9542613782 | para abajo | downward | 0 | |
9542613783 | abarcar | to include, embrace, take in | 1 | |
9542613784 | abastecer | to supply, purvey | 2 | |
9542613785 | abatir | to overthrow | 3 | |
9542613786 | la abeja | bee | 4 | |
9542613787 | ablandarse | to soften, mellow, relent | 5 | |
9542613788 | abolir | to abolish | 6 | |
9542613789 | abonar | to subscribe to, pay | 7 | |
9542613790 | abreviar | to abbreviate | 8 | |
9542613791 | abrigado | sheltered, protected | 9 | |
9542613792 | abrigo del piel | fur coat | 10 | |
9542613793 | abrochar | to button/buckle | 11 | |
9542613794 | abrumar | to crush/overwhelm/oppress | 12 | |
9542613795 | acá y allá | here and there | 13 | |
9542613796 | acabar | to finish | 14 | |
9542613797 | acabar de | to have just [infinitive] | 15 | |
9542613798 | acalorado | hot, heated | 16 | |
9542613799 | acaso | perhaps | 17 | |
9542613800 | por si acaso | just in case | 18 | |
9542613801 | acatar | to respect, to heed | 19 | |
9542613802 | acceder | to agree | 20 | |
9542613803 | accionar | to work/act | 21 | |
9542613804 | el aceite | oil | 22 | |
9542613805 | la aceituna | olive | 23 | |
9542613806 | la acequia | irrigation ditch | 24 | |
9542613807 | la acera | sidewalk, pavement | 25 | |
9542613808 | el acero | steel | 26 | |
9542613809 | aclarar | to clarify | 27 | |
9542613810 | acoger | to welcome, make welcome | 28 | |
9542613811 | aconsejar | to advise | 29 | |
9542613812 | acontecer | to happen, occur, take place | 30 | |
9542613813 | el acontecimiento | event, happening | 31 | |
9542613814 | acordarse de | to remember | 32 | |
9542613815 | accorralar | to enclose, corner | 33 | |
9542613816 | acostarse | to go to bed | 34 | |
9542613817 | la actuación | action, conduct | 35 | |
9542613818 | actual | present, modern | 36 | |
9542613819 | la actualidad | present time | 37 | |
9542613820 | acudir | to come | 38 | |
9542613821 | acudir a | to aid, heed, come to | 39 | |
9542613822 | el acumulador | car battery | 40 | |
9542613823 | el adagio | adage | 41 | |
9542613824 | adelantar | to move forward, progress | 42 | |
9542613825 | adelante (exclamation) | come in! | 43 | |
9542613826 | en adelante | from now on | 44 | |
9542613827 | adelgazar | to get thin, slim down | 45 | |
9542613828 | adentro | inside | 46 | |
9542613829 | adiestrar | to train, instruct, guide | 47 | |
9542613830 | adivinanza | riddle, prediction | 48 | |
9542613831 | el adivino | magician, fortune teller | 49 | |
9542613832 | adosar | to lean, to attach | 50 | |
9542613833 | el advenedizo | upstart | 51 | |
9542613834 | el advenimiento | coming, arrival, advent | 52 | |
9542613835 | advertir | to advise, to warn | 53 | |
9542613836 | el afán | industry, zeal, hardwork | 54 | |
9542613837 | afianzar | to guarantee, to strengthen, to reinforce | 55 | |
9542613838 | el aficionado | amateur | 56 | |
9542613839 | agacharse | to bend over, duck | 57 | |
9542613840 | agarrar | to grasp, to seize | 58 | |
9542613841 | agasajar | to treat kindly, to regale | 59 | |
9542613842 | agobiar | to burden | 60 | |
9542613843 | agitarse | to get excited | 61 | |
9542613844 | agotarse | to become exhausted | 62 | |
9542613845 | agradar | to please | 63 | |
9542613846 | agradecer | to thank | 64 | |
9542613847 | aguantar | to put up with | 65 | |
9542613848 | aguardar | to wait for | 66 | |
9542613849 | agudo | sharp | 67 | |
9542613850 | el águila | eagle | 68 | |
9542613851 | la aguja | needle | 69 | |
9542613852 | el agujero | hole | 70 | |
9542613853 | aguzar | to sharpen | 71 | |
9542613854 | ahí | there | 72 | |
9542613855 | ahijado | godchild, adopted child | 73 | |
9542613856 | ahogar | to drown | 74 | |
9542613857 | ahorcar | to hang | 75 | |
9542613858 | ahorrarse | to save | 76 | |
9542613859 | airoso | windy, elegant | 77 | |
9542613860 | aislar | to isolate | 78 | |
9542613861 | el ajedrez | chess | 79 | |
9542613862 | ajeno | other people's | 80 | |
9542613863 | el ajo | garlic | 81 | |
9542613864 | el ajonjolí | sesame | 82 | |
9542613865 | el ala | wing | 83 | |
9542613866 | la alabanza | praise | 84 | |
9542613867 | el alambrado | fence | 85 | |
9542613868 | el álamo | poplar tree | 86 | |
9542613869 | alargar | to lengthen, prolong | 87 | |
9542613870 | el alarido | howl, yell, shriek | 88 | |
9542613871 | el alba | dawn | 89 | |
9542613872 | albergar | to lodge, to stay | 90 | |
9542613873 | el alboroto | uproar, disturbance | 91 | |
9542613874 | al alcachofa | artichoke | 92 | |
9542613875 | el alcance | reach | 93 | |
9542613876 | la alcancía | money bank | 94 | |
9542613877 | alcanzar | to reach, to achieve | 95 | |
9542613878 | la alcoba | bedroom | 96 | |
9542613879 | la aldea | village, town | 97 | |
9542613880 | alegar | to allege, to claim | 98 | |
9542613881 | alegrarse | to be happy | 99 | |
9542613882 | alejado | faraway | 100 | |
9542613883 | alejarse | to distance oneself from | 101 | |
9542613884 | alentar | to encourage, inspire | 102 | |
9542613885 | la alfarería | pottery, ceramic | 103 | |
9542613886 | el alfil | bishop (chess) | 104 | |
9542613887 | la algazara | uproar | 105 | |
9542613888 | la alhaja | jewel, gem | 106 | |
9542613889 | la alhambrada | fence | 107 | |
9542613890 | el aliento | breath | 108 | |
9542613891 | alimentarse | to nourish | 109 | |
9542613892 | alimento | food | 110 | |
9542613893 | aliviar | to alleviate | 111 | |
9542613894 | almacén | department store | 112 | |
9542613895 | la almendra | almond | 113 | |
9542613896 | el almníbar | syrup | 114 | |
9542613897 | la almohada | pillow | 115 | |
9542613898 | alojar | to house/lodge | 116 | |
9542613899 | el alpinismo | mountain climbing | 117 | |
9542613900 | alquilar | to rent | 118 | |
9542613901 | el altavoz | speaker | 119 | |
9542613902 | la altura | height | 120 | |
9542613903 | aludir | to allude | 121 | |
9542613904 | el alumbrado | light | 122 | |
9542613905 | el alza | rise | 123 | |
9542613906 | alzar | to raise, to lift | 124 | |
9542613907 | el ama de casa | housewife | 125 | |
9542613908 | al emaestrador | tamer | 126 | |
9542613909 | amenecer | to get daylight | 127 | |
9542613910 | la amapola | poppy flower | 128 | |
9542613911 | amargo | bitter | 129 | |
9542613912 | amarrar | to tie up | 130 | |
9542613913 | la amatista | amethyst | 131 | |
9542613914 | la amenaza | threat | 132 | |
9542613915 | la ametralladora | machine gun | 133 | |
9542613916 | la amistad | friendship | 134 | |
9542613917 | amontonarse | to add up, to amass | 135 | |
9542613918 | amortizar | to pay off | 136 | |
9542613919 | amparar | to help/aid | 137 | |
9542613920 | ampliar | to amplify | 138 | |
9542613921 | la ampolleta | hourglass/electric bulb | 139 | |
9542613922 | el analfabetismo | illiteracy | 140 | |
9542613923 | ancho | wide | 141 | |
9542613924 | ancar | to anchor | 142 | |
9542613925 | anhelante | yearning, longing | 143 | |
9542613926 | el anochecer | to become night | 144 | |
9542613927 | el ansia | anxiety, worry | 145 | |
9542613928 | antojarse | to fancy, to feel like | 146 | |
9542613929 | anular | to repeal, revoke, or invalidate | 147 | |
9542613930 | el añil | indigo | 148 | |
9542613931 | antaño | a long time ago | 149 | |
9542613932 | apaciguar | to pacify | 150 | |
9542613933 | el aparato | machine | 151 | |
9542613934 | apartarse | to depart from, go away from | 152 | |
9542613935 | aparte de | aside from | 153 | |
9542613936 | apático | apathetic | 154 | |
9542613937 | el apellido | family name | 155 | |
9542613938 | apenas | barely | 156 | |
9542613939 | apetecer | to appeal to | 157 | |
9542613940 | aplastar | to smash | 158 | |
9542613941 | apodar | to nickname | 159 | |
9542613942 | apolilado | moth eaten | 160 | |
9542613943 | apoltronado | lazy | 161 | |
9542613944 | aporrear | to hit | 162 | |
9542613945 | la aportación | contribution | 163 | |
9542613946 | aportar | to provide/contribute | 164 | |
9542613947 | aprestarse | to get ready | 165 | |
9542613948 | apresurar | to hurry | 166 | |
9542613949 | apretar | to squeeze, clasp | 167 | |
9542613950 | el apretón | squeeze, difficulty | 168 | |
9542613951 | aprisionar | to imprison | 169 | |
9542613952 | apuntar | to aim/sharpen | 170 | |
9542613953 | apurar | to be in a hurry | 171 | |
9542613954 | arder | to burn | 172 | |
9542613955 | arecife | reef | 173 | |
9542613956 | arrancar | to tear off, pluck out | 174 | |
9542613957 | arrastrar | to drag, trail, pull | 175 | |
9542613958 | arrebatar | to snatch away | 176 | |
9542613959 | arrepentir | to repent/be sorry | 177 | |
9542613960 | arriesgar | to risk | 178 | |
9542613961 | arrimar | to bring close/dock | 179 | |
9542613962 | arrojar | to throw | 180 | |
9542613963 | el arrozal | rice field | 181 | |
9542613964 | asemejar | to resemble/seem like | 182 | |
9542613965 | asequible | available/obtainable | 183 | |
9542613966 | asiduo | industrious | 184 | |
9542613967 | asomar | to show up | 185 | |
9542613968 | asqueroso | awful, vile, nasty | 186 | |
9542613969 | atar | to tie/tie up | 187 | |
9542613970 | atemorizar | to terrify | 188 | |
9542613971 | atenerse | to abide, stick to, hold | 189 | |
9542613972 | el aterrizaje | airplane landing | 190 | |
9542613973 | atónito | astonished, amazed | 191 | |
9542613974 | el atraco | mugging, attack | 192 | |
9542613975 | atrancar | to bar, block, or clog up | 193 | |
9542613976 | atrapar | to catch | 194 | |
9542613977 | atravesar | to cross | 195 | |
9542613978 | atropellar | to run over | 196 | |
9542613979 | el auge | peak | 197 | |
9542613980 | auscultar | to listen to heartbeat/lungs | 198 | |
9542613981 | el auxilo | help | 199 | |
9542613982 | avergonzar | to be ashamed | 200 | |
9542613983 | el ayuntamiento | city hall | 201 | |
9542613984 | la azafata | stewardess | 202 | |
9542613985 | el azar | chance, accident | 203 | |
9542613986 | azotar | to whip or beat | 204 | |
9542613987 | la azotea | flat roof | 205 |
AP SPanish Flashcards
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