Important people in AP Psychology
14754486578 | William James | 1842-1910; Field: functionalism; Contributions: studied how humans use perception to function in our environment; Studies: Pragmatism, The Meaning of Truth | 0 | |
14754486579 | William Wundt | 1832-1920; Field: structuralism, voluntarism; Contributions: introspection, basic units of experience; Studies: 1st psychological laboratory in world at University of Leipzig | 1 | |
14754486580 | BF Skinner | 1904-1990; Field: behavioral; Contributions: created techniques to manipulate the consequences of an organism's behavior in order to observe the effects of subsequent behavior; Studies: Skinner box | 2 | |
14754486581 | John B Watson | 1878-1958; Field: behaviorism; Contributions: generalization-inductive reasoning, emphasis on external behaviors of people and their reactions on a given situation; Studies: Little Albert | 3 | |
14754486582 | Jean Piaget | 1896-1980; Field: cognition; Contributions: created a 4-stage theory of cognitive development, said that two basic processes work in tandem to achieve cognitive growth (assimilation and accommodation) | 4 | |
14754486584 | Carl Rogers | 1902-1987; Field: humanistic; Contributions: founded person-centered therapy, theory that emphasizes the unique quality of humans especially their freedom and potential for personal growth, unconditional positive regard, fully functioning person | 5 | |
14754486609 | Ivan Pavlov | 1891-1951; Field: Gastroenterology; Contributions: developed foundation for classical conditioning, discovered that a UCS naturally elicits a reflexive behavior; Studies: dog salivation | 6 | |
14754486632 | Charles Darwin | 1809-1882; Field: geology, biology; Contributions: transmutation of species, natural selection, evolution by common descent; Studies: "The Origin of Species" catalogs his voyage on the Beagle | 7 | |
14754516755 | Mary Whiton Calkins | American psychologist who conducted research on memory, personality, and dreams; first woman president of the American Psychological Association | 8 | |
14754518515 | Dorothea Dix | Rights activist on behalf of mentally ill patients - created first wave of US mental asylums | 9 | |
14754523651 | Sigmund Freud | founder of psychoanalysis | 10 | |
14754525113 | G. Stanley Hall | opened first psychology lab in the US, and he founded and became the first president of the APA | 11 | |
14754532548 | Margaret Floy Washburn (1871-1939) | First woman to earn a PhD in psychology (1894) Known for her experimental work involving animal behavior and sensation/perception processes | 12 |