9842484179 | Structuralism | introspection | 0 | |
9842487441 | Functionalism | mental/behavioral function | 1 | |
9843117193 | Psychiatrist | Prescribes meds | 2 | |
9843117195 | Psychologist | Cannot prescribe meds | 3 | |
9843125316 | Hindsight bias | Hindsight is 20/20 | 4 | |
9843126397 | Correlation is not | Causation | 5 | |
9843130124 | Correlation Coefficient scale | 1 is high, 0 is low | 6 | |
9843131765 | Independent variable | factor manipulated | 7 | |
9843131766 | Dependent variable | factor measured | 8 | |
9843133849 | Mode | most frequent | 9 | |
9843135225 | Mean | average | 10 | |
9843135226 | Median | middle | 11 | |
9843139325 | Dendrites | receive neurotransmitters | 12 | |
9843142762 | Cell body | decides whether to send signal on | 13 | |
9843144680 | Axon | sends signal | 14 | |
9843151235 | Acetylcholine | muscle action, learning, memory, Alzheimer's = too little) | 15 | |
9843157186 | Dopamine | movement, learning, attention, emotion, Schizophrenia = too much, Parkinson's = too little, Antipsychotic block receptors | 16 | |
9843163406 | Seratonin | mood, depression = too little, hunger, sleep, arousal, antidepressants boost levels = block reuptake | 17 | |
9843165722 | Norepinephrine | alertness, arousal, mood, depression = too little | 18 | |
9843168908 | GABA | inhibitory, insomnia, seizures | 19 | |
9843170342 | Glutamate | excitatory, memory | 20 | |
9843171901 | Endorphins | opiate like, pain control, pleasure | 21 | |
9843173008 | Agonist | mimic neurotransmitter | 22 | |
9843187913 | Antagonist | blocks neurotransmitter | 23 | |
9843189988 | CNS | centrally located in the body, brain and spinal cord | 24 | |
9843191120 | PNS | majority of body | 25 | |
9843194227 | Autonomic nervous system | part of PNS, don't control | 26 | |
9843201154 | Sympathetic nervous system | part of ANS, arouses | 27 | |
9843204214 | Parasympathetic | part of ANS, calms | 28 | |
9843207601 | Sensory neuron | coming in | 29 | |
9843208966 | Motor neuron | going out | 30 | |
9843211940 | Pituitary glands | growth, master gland | 31 | |
9843213735 | Medulla | vital functions, hindbrain | 32 | |
9843222010 | Pons | btwn spinal cord and brain, hindbrain | 33 | |
9843224413 | Cerebellum | walking, balance, coordination, skill memory, hindbrain | 34 | |
9843227533 | Reticular formation | alerts consciousness, midbrain | 35 | |
9843232542 | Frontal lobe | emotions, personality, decisions | 36 | |
9843234195 | Motor cortex | initiates movement | 37 | |
9843235242 | Parietal lobe | touch, memory, spatial info | 38 | |
9843237953 | Somatosensory cortex | touch, pain, temp info | 39 | |
9843240762 | Temporal lobe | hearing | 40 | |
9843240782 | Primary auditory cortex | processes raw sounds | 41 | |
9843244902 | Auditory association area | understands raw sounds | 42 | |
9843248110 | Broca's area | speech fluency, left frontal lobe | 43 | |
9843249253 | Wernicke's area | understanding of speech, left temporal lobe | 44 | |
9843253644 | Occipital lobe | vision | 45 | |
9843256014 | Primary visual cortex | processes raw sights | 46 | |
9843258086 | Visual association area | understands sights | 47 | |
9843261046 | Hypothalamus | emotions, hunger, thirst, limbic system | 48 | |
9843264157 | Amygdala | emotional memories, limbic system | 49 | |
9843266707 | Thalamus | sensory switchboard, limbic system | 50 | |
9843268448 | Hippocampus | short term to long term, limbic system | 51 | |
9843271628 | Corpus Callosum | connects hemispheres | 52 | |
9843273332 | Basil Ganglia | regulates movements | 53 | |
9843285795 | Left hemisphere | language, speech, math | 54 | |
9843287653 | Right hemisphere | spatial, face recognition | 55 | |
9843290913 | Aphasia | loss of language | 56 | |
9843297098 | EEG | brain waves | 57 | |
9843297099 | PET | brain activity | 58 | |
9843299980 | fMRI and MRI | structures | 59 | |
9843306061 | Teratogens | hurt unborn babies | 60 | |
9843307492 | Schemas | concepts | 61 | |
9843307493 | Assimilate | interpret similarily | 62 | |
9843310139 | Accomodate | change interpretation | 63 | |
9843312938 | Object permenance | person behind rack | 64 | |
9843314099 | Conservation | playdough | 65 | |
9843315045 | Sensation | detection | 66 | |
9843316600 | Perception | interpretation | 67 | |
9843318484 | Top down processing | experience expectations | 68 | |
9843322365 | Bottom up processing | perceptions interpret sensations | 69 | |
9843331223 | Absolute threshold | minimum stimulus detected 50% | 70 | |
9843336464 | Signal detection theory | detect faint stimulus amid background stimulation | 71 | |
9843344617 | Sensory adaptation | diminished sensitivity | 72 | |
9843346158 | Weber's law | to perceive a change two stimuli must differ in constant % | 73 | |
9843351515 | Transduction | energy to neural message | 74 | |
9843353945 | Retina | rods and cones | 75 | |
9843353946 | Rods | peripheral | 76 | |
9843356062 | Cones | color | 77 | |
9843357112 | Fovea | focus | 78 | |
9843359797 | Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory | red, green, blue | 79 | |
9843361813 | Opponent-process theory | afterimage | 80 | |
9843365239 | Middle ear | hammer, anvil, stirrup, Conduction hearing loss | 81 | |
9843367402 | Cochela | Nerve impulses Sensorineural hearing loss | 82 | |
9843370590 | Kinesthesis | Body system for position and movement | 83 | |
9843373465 | Vestibular sense | Sense of body movement and position | 84 | |
9843375300 | Proximity | close = together | 85 | |
9843381342 | Similarity | close = together | 86 | |
9843381343 | Continuity | continuous | 87 | |
9843382814 | Connectedness | two things connected = one | 88 | |
9843386683 | Closure | fill in gaps | 89 | |
9843387741 | Depth preception | 3d | 90 | |
9843389306 | Retinal disparity | difference btwn eyes | 91 | |
9843393331 | Convergence | Neuromuscular cue as eye turn inward | 92 | |
9843396061 | Monocular cues | relative size, interposition, relative clarity, texture gradient, relative height | 93 | |
9843400588 | Phi phenomenon | blinking lights = motion | 94 | |
9843402690 | Perceptual constancy | unchanging | 95 | |
9843404496 | Perceptual set | mental set to see one thing, not another | 96 | |
9843406814 | Awake | alpha waves | 97 | |
9843410660 | Stage 1 sleep | hallucinations | 98 | |
9843413594 | Stage 2 sleep | spindles | 99 | |
9843414876 | Stage 4 sleep | delta waves, sleepwalking, night terrors | 100 | |
9843416822 | REM sleep | REM movement, dreams | 101 | |
9843422798 | Depressants | alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizers, opiates | 102 | |
9843424880 | Stimulants | amphetamines, methamphetamine, cocaine, ecstasy/MDMA | 103 | |
9843427597 | Hallucinogens | LSD, Marijuana | 104 | |
9843430849 | Watson | behavioralism | 105 | |
9843440518 | Classical conditioning | Pavlov's dogs | 106 | |
9843442297 | Three-stage processing | sensory, short term, long term memory | 107 | |
9843447991 | Semantic encoding | meaning | 108 | |
9843449878 | Echoic memory | auditory | 109 | |
9843452462 | Iconic memory | visual | 110 | |
9843459482 | Implicit memory | retrieved without thought | 111 | |
9843463157 | Procedural memory | how to do something | 112 | |
9843467389 | Explicit memory | facts and experiences | 113 | |
9843470565 | Declarative memory | facts | 114 | |
9843471874 | Recall | fill in the black | 115 | |
9843471875 | Recognition | multiple choice | 116 | |
9843475391 | Proactive interference | sociology confuses psychology | 117 | |
9843482277 | Retroactive interference | psychology confuses sociology | 118 | |
9843484303 | Concepts | mental groupings of similar things | 119 | |
9843487825 | Prototypes | bird = robin, not emu | 120 | |
9843490679 | Mental set | solve using a method used before | 121 | |
9843493969 | Representative heuristic | judging by how well it represents a prototype | 122 | |
9844221118 | Framing | how we present an issue, by framing it to fit | 123 | |
9844223359 | Phoneme | smallest distinctive sound | 124 | |
9844224413 | Morpheme | smallest unit that carries meaning | 125 | |
9844228619 | Instinct | complex behavior that is rigidly patterned throughout a species and is unlearned | 126 | |
9844230971 | Drive-reduction theory | physiological need creates aroused tension state that motivates an organism to satisfy the need | 127 | |
9844237897 | Glucose | Increased insulin = decreased glucose = hunger | 128 | |
9844241085 | Lateral hympothalamus | stimulates hunger | 129 | |
9844246044 | Ventromedial hypothalamus | depresses hunger | 130 | |
9844247160 | Leptin | increased leptin = less eating, more activity | 131 | |
9844250842 | Basal metabolic rate | rate of energy expenditure in maintaining basic body functions when body is at rest | 132 | |
9844263163 | James-Lange theory | perception of stimulus, arousal, emotion | 133 | |
9844266530 | Cannon-Bard theory | perception of stimulus, arousal AND emotion | 134 | |
9844271324 | Schachter's two factor theory | emotions have 2 ingredients...physical arousal and a cognitive label; perception of stimulus, arousal AND cognitive label, emotion | 135 | |
9844279059 | Arousal | increased epinephrine/adrenaline and norepinephrine, heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar | 136 | |
9844291595 | Id | devil on the shoulder | 137 | |
9844291633 | Ego | compromise | 138 | |
9844294160 | Superego | angel on the shoulder | 139 | |
9844297044 | Repression | banishing anxiety-arousing thoughts, feeling, or memories from consciousness | 140 | |
9844298180 | Regression | anxiety causes someone to act in a manner consistent with earlier psychosexual stage | 141 | |
9844301522 | Reaction formation | choosing to react with the far opposite of one's true emotion | 142 | |
9844305098 | Projection | projecting your thoughts or behavior onto someone else | 143 | |
9844307095 | Rationalization | self-justification | 144 | |
9844308960 | Displacement | taking emotions out on someone/thing who has nothing to do with the cause | 145 | |
9844311002 | Sublimation | turning unacceptable impulses into socially valued skills | 146 | |
9844314074 | Neo-Freudian | more emphasis on the role of the conscious mind both in interpreting experience and in coping with the environment | 147 | |
9844315156 | Carl Jung | collective unconscious | 148 | |
9844317971 | OCEAN/CANOE | openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism | 149 | |
9844329958 | Anxiety disorders | generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobia, OCD | 150 | |
9844332297 | Mood disorders | dysthymic disorder, major depressive disorder, bipolar | 151 | |
9844339271 | Disassociative disorders | DID, schizophrenia | 152 | |
9844342699 | Paranoid schizophrenia | preoccupation with delusions or hallucinations | 153 | |
9844345910 | Disorganized schizophrenia | disorganized speech or behavior, or flat or inappropriate emotion | 154 | |
9844348381 | Catatonic schizophrenia | immobility or excessive, meaningless movement, extreme negativism, or parrot like repeating of another's speech or movements | 155 | |
9844351370 | Undifferentiated schizophrenia | many and varied symptoms | 156 | |
9849163758 | Positive skew | ![]() | 157 | |
9849165767 | Negative skew | ![]() | 158 | |
9849177761 | Habituation | a decrease in response to a stimulus after being repeatedly exposed to it | 159 | |
9849181812 | Semicircular canals | three loop-like structures in the inner ear that contain sensory receptors to monitor balance. | 160 | |
9849189266 | Hilgard | explained hypnosis through dissociation theory, believes in the presence of a hidden observer | 161 | |
9849195027 | Most abused drug | alcohol | 162 | |
9849196581 | Garcia | taste aversion learning, challenged classical conditioning with tendency to blame food for illness, that the particular stimulus used in classical conditioning does matter, and that taste aversion generally only requires one trial | 163 | |
9849239806 | Premack principle | different rewards and punishments affect people differently | 164 | |
9849284543 | Pineal gland | regulates hormones and biological clock, SAD = lack of melatonin | 165 | |
9849289678 | Thyroid glands | energy, metabolism, vital functions, too much thyroxine = Grave's disease, too little = hypothyroidism, enlargement of gland = goiter | 166 | |
9849299619 | Thymus | thymosin, immunodeficiency disorders | 167 | |
9849308580 | Pancreas | insulin, too little = diabetes 1 and 2 | 168 | |
9849313096 | Adrenal glands | epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, too little cortisol = Addison's, too much cortisol = Cushing's | 169 | |
9849332222 | Holmes and Rahe | social readjustment rating scale | 170 | |
9849332223 | Hall | first american psych lab | 171 | |
9849335141 | Wundt | first psych lab | 172 | |
9849340862 | Rosenzweig, Bennett, Diamond | rats got bigger brains | 173 | |
9849343777 | Gazzinga, Sperry | hemispheres | 174 | |
9849350929 | Bouchard | twins | 175 | |
9849350930 | Ramachandran | brain diseases | 176 | |
9849353473 | Turnbull | culture v. depth perception | 177 | |
9849358565 | Gibson, Walk | visual cliff | 178 | |
9849358566 | Freud | psychoanalytic | 179 | |
9849360237 | Cartwright | extension of waking life | 180 | |
9849361814 | Revonsuo | stimulated | 181 | |
9849364149 | Hobson, McCarley | activation synthesis | 182 | |
9849364409 | Pavlov | dogs | 183 | |
9849367003 | Watson, Raynor | baby Albert | 184 | |
9849367043 | Skinner | rats press bar for food | 185 | |
9849369564 | Thorndike | cat escapes puzzle box | 186 | |
9849372619 | Bandura | BoBo doll | 187 | |
9849374974 | Seligman | learned helplessness | 188 | |
9849376887 | Tolman | rats have brain maps | 189 | |
9849379372 | Bartlett | culture and memory | 190 | |
9849379373 | Ebbinghouse | syllables, forgetting curve | 191 | |
9849381621 | Miller | magic number | 192 | |
9849383274 | Loftus | false memories | 193 | |
9849383275 | Mahadevan | memory strategies | 194 | |
9849385797 | Spearman | two factor theory | 195 | |
9849387867 | Sternberg | triarchic theory | 196 | |
9849392767 | Gardener | nine types | 197 | |
9849394730 | Cattell | two types of g | 198 | |
9849394731 | Guilford | 120 types | 199 | |
9849396631 | Thurstone | seven types | 200 | |
9849398717 | Terman | gifted kids - who to terminate | 201 | |
9849400304 | Chomsky | common grammar | 202 | |
9849400305 | Whorf | theory of linguistic relativity | 203 | |
9849409689 | Wertheimer | believed gestalt approach | 204 | |
9849413246 | Seyle | general adaptation syndrome | 205 | |
9849414954 | General adaptation syndrome | alarm, resistance, exhaustion, reactions to stress | 206 | |
9849434425 | Ethical issues | informed consent, deception, coercion, anonymity, risk, debreifing | 207 | |
9849441523 | Gilal cells | excitatory, arouse CNS, memory | 208 | |
9849448133 | Inhibitory neurotransmitters | seratonin, GABA | 209 |
AP Psychology Flashcards
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