Vocabulario Appendix A: Reading Tables and Graphs
5499286352 | gráfica | chart | 0 | |
5499286353 | gráfico de barras (m) | bar graph | 1 | |
5499286354 | gráfico de líneas (m) | line graph | 2 | |
5499286355 | gráfico de sectores/circular (m) | pie graph | 3 | |
5499286356 | tabla | table | 4 | |
5499286357 | altura | height | 5 | |
5499286358 | ancho, anchura | width | 6 | |
5499286359 | barra | bar | 7 | |
5499286360 | celda, casillero | cell in a table | 8 | |
5499286361 | cifra, dígito | number | 9 | |
5499286362 | columna | column | 10 | |
5499286363 | curva | curve | 11 | |
5499286364 | dato | fact, piece of information | 12 | |
5499286365 | eje (m) horizontal/vertical | horizontal/vertical axis | 13 | |
5499286366 | elemento | element | 14 | |
5499286367 | estadísticas | statistics | 15 | |
5499286368 | fila | row | 16 | |
5499286369 | intervalo | interval | 17 | |
5499286370 | longitude, largo | length | 18 | |
5499286371 | línea | line | 19 | |
5499286372 | parte | part | 20 | |
5499286373 | punto | point | 21 | |
5499286374 | variable | variable | 22 | |
5499286375 | ascender | to ascend | 23 | |
5499286376 | aumentar | to increase | 24 | |
5499286377 | cambiar | to change | 25 | |
5499286378 | cambio | change | 26 | |
5499286379 | caer por debajo | to fall below | 27 | |
5499286380 | comparación (f) | comparison | 28 | |
5499286381 | constantemente | constantly | 29 | |
5499286382 | correlación (f) | correlation | 30 | |
5499286383 | crecer | to grow | 31 | |
5499286384 | creciente | increasing | 32 | |
5499286385 | crecimiento | growth | 33 | |
5499286386 | de forma continua | continuously | 34 | |
5499286387 | decreciente | decreasing | 35 | |
5499286388 | deferir | to be different | 36 | |
5499286389 | disminuir | to decrease | 37 | |
5499286390 | distribución (f) | distribution | 38 | |
5499286391 | (es) equivalente a | equivalent to | 39 | |
5499286392 | fluctuación (f) | fluctuation | 40 | |
5499286393 | fluctuar | to fluctuate | 41 | |
5499286394 | frecuencia | frequency | 42 | |
5499286395 | índice (m) | index, rate | 43 | |
5499286396 | máximo | maximum | 44 | |
5499286397 | mayoría | majority | 45 | |
5499286398 | medida | measurement | 46 | |
5499286399 | mínimo | minimum | 47 | |
5499286400 | minoría | minority | 48 | |
5499286401 | mostrar | to show | 49 | |
5499286402 | nivel (m) | level | 50 | |
5499286403 | patron (m) | pattern | 51 | |
5499286404 | porcentaje (m) | percentage | 52 | |
5499286405 | proporcional | proportional | 53 | |
5499286406 | reducción (f) | decrease, reduction | 54 | |
5499286407 | reflejar | to reflect | 55 | |
5499286408 | representar | to represent | 56 | |
5499286409 | restante | remaining | 57 | |
5499286410 | seguir cayendo/aumentado | to continue falling/increasing | 58 | |
5499286411 | ser proporcional | to be proportional | 59 | |
5499286412 | subir | to climb | 60 | |
5499286413 | superar | to exceed | 61 | |
5499286414 | tasa | rate | 62 | |
5499286415 | tendencia | trend | 63 | |
5499286416 | variación (f) | variation | 64 | |
5499286417 | valor (m) | value (mathematics) | 65 | |
5499286418 | decimal (m) | decimal | 66 | |
5499286419 | fracción (f) | fraction | 67 | |
5499286420 | mil | one thousand | 68 | |
5499286421 | mil millones | one billion | 69 | |
5499286422 | millón | one million | 70 | |
5499286423 | por ciento | percent | 71 | |
5499286424 | promedio, medio | average, mean, mid point | 72 | |
5499286425 | total (m) | the whole | 73 | |
5499286426 | 1/2 un medio | 1-1/2 uno y medio, etc. | 74 | |
5499286427 | 1/3 un tercio | 2/3 dos tercios, etc. | 75 | |
5499286428 | 1/4 un cuarto | 2/4 dos cuartos, etc. | 76 | |
5499286429 | 1/6 un sexto | 2/6 dos sextos, etc. | 77 | |
5499286430 | 1/7 un séptimo | 2/7 dos séptimos, etc. | 78 | |
5499286431 | 1/8 un octavo | 2/8 dos octavos, etc. | 79 | |
5499286432 | 1/9 un noveno | 2/9 dos novenos, etc. | 80 | |
5499286433 | 1/10 un décimo | 2/10 dos décimos, etc. | 81 |