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AP Psychology Unit 3 Flashcards

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4836331953biological psychologythe scientific study of the links between psychological and biological processes0
4836336133neurona nerve cell; the basic building block of the nervous system1
4836336548dendritesa branchlike extension of a neuron that receives messages and send it towards the cell body2
4836340095axonthe neuron extension that passes messages through its branches to other neurons, muscles, or glands3
4836343340Myelin sheathsa fatty tissue layer encasing the axons of some neurons; enables greater sending speed4
4836345434action potentiala neural impulse; a brief electrical charge that travels down an axon5
4836347984refractory perioda period of inactivity after a neuron has fired6
4836348254thresholdthe level of stimulation needed to trigger neural impulse7
4836349486all or none responsea neurons reaction of either firing or not firing8
4836349808synapse (synaptic gap)the space between the axon terminal of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron9
4836354797neurotransmitterschemical messengers that cross the synaptic gaps between neurons10
4836355661reuptakea neurotransmitter's reabsorption by the sending neuron11
4836356465endorphins"morphine within" natural opiate-like neurotransmitters linked to pain control and pleasure12
4836357690agonista molecule that stimulates a response by binding to a receptor site13
4836360763antagonista molecule that blocks a response by binding to a receptor site14
4836361528nervous systemthe body's speedy, electrochemical communication network, consisting of all the nerve cells of the peripheral and central nervous system15
4836365672central nervous system (CNS)consists of the brain and spinal cord16
4836367151Peripheral nervous system (PNS)the sensory and motor neurons that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body17
4836368317nervesbundled axons that form neural "cables" connecting the CNS with muscles, glands, and sense organs18
4836370832sensory (afferent) neuronsneurons that carry INCOMING information from the sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord19
4836371999motor (efferent) neuronsneurons that carry OUTGOING information from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands20
4836375385interneuronsneurons within the brain and spinal cord that intervene between the sensory inputs and motor outputs21
4836377931somatic nervous systemthe division of the peripheral nervous system that controls the body's skeletal muscles (also called skeletal nervous system) (soma=body)22
4836380128autonomic nervous systemthe part of the PNS that controls the glands and muscles of internal organs (such as the heart) its sympathetic division arouses, parasympathetic calms23
4836382296sympathetic nervous systemthe division of the autonomic nervous system that arouses the body, mobilizing its energy in stressful situation24
4836383936parasympathetic nervous systemthe division of the autonomic nervous system that calms the body, conserving its energy25
4836386235reflexa simple, automatic response to a sensory stimulus26
4836386792endocrine systemthe body's "slow" chemical communication system; a set of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream27
4836387907hormoneschemical messengers that are manufactured by the endocrine glands that travel through the bloodstream and affect other parts of the body28
4836389873adrenal glandsa pair of endocrine glands that sit just above the kidneys and secrete hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine) that help arouse the body in times of stress (think ADRENALine)29
4836394096pituitary glandthe endocrine system's most influential glands. Under the influence of the hypothalamus, regulates growth and other endocrine glands30
4836396417lesiontissue destruction31
4836398751electroencephalogram (EEG)an amplified recording of the waves of electrical activity sweeping across the brain's surface. These waves are measured by electrodes placed on the scalp32
4836401588CT (Computed tomography) scana series of x-ray photographs taken from different angles and combined by a computer into a slice of the brain's structure33
4836404309PET (position emission tomography)a visual display of brain activity that detects where a radioactive form of glucose goes while the brain performs a task34
4836408845MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)a technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce computer-generated images of soft tissue. shows brain anatomy35
4836412979fMRI (functional MRI)a technique for revealing blood flow and brain activity by comparing successive MRI scans. Show brain function and structure36
4836415188brainstemthe oldest part and central core of the brain, beginning where the spinal cord swells as it enters the skull; is responsible for automatic survival functions37
4836416977medullathe base of the brainstem; controls heartbeat and breathing38
4836419485thalamusthe brain's sensory control center, located on top of the brainstem; it directs messages to the sensory receiving areas in the cortex and transmits replies to the cerebellum and medulla39
4836422979reticular formationa nerve network that travels through the brainstem and thalamus and plays an important part in controlling arousal40
4836424351cerebellumthe "little brain" at the rear of the brainstem; processes sensory input, coordinates movement output and balance, also enables nonverbal learning41
4836427914limbic systemneural system (including the hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus) located below the cerebral hemispheres, associated with emotions and drives42
4836433254amygdalatwo lima-bean-sized neural clusters in the limbic system; linked to emotion43
4836434998hypothalamusa neural structure lying below the thalamus, directs several maintenance activities (eating, drinking, body temperature) helps govern the endocrine system via the pituitary gland, and is linked to emotion and reward44
4836437622cerebral cortexthe intricate fabric of interconnected neural cells covering the cerebral hemispheres; the body's ultimate control and information processing center45
4836439621glial cellscells in the nervous system that support, nourish, and protect neurons; they may also play a role in learning and thinking46
4836440813frontal lobesportion of the cerebral cortex lying just behind the forehead; involved in speaking and muscle movements and in making plans and judgements47
4836444665parietal lobesportion of the cerebral cortex lying at the top of the head and toward the rear; receives sensory input for touch and body positions48
4836449509occipital lobesportion of the cerebral cortex lying at the back of the head; includes areas that receive information from visual fields49
4836450814temporal lobespart of cerebral cortex lying roughly above the ears; includes auditory areas, each receiving information, primarily from the opposite ear50
4836452477motor cortexan area at the rear of the frontal lobes that controls voluntary movements51
4836454098somatosensory cortexarea at the front of the parietal lobes that registers and processes body touch and movement sensations52
4836455269association areasareas of the cerebral cortex that aren't involved in primary motor or sensory functions; rather, they are involved in higher mental functions such as learning, remembering, thinking, and speaking53
4836458783plasticitythe brain's ability to change, especially during childhood, by reorganizing after damage or by building new pathways based on experience54
4836459857neurogenesisthe formation of new neurons55
4836460480corpus callosumthe large band of neural fibers connecting the two hemispheres and carrying messages between them56
4836461202split braina condition resulting from surgery that violates the brain's two hemispheres by cutting the fibers(mainly from the corpus callosum) connecting them57
4836465104consciousnessour awareness of ourselves and our environment58
4836466247cognitive neurosciencethe study of brain activity linked with cognition (perception, thinking, memory, and language)59
4836467415dual processingthe principle that information is often simultaneously processed on separate conscious and unconscious tracks60
4836470294behavior geneticsthe study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior61
4836471578environmentevery external influence, from prenatal nutrition to the people and things around us62
4836472226chromosomesthreadlike structures made of DNA molecules that contain the genes63
4836473398DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)a complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes64
4836474254genesthe biochemical units of heredity that make up the chromosomes; segments of DNA capable of synthesizing proteins65
4836475942genomethe complete instructions for making an organism, consisting of all the genetic material in that organism's chromosome66
4836478457identical (homozygotic) twinstwins who develop from a single fertilized egg split in two67
4836479755fraternal (dizygotic) twinstwins that develop from two fertilized eggs. genetically not closer than brother and sister68
4836481216molecular geneticsthe subfield of biology that studies the molecular structure and function of genes69
4836483056heritabilitythe proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes.70
4836485796interactionthe interplay that occurs when the effect of one factor (environment) depends on another factor (heredity)71
4836487043epigeneticthe study of environmental influences on gene expression that occurs without a DNA change72
4836488312evolutionary psychologythe study of the evolution of behavior and the mind, using principles of natural selection73
4836490725natural selectionthe principle that among the range of inherited trait variations, those contributing to reproduction and survival will most likely be passed to succeeding generations74
4836492441mutationa random error in gene replication that leads to change75
4838929841Acetylcholine (ACh)Neurotransmitter that enables muscle action, learning, and memory(table 9.1 pg 82)76
4838931495dopamineneurotransmitter that influences movement, learning, attention, and emotion(table 9.1 pg 82)77
4838933658Serotoninneurotransmitter that affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal(table 9.1 pg 82)78
4838934895norepinephrineneurotransmitter that helps control alertness and arousal(table 9.1 pg 82)79
4838937398GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)a major inhibitory neurotransmitter(table 9.1 pg 82)80
4838938124Glutamatea major excitatory neurotransmitter, involved in memory (table 9.1 pg 82)81

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