7201779655 | Hypothesis | predictions on how factors may be related | 0 | |
7201779656 | Operational Definition | specific procedure used to determine the presence of a variable | 1 | |
7201779657 | Independent Variable | the factor that is being manipulated | 2 | |
7201779658 | Dependent Variable | behavior or mental process that is being measured | 3 | |
7201779659 | Random Sample | every member of the sample has an equal chance of being selected | 4 | |
7201779660 | Stratified Sample | grouping a population into relatively homogeneous subgroups | 5 | |
7201779661 | Validity | extent to which an instrument measures or predicts what it is supposed to | 6 | |
7201779662 | Reliability | consistency or repeatability | 7 | |
7201779663 | Correlation Research | looks at the relationship between two variables without establishing a cause and effect relationship | 8 | |
7201779664 | Longitudinal Studies | conducting a study over time | ![]() | 9 |
7201779665 | Cross-Sectional Studies | observing at a single point in time a subset of a population | ![]() | 10 |
7201779666 | Case Study | an in depth examination of a specific group or single person that typically includes interviews, observations, and test scores | 11 | |
7201779667 | Controlled Study | An experiment or clinical trial in which two groups are used for comparison purpose | 12 | |
7201779668 | Quasi Experiment | similar to controlled experiment, except participants are not randomly selected | 13 | |
7201779669 | Experimental Group | receives treatment | 14 | |
7201779670 | Control Group | part of the experiment but doesn't receive treatment | 15 | |
7201779671 | Double Blind Experiment | the experimenter and the participants don't know of group placement | 16 | |
7201779672 | Self-Fulfilling Prophecy | a prediction that directly or indirectly comes true | 17 | |
7201779673 | Field Experiment | conducted out in the environment not in a lab | 18 | |
7201779674 | Surveys | use of questionnaires or interviews to ask a large number of people about behaviors, thoughts, and attitudes | 19 | |
7201779675 | Confounding Variables | differences between the experimental and the control group(s) other than those that result from the independent variable | 20 | |
7201779676 | Measures of Central Tendency | average or most typical scores for a set of research data or distribution | 21 | |
7201779677 | Mean | arithmetic average of a set of scores | 22 | |
7201779678 | Mode | most frequently occurring number | 23 | |
7201779679 | Median | middle score in a distribution | 24 | |
7201779680 | Normal Distribution | a normal or "bell curve" | 25 | |
7201779681 | Positively Skewed | scores that are skewed to the right | ![]() | 26 |
7201779682 | Negatively Skewed | scores that are skewed to the left | ![]() | 27 |
7201779683 | APA Ethical Guidelines | -informed consent -voluntary participation -protection from harm -confidentiality -debriefing | 28 | |
7201779684 | Range | largest score minus the smallest score | 29 | |
7201779685 | Measures of Variability | is used to describe the amount of variability or spread in a set of data. Common ones are IQR and range | 30 | |
7201779686 | Standard Deviation | compare scores that are on a different scale | 31 | |
7201779687 | Statistical Significance | it is when data is within the designated p value. Didn't happen by chance or luck | 32 | |
7201779688 | Experimenter Bias | when the researcher's expectations or preferences about the outcome of the study influence the result | 33 | |
7201779689 | Placebo and Placebo Effect | Placebo- subjects are given an imitation of the treatment Placebo effect- subjects believe they are feeling the effects of treatment | 34 | |
7201779690 | Percentile Score | indicates percentage of scores at or below a particular score | 35 | |
7201779691 | Correlation Coefficient | statistical relationships between two or more random variables or observed data values | 36 | |
7201779692 | Hawthorne Effect | improvement of behavior when subject knows it is being watched, not due to manipulation of experiment | 37 | |
7201779693 | Scatter Diagram | paired X and Y scores for each subject are plotted as single points on a graph | ![]() | 38 |
7201779694 | Histogram | a bar graph of frequency distribution | ![]() | 39 |
7201779695 | Frequency Distribution | line graph that uses a line to connect single points | 40 | |
7201779696 | Structuralism | understand the parts, to understand the whole (Edward Titchener) | 41 | |
7201779697 | Functionalism | How does the mind fulfill its purpose? (William James) | 42 | |
7201779698 | Pragmatism | testing truth by its practical consequences | 43 | |
7201779699 | Gestalt Psychology | perception based; how the parts and the whole are perceived and changed | 44 | |
7201779700 | Biological Approach | body and behavior | 45 | |
7201779701 | Behavioral Genetics | behaviors and the links to genetically based psychological characteristics | 46 | |
7201779702 | Behavioral Approach | observable behaviors (Skinner) | 47 | |
7201779703 | Cognitive Approach | encoding, processing, storing, and retrieving information | 48 | |
7201779704 | Humanist | free will and awareness of human condition (Maslov) | 49 | |
7201779705 | Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic | levels of the mind (Froy) -conscious preconscious -sub/unconscious | 50 | |
7201779706 | Socio-Cultural | the individual and environmental context | 51 | |
7201779707 | Neuroscience | brain and nervous system interaction with senses, memory, thoughts, and emotions | 52 | |
7201779708 | Trait | behavior and personality result from enduring psychological characteristics | 53 | |
7201779709 | Counseling Psychologist | advanced degrees; deals with less severe mental health issues | 54 | |
7201779710 | Psychoanalyst | Freudian methods, may or may not be Med. or Ph.d | 55 | |
7201779711 | Clinical or psychiatric social workers | earned Master's degree and are certified with state | 56 | |
7201779712 | Pastal counselors | clergy therapy training; typically family and marriage counseling | 57 | |
7201779713 | Experiment | systematic manipulation of variables under controlled conditions and observing the response | 58 | |
7201779714 | Codependent Variables | when 2 variables must be present together and could effect outcome | 59 | |
7201779715 | Demand Characteristics (subject bias) | clues participants discover about the experiment | 60 | |
7201779716 | Ex Post Facto | looks at an effect to seek the cause | 61 | |
7201779717 | Test Method | procedures used to measure attributes of individuals at a particular time and place | 62 | |
7201779718 | Descriptive Statistics | numbers that summarize a set of research data obtained from a sample | 63 | |
7201779719 | Inferential Statistics | used to interpret data and draw conclusions | 64 | |
7201779720 | Frequency Polygon | line graph that uses a line to connect single points | 65 | |
7201779721 | P-value | statistic that is equal or less than significance level (p less than or equal to .05%) | 66 | |
7201779722 | Archival Research | collecting data based on institutional records | 67 | |
7201779723 | Physiological Recording | using instruments to record various biological responses (brain waves, blood pressure, etc) | 68 |
AP Psychology: Research Methodology Flashcards
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