vocabulario nuevo/ importante del examen
5986807107 | el índole | nature, character | 0 | |
5986807108 | aminorar | to reduce | 1 | |
5986807109 | pescar una idea | to get/understand/guess an idea or clue from another person | 2 | |
5986807110 | redactar | to edit | 3 | |
5986807111 | el terciopelo | velvet | 4 | |
5986807112 | marchitarse | to wither, fade away | 5 | |
5986807113 | el crisol | melting pot | 6 | |
5986807114 | estar equivocado | to be mistaken | 7 | |
5986807115 | equivocarse | To make a mistake | 8 | |
5986807116 | el paladar | the palate, the roof of the mouth | 9 | |
5986807117 | dejar de | To stop (doing something) | 10 | |
5986807118 | al pie de | exactly, to the letter | 11 | |
5986807119 | reclutar | to recruit | 12 | |
5986807120 | el desenlace | ending, outcome | 13 | |
5986807121 | caprichosa | whimsical (impulsive/fussy) | 14 | |
5986807122 | temerosa | frightening | 15 | |
5986807123 | juguetona | playful | 16 | |
5986807124 | cariñosa | loving, affectionate | 17 | |
5986807125 | se asusta | gets scared | 18 | |
5986807126 | se entristece | to become sad | 19 | |
5986807127 | se marcha | he/she leaves | 20 | |
5986807128 | resplandeciente | resplendent, gleaming, sparkling | 21 | |
5986807129 | estar pendiente de | to be hanging on, to be waiting for | 22 | |
5986807130 | el elogio | the praise | 23 | |
5986807131 | el hechizo | the spell | 24 | |
5986807132 | hechizado | bewitched | 25 | |
5986807133 | un jarrón | a jug/vase | 26 | |
5986807134 | ciego,a | blind | 27 | |
5986807135 | la maceta | flower pot | 28 | |
5986807136 | trasladarse | to transfer, move, relocate | 29 | |
5986807137 | mudarse | To move (from one house to another) | 30 | |
5986807138 | el envejecimiento | aging process, deterioration | 31 | |
5986807139 | creciente | growing | 32 | |
5986807140 | salir canas | to turn grey (hair) | 33 | |
5986807141 | tasa de la natalidad | birth rate | 34 | |
5986807142 | la cifra | figure, number | 35 | |
5986807143 | la falta de | the lack of | 36 | |
5986807144 | los remedios | remedies, solutions | 37 | |
5986807145 | el portavoz | spokesperson | 38 | |
5986807146 | recaudar | to raise funds | 39 | |
5986807147 | la escasez | Scarcity | 40 | |
5986807148 | la beca | scholarship | 41 | |
5986807149 | recorrer | To travel through | 42 | |
5986807150 | rodante | rolling, moving | 43 | |
5986807151 | al | upon | 44 | |
5986807152 | enfatizar | to emphasize | 45 | |
5986807153 | apoyar | To support | 46 | |
5986807154 | la actitud | the attitude | 47 | |
5986807155 | el embarazo | the pregnancy | 48 | |
5986807156 | promover | to promote | 49 | |
5986807157 | evitar | to avoid | 50 | |
5986807158 | fallecer | to pass away | 51 | |
5986807159 | fallecido | deceased | 52 |