6079827915 | dar a | to face, to look out on | 0 | |
6079827916 | dar con | to run into | 1 | |
6079827917 | dar una vuelta | to take a walk | 2 | |
6079827918 | echar(se) a perder | to spoil, to ruin, to lose its good taste | 3 | |
6079827919 | echar de menos a alguien | to miss someone | 4 | |
6079827920 | estar bien enterado | to be well informed | 5 | |
6079827921 | estar harto de | to be fed up with | 6 | |
6079827922 | estar muerto de cansancio | to be dead tired | 7 | |
6079827923 | (no) estar para bromas | (not) to be in the mood for jokes | 8 | |
6079827924 | hacer escala | to stop over | 9 | |
6079827925 | hacer hincapié | to emphasize | 10 | |
6079827926 | hacer la maleta | to pack one's suitcase | 11 | |
6079827927 | echar la culpa | to blame | 12 | |
6079827928 | dar a conocer | to make known | 13 | |
6079827929 | dar cuerda | to wind (up) | 14 | |
6079827930 | dar gritos | to shout, to scream | 15 | |
6079827931 | dar la hora | to strike (the hour) | 16 | |
6079827932 | dar las gracias | to thank | 17 | |
6079827933 | dar recuerdos a | to give regards to | 18 | |
6079827934 | dar un abrazo | to hug | 19 | |
6079827935 | dar un paseo | to take a walk | 20 | |
6079827936 | dar un paseo (una vuelta) en coche | to go for a ride | 21 | |
6079827937 | darse cuenta de (que) | to realize (that) | 22 | |
6079827938 | darse la mano | to shake hands | 23 | |
6079827939 | darse prisa | to hurry | 24 | |
6079827940 | echar (una carta, una tarjeta) | to mail (a letter, a card) | 25 | |
6079827941 | echarse a reír | to burst out laughing | 26 | |
6079827942 | estar a punto de | to be about to | 27 | |
6079827943 | estar al día | to be up to date (current) | 28 | |
6079827944 | estar de acuerdo | to agree unanimously | 29 | |
6079827945 | estar de buen (mal) humor | to be in a good (bad) mood | 30 | |
6079827946 | estar de moda | to be in style (fashionable) | 31 | |
6079827947 | estar de pie | to be standing | 32 | |
6079827948 | estar de vuelta | to be back | 33 | |
6079827949 | estar enamorado de | to be in love with | 34 | |
6079827950 | estar muerto de hambre | to be starving | 35 | |
6079827951 | estar muerto de sueño | to be very sleepy | 36 | |
6079827952 | estar para + infinitive | to be about to, to be at the point of | 37 | |
6079827953 | estar por | to be in favor of | 38 | |
6079827954 | estar seguro | to be sure | 39 | |
6079827955 | (no) hacer caso a | (not) to pay attention, (not) to listen to | 40 | |
6079827956 | hacer el papel de | to play the part (role) | 41 | |
6079827957 | hacer la cama | to make the bed | 42 | |
6079827958 | hacer pedazos | to smash, to tear into | 43 | |
6079827959 | hacer un viaje | to take a trip | 44 | |
6079827960 | hacer una pregunta | to ask a question | 45 | |
6079827961 | hacer una visita | to pay a visit | 46 | |
6079827962 | hacerle daño a alguien | to hurt someone | 47 | |
6079827963 | hacer(le) falta | to lack, to be in need, to be lacking | 48 | |
6079827964 | hacer(le) saber | to inform, to let someone know (something) | 49 | |
6079827965 | hacerse cargo | to take charge of | 50 | |
6079827966 | hacerse daño | to get hurt, to hurt (oneself) | 51 | |
6079827967 | hacerse tarde | to get late | 52 | |
6079827968 | ¿Qué tiempo hace? | What is the weather like? | 53 | |
6079827969 | Hace buen tiempo | The weather is good. | 54 | |
6079827970 | Hace (mucho) calor | It is (very) hot/warm | 55 | |
6079827971 | Hace (mucho) fresco | It is (very) cool | 56 | |
6079827972 | Hace (mucho) frío | It is (very) cold | 57 | |
6079827973 | Hace mal tiempo | The weather is bad. | 58 | |
6079827974 | Hace (mucho) sol | It is (very) sunny | 59 | |
6079827975 | Hace (mucho) viento | It is (very) windy | 60 | |
6079827976 | ir al centro | to go downtown | 61 | |
6079827977 | ir de compras | to go shopping | 62 | |
6079827978 | ir de tiendas | to go shopping | 63 | |
6079827979 | llegar a ser | to become (goal achieved over time) | 64 | |
6079827980 | llegar a tiempo | to be (arrive) on time | 65 | |
6079827981 | llegar atrasado, llegar con retraso, llegar tarde | to be (arrive) late | 66 | |
6079827982 | llegar temprano | to be (arrive) early | 67 | |
6079827983 | ponerse de acuerdo | to arrive, to come to an agreement | 68 | |
6079827984 | ponerse de pie | to stand | 69 | |
6079827985 | ponerse de rodillas | to kneel (down) | 70 | |
6079827986 | tener...años | to be...years old | 71 | |
6079827987 | tener buena cara | to look good | 72 | |
6079827988 | tener mala cara | to look bad | 73 | |
6079827989 | tener (mucha) calma | to be (very calm) | 74 | |
6079827990 | tener (mucho) calor | to be/feel (very) hot | 75 | |
6079827991 | tener (muchos) celos de | to be (very) jealous of | 76 | |
6079827992 | tener (mucho) cuidado | to be (very) specific | 77 | |
6079827993 | tener deseos de | to feel like, to have an urge to | 78 | |
6079827994 | tener dolor de (garganta, cabeza etc.) | to have a (sore throat, headache etc.) | 79 | |
6079827995 | tener en cuenta | to take into account | 80 | |
6079827996 | tener (mucha) envidia de | to be (very) envious of | 81 | |
6079827997 | tener (mucho) éxito | to be (very) successful | 82 | |
6079827998 | tener (mucho) frío | to be/feel (very) cold | 83 | |
6079827999 | tener ganas de | to feel like, to have an urge to | 84 | |
6079828000 | tener (mucha) hambre | to be (very) hungry | 85 | |
6079828001 | tener la culpa de | to be blamed for, to be one's fault | 86 | |
6079828002 | tener la palabra | to have the floor | 87 | |
6079828003 | tener (mucha) lástima de | to feel (very) sorry for | 88 | |
6079828004 | tener lugar | to take place | 89 | |
6079828005 | tener presente | to keep in mind, to take into account | 90 | |
6079828006 | tener (mucha) prisa | to be in a (big) hurry | 91 | |
6079828007 | tener que + infinitive | to have to | 92 | |
6079828008 | tener que ver con | to have to do with | 93 | |
6079828009 | (no) tener razón | to be right (wrong) | 94 | |
6079828010 | tener sed | to be thristy | 95 | |
6079828011 | tener sueño | to be sleepy | 96 | |
6079828012 | tener suerte | to be lucky | 97 | |
6079828013 | tener vergüenza (de) | to be ashamed (of) | 98 | |
6079828014 | andar mal (de salud, de dinero) | to be (sick, broke) | 99 | |
6079828015 | aprender de memoria | to memorize | 100 | |
6079828016 | caerle bien (mal) a alguien | to make a good (bad) impression on someone | 101 | |
6079828017 | caerse muerto | to drop dead | 102 | |
6079828018 | cambiar de idea | to change one's mind | 103 | |
6079828019 | contar con | to rely on | 104 | |
6079828020 | costarle trabajo | to be difficult for someone | 105 | |
6079828021 | creer que sí (no) | (not) to think so | 106 | |
6079828022 | cumplir...años | to turn...years old | 107 | |
6079828023 | deberse a | to be due to | 108 | |
6079828024 | decir disparates | to talk nonsense | 109 | |
6079828025 | decir que sí (no) | to say yes (no) | 110 | |
6079828026 | dejar caer | to drop | 111 | |
6079828027 | dormir a pierna suelta | to sleep like a log | 112 | |
6079828028 | ganarse la vida | to earn one's living | 113 | |
6079828029 | llamar a la puerta | to knock on the door | 114 | |
6079828030 | llevar a cabo | to carry out, to accomplish, to finish | 115 | |
6079828031 | llevarse bien (mal) con | (not) to get along with | 116 | |
6079828032 | mantener el interés | to hold one's interest | 117 | |
6079828033 | morirse de risa | to die laughing | 118 | |
6079828034 | no servir para nada | to be good for nothing | 119 | |
6079828035 | pagar al contado (en efectivo) | to pay cash | 120 | |
6079828036 | pasar lista | to call the roll | 121 | |
6079828037 | pasarlo bien (mal) | to have a good (bad) time | 122 | |
6079828038 | pedir prestado | to borrow | 123 | |
6079828039 | perder el tiempo | to waste one's time | 124 | |
6079828040 | ponerse de acuerdo | to agree | 125 | |
6079828041 | portarse bien (mal) | to behave (misbehave) | 126 | |
6079828042 | prestar atención | to pay attention | 127 | |
6079828043 | quedar(le) bien (mal) a alguien | to look good (bad) on somebody | 128 | |
6079828044 | querer decir | to mean | 129 | |
6079828045 | saber a | to taste like | 130 | |
6079828046 | sacar una nota | to get a grade | 131 | |
6079828047 | sacar una foto(grafía) | to take a picture | 132 | |
6079828048 | sentarle bien | to agree with, to suit | 133 | |
6079828049 | ser aficionado a | to be a fan of, to be fond of | 134 | |
6079828050 | ser hora de | to be time to | 135 | |
6079828051 | tocarle a uno | to be one's turn | 136 | |
6079828052 | tomar el sol | to sunbathe | 137 | |
6079828053 | tomarle el pelo a alguien | to pull someone's leg | 138 | |
6079828054 | valer la pena | to be worthwhile | 139 | |
6079828055 | volverse loco | to go crazy | 140 | |
6079828056 | ¡Basta! | Enough! | 141 | |
6079828057 | a (algunas) veces | sometimes, at times | 142 | |
6079828058 | a bordo | on board | 143 | |
6079828059 | a ciegas | blindly | 144 | |
6079828060 | a diario | daily | 145 | |
6079828061 | a fin de cuentas | in the end, after all | 146 | |
6079828062 | a fondo | thoroughly, in detail | 147 | |
6079828063 | a la + nationality | in (nationality) style | 148 | |
6079828064 | a la carrera | quickly, on the run | 149 | |
6079828065 | a la fuerza | by force | 150 | |
6079828066 | a la larga | in the long run | 151 | |
6079828067 | a la vez | at the same time | 152 | |
6079828068 | a lo largo | throughout, along | 153 | |
6079828069 | a lo lejos | in the distance, far off | 154 | |
6079828070 | a más tardar | at the latest | 155 | |
6079828071 | a menudo | frequently | 156 | |
6079828072 | a mi parecer | in my opinion | 157 | |
6079828073 | a pie | on foot, walking | 158 | |
6079828074 | a propósito | by the way | 159 | |
6079828075 | a solas | alone | 160 | |
6079828076 | a su vez | in turn | 161 | |
6079828077 | a tiempo | on time | 162 | |
6079828078 | a tropezones | by fits and starts | 163 | |
6079828079 | a última hora | at the last minute | 164 | |
6079828080 | a ver | let's see | 165 | |
6079828081 | ahora mismo | right now, right away | 166 | |
6079828082 | al aire libre | outdoors | 167 | |
6079828083 | al amanecer | at dawn, at daybreak | 168 | |
6079828084 | al anochecer | at dusk, at nightfall | 169 | |
6079828085 | al contado | cash, for cash | 170 | |
6079828086 | al contrario | on the contrary | 171 | |
6079828087 | al fin | finally, at last | 172 | |
6079828088 | al fin y al cabo | in the end, after all (is said and done) | 173 | |
6079828089 | al menos | at least | 174 | |
6079828090 | al mismo tiempo | at the same time | 175 | |
6079828091 | al parecer | apparently, seemingly | 176 | |
6079828092 | al pie de la letra | literally | 177 | |
6079828093 | al por mayor | wholesale | 178 | |
6079828094 | al por menor | retail | 179 | |
6079828095 | al principio | at first, at the beginning | 180 | |
6079828096 | al revés | upside down, backwards, inside out | 181 | |
6079828097 | así es que | so | 182 | |
6079828098 | así, así | so-so | 183 | |
6079828099 | cada vez | each time | 184 | |
6079828100 | cada vez más | more and more | 185 | |
6079828101 | cada vez menos | less and less | 186 | |
6079828102 | claro que sí | of course | 187 | |
6079828103 | claro que no | of course not | 188 | |
6079828104 | como siempre | as usual | 189 | |
6079828105 | con cuidado | carefully | 190 | |
6079828106 | sin cuidado | carelessly | 191 | |
6079828107 | con (su) permiso | excuse me, with your permission | 192 | |
6079828108 | con frecuencia | frequently | 193 | |
6079828109 | con mucho gusto | gladly | 194 | |
6079828110 | creo que no | I don't think so | 195 | |
6079828111 | creo que sí | I think so | 196 | |
6079828112 | cuanto antes | as soon as possible | 197 | |
6079828113 | de antemano | beforehand | 198 | |
6079828114 | de aquí en adelante | from now on | 199 | |
6079828115 | de buena (mala) gana | willingly (unwillingly) | 200 | |
6079828116 | de costumbre | usually | 201 | |
6079828117 | de día | by day | 202 | |
6079828118 | de ese modo | in that way | 203 | |
6079828119 | de excursión | on an excursion | 204 | |
6079828120 | de frente | facing forward, from the front | 205 | |
6079828121 | de golpe | suddenly | 206 | |
6079828122 | de hecho | in fact, as a matter of fact | 207 | |
6079828123 | de hoy en adelante | from now on, henceforth | 208 | |
6079828124 | de memoria | by heart | 209 | |
6079828125 | de nada | you're welcome | 210 | |
6079828126 | de ningún modo | by no means | 211 | |
6079828127 | de ninguna manera | by no means | 212 | |
6079828128 | de noche | by night | 213 | |
6079828129 | de nuevo | again | 214 | |
6079828130 | de otra manera | in another way | 215 | |
6079828131 | de otro modo | otherwise | 216 | |
6079828132 | de par en par | wide open | 217 | |
6079828133 | de postre | for dessert | 218 | |
6079828134 | de prisa | quickly | 219 | |
6079828135 | de repente | suddenly | 220 | |
6079828136 | de pronto | suddenly | 221 | |
6079828137 | de todos modos | at any rate, anyhow | 222 | |
6079828138 | de última moda | in the latest style | 223 | |
6079828139 | de una vez | at once, at one time | 224 | |
6079828140 | de veras | really, truly, honestly | 225 | |
6079828141 | de vez en cuando | from time to time | 226 | |
6079828142 | dentro de poco | in a short while | 227 | |
6079828143 | derecho | straight ahead | 228 | |
6079828144 | desde luego | of course | 229 | |
6079828145 | día de fiesta | holiday | 230 | |
6079828146 | en alguna parte | somehwere | 231 | |
6079828147 | en balde | in vain | 232 | |
6079828148 | en broma | in fun, jokingly | 233 | |
6079828149 | en casa | at home | 234 | |
6079828150 | en cuanto | as soon as | 235 | |
6079828151 | en efecto | as a matter of fact, indeed | 236 | |
6079828152 | en el acto | immediately | 237 | |
6079828153 | en el fondo | at heart | 238 | |
6079828154 | en fin | finally, in short, lastly | 239 | |
6079828155 | en la actualidad | presently | 240 | |
6079828156 | en primer lugar | in the first place | 241 | |
6079828157 | en punto | on the dot, sharp (telling time) | 242 | |
6079828158 | en realidad | actually, in fact | 243 | |
6079828159 | en resumidas cuentas | in short | 244 | |
6079828160 | en seguida | immediately | 245 | |
6079828161 | en serio | seriously | 246 | |
6079828162 | en todas partes | everywhere | 247 | |
6079828163 | en todo caso | in any case | 248 | |
6079828164 | en voz alta (bajo) | aloud (in a low voice) | 249 | |
6079828165 | entre paréntesis | in parentheses, by the way | 250 | |
6079828166 | hace poco | a (short) while ago | 251 | |
6079828167 | hasta la fecha | up until now | 252 | |
6079828168 | hoy día | nowadays | 253 | |
6079828169 | hoy mismo | this very day | 254 | |
6079828170 | lo de menos | the least important thing | 255 | |
6079828171 | lo de siempre | just as usual, the same old story | 256 | |
6079828172 | lo más de pronto posible | as soon as possible | 257 | |
6079828173 | lo mismo | the same thing | 258 | |
6079828174 | lo que importa | what matters | 259 | |
6079828175 | mejor dicho | in other words, rather | 260 | |
6079828176 | mejor que nunca | better than ever | 261 | |
6079828177 | menos mal | so much the better, its a good thing that... | 262 | |
6079828178 | mientras tanto | meanwhile | 263 | |
6079828179 | ni siquiera | not even | 264 | |
6079828180 | no obstante | nevertheless, however | 265 | |
6079828181 | otra vez | again, once more | 266 | |
6079828182 | para siempre | forever | 267 | |
6079828183 | peor que nunca | worse than ever | 268 | |
6079828184 | pocas veces | rarely | 269 | |
6079828185 | poco a poco | little by little | 270 | |
6079828186 | por ahora | for now | 271 | |
6079828187 | por allí | that way, around there, through there | 272 | |
6079828188 | por aquí | this way, around here, through here | 273 | |
6079828189 | por casualidad | by chance, by any chance | 274 | |
6079828190 | por cierto | by the way, incidentally | 275 | |
6079828191 | por consiguiente | therefore, consequently | 276 | |
6079828192 | por desgracia | unfortunately | 277 | |
6079828193 | por ejemplo | for example | 278 | |
6079828194 | por el contrario | on the contrary | 279 | |
6079828195 | por escrito | in writing | 280 | |
6079828196 | por ese motivo | for that reason | 281 | |
6079828197 | por eso | therefore, that's why | 282 | |
6079828198 | por favor | please | 283 | |
6079828199 | por fin | finally, at last | 284 | |
6079828200 | por la mañana | in the morning | 285 | |
6079828201 | por la noche | in the evening | 286 | |
6079828202 | por la tarde | in the afternoon | 287 | |
6079828203 | por lo común | as a rule, usually | 288 | |
6079828204 | por lo general | as a rule, usually | 289 | |
6079828205 | por lo menos | at least | 290 | |
6079828206 | por lo mismo | for that very reason | 291 | |
6079828207 | por lo pronto | for the time being | 292 | |
6079828208 | por lo tanto | so, therefore | 293 | |
6079828209 | por lo visto | apparently | 294 | |
6079828210 | por más que | no matter how much | 295 | |
6079828211 | por otra parte | on the other hand | 296 | |
6079828212 | por otro lado | on the other hand | 297 | |
6079828213 | por poco | almost, nearly | 298 | |
6079828214 | por supuesto | of course, naturally | 299 | |
6079828215 | por teléfono | by phone | 300 | |
6079828216 | por todas partes | everywhere | 301 | |
6079828217 | por un lado | on one hand | 302 | |
6079828218 | rara vez | rarely | 303 | |
6079828219 | sano y salvo | safe and sound | 304 | |
6079828220 | sin duda | without a doubt | 305 | |
6079828221 | sin embargo | however, nevertheless | 306 | |
6079828222 | sin querer | unintentionally, without meaning to | 307 | |
6079828223 | sobre todo | above all, especially | 308 | |
6079828224 | tal como | such as | 309 | |
6079828225 | tal vez | perhaps | 310 | |
6079828226 | tanto mejor | so much the better | 311 | |
6079828227 | tarde o temprano | sooner or later | 312 | |
6079828228 | todavía no | not yet | 313 | |
6079828229 | todo el mundo | everyone, everybody | 314 | |
6079828230 | un poco de | a little (bit of) | 315 | |
6079828231 | un vez que | as soon as | 316 | |
6079828232 | uno por uno | one by one | 317 | |
6079828233 | vivo o muerto | dead or alive | 318 | |
6079828234 | ya | already | 319 | |
6079828235 | ya lo creo | I should say so, of course | 320 | |
6079828236 | ya no | no longer | 321 |
AP Spanish: Idiomatic Expressions Flashcards
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