161DopamineIt is responsible for voluntary motor movement and alertness. A lack of it is associated with Parkinson's Disease and an overabundance is associated with schizophrenia.17
7221493363EndorphinsIt is responsible for pain control and involved in addictions.18
7221494750SerotoninIt is responsible for mood control. A lack of it is associated with clinical depression.19
7221496085NorepinephrineIt is also called noradrenaline and is released predominantly from the ends of sympathetic nerve fibres and that acts to increase the force of skeletal muscle contraction and the rate and force of contraction of the heart. The actions are vital to the fight-or-flight response20
7221499386Afferent NeuronsThese cells take information from the senses to the brain.21
7221500544Efferent NeuronsThese cells take information from the brain to the rest of the body.22
7221503789The Central Nervous SystemThe brain and spinal chord and all the nerves contained in those bones and muscle23
7221506016Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)This consists of all the other nerves (not in the CNS) and not encased in bone.24
7221509924Somatic Nervous SystemThis controls your voluntary muscle movements. The motor cortex sends nerve impulses to this system and allows us to move.25
7221514971Autonomic Nervous SystemThis controls the automatic functions of our body--our hearts, lungs, internal organs, glands, and so on. These nerves control our body responses to stress--the fight or flight response.26
7221518708Sympathetic Nervous SystemThis mobilizes our body to respond to stress. This carries messages to the control systems of the organs, glands, and muscles that direct our body's responses to stress. This is the alert system of our body and accelerates some function like heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration.27
7221528221Parasympathetic Nervous SystemThis system is responsible for slowing down our body after a stress response. It is the brake pedal that slows down the autonomic nervous system.28
7221531597LesionsThe removal or destruction of part of the brain. It is not done purely for experimental purposes. prefrontal lobotomy is an example.29
7222730660Electroencephalogram (EEG)A brain test that detects and measures brain waves. Typically used in sleep and dream studies.30
7222734998Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT)A brain scan that uses several x-ray cameras that rotate around the brain and combine all the pictures into a detailed 3-D picture of the brain's structure.31
7222738656Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)A brain scan that uses magnetic fields to measure the density and location of brain material.32
7222746925Positron Emission TomographyA brain scan that lets researchers see what areas of the brain are most active during certain tasks. It measures how much glucose is being used in different areas of the brain.33
7222751032Functional MRIA new brain scan that combines elements of the MRI and PET scans. It ties brain structure to activity during cognitive tasks.34
7222755568HindbrainIt consists of brain structures in the top part of the spinal cord. It is our life support system and controls basic biological functions that keep us alive. It includes structures like the medulla, pons, and cerebellum.35
7222758842Medulla OblongataBrain structure in the hindbrain. It controls blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing.36
7222761207PonsBrain structure in the hindbrain. It connects the hindbrain with the midbrain and forebrain. Regulates sleep and controls facial expressions.37
7222764106CerebellumBrain structure in the hindbrain. It looks like a smaller version of the brain. It controls habitual muscle movements such as tracking a target with our eyes or playing the saxophone. It is also responsible for balance and coordination.38
7222778210MidbrainThis area of the brain coordinates simple movements with sensory information. It is also important for various muscle coordinations. One part of this area is the reticular Activation System.39
7222795709Reticular Formation (RAS)Brain structure: a collection of cells that controls general body arousal and attention. If it does not function, we fall into a deep coma.40
7222798887ForebrainThis area of the brain controls what we think of as thought and reason. It includes areas like the thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus.41
7222806897ThalamusBrain structure in the forebrain. It is responsible for receiving the sensory signals coming from the spinal cord and sending them to the appropriate areas in the rest of the forebrain.42
7222810670HypothalamusA small structure that controls several metabolic functions: body temperature, sexual arousal, hunger, thirst and the endocrine system. It controls our biological rhythms.43
7222815434AmygdalaBrain structure in the forebrain; It is vital to our experiences of emotion and part of the limbic system.44
7222820994HippocampusBrain structure in the forebrain; it is vital to our memory system. Memories are processed in this area and sent to other areas on the cerebral cortex for permanent storage.45
7223704629Limbic Systema complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving several areas near the edge of the cortex concerned with instinct and mood. It controls the basic emotions (fear, pleasure, anger) and drives (hunger, sex, dominance, care of offspring).46
7223706173Cerebral CortexThe grey wrinkled surface of the brain that is densely packed with neurons and is about 1/4 of inch thick.47
7223711934HemispheresThe cerebral cortex is divided into two parts. The left controls the right side of the body and the right controls the left.48
7223711935Left HemisphereThe side that is responsible for language, logic, and reason49
7223711936Right HemisphereThe side that is responsible for facial recognition, visualization, music, and art50
7223712787Brain LateralizationEach side of the brain specializes in different functions51
7223712800Corpus callosumThe nerve bundle that connects the two hemispheres52
7223724718LobesThere are four of these in each hemisphere of the brain.53
7223724719Frontal LobeThe lobes located right behind the eyes. It directs thought processes and regulates behavior.54
7223725336Broca's AreaFound in the frontal lobe, this area is responsible for controlling the muscles that allow us to produce speech.55
7223733768AphasiaA term for speech problems56
7223735233Wernicke's Arealocated on the left temporal lobe. This area interprets both written and spoken language. Damage leads to issues with understanding language.57
7223735729Motor CortexA thin vertical strips at the back of the frontal lobe that sends signals to our muscles, controlling our voluntary functions.58
7223735730Parietal LobesLobes found behind the frontal lobe, but still on the top of the brain. They contain the sensory cortex, or the somato-sensory cortex.59
7223736343Sensory cortexA thin vertical strip that receives incoming touch sensations from the rest of the body.60
7223750806Temporal LobesLobes that process sound sensed by our ears.61
7223750041Occipital LobesLobes that process visual information sensed by our eyes.62
7223751520Brain (Neural) PlasticityThe brain's ability to make new connections and recover from damage.63
7223751533Endocrine SystemA system of glands that secretes hormones that affect many different biological functions throughout the body.64
7223752343Adrenal GlandsThey produce adrenaline and help the body prepare for the fight or flight response.65
7223753258Monozygotic TwinsTwins that result from the fertilization of a single egg (Identical)66
7223762643Pituitary GlandThe Master Gland67
7223766511DizygoticTwins that result from the fertilization of two eggs (fraternal)68

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