Important people in AP PSychology
13613045313 | Sigmund Freud | 1856-1939; Field: psychoanalytic, personality; Contributions: id/ego/superego, reality and pleasure principles, ego ideal, defense mechanisms (expanded by Anna Freud), psychoanalysis, transference | 0 | |
13613045314 | Anna Freud | 1895-1982; Field: psychoanalysis; Contributions: focused on child psychoanalysis, fully developed defense mechanisms, emphasized importance of the ego and its constant struggle | 1 | |
13613045315 | Carl Jung | 1875-1961; Field: neo-Freudian, analytic psychology; Contributions: people had conscious and unconscious awareness; archetypes; collective unconscious; libido is all types of energy, not just sexual; Studies: dream studies/interpretation | 2 | |
13613045316 | Erik Erikson | 1902-1994; Field: neo-Freudian, humanistic; Contributions: created an 8-stage theory to show how people evolve through the life span. Each stage is marked by a psychological crisis that involves confronting "Who am I?" | 3 | |
13613045317 | Lawrence Köhlberg | 1927-1987; Field: cognition, moral development; Contributions: created a theory of moral development that has 3 levels; focuses on moral reasoning rather than overt behavior | 4 | |
13613045318 | Carol Gilligan | 1936-pres; Field: cognition; Contributions: maintained that Köhlberg's work was developed by only observing boys and overlooked potential differences between the habitual moral judgments of boys and girls; girls focus more on relationships than laws and principles | 5 | |
13613045319 | William James | 1842-1910; Field: functionalism; Contributions: studied how humans use perception to function in our environment; Studies: Pragmatism, The Meaning of Truth | 6 | |
13613045320 | William Wundt | 1832-1920; Field: structuralism, voluntarism; Contributions: introspection, basic units of experience; Studies: 1st psychological laboratory in world at University of Leipzig | 7 | |
13613045321 | BF Skinner | 1904-1990; Field: behavioral; Contributions: created techniques to manipulate the consequences of an organism's behavior in order to observe the effects of subsequent behavior; Studies: Skinner box | 8 | |
13613045322 | John B Watson | 1878-1958; Field: behaviorism; Contributions: generalization-inductive reasoning, emphasis on external behaviors of people and their reactions on a given situation; Studies: Little Albert | 9 | |
13613045323 | Jean Piaget | 1896-1980; Field: cognition; Contributions: created a 4-stage theory of cognitive development, said that two basic processes work in tandem to achieve cognitive growth (assimilation and accommodation) | 10 | |
13613045324 | Harry Harlow | 1905-1981; Field: development; Contributions: realized that touch is preferred in development; Studies: Rhesus monkeys, studied attachment of infant monkeys (wire mothers v. cloth mothers) | 11 | |
13613045325 | Carl Rogers | 1902-1987; Field: humanistic; Contributions: founded person-centered therapy, theory that emphasizes the unique quality of humans especially their freedom and potential for personal growth, unconditional positive regard, fully functioning person | 12 | |
13613045326 | Abraham Maslow | 1908-1970; Field: humanism; Contributions: hierarchy of needs-needs at a lower level dominate an individual's motivation as long as they are unsatisfied, self-actualization, transcendence | 13 | |
13613045327 | Karen Horney | 1885-1952; Field: neo-Freudian, psychodynamic; Contributions: criticized Freud, stated that personality is molded by current fears and impulses, rather than being determined solely by childhood experiences and instincts, neurotic trends | 14 | |
13613045328 | Alfred Adler | 1870-1937; Field: neo-Freudian, psychodynamic; Contributions: basic mistakes, style of life, inferiority/superiority complexes, childhood influences personality formation; Studies: Birth Order | 15 | |
13613045329 | Gordon Allport | 1897-1967; Field: trait theory of personality; Contributions: list of 11,000 traits, 3 levels of traits-cardinal, central, and secondary | 16 | |
13613045330 | Hermann Rorschach | 1884-1922; Field: personality, psychoanalysis; Contributions: developed one of the first projective tests, the Inkblot test which consists of 10 standardized inkblots where the subject tells a story, the observer then derives aspects of the personality from the subject's commentary | 17 | |
13613045331 | Solomon Asch | 1907-1996; Field: social psychology; Contributions: studied conformity, found that individuals would conform even if they knew it was wrong; Studies: conformity, opinions and social pressures | 18 | |
13613045332 | Stanley Schachter | 1922-present; Field: emotion; Contributions: stated that in order to experience emotions a person must be physically aroused and know the emotion before you experience it | 19 | |
13613045333 | Stanley Milgram | 1933-1984; Field: social psychology; Contributions: wanted to see how the German soldiers in WWII fell to obedience, wanted to see how far individuals would go to be obedient; Studies: Shock Study | 20 | |
13613045334 | Philip Zimbardo | 1933-present; Field: social psychology; Contributions: proved that peoples behavior depends to a large extent on the roles they are asked to play; Studies: Stanford Prison Study-studied power of social roles to influence people's behavior | 21 | |
13613045335 | Elizabeth Kübler-Ross | 1926-2004; Field: development; Contributions: 5 stages the terminally ill go through when facing death (1. death, 2. anger/resentment, 3. bargaining with God, 4. depression, 5. acceptance) | 22 | |
13613045336 | Elizabeth Loftus | 1944-present; Field: memory; Contributions: expert in eyewitness testimony (false memories or misinformation effect); Studies: Reconstruction of Auto. Destruction, Jane Doe Case (repressed memories of Nicole Taus' sex abuse) | 23 | |
13613045337 | Robert Sternberg | 1949-present; Field: intelligence; Contributions: devised the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence (academic problem-solving, practical, and creative) | 24 | |
13613045338 | Albert Bandura | 1925-present; Field: sociocultural; Contributions: pioneer in observational learning, stated that people profit from the mistakes/successes of others; Studies: Bobo Dolls-adults demonstrated 'appropriate' play with dolls, children mimicked play | 25 | |
13613045339 | Raymond Cattell | 1905-1998; Field: intelligence; Contributions: fluid & crystal intelligence; 3 domains of personality sphere (personality, ability, & motivation), 16 Personality Factors (personality test) | 26 | |
13613045340 | Aaron Beck | 1921-present; Field: cognitive; Contributions: father of Cognitive Therapy, created Beck Scales-depression inventory, hopelessness scale, suicidal ideation, anxiety inventory, and youth inventories | 27 | |
13613045341 | Noam Chomsky | 1928-present; Field: language; Contributions: disagreed with Skinner about language acquisition, stated there is an infinite # of sentences in a language, humans have an inborn native ability to develop language | 28 | |
13613045342 | Edward Thorndike | 1874-1949; Field: behaviorism; Contributions: Law of Effect-relationship between behavior and consequence; Studies: Law of Effect with cats | 29 | |
13613045343 | HJ Eysenck | 1916-1997; Field: personality; Contributions: asserted that personality is largely determined by genes, used introversion/extroversion | 30 | |
13613045344 | Mary Ainsworth | 1913-1999; Field: development; Contributions: compared effects of maternal separation, devised patterns of attachment; Studies: The Strange Situation-observation of parent/child attachment | 31 | |
13613045345 | Kenneth Clark | 1914-2005; Field: social psychology; Contributions: research evidence of internalized racism caused by stigmatization; Studies: Doll experiments-black children chose white dolls | 32 | |
13613045346 | Lev Vygotsky | 1896-1934; Field: child development; Contributions: investigated how culture & interpersonal communication guide development, zone of proximal development; play research | 33 | |
13613045347 | Martin Seligman | 1942-present; Field: learning; Contributions: Positive Psychology, learned helplessness; Studies: Dogs demonstrating learned helplessness | 34 | |
13613045348 | Howard Gardner | 1943-present; Field: intelligence; Contributions: devised the theory of multiple intelligences (logical-mathematic, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, linguistic, musical, interpersonal, naturalistic) | 35 | |
13613045349 | Kurt Lewin | 1890-1947; Field: social psychology; Contributions: German refugee who escaped Nazis, proved the democratic style of leadership is the most productive; Studies: Leadership syles-studied effects of 3 leadership styles on children completing activities | 36 | |
13613045350 | Ivan Pavlov | 1891-1951; Field: Gastroenterology; Contributions: developed foundation for classical conditioning, discovered that a UCS naturally elicits a reflexive behavior; Studies: dog salivation | 37 | |
13613045351 | Hermann Ebbinghaus | 1850-1909; Field: memory; Contributions: 1st to conduct studies on forgetting: first, a rapid loss followed by a gradual declining rate of loss; Studies: memory-series of meaningless syllables/words | 38 | |
13613045352 | Benjamin Whorf | 1897-1941; Field: language; Contributions: his hypothesis is that language determines the way we think | 39 | |
13613045353 | Robert Rosenthal | 1933-present; Field: social psychology; Contributions: focus on nonverbal communication, self-fulfilling prophecies; Studies: Pygmalion Effect-effect of teacher's expectations on students | 40 | |
13613045354 | Judith Langlois | dates ?; Field: developmental; Contributions: social development & processing, effects of appearance on behavior, origin of social stereotypes, sex/love/intimacy, facial expression | 41 | |
13613045355 | David Rosenhan | dates?; Field: social psychology; Contributions: proved that once you are diagnosed with a disorder, your care would not be very good in a mental health setting; Studies: Hospital experiment-checked into hospital to check diagnosis | 42 | |
13613045356 | Daniel Goleman | 1946-present; Field: intelligence; Contributions: emotional intelligence | 43 | |
13613045357 | Charles Spearman | 1863-1945; Field: intelligence; Contributions: found that specific mental talents were highly correlated, concluded that all cognitive abilities showed a common core which he labeled 'g' (general ability) | 44 | |
13613045358 | Albert Ellis | 1913-2007; Field: cognitive-behavioral; Contributions: Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET), focuses on altering client's patterns of irrational thinking to reduce maladaptive behavior and emotions | 45 | |
13613045359 | Harry Stack Sullivan | 1892-1949; Field: psychoanalysis; Contributions: groundwork for enmeshed relationships, developed the Self-System-a configuration of personality traits | 46 | |
13613045360 | Robert Yerkes | 187601956; Field: intelligence, comparative; Contributions: social behavior of gorillas/chimps, Yerkes-Dodson law-level of arousal as related to performance | 47 | |
13613045361 | Alfred Binet | 1857-1911; Field: testing; Contributions: general IQ tests, designed test to identify slow learners in need of remediation-not applicable in the U.S. because too culture-bound (French) | 48 | |
13613045362 | Little Albert | ca. 1920; Field: behaviorism; Contributions: subject in John Watson's experiment, proved classical conditioning principles: Studies: Little Albert-generalization of fear | 49 | |
13613045363 | Karl Wernicke | 1848-1905; Field: perception; Contributions: area of left temporal lobe involved language understanding; Studies: person damaged in this area uses correct words but they do not make sense | 50 | |
13613045364 | Ernst Weber | 1795-1878; Field: perception; Contributions: just-noticeable-difference (JND) that eventually becomes Weber's law; Studies: 1st study on JND | 51 | |
13613045365 | Gustav Fechner | 1801-1887; Field: perception; Contributions: stated that the magnitude of a sensory experience is proportionate to the # of JND's that the stimulus causing the experiences above the absolute threshold | 52 | |
13613045366 | Mary Cover-Jones | 1896-1987; Field: learning; Contributions: systematic desensitization, maintained that fear could be unlearned | 53 | |
13613045367 | Robert Zajonc | 1923-present; Field: motivation; Contributions: believes that we invent explanations to label feelings | 54 | |
13613045368 | Henry Murray | 1893-1988; Field: intelligence, testing; Contributions: devised the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) with Christina Morgan, stated that the need to achieve varied in strength in different people and influenced their tendency to approach and evaluate their own performances | 55 | |
13613045369 | Paul Ekman | 1934-present; Field: emotion; Contributions: found that facial expressions are universal | 56 | |
13613045370 | Clark Hull | 1884-1952; Field: motivation; Contributions: maintains that the goal of all motivated behavior is the reduction or alleviation of a drive state, mechanism through which reinforcement operates | 57 | |
13613045371 | David McClelland | 1917-1998; Field: intelligence, testing; Contributions: devised a way to measure Murray's theory (TAT), developed scoring system for TAT's use in assessing achievement motivation, not the TAT | 58 | |
13613045372 | Francis Galton | 1822-1911; Field: differential psychology AKA "London School" of Experimental Psychology; Contributions: behavioral genetics, maintains that personality & ability depend almost entirely on genetic inheritance; Studies: Twin Studies-compare identical & fraternal twins, Hereditary Genius-used bell curve for normal distribution, & "Law of Errors"-differences in intellectual ability | 59 | |
13613045373 | Charles Darwin | 1809-1882; Field: geology, biology; Contributions: transmutation of species, natural selection, evolution by common descent; Studies: "The Origin of Species" catalogs his voyage on the Beagle | 60 | |
13613045374 | Lewis Terman | 1877-1956; Field: testing; Contributions: revised Binet's IQ test and established norms for American children | 61 | |
13613045375 | Phineas Gage | 1823-1860; Field: neurobiology; Contributions: 1st person to have a frontal lobotomy (by accident), his accident gave information on the brain and which parts are involved with emotional reasoning | 62 | |
13613045376 | William Sheldon | 1898-1977; Field: personality; Contributions: theory that linked personality to physique on the grounds that both are governed by genetic endowment: endomorphic (large), mesomorphic (average), and ectomorphic (skinny) | 63 | |
13613045377 | David Weschler | 1896-1981; Field: testing; Contributions: established an intelligence test especially for adults (WAIS) | 64 | |
13613045378 | Walter B. Cannon | 1871-1945; Field: motivation; Contributions: believed that gastric activity as in empty stomach, was the sole basis for hunger; Studies: inserted balloons in stomachs | 65 |