Neurons, Nervous System, Endocrine system, etc.
Info from Barron's flashcards, and Myers Psychology book
484180848 | Neuron | -Neural cell -made up of specific structures: dendrites, cell body, axon and terminal buttons | ![]() |
484180849 | Dendrites | -Root like parts of the cell that stretch out from the cell body -Dendrites grow to make synaptic connections with other neurons -Receive neurotransmitters from other neuron's terminal buttons through synapse (synaptic gap/cleft) | |
484180850 | Myelin Sheath | -Fatty covering around the axon of some neurons that speed neural impulses -Protects and insulates the axon | |
484180851 | Axon | -Wire like structure ending in the terminal button that extends from the cell body | |
484180852 | Schwann Cell | -Forms the myelin sheath -regenerates the axon | |
484180853 | Terminal Buttons | -Branched end of the axon that contains neurotransmitters - It sends the neurotransmitters to the receiving neuron's dendrites | |
484180854 | Neurotransmitters | -Chemicals contained in terminal buttons that enable neurons to communicate -Neurotransmitters fit into receptor sites on the dendrites of neurons like a key fits into a lock | |
484180855 | Synapse (or synaptic gap/cleft) | -Space between the terminal buttons of one neuron and the dendrites of the next neuron -terminal buttons and dendrites never touch | |
484180856 | Action Potential | -Electric charge that spreads down the length of a neuron after the threshold is achieved -travels like a bullet from a gun | |
484180857 | Threshold | Level of neurotransmitters required to "fire" a neuron | |
484180858 | All-or-None Principle | -neuron either fires completely or doesn't fire at all -if the dendrites of a neuron receive enough neurotransmitters to push the neuron pass its threshold, the neuron will fire completely everytime | |
484180859 | Neural Firing | -Electrochemical process -Electricity travels within the cell (moves from the dendrites to the terminal buttons- called action potential) and chemicals (neurotransmitters) travel between cells in the synapse. Electricity does not jump between the neurons | |
484180860 | Excitatory Neurotransmitters | -Chemicals released from the terminal buttons of a neuron that excite the next neuron into firing | |
484180861 | Inhibitory Neurotransmitters | -Chemicals released from the terminal buttons of a neuron that inhibit the next neuron from firing | |
484180862 | Agonists | -Makes neurons fire (mimics neurotransmitters) | |
484180863 | Antagonists | -Stops neural firing | |
484180864 | Reuptake inhibitors | -blocks reuptake | |
484180865 | Reuptake | -Any neurotransmitters that are left behind is reabsorbed by the sending neuron | |
484180866 | Acetylcholine (ACh) | -enables muscle action, learning, and memory -Lack of it is associated with Alzheimer's disease | |
484180867 | Dopamine | -influences movement, learning, attention and emotion -Lack of it is assoc. to Parkinson's; overabundance assoc. with schizophrenia | |
484180868 | Serotonin | -neurotransmitter that affects mood, hunger, sleep and arousal -Lack of it is assoc. with clinical depression | |
484180869 | Norepinephrine | -helps control alertness and arousal -under supply can depress mood | |
484180870 | Glutamate | -major excitatory neurotransmitter -involved in memory -over supply overstimulates the brain and causes migraines and seizures | |
484180871 | GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) | -Major inhibitory neurotransmitter -under supply is linked to seizures, tremors and insomnia | |
484180872 | Endorphins | -Neurotrasmitter assoc. with pain control -blocks pain and boosts mood -Also involved in drug addictions | |
484180873 | Hormones | -Chemical messengers manufactured by endocrine glands -travel through the bloodstream and affect other tissues -when acted on the brain, they influence our interest in sex, food and aggression | |
484180874 | Sensory Neurons | -neurons that take info from the senses to the brain -responsible for transmitting neural impulses from the rest of the body to the brain | |
484180875 | Interneurons | -process information from sensory neurons -there are billions in our body | |
484180876 | Motor Neurons | -Neurons that take info from the brain to the rest of the body -carry info that exits the brain - has to do with movement of muscles | |
484180877 | Central Nervous System (CNS) | -Part of the nervous system that consists of our brain and spinal cord -all the nerves are housed within bone (skull and vertebrae) | |
484180878 | Spinal Cord | -a bundle of nerves that run through the enter of the spine -transmits info from the rest of the body to the brain | |
484180879 | Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) | -all the nerves in your body other than the brain and spinal cord; all nerves not encased in bone -divided int two categories: somatic and autonomic | |
484180880 | Somatic Nervous System | -controls voluntary muscle movements | |
484180881 | Autonomic Nervous System | -controls the automatic functions of the human body (heart, lungs, internal organs, glands, etc.) -controls responses to stress (fight vs flight response that prepares the body to respond to a perceived threat) -divided into two categories: sympathetic and parasympathetic | |
484180882 | Sympathetic Nervous System | -Mobilizes our body to respond to stress -carries messages to control the organs, glands, and muscles that direct the body's response to stress -alert system of the human body. Accelerates some functions (heart rate, blood pressure, perspiration) but conserves energy by slowing down digestion | |
484180883 | Parasympathetic Nervous System | -responsible for slowing down the body after a stress response -carries messages to stress response system that causes body to slow down | |
484180884 | Endocrine System | -system of glands that secrete hormones -slow, but lingers on after danger passes | |
484180885 | Pituitary Gland | -endocrine system's mater gland -influenced by hypothalamus -regulates growth and controls other endocrine glands | |
484180886 | Sir Charles Sherrington | Noticed that neural impulses took longer than we thought it would -came up with theory of synapse | |
484180887 | Phrenology | theory that claimed bumps on the skull could reveal our metal abilities and our character traits | |
484180888 | Nerves | Bundles of axons ("cables") |