Vocab from Baron's AP Psychology prep book and Psychology, AP Edition with Discovery Psychology
1621921219 | introspection | first began in laboratory set up by Wilhelm Wundt; process of reporting on one's own conscious mental experiences | 0 | |
1621921220 | structuralism | idea proposed by Wundt that the mind operates by combining subjective emotions and objective sensations; aimed to uncover the basic structures that make up mind and thought | 1 | |
1621921221 | functionalism | theory presented by William James; emphasizes adaptiveness of the mental or behavioral processes | 2 | |
1621921222 | Wilhelm Wundt | set up first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879; known for training subjects in introspection and for his theory of structuralism | 3 | |
1621921223 | Margaret Floy Washburn | first woman to earn a Ph.D. in psychology | 4 | |
1621921224 | William James | published The Principles of Psychology, the science's first textbook; responsible for theory of functionalism | 5 | |
1621921225 | Mary Whiton Calkins | studied with William James and went on to become president of the American Psychological Association | 6 | |
1621921226 | G. Stanley Hall | student of William James who pioneered he study of child development and was the first president of the APA | 7 | |
1621921227 | Gestalt psychology | theory that states that the whole experience is often more than just the sum of the parts, because the way we experience the world is more than just an accumulation of various perceptual experiences; relatively little influence on current psychology | 8 | |
1621921228 | Max Wertheimer | Gestalt psychologist who argued against dividing human thought and behavior into discrete structures | 9 | |
1621921229 | psychoanalysis | theory that states a part of our mind over which we do not have conscious control determines, in part, how we think and behave | 10 | |
1621921230 | Sigmund Freud | revolutionized psychology with his psychoanalytic theory; believed the unconscious mind must be examined through dream analysis, word association, and other psychoanalytic therapy techniques; criticized for being unscientific and creating unverifiable theories | 11 | |
1621921231 | behaviorism | theory that states psychologists should look at only behavior and causes of behavior, and not concern themselves with describing elements of consciousness; dominant school of thought in psychology from the 1920s through the 1960s | 12 | |
1621921232 | John Watson | psychologist who believed the science must limit itself to observable phenomena; wanted to establish behaviorism as the dominant paradigm of psychology | 13 | |
1621921233 | B. F. Skinner | behaviorist who expanded the basic ideas of behaviorism to include the idea of reinforcement- environmental stimuli that either encourage or discourage certain responses | 14 | |
1621921234 | humanism | modern psychological viewpoint that stresses individual choice and free will; suggests that we choose most of our behaviors and these choices are guided by physiological, emotional or spiritual needs; not easily tested by the scientific method; includes theorists Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers | 15 | |
1621921235 | biopsychology | modern psychological perspective that explains human thought and behavior strictly in terms of biological processes (e.g. genes, hormones, and neurotransmitters) | 16 | |
1621921236 | evolutionary perspective | also known as Darwinian; modern psychological perspective that examines human thoughts and actions in terms of natural selection; similar to biopsychology | 17 | |
1621921237 | behavioral perspective | modern psychological perspective that explains human thought and behavior in terms of conditioning; looks strictly at observable behaviors and what reaction organisms get in response to specific behaviors | 18 | |
1621921238 | cognitive perspective | modern psychological perspective that examines human thought and behavior in terms of how we interpret, process, and remember environmental events | 19 | |
1621921239 | sociocultural perspective | modern psychological perspective that looks at how our thoughts and behaviors vary from people living in other cultures; emphasizes the influence of culture on the way we think and act | 20 | |
1621921240 | Jean Piaget | came up with a cognitive developmental theory, which focuses on how our cognitions develop in stages as we mature | 21 | |
1621921241 | developmental perspective | modern psychological perspective emphasizing that change occurs across a lifespan; focus has shifted over recent years to teens and adults | 22 | |
1621921242 | trait view | modern psychological perspective that views behavior and personality as the products of enduring psychological characteristics | 23 | |
1621921243 | basic research | explores questions that are of interest to psychologists but are not intended to have immediate, real-world applications; also referred to as experimental psychology | 24 | |
1621921244 | operational definitions | a researcher's explanation how the variable of an experiment will be measured | 25 | |
1621921245 | valid | research that measures what the researcher set out to measure; accurate | 26 | |
1621921246 | reliable | research that can be replicated and is consistent | 27 | |
1621921247 | participants | individuals on which research is conducted | 28 | |
1621921248 | sampling | the process by which participants for research are selected | 29 | |
1621921249 | population | includes anyone or anything that could possibly be selected to be in the sample for research | 30 | |
1621921250 | random selection | every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected as a participant in research | 31 | |
1621921251 | stratified sampling | process that allows a researcher to ensure that the sample represents the population on some criteria | 32 | |
1621921252 | laboratory experiments | experiments conducted in a lab, a highly controlled environment; advantage of being easily controlled | 33 | |
1621921253 | field experiments | experiments conducted in the world; advantage of being more realistic | 34 | |
1621921254 | confounding variables | any difference between the experimental and control conditions, except for the independent variable, that might affect the dependent variable | 35 | |
1621921255 | assignment | the process by which participants are put into a group, experimental control | 36 | |
1621921256 | random assignment | each participant has an equal chance of being placed into any group | 37 | |
1621921257 | participant-relevant confounding variables | when groups are not randomly assigned during an experiment; increases the chance of participants in the two groups differ in any meaningful way | 38 | |
1621921258 | group matching | used if one wants to ensure that the experimental and control groups are equivalent on some criterion (e.g. sex, IQ scores, or age) | 39 | |
1621921259 | situation-relevant confounding variables | when the situations into which the different groups of an experiment are put are not truly equivalent; can create invalid experiment results due to the situation rather than the independent variable | 40 | |
1621921260 | experimenter bias | the unconscious tendency for researchers to treat members of the experimental and control groups differently to increase the chance of confirming their hypothesis | 41 | |
1621921261 | double-blind procedure | when neither the participants nor the researcher are able to affect the outcome of the research | 42 | |
1621921262 | demand characteristics | cues about the purpose of the study; participants use such cues to try to respond appropriately, skewing the validity of the experiment | 43 | |
1621921263 | response bias | the tendency for subjects to behave in certain ways; can alter validity of experiment | 44 | |
1621921264 | social desirability | the tendency of participants to try to give answers that reflect well upon them | 45 | |
1621921265 | pseudopsychology | erroneous assertions or practices set forth as being scientific psychology | 46 | |
1621921266 | confirmation bias | the tendency to attend to evidence that complements and confirms our beliefs or expectations, while ignoring evidence that does not | 47 | |
1621921267 | Plato | ancient Greek philosopher who studied areas like cognition; was first philosopher credited with the study of gaining knowledge | 48 | |
1621921268 | Aristotle | ancient Greek philosopher who developed theories of sensation, perception, cognition, memory, problems olving, and ethics | 49 | |
1621921269 | René Descartes | 17th century French philosopher who asserted that human sensations and behaviors are based on activity in the nervous system | 50 | |
1621921270 | Wolfgang Kohler | Gestalt psychologist who studied insight learning, an overlooked form of learning marked by sudden "Aha!" experiences | 51 | |
1621921271 | neuroscience | field devoted to understanding how the brain creates thoughts, feelings, motives, consciousness, memories and other mental processes | 52 | |
1621921272 | cognitions | mental processes, such as thinking, memory, sensation, and perception | 53 | |
1621921273 | cognitive neuroscience | an interdisciplinary field emphasizing brain activity as information processing; involves cognitive psychology, neurology, biology, computer science, linguistics, and specialists from other fields who are interested in the connection between mental processes and the brain | 54 | |
1621921274 | psychodynamic psychology | modern clinical viewpoint emphasizing the understanding of mental disorders in terms of unconscious needs, desires, memories, and conflicts | 55 | |
1621921275 | clinical view | psychological perspective emphasizing mental health and mental illness; psychodynamic and humanistic psychology are variations of this | 56 | |
1621921276 | empirical investigation | an approach to research that relies on sensory experience and observation as research data | 57 | |
1621921277 | scientific method | developing a hypothesis, performing a controlled test, gathering objective data, analyzing results, and publishing, criticizing, and replicating the results | 58 | |
1621921278 | random presentation | process by which chance alone determines the order in which the stimulus is presented in an experiment | 59 | |
1621921279 | ex post facto | non-experimental method; research in which subjects are chosen based on a pre-existing condition | 60 | |
1621921280 | correlational studies | non-experimental method; a type of research that is mainly statistical in nature; determines the relationship between two variables | 61 | |
1621921281 | survey | non-experimental method; a quasi-experimental method in which questions are asked to subjects; when being designed, the researcher hast o be careful that the questions are not skewed or biased towards a particular answer | 62 | |
1621921282 | naturalistic observation | non-experimental method; research in which subjects are observed in their natural environment | 63 | |
1621921283 | longitudinal study | non-experimental method; a type of study in which one group of subjects is followed and observed (or examined, surveyed, etc.) for an extended period of time (years.) | 64 | |
1621921284 | cross-sectional study | a study in which a representative cross section of the population is tested or surveyed at one specific time | 65 | |
1621921285 | cohort-sequential study | a research method in which a cross section of the population is chosen and then each cohort is followed for a short period of time | 66 | |
1621921286 | frequency distribution | a summary chart, showing how frequently each of the various scores in a set of data occurs | 67 | |
1621921287 | histogram | a bar graph depicting a frequency distribution; the height of the bars indicates the frequency of the group of scores | 68 | |
1621921288 | descriptive statistics | statistical procedures used to describe characteristics and responses of groups of subjects | 69 | |
1621921289 | measure of variability | how closely scores bunch up around the central point; a statistic that indicates the spread of distribution | 70 | |
1621921290 | measures of central tendency | averages; mean, median, and mode | 71 | |
1621921291 | hindsight bias | people's tendency upon hearing about research findings to think that they knew it all along | 72 | |
1621921292 | applied research | research conducted in order to solve practical problems | 73 | |
1621921293 | standard deviation | a measure of variability that indicates the average difference between the sources and their mean | 74 | |
1621921294 | normal distribution | a bell-shaped curve, describing the spread of a characteristic throughout a population | 75 | |
1621921295 | correlation coefficient | a number between -1 and +1 expressing the degree of relationship between two variables | 76 | |
1621921296 | inferential statistics | statistical techniques (based on probability theory) used to assess whether the results of a study are reliable or whether they might be simply the result of chance; often used to determine whether two or more groups are essentially the same or different | 77 | |
1621921297 | representative sample | a sample obtained in such a way that it reflects the distribution of important variables in the larger population in which the researchers are interested; variables such as age, income level, ethnicity, and geographic distribution | 78 |