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AP Psychology Brain & Biology Flashcards

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21054110Peripheral nervous system (PNS)division that connects the central nervous system to the rest of the body; divided into somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system0
21054111neural impulseaction potential; the firing of a nerve cell; the entire process of the electrical charge (message/impulse) traveling through inner on; can be as fast as 400 fps (with myelin) or 3 fps (no myelin)1
21054112motor projection areasprimary motor cortex; areas of the three boat cortex for response messages from the brain to the muscles and glands2
21054113endocrine glandsthe bodies "slow" chemical communication by secreting hormones directly into the bloodstream3
21054114synaptic cleftsynaptic gap or synaptic space; tiny gap between the terminal of one neuron and the dendrites of another neuron (almost never touch); location of the transfer of an impulse from one neuron to the next4
21054115parasympathetic divisiona branch of the autonomic nervous system that maintains normal body functions; it calms the body ever conserves energy5
21054116cerebral cortex80% of weight of human brain; 70% of CNS's neurons; wrinkled outer portion of un-myelin aided cells (cerebrum) covering both hemispheres; processes thought, vision, language, memory, and emotions; most recently of all part of nervous system6
21054117behavioral geneticsstudy of hereditary influences and how it influences behavior and thinking7
21054118DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid; genetic formation in a double-helix; can replicate or reproduce itself; made of genes8
21054119acetylcholine (ACh)distributed widely throughout CNS; involved in arousal, attention, memory, motivation, and movement; involved in muscle action at neuromuscular joints (skeletal muscles); implicated in Alzheimer's disease-loss of memory and severe language problems; too much dopamine = spasms and tremors; too little dopamine = paralysis and torpor9
21054120interneuronsconnection neurons; Association neurons that carry messages to another neuron10
21054121serotonin"mood molecule"; chemical that affects regulation asleep, dreaming, mood, hunger, pain, and aggressive behavior; and attaches to many receptors (receptor sites)11
21054122dopaminechemical that influences voluntary movement, learning, pleasure, memory,-is implicated in Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia; in Parkinson's disease a causes tremors, muscle spasms, increasing muscular rigidity; recently implicated in ADHD12
21054123occipital lobepart of cerebral cortex that receives visual information13
21054124axonGreek for axle; a single long, fluid-filled tube that carries outgoing messages to other neurons, muscles, or glands; can be 1 or 2 mm to 3 feet in length; often referred to as a nerve or tract; bundled together14
21054125endocrine systemthe body slow chemical communication system which is made up of a set of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream; made of the glands-pineal, pituitary, parathyroid, thyroid, pancreas, and adrenal, ovaries and testes15
21054126parathyroidfor glands embedded in the thyroid; secretes parathormone; controls announces level of calcium and phosphate (which influence levels of excitability)16
21054127reticular formation (RF) (RES)netlike system of neurons that weaves through limbic system and plays an important role in attention, arousal, and alert functions; arouses and alerts higher parts of the brain; anesthetics work by temporary shutting off RF system17
21054128pituitary glandendocrine gland that produces a large amount of hormones; it regulates growth and helps control other endocrine glands; located on underside of brain18
21054129frontal lobepart of the cerebral cortex; coordinates messages from other cerebral lobes; involved in complex problem-solving tasks, thinking, self-control, judgment, emotion regulation, personality affects, concentration, goal directed behavior; restructures in teen years19
21054130hypothalamussmall area of the brain that is part of the limbic system and regulates behaviors related to survival such as, eating, drinking, sexual behaviors, motivation20
21054131neural plasticityAbility of the brain to change their experience, both structurally and chemically21
21054132forebraintop of the brain which includes the thalamus, hypothalamus, and cerebral cortex; responsible for emotional regulation, complex thought, memory aspect of personality22
21054133brainstemtop of the spinal column23
21054134graded potentialshift in electrical charge in a tiny area of the neuron (temporary); transmits a long cell membranes leaving neuron and polarized state; needs higher than normal threshold of excitation to fire24
21054135strain studiesstudies of hereditability it be a behavioral traits using animals that have been inbred to produce strains that are genetically similar to one another25
21054136family studiesstudies of hereditability on the assumption that if a gene influences a certain trait, close relatives should be more similar on that trait in distant relative26
21054137identical twinstwins from a single fertilized oval with the same genetic makeup27
21054138epinephrineadrenaline; activates a sympathetic nervous system by making the heart beat faster, stopping digestion, enlarging pupils, sending sugar into the bloodstream, preparing a blood clot faster28
21054139hippocampusa curved portion of the forebrain structure that is part of the limbic system and is involved in learning and processing new memories29
21054140neurogenesisproduction of new brain cells; November 1988: cancer patients proved that new neurons grew until the end of life30
21054141cerebellum"little brain"; part of the brain that coordinates balance, movement, reflexes31
21054142limbic systema donut ring-shaped of loosely connected structures located in the forebrain between the central core and cerebral hemispheres; consists of: septum, cingulate gyrus, endowments, hypothalamus, and to campus, and amygdala; associated with emotions and memories32
21054143autonomic nervous systema division of the peripheral nervous system that regulates involuntary functions; it takes a message from the central nervous system to the internal organs33
21054144relative refractory perioda period after firing when a neuron is returning to its normal polarize state and will only fire again if the incoming message open parentheses impulse) is stronger than usual; returning to arresting state34
21054145insulinhormone backpacks in the regulation of blood sugar by acting in the utilization of carbohydrates; released by pancreas; too much-hypoglycemia, too little-diabetes35
21054146synaptic vesiclestiny oval-shaped sacs in a terminal of one neuron; assist in transferring mineral impulse from one neuron to another neuron by releasing specific neurotransmitters36
21054147absolute refractory perioda. After firing when a neuron will not fire again no matter how strong the incoming message may be; length-1000th of a second37
21054148norepinephrinenoradrenaline; chemical which is excitatory, similar to adrenaline, and affects arousal and memory; raises blood pressure by causing blood vessels to become constricted, but also carried by bloodstream to the anterior pituitary which relaxes ACTH thus prolonging stress response38
21054149dendritesthe bushy, branching extensions of the cell body that receives messages and conducts impulses; Greek for tree39
21054150human genomes30,000 genes needed to build a human40
21054151twin studiesstudies as identical and rhetorical twins to determine relative influence of heredity and environment on human behavior41
21054152endorphinschemical inhibiting the transmission of pain, often experienced during exercise, i.e. "runner's high"; discovered in 1970s when trying to find out how opiates were (morphine, heroin); "endorphins" is a pharmacological (drug/med) term42
21054153myelin sheatha white, lipid (fatty) material in casing many neuron fibers and enables faster transmission of an impulse; white matter; it's pinched at intervals; not on all neurons but found throughout the body; insulin to prevent interference from other neurons43
21054154sympathetic divisiona branch of the autonomic nervous system and prepares the body for quick action in emergencies; fight or flight; busiest when frightened, angry, or aroused; increases heart rate, increases breathing rate, enlarges pupils, stops digestion; connects to all internal organs; sudden reaction44
21054155ionselectrically charged particles found both inside and outside a neuron; negative ions are found inside the cell membrane in a polarized neuron45
21054156Association areasareas of the cerebral cortex that are not involved in primary motor or sensory functions, rather, they are involved in higher mental processes such as learning, remembering, thinking, and speaking46
21054157Geneticsstudy of how traits are transmitted from one generation to the next47
21054158recessive genemember of the gene terror that controls the appearance of a certain trait only if it is paired with the same gene48
21054159thyroid glandlocated in the net; it regulates metabolism by secreting two hormones: thyroxine and parathormone49
21054160midbrainthe middle division of brain responsible for hearing and sight; location where pain is registered; includes temporal lobe, occipital lobe, and most of the parietal lobe50
21054161polarizationwhen the neuron is at rest; condition of neuron when the inside of the neuron is negatively charged relative to the outside of Enron; is necessary to generate the neuron signal in release of this polarization51
21054162resting potentialwhen a neuron is in polarization; more negative ions are inside the neuron cell membrane with a positive ions on the outside, causing a small electrical charge; release of this charge generates a neuron's impulse (signal/message)52
21054163glial cellsGreek for glue; forms myelin sheath; holds neuron in place; provides nourishment and removes waste; prevents harmful substances from entering bloodstream; may play important role in memory and learning; affects brain's response to new experiences53
21054164dominant genesmember of a gene terror that controls the appearance of a certain trait54
21054165ponspart of the brain involved in sleep regulation also connects a cerebellum to the cerebral cortex; sleep and wake cycles55
21054166thyroxinereleased by thyroid; hormone that regulates the body's metabolism; OVERACTIVE-over-excitability, insomnia, reduced attention span, fatigue, snap decisions, reduced concentration (hyperthyroidism); UNDERACTIVE-desire to sleep, constantly tired, weight gain (hypothyroidism)56
21054167nervebundles of axons57
21054168chromosomespair of threadlike bodies within the cell ridiculous; contains genes58
21054169somatic nervous systemdivision of peripheral nervous system; carries messages from afferent neurons central nervous system and between central nervous system to skeletal muscles; controls voluntary actions59
21054170gonadsreproductive glands-male, testes; female, ovaries60
21054171receptor sitea location on a receptor neurons which is like a key to a lock (with a specific nerve transmitter); allows for orderly pathways61
21054172psychobiologystudy that focuses on biological foundations of behavior and mental processes; overlaps with neuroscience62
21054173Central nervous system (CNS)the brain and spinal cord; 90% of the bodies neurons63
21054174medullapart of the brain which controls living functions such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature64
21054175neuron100 billion in brain; individual cells that are the smallest unit of the nervous system; it has three classes: efferent, afferent, and interneurons; made of Colin dendrites, axons, synaptic gap, terminal buttons, synaptic vesicles, and sometimes myelin65
21054176selection studiesstudies that estimate the hereditability of a trait by breeding animals with another animal that has the same trait66
21054178spinal corda bundle of neuron axons which act like cables carrying messages to the PNS; connects brain to the rest of the body; wrapped in myelin and, surrounded and protected by vertebral bones; spinal injuries-paralysis, bowel/bladder control, low blood pressure67
21054179hindbraindivision which includes the cerebellum, Pons, and medulla; responsible for involuntary processes: blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, breathing, sleep cycles68
21054180adrenal glandslocated above the kidney and secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine; stimulated by autonomic nervous system69
21054181motor neuronsefferent neurons; neurons that carry messages from spinal cord/brain to muscles and glands70
21054182neurotransmitterschemical messengers released by synaptic vesicles and travel through the synaptic gap assisting neural impulses (messages) as they leave one neuron to the next; affects adjacent neurons; examples: ACh, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and norepinephrine, glutamate, GABA, and glycine71
21054183parathormonehormone that controls imbalances levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood and tissue fluid; influences levels of excitability; secreted by parathyroids72
21054184geneselements that control transmission of traits; on the chromosomes73
21054185hormonesserves a function similar to neurotransmitters in that they carry messages; chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream; manufactured by glands (mostly); help regulate bodily functions74
21054186synapsethe point of communication between two neurons-includes axon terminal of the sending neuron, the synaptic space (gap), and dendrites/cell body of the receiving neuron75
21054187pancreasorgan lying between the stomach and small intestine; regulates blood sugar by secreting to regulating hormones: insulin and glucagon76
21054188thalamusmotor sensory relay center for four of the five senses; and with a brain stem and composed of two egg-shaped structures; integrates in shades incoming sensory signals; Mnemonic-"don't smell the llamas because the llamas smell bad"77
21054189temporal lobeinvolved in complex visual tasks and processing; balance; emotional regulation and maturity; Strong oral and language comprehension; smell; hearing; still developing after age 1678
21054190ACTH (arenocorticotropic hormone)released by adrenal glands; triggered by norepinephrine to prolong the response to stress (used in the sympathetic nervous system)79
21054191polygenic inheritanceprocess by which several genes interact to produce a certain trait; responsible for most important traits80
21054192parietal lobepart of the cerebral cortex never see sensory information from skin, muscles, joints, organs, taste buds; involved in spatial/visual abilities and integrates all sensory signals; immature until age 1681
21054193amniocentesiscollection of fetal cells and testing them for genetic abnormalities; using a long needle to withdraw cells from third trimester pregnant woman; uses amniotic fluid which surrounds fetus in the womb82
21054194axon terminalterminal button, synaptic knob; the structure at the end of an excellent terminal branch; houses the synaptic vesicles and neurotransmitters83
21054195corpus callosumlarge band of white neural fibers that connects to to brain hemispheres and carries messages between them; myelinated; involved in intelligence, consciousness, and self-awareness; does it reach full maturity until 20s84
21054196neurosciencestudy of the brain and nervous system; overlaps with psychobiology85
21054197sensory neuronsafferent neurons; neurons that carry messages from sensory organs to the brain and spinal cords86
21054198fraternal twinstwo children developed on two separate eggs that share a room; no more genetically similar than other brother and sisters (i.e. different genetic makeup)87
21054199EEG scanprovides info in the form of line tracings called "brain waves"88
21054200CT scanUses x-rays to take pictures of the brain at various angles89
21054201PET scaninvolves the injection of radioactive dye into the blood stream that can be traced and detected to monitor blood flow to various regions of the brain.90
21054202MedullaRegulates automatic/ involuntary bodily functions (breathing, heart rate)91
21054203Ponsmonitors and regulates brain activity during sleep92
21054204AmygdalaGoverns initial emotional reactions to events, particularly fear and aggression93
21054205Corpus CallosumConnects two brain hemispheres; allows two hemispheres to communicate what each one is doing and the information that is being processed by each hemisphere.94
21054206Right HemisphereEmotional, intuitive half of the brain; artisti or creative skills; recognition of faces95
21054207Wernicke's areaPortion of the temporal lobe found only in the left hemisphere; involved specifically in processing and understanding speech.96
21054208Broca's areaportion of the motor cortex found only in the left hemisphere and involved specifically in coordinating the muscles used in speech97
21054209Hippocampusinvolved in processing new information and storing new memories; plays integral role in learning98
21054210Limbic Systemresponsible for memory and emotional responses99
21054211Cerebellumattached to back of brainstem; plays integral role in balance and coordination of muscle movements.100
21054212motor cortexstrip of frontal lobe specialized for processing sensations of touch and for integrating various sensations101
21054213Prefrontal Cortexmost frontal region of the frontal lobe; involved in higher-order cognitive processes (planning, decision making, emotional control)102
21054214Frontal Loberesponsible for controlling behavior, thought and emotion (cognitive processes; reasoning, problem solving)103
21054215Parietal LobeResponsible for processing body sensations and all skin senses104
21054216Temporal LobeResponsible for auditory processing (also plays a role in long-term memory)105
21054218HypothalamusControls bodily activity (heart rate, temp) Motivated behaviors and arousal (sleep, sexual behaviors) through its effects on the endocrine system. Also houses reward circuits that, when activated, produce feelings of pleasure and euphoria106
21054219cerebral cortexlargest and outermost part of the brain that surrounds and covers the limbic system like a helmet. where all abilities unique to humans resides. Higher-order information processing (reasoning, thinking)107
21054220Acetylcholinea neurotransmitter found in high levels in the hippocampus and limbic regions of the brain108
21054221ThalamusServes as a sensory relay station by channeling all incoming sensory information to appropriate regions of the cortex for processing and back to appropriate muscles and organs in the body.109
21054222Reticular Activating SystemRegulates arousal, alertness, and consciousness110
21054223Left HemisphereRational, logical half of the brain; involved in tasks that require logic, order, critical thinking or analysis.111
21054224NeuronsTransmit and receive information throughout the nervous system through the conduction of electrical and chemical impulses112
21054225Brain Stemresponsible for basic bodily processes, attention and arousal levels (structures within include: medulla, pons, reticular activating system, and thalamus.113
21054226Sympathetic DivisionPart of autonomic division; mobilizes the body in times of stress, danger or intense emotional arousal; "fight-or-flight" response114
21054227Parasympathetic divisionreturns the body to normal state after a sympathetic response115
21054228Peripheral Nervous systemConnects the central nervous system to the external world through the sensory systems and also connects the central nervous system to all muscles and internal organs in the body (somatic and autonomic)116
21054229Autonomic DivisionConsists of nerve fibers that connect the central nervous system to all internal glands and organs; allows brain to monitor and guide all bodily processes from breathing to heartbeat and digestion117
21054230Somatic DivisionConnects the brain to the sensory systems and to every muscle in the body through afferent and efferent nerves118
21054231Afferent nerves"sensory nerves"- run from the sensory systems to the spinal chord and the brain and carry info to the brain from sensory systems119
21054232efferent nervescarry messages away from brain and spinal cord; motor nerves.120
21054233central nervous systemprocess and analyze all information from the external world and the body; determine and guide all behavioral, cognitive and emotional responses; reflexes121
21054234Synapsestiny gaps between dentrites and axons of different neurons122
21054235Neurotransmitterslocated in small vesicles within the branches of axons; chemicals123
21054236AxonMuch larger branch (with branching ends) that carries signals away from the cell body to surrounding neurons124
21054237DentritesBranches that reach out from the cell body and receive signals from surrounding neurons125
21054238cell bodyAlso known as the soma; Rounded portion of a cell that serves as the control center of the neuron, directing all cell activities , including the nucleus126

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