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98077151Black Deatha form of bubonic plague that spread over Europe in the 14th century and killed an estimated quarter of the population.0
98077152Calipha supreme political and religious leader in a Muslim government1
98077153Chinampasfloating farming islands made by the Aztec2
98077154CrusadesA series of holy wars from 1096-1270 AD undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule.3
98077155Dar Al-Islamthe area of the world under the rule of Islam any place where Muslims are secure, even if it is a secular society, whereas extremists have a different view.4
98101078Empress Wuempress of China during the Tang Dynasty, she ruled ruthlessly and brought prosperity to China also supporter of buddism5
98101079FeudalismA political system based on the rule of local lords bound to a king by ties of loyalty. It developed as a system of local defense against invaders in western Europe, China, and Japan.6
98101080Five Pillars of IslamFaith, Prayer, Fasting, Alms, Pilgrimage7
98101081Foot Bindingpainful process of wrapping Chinese girls feet to make them very small8
98101082Genghis KhanMongolian Emperor whose empire stretched from the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean (1162-1227)9
98101083Ibn Battutaexplorer who traveled through Africa and wrote about his experiences and what it was like10
98101084Inca empireEmpire in Peru. conquered by Pizarro, who began an empire for the Spanish in 153511
98101085Aztec EmpireCentral American empire constructed by the Mexica and expanded greatly during the fifteenth century during the reign of Itzcoatl and Motecuzoma I.12
98101086Mayan Empirefirst Latin American civilization to grow corn, build step pyramids, and develop hieroglyphics13
98101087Pax Mongolica-Mongol Peace-used to describe the eased communication and commerce the unified administration helped to create14
98101088Indian ocean tradeconnected to Europe, Africa, and China.; worlds richest maritime trading network and an area of rapid Muslim expansion.15
98101089Monsoon systemThe weather system that affected the sea trade routes in the Indian Ocean. Summer winds blew from the southwest. Winter winds blew from the northeast.16
98101090Muhammadthe Arab prophet who founded Islam (570-632)17
98101091Neo-Confucianismcombination of Daoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism18
98101092Quipua group of knotted strings used by the incas to record information19
98101093Sharia lawthe code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammed20
98101094ShintoismReligion located in Japan and related to Buddhism. Shintoism focuses particularly on nature and ancestor worship.21
98101095ShogunSupreme military commander22
98101096SinificationExtensive adaptation of Chinese culture in other regions; typical of Korea and Japan, less typical of Vietnam.23
98101097SufiA Muslim who seeks to achieve direct contact with God through mystical means24
98101098Sunni/Shi'a splitSunnis regard Ali as the fourth and last of the "rightly guided caliphs" Shias feel that Ali should have been the first caliph and that the caliphate should pass down only to direct descendants of Mohammed25
98101099Trans-Sharan Tradetrade across the Sahara desert between Mediterranean countries and sub-Saharan Africa.26
98101100Ulamaorthodox musim religious scholars27
98101101Zheng HeAn imperial eunuch and chinese Muslim, entrusted by the Ming emperor Yongle with a series of state voyages that took his gigantic ships through the Indian Ocean, from Southeast Asia to Africa.28
98101102Orthodoxin agreement with established or generally accepted beliefs or ways of doing things29
98101103Patriarchthe male head of family or tribe30
98101104Pilgrimsa person who journeys, esp. a long distance, to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion31
98101105Primogeniture..., right of inheritance belongs exclusively to the eldest son32
98101106Roman Catholic..., Relating to the Christian Church of the west that is under the authority of the pope33
98101107Schism..., split34
98101108Serfs..., a slave bound to the land and owned by a lord35
98101109Theocracy..., government run by religious leaders36
98101110Trans-Continental..., spanning or crossing a continent37
98101111Tribute System..., A system in which defeated peoples were forced to pay a tax in the form of goods and labor. This forced transfer of food, cloth, and other goods subsidized the development of large cities. An important component of the Aztec and Inca economies.38
98101112Urbanization..., the social process whereby cities grow and societies become more urban,from small towns to cities39
98427315Vassalsmembers of the military elite who received land or a benefice from a lord in return for military service and loyalty40
98427316Marco PoloVenetian who traveled with his father, and visisted Kublai Khan and China. Recorded his journey41
98427317Songhaysuccessor state to Mali; dominated Middle reaches of Niger Valley; capital at Gao; reached imperial status under Sunni Ali42
98427318Aristocracythe most powerful members of a society43
98427319Bureaucracygovernment administrators44
98427320Chivalrycourtesy towards women45
98427321Civil Servicegovernment workers46
98427322Creditarrangement for deferred payment for goods and services47
98427323Cultural DiffusionThe spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another48
98427324Dowrymoney or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage49
98427325Decentralizationthe spread of power away from the center to local branches or governments50
98427326Eastern Orthodoxthis Christian religion broke away from the Roman church when it would not accept the authority of the Pope as the head of the church51
98427327Fiefspieces of land given to vassals by their lord52
98427328Garrisonsmilitary bases on the Silk Road to protect travelers on their journey53
98427329Gothica style of architecture developed in northern France that spread throughout Europe between the 12th and 16th centuries54
98427330Hajjthe fifth pillar of Islam is a pilgrimage to Mecca during the month of Dhu al-Qadah55
98427331Heresya belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion56
98427332Heretica person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church57
98427333Hijab..., a headscarf worn by Muslim women58
98427334Illegitimate..., contrary to or forbidden by law59
98427335Infrastructure..., the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.60
101000134Islamthe monotheistic religion of Muslims founded in Arabia in the 7th century and based on the teachings of Muhammad as laid down in the Koran61
101000135Literatea person who can read and write62
101000136Matriarcha female head of a family or tribe63
101000137Matrilinealbased on or tracing descent through the female line64
101000138Medievalrelating to or belonging to the Middle Ages65
101000139Meritocracythe belief that rulers should be chosen for their superior abilities and not because of their wealth or birth66
101000140Middle agesThe historical period from around 500 A.D. up to around 1450 A.D. between the fall of Rome and the birth of the Renaissance67
101000141Migrationthe movement of persons from one country or locality to another68
101000142Monetary systemanything that is generally accepted as a standard of value and a measure of wealth in a particular country or region69
101000143Mosque(Islam) a Muslim place of worship70
101000144nation stateIs a region with a single goverment and a united group of people71
101000145byzantiuma continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 39572
101000146franksgroup of Germanic people who rose to prominence under the leadership of King Clovis73
101000147hanseatic leaguea commercial and defensive confederation of free cities in northern Germany and surrounding areas74
101000148hundred year warlasted between 1337 - 1453, between England and France, was a series of wars not one continuous battle, William, Duke of Normandy claimed to be the rightful king of England, 1066 William captured England in something called the Norman Invasion He became known as William the Conqueror and tied the nobility of France and England , but over the years they argued over who should rule, the war started when the king of France tried to take the territory claimed by England in southern France, 1337- England attacks France, 1428- English attacked Orleans, one of France's last major strong holds this was all lead by a French peasant girl who was known as Joan of Arc and lead the French to a victory, 1453- French drove English out and ended the war75
101000149magna cartathe royal charter of political rights given to rebellious English barons by King John in 121576
101000150mansa musathis Mali king brought Mali to its peak of power and wealth from 1312 the 1337; he was the most powerful king in west africa77
101000151sacking of constantinopleDuring the Fourth Crusade (1202-1204), in April 1204, the Crusaders of Western Europe invaded and conquered the Eastern Orthodox city of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire. This is seen as one of the final acts in the Great Schism between the Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church.78
101000152silk roadan ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean (4,000 miles)79
101000153timbuktuCity on the Niger River in the modern country of Mali. It was founded by the Tuareg as a seasonal camp sometime after 1000. As part of the Mali empire, Timbuktu became a major major terminus of the trans-Saharan trade and a center of Islamic learning.80
101000154tenochitilanaztecs capital city, now it is mexico city81
101000155william the conquerorduke of Normandy who led the Norman invasion of England and became the first Norman to be King of England82
101000156inquisitiona former tribunal of the Roman Catholic Church (1232-1820) created to discover and suppress heresy83

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